922 resultados para Neighbour disputes
The archaeological site of Kharaneh IV in Jordan's Azraq Basin, and its relatively near neighbour Jilat 6 show evidence of sustained occupation of substantial size through the Early to Middle Epipalaeolithic (c. 24,000 - 15,000 cal BP). Here we review the geomorphological evidence for the environmental setting in which Kharaneh IV was established. The on-site stratigraphy is clearly differentiated from surrounding sediments, marked visually as well as by higher magnetic susceptibility values. Dating and analysis of off-site sediments show that a significant wetland existed at the site prior to and during early site occupation (~ 23,000 - 19,000 BP). This may explain why such a substantial site existed at this location. This wetland dating to the Last Glacial Maximum also provides important information on the palaeoenvironments and potential palaeoclimatic scenarios for today's eastern Jordanian desert, from where such evidence is scarce.
Adaptive behaviour of plants, including rapid changes in physiology, gene regulation and defence response, can be altered when linked to neighbouring plants by a mycorrhizal network (MN). Mechanisms underlying the behavioural changes include mycorrhizal fungal colonization by the MN or interplant communication via transfer of nutrients, defence signals or allelochemicals. We focus this review on our new findings in ectomycorrhizal ecosystems, and also review recent advances in arbuscular mycorrhizal systems. We have found that the behavioural changes in ectomycorrhizal plants depend on environmental cues, the identity of the plant neighbour and the characteristics of the MN. The hierarchical integration of this phenomenon with other biological networks at broader scales in forest ecosystems, and the consequences we have observed when it is interrupted, indicate that underground ‘tree talk’ is a foundational process in the complex adaptive nature of forest ecosystems.
In this paper, we study the variations of groups (galaxy properties according to the assembly history in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 6 (SDSS-DR6) selected groups. Using mock SDSS group catalogues, we find two suitable indicators of group formation time: (i) the isolation of the group, defined as the distance to the nearest neighbour ill terms of its virial radius and 00 the concentration. measured as the groups inner density calculated using the fifth nearest bright galaxy to the groups centre. Groups Within narrow ranges of Mass ill the mock catalO-Lie show increasing Ifl-OLIP alle With isolation and concentration. However, in the observational data the stellar age, as indicated by the spectral type, only shows a correlation with concentration. We study groups of similar mass and different assembly history. finding important differences ill their galaxy population. Particularly, ill high-mass SDSS groups. the number of members. mass-to-light ratios, red galaxy fractions and the magnitude difference between the brightest and second-brightest group galaxies, show different trends as a function of isolation and concentration, even when it is expected that the latter two quantities correlate with group age. Conversely. low-mass SDSS groups appear to be less sensitive to their assembly history. The correlations detected in the SDSS are not consistent with the trends measured in the mock catalogues. However, discrepancies can he explained in terms of the disagreement found in the a-e-isolation trends, suggesting that the model might be overestimating the effects of, environment, We discuss how the modelling of the cold gas ill satellite galaxies could be responsible for this problem. These results call be Used to improve our Understanding of the evolution of galaxies ill high-density environments.
In this paper we propose a scheme for quasi-perfect state transfer in a network of dissipative harmonic oscillators. We consider ideal sender and receiver oscillators connected by a chain of nonideal transmitter oscillators coupled by nearest-neighbour resonances. From the algebraic properties of the dynamical quantities describing the evolution of the network state, we derive a criterion, fixing the coupling strengths between all the oscillators, apart from their natural frequencies, enabling perfect state transfer in the particular case of ideal transmitter oscillators. Our criterion provides an easily manipulated formula enabling perfect state transfer in the special case where the network nonidealities are disregarded. We also extend such a criterion to dissipative networks where the fidelity of the transferred state decreases due to the loss mechanisms. To circumvent almost completely the adverse effect of decoherence, we propose a protocol to achieve quasi-perfect state transfer in nonideal networks. By adjusting the common frequency of the sender and the receiver oscillators to be out of resonance with that of the transmitters, we demonstrate that the sender`s state tunnels to the receiver oscillator by virtually exciting the nonideal transmitter chain. This virtual process makes negligible the decay rate associated with the transmitter line at the expense of delaying the time interval for the state transfer process. Apart from our analytical results, numerical computations are presented to illustrate our protocol.
This study analyses the effects of firm relocation on firm profits, using longitudinal data on Swedish limtied liability firms and employing a difference-in-differnce propensity score method in the empirical analysis. Using propensity score matching, the pre-relocalization differneces between relocating and non-relocating firms are balanced. In addition to that, a difference-in-difference estimator is employed in order to control for all time-invariant unobserved heterogeneity among firms. For matching, nearest neighbour matching, using the one-, two- and three nearest neighbours is employed. The balanacing results indicate that matching achieves a good balance, and that similar relocating and non-relocating firms are being compared. The estimated average treatment on the treatment effects indicate thats relocations has a significant effect on the profits of the relocating firms. In other words, firms taht relocate increase their profits significantly, in comparison to what the profits would be had the firms not relocated. This effect is estimated to vary between 3 to 11 percentage points, depending on the lenght of the analysed period after relocation.
Medical research with jurisdictional consequences: interpretative flexibility in the controversy over MMR vaccination and autism Based on the empirical case of the controversy of MMR vaccination and autism around the turn of the millennium, this paper argues for the analytical importance of the concept of “interpretative flexibility”. As shown, this concept is useful not only for the small subfield of sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK) but also for the broader social sciences. First we analyse, by reference to interpretative flexibility, the initial dispute within medical research concerning evidence for and against a possible link between the measles component of the MMR vaccine and autism. In a second step we move beyond this traditional application of the concept, showing how the interpretative flexibility of the research results remains in society although consensus has been reached in the medical community. This further step is exemplified by two legal events, in Sweden and the US respectively. In both these cases the difficulties in providing uncontested evidence affected institutions and practices at great distance and with different outcomes. Our findings suggest the importance of not only applying the concept of interpretative flexibility to classical scientific laboratory disputes, but also connecting it to its societal manifestations.
The controversy of growth: a debate between economists and sociologists about the Swedish public sector Has the ‘Swedish model’ forced Sweden into stagnating economic growth? And has this caused Sweden to lag behind other comparable OECD-countries from the 1970s and onwards, i.e. since Sweden chose a welfare path different from many other countries? This has been the subject of a more than twenty year long controversy between Walter Korpi, professor of sociology and social policy, and leading Swedish mainstream economists. In a series of articles, especially during the years of economic crisis in the 1990s, Walter Korpi claimed that other reasons than the Swedish model has to be taken into account when comparing welfare states and their impact on economic growth, while the economists have persistently maintained the opposite view. These disputes over statistics and methodology have developed into what is here referred to as a science based controversy. This article analyzes the controversy between sociology and economy in accordance with controversy theory. In this way we can consider both the underlying social as well as political aspects of the debate, which leads to the conclusion that not every aspect of a science-based controversy is a byproduct of science itself.
The controversy of growth: a debate between economists and sociologists about the Swedish public sector Has the ‘Swedish model’ forced Sweden into stagnating economic growth? And has this caused Sweden to lag behind other comparable OECD-countries from the 1970s and onwards, i.e. since Sweden chose a welfare path different from many other countries? This has been the subject of a more than twenty year long controversy between Walter Korpi, professor of sociology and social policy, and leading Swedish mainstream economists. In a series of articles, especially during the years of economic crisis in the 1990s, Walter Korpi claimed that other reasons than the Swedish model has to be taken into account when comparing welfare states and their impact on economic growth, while the economists have persistently maintained the opposite view. These disputes over statistics and methodology have developed into what is here referred to as a science based controversy. This article analyzes the controversy between sociology and economy in accordance with controversy theory. In this way we can consider both the underlying social as well as political aspects of the debate, which leads to the conclusion that not every aspect of a science-based controversy is a byproduct of science itself.
Predictive models for chronic renal disease using decision trees, naïve bayes and case-based methods
Data mining can be used in healthcare industry to “mine” clinical data to discover hidden information for intelligent and affective decision making. Discovery of hidden patterns and relationships often goes intact, yet advanced data mining techniques can be helpful as remedy to this scenario. This thesis mainly deals with Intelligent Prediction of Chronic Renal Disease (IPCRD). Data covers blood, urine test, and external symptoms applied to predict chronic renal disease. Data from the database is initially transformed to Weka (3.6) and Chi-Square method is used for features section. After normalizing data, three classifiers were applied and efficiency of output is evaluated. Mainly, three classifiers are analyzed: Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbour algorithm. Results show that each technique has its unique strength in realizing the objectives of the defined mining goals. Efficiency of Decision Tree and KNN was almost same but Naïve Bayes proved a comparative edge over others. Further sensitivity and specificity tests are used as statistical measures to examine the performance of a binary classification. Sensitivity (also called recall rate in some fields) measures the proportion of actual positives which are correctly identified while Specificity measures the proportion of negatives which are correctly identified. CRISP-DM methodology is applied to build the mining models. It consists of six major phases: business understanding, data understanding, data preparation, modeling, evaluation, and deployment.
Collective bargaining, it is widely claimed, has been on the increase in Brazil since the late 1970s. This is seen as part of a broader change in Brazilian industrial relations towards a hybrid system of interest representation, in which elements of both the old state corporatism and pluralism now coexist. However, there is little or no systematic empirical evidence available to support this conclusion. This thesis addresses the question of the strengthening of collective bargaining as a method of job regulation in Brazil by providing a detailed empirical study. The questions of this study are: (a) how important has collective bargaining become in establishing provisions on the terms and conditions of the employment relationship which are not simply reproducing rules established via state regulation?; and (b) what factors accounted for changes in the content of these provisions? An analysis of 10,734 provisions in 287 collective agreements in manufacturing industries in the Metropolitan Area of Porto Alegre, the capital of the southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul, was carried out for the period of 1978-95. This analysis offers support for the thesis that the significance of collective bargaining has increased. It shows that: (a) most substantive provisions created rules that were not established in other forms of regulation; (b) provisions that replicate the contents of regulatory legislation accounted for one out of seven substantive provisions, but in spite of being a copy of the law, these provisions are not entirely neutral for job regulation; (c) collective agreements also laid down substantive provisions benefiting employers, and not simply employees; and (d) the pace of change in bargaining outcomes oscillated with changes in the economic, legal and judicial contexts. This pace of change was mostly affected by (i) the rate of unemployment, (ii) the degree of openness of the economy to foreign competition, (iii) the capacity of employers to pass on costs to costumers, (iv) stabilisation policies aimed at curbing inflation, (v) the Federal Constitution made in 1988, (vi) the official rate of minimum wages, and (vii) the conduct of the labour judicial system in settling collective disputes.
Pretende-se no presente trabalho avaliar a gestão do processo de negociação complexa da 5ª Conferência Ministerial da Organização Mundial do Comércio em Cancún, ocorrida entre os dias 10 e 14 de setembro de 2003, no México, apontando os problemas e questões que resultaram no colapso de um possível acordo. O futuro da OMC é incerto e mudanças traumáticas sofridas por muitos países que vivem sob as regras da OMC indicam que alguma coisa na OMC terá que mudar, principalmente nos processos de negociação complexa, de forma que a integridade da organização não seja comprometida. Buscou-se respostas na análise e avaliação da gestão do processo de negociação, estudando e pesquisando os conceitos de barganha posicional, detalhando o processo de negociação baseado em princípios, explorando em profundidade o estado da arte para gestão de conversas difíceis. Dissecando a questão dos conflitos e das coalizões, mostrando a dificuldade existente na resolução de disputas públicas e no uso de instrumentos para quebrar o impasse nas negociações buscou-se estabelecer o instrumental teórico que possibilitasse aprofundar o diagnóstico da situação atual na OMC. Como recomendação explorou-se a avaliação de conflitos, com base na eficiência - teoria dos jogos-, justiça e na eqüidade, a melhor forma de negociação baseada em princípios, de gestão de público demandante, no diálogo dos multistakeholders, a importância das conversas informais paralelas, o ambiente da complexidade e a visão ampla que proporciona o enfoque do funcionamento de sistemas decisórios autopoiéticos.
A globalização do capitalismo joga indivíduo em um mundo de controvérsias, quase de crise existencial, já que oscila entre sonho de satisfazer todos os seus desejos realidade de não poder realizá-los. globalização que interessa são as ressacas emocionais do indivíduo, que distancia da razão, do equilíbrio entre poder querer torna um compulsivo do consumo. processo de massificação homogeneização cultural, que não apenas gera vícios consumistas nos indivíduos, como também os impede de participarem politicamente. Politicamente, uma primeira fase da globalização caracterizada pela égide das monarquias absolutistas que concentram enorme poder mobilizam os recursos econômicos, militares burocráticos, para manterem expandirem seus impérios coloniais. Os principais desafios que enfrentam advinham das rivalidades entre elas, seja pelas disputas dinástico-territoriais ou pela posse de novas colônias no além do mar. Politicamente globalização recente caracteriza-se pela crescente adoção de regimes em procura de uma democracia mais ampla participativa participação política, portanto, exigência básica para que indivíduo supere as barreiras impostas pela globalização consiga desenvolver ações de cidadania dentro da própria sociedade global. Nesse sentido, necessário encurtar distanciamento entre as formas institucionais existentes, sejam jurídicas ou políticas, real possibilidade de reconhecer nas leis, nas instituições, as suas próprias leis seu próprio poder.
Esta dissertação analisa a relação entre agricultores ecologistas organizados em uma associação e mediadores sociais vinculados a uma ONG do Rio Grande do Sul. Parte-se da hipótese de que a construção da simetria pretendida nesta relação encobre interesses sobre os quais não se fala, mas que compõe as bases de uma disputa velada estruturada no espaço social no qual interagem agricultores e mediadores, entre outros agentes. Busca-se, a partir de dados empíricos, problematizar alguns elementos que estão ocultos ou que não são considerados relevantes, exatamente por estarem subjacentes à doxa que configura a relação em questão. Para isso, foram empregados conceitos como espaço social, capital, participação, mediação, interdependência e identidade. Trata-se, portanto, de evidenciar como se processa a relação de poder existente entre estes agentes dotados de volume e estrutura de capital diferenciados e de compreender como são constituídas as identidades do agricultor ecologista e do mediador social que estão envolvidos com esta proposta distinta de se fazer agricultura. Nesse sentido, a trajetória destes grupos, os agentes influentes nessa constituição, as disputas estabelecidas no campo das diferentes propostas de se fazer agricultura e os contextos onde se desenvolvem as relações são algumas das dimensões empíricas que foram consideradas para o desenvolvimento das análises contidas nessa dissertação. Assim, verificou-se que a pretensão, anunciada por certos agentes, de uma horizontalidade entre os agricultores ecologistas e os mediadores sociais é ilusória. A diversidade de interesses e de atuações que os mobilizam ao redor da agricultura ecológica geram disputas e, ao mesmo tempo, uma interdependência entre eles. Porém, a lógica desse jogo social está, em grande medida, determinada pelo agente de maior poder e, ainda que haja variações, são os mediadores sociais que mais produzem interferência no curso desse jogo. Ficou constatado, finalmente, que é nesse cenário de posições e contraposições, ação e reação, que vão se constituindo as fronteiras das identidades desses agentes e a realidade de suas relações.
O modelo descentralizado, participativo e integrado de gestão de recursos hídricos que se ordena em função das bacias hidrográficas demanda um grande esforço de todos os atores envolvidos na gestão. Para compreendê-lo é essencial considerar os antecedentes históricos, os marcos legais, o arcabouço jurídico e o ferramental tecnológico moderno (sistemas de informações) que definem a representação das esferas governamentais, dos usuários de grande porte e da sociedade civil na gestão. Utilizando a teoria institucional, o conceito de campo organizacional e a tecnologia da informação, considerando sempre o poder como variável central da disputas sociais, este trabalho buscou, interpretando os discursos das entrevistas em profundidade e usando a literatura disponível, a descrição do desenvolvimento e da formação do campo formado em função do tema da gestão das águas. A escolha da teoria institucional permite obter uma visão mais abrangente do estudo das organizações, incorporando temas como valores e legitimação como elementos de sucesso das organizações em um campo. o trabalho conclui que há um campo organizacional da gestão de recursos hídricos nos moldes proposto pela teoria utilizada. Neste campo há questões centrais que dirigem a geração de valores. Este campo se completa com atores periféricos, representantes de discursos ainda não plenamente incorporados, mas que já demandam resposta dos atores centrais. A tecnologia, através dos sistemas de informações, ainda não contribui para qualquer alteração significativa na distribuição de poder no campo.