421 resultados para Nefropatía IgM


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In most vertebrate embryos and neonates studied to date unique antigen receptors (antibodies and T cell receptors) are expressed that possess a limited immune repertoire. We have isolated a subclass of IgM, IgM1gj, from the nurse shark Ginglymostoma cirratum that is preferentially expressed in neonates. The variable (V) region gene encoding the heavy (H) chain underwent V-D-J rearrangement in germ cells (“germline-joined”). Such H chain V genes were discovered over 10 years ago in sharks but until now were not shown to be expressed at appreciable levels; we find expression of H1gj in primary and secondary lymphoid tissues early in life, but in adults only in primary lymphoid tissue, which is identified in this work as the epigonal organ. H1gj chain associates covalently with light (L) chains and is most similar in sequence to IgM H chains, but like mammalian IgG has three rather than the four IgM constant domains; deletion of the ancestral IgM C2 domain thus defines both IgG and IgM1gj. Because sharks are the members of the oldest vertebrate class known to possess antibodies, unique or specialized antibodies expressed early in ontogeny in sharks and other vertebrates were likely present at the inception of the adaptive immune system.


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The feasibility of using carbohydrate-based vaccines for the immunotherapy of cancer is being actively explored at the present time. Although a number of clinical trials have already been conducted with glycoconjugate vaccines, the optimal design and composition of the vaccines has yet to be determined. Among the candidate antigens being examined is Lewisy (Ley), a blood group-related antigen that is overexpressed on the majority of human carcinomas. Using Ley as a model for specificity, we have examined the role of epitope clustering, carrier structure, and adjuvant on the immunogenicity of Ley conjugates in mice. A glycolipopeptide containing a cluster of three contiguous Ley-serine epitopes and the Pam3Cys immunostimulating moiety was found to be superior to a similar construct containing only one Ley-serine epitope in eliciting antitumor cell antibodies. Because only IgM antibodies were produced by this vaccine, the effect on immunogenicity of coupling the glycopeptide to keyhole limpet hemocyanin was examined; although both IgM and IgG antibodies were formed, the antibodies reacted only with the immunizing structure. Reexamination of the clustered Ley-serine Pam3Cys conjugate with the adjuvant QS-21 resulted in the identification of both IgG and IgM antibodies reacting with tumor cells, thus demonstrating the feasibility of an entirely synthetic carbohydrate-based anticancer vaccine in an animal model.


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The carbohydrate antigen globo H commonly found on breast cancer cells is a potential target for vaccine therapy. The objectives of this trial were to determine the toxicity and immunogenicity of three synthetic globo H-keyhole limpet hemocyanin conjugates plus the immunologic adjuvant QS-21. Twenty-seven metastatic breast cancer patients received five vaccinations each. The vaccine was well tolerated, and no definite differences were observed among the three formulations. Serologic analyses demonstrated the generation of IgM antibody titers in most patients, with minimal IgG antibody stimulation. There was significant binding of IgM antibodies to MCF-7 tumor cells in 16 patients, whereas IgG antibody reactivity was observed in a few patients. There was evidence of complement-dependent cytotoxicity in several patients. Affinity column purification supported the specificity of IgM antibodies for globo H. On the basis of these data, globo H will constitute one component of a polyvalent vaccine for evaluation in high-risk breast cancer patients.


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High affinity antibodies are generated in mice and humans by means of somatic hypermutation (SHM) of variable (V) regions of Ig genes. Mutations with rates of 10−5–10−3 per base pair per generation, about 106-fold above normal, are targeted primarily at V-region hot spots by unknown mechanisms. We have measured mRNA expression of DNA polymerases ι, η, and ζ by using cultured Burkitt's lymphoma (BL)2 cells. These cells exhibit 5–10-fold increases in heavy-chain V-region mutations targeted only predominantly to RGYW (R = A or G, Y = C or T, W = T or A) hot spots if costimulated with T cells and IgM crosslinking, the presumed in vivo requirements for SHM. An ∼4-fold increase pol ι mRNA occurs within 12 h when cocultured with T cells and surface IgM crosslinking. Induction of pols η and ζ occur with T cells, IgM crosslinking, or both stimuli. The fidelity of pol ι was measured at RGYW hot- and non-hot-spot sequences situated at nicks, gaps, and double-strand breaks. Pol ι formed T⋅G mispairs at a frequency of 10−2, consistent with SHM-generated C to T transitions, with a 3-fold increased error rate in hot- vs. non-hot-spot sequences for the single-nucleotide overhang. The T cell and IgM crosslinking-dependent induction of pol ι at 12 h may indicate an SHM “triggering” event has occurred. However, pols ι, η, and ζ are present under all conditions, suggesting that their presence is not sufficient to generate mutations because both T cell and IgM stimuli are required for SHM induction.


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Mutations of the Bruton's tyrosine kinase (btk) gene cause X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) in humans and X-linked immune deficiency (Xid) in mice. To establish the BTK role in B-cell activation we examined the responses of wild-type and Xid B cells to stimulation through surface IgM and CD40, the transducers of thymus independent-type 2 and thymus-dependent activation, respectively. Wild-type BTK was necessary for proliferation induced by soluble anti-IgM (a prototype for thymus independent-type 2 antigen), but not for responses to soluble CD40 ligand (CD40L, the B-cell activating ligand expressed on T-helper cells). In the absence of wild-type BTK, B cells underwent apoptotic death after stimulation with anti-IgM. In the presence of wild-type but not mutated BTK, anti-IgM stimulation reduced apoptotic cell death. In contrast, CD40L increased viability of both wild-type and Xid B cells. Importantly, viability after stimulation correlated with the induced expression of bcl-XL. In fresh ex vivo small resting B cells from wild-type mice there was only barely detectable bcl-XL protein, but there was more in the larger, low-density ("activated") splenic B cells and peritoneal B cells. In vitro Bcl-XL induction following ligation of sIgM-required BTK, was cyclosporin A (CsA)-sensitive and dependent on extracellular Ca2+. CD40-mediated induction of bcl-x required neither wild-type BTK nor extracellular Ca2+ and was insensitive to CsA. These results indicate that BTK lies upstream of bcl-XL in the sIgM but not the CD40 activation pathway. bcl-XL is the first induced protein to be placed downstream of BTK.


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Rad51 is a highly conserved eukaryotic homolog of the prokaryotic recombination protein RecA, which has been shown to function in both recombinational repair of DNA damage and meiotic recombination in yeast. In primary murine B cells cultured with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to stimulate heavy chain class switch recombination, Rad51 protein levels are dramatically induced. Immunofluorescent microscopy shows that anti-Rad51 antibodies stain foci that are localized within the nuclei of switching B cells. Immunohistochemical analysis of splenic sections shows that clusters of cells that stain brightly with anti-Rad51 antibodies are evident within several days after primary immunization and that Rad51 staining in vivo is confined to B cells that are switching from expression of IgM to IgG antibodies. Following switch recombination, B cells populate splenic germinal centers, where somatic hypermutation and clonal proliferation occur. Germinal center B cells are not stained by anti-Rad51 antibodies. Rad51 expression is therefore not coincident with somatic hypermutation, nor does Rad51 expression correlate simply with cell proliferation. These data suggest that Rad51, or a highly related member of the conserved RecA family, may function in class switch recombination.


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Vaccination of two chimpanzees against hepatitis B virus (HBV) by intramuscular injection of plasmid DNA encoding the major and middle HBV envelope proteins induced group-, subtype- and preS2-specific antibodies. These were initially of IgM isotype, and then they were of IgG (predominantly IgGl) isotype. The chimpanzee injected with 2 mg of DNA attained >100 milli-international units/ml of anti-HBs antibody after one injection and 14,000 milli-international units/ml after four injections. A smaller dose (400 microg) induced lower and transient titers, but a strong anamnestic response occurred 1 year later. Comparison with responses in 23 chimpanzees receiving various antigen-based HBV vaccines suggests that the DNA approach is promising for prophylactic immunization against HBV.


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Pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells (PHSCs) show self-renewal and give rise to all blood cell types. The extremely low number of these cells in primary hematopoietic organs and the lack of culture systems that support proliferation of undifferentiated PHSCs have precluded the study of both the biology of these cells and their clinical application. We describe here cell lines and clones derived from PHSCs that were established from hematopoietic cells from the fetal liver or bone marrow of normal and p53-deficient mice with a combination of four growth factors. Most cell lines were Sca-1+, c-Kit+, PgP-1+, HSA+, and Lin- (B-220-, Joro 75-, 8C5-, F4/80-, CD4-, CD8-, CD3-, IgM-, and TER 119-negative) and expressed three new surface markers: Joro 177, Joro 184, and Joro 96. They did not synthesize RNA transcripts for several genes expressed at early stages of lymphocyte and myeloid/erythroid cell development. The clones were able to generate lymphoid, myeloid, and erythroid hematopoietic cells and to reconstitute the hematopoietic system of irradiated mice for a long time. The availability of lymphohematopoietic stem cell lines should facilitate the analysis of the molecular mechanisms that control self-renewal and differentiation and the development of efficient protocols for somatic gene therapy.


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Isologous and heterologous immunoglobulins have been shown to be extremely effective as tolerogenic carriers for nearly 30 years. The efficacy of these proteins is due in part to their long half-life in vivo, as well as their ability to crosslink surface IgM with Fc receptors. The concept of using IgG as a carrier molecule to induce unresponsiveness in the adult immune system has been exploited for simple haptens, such as nucleosides, as well as for peptides. To further evaluate the in vivo potential of these molecules for inducing tolerance to a defined epitope, we have engineered a fusion protein of mouse IgG1 with the immunodominant epitope 12-26 from bacteriophage lambda cI repressor protein. This 15-mer, which contains both a B-cell and T-cell epitope, has been fused in-frame to the N terminus of a mouse heavy chain IgG1 construct, thus creating a "genetic hapten-carrier" system. We describe a novel in vitro and in vivo experimental system for studying the feasibility of engineered tolerogens, consisting of a recombinant flagellin challenge antigen and a murine IgG1 tolerogen, both expressing the lambda repressor epitope 12-26. Herein, we show that peptide-grafted IgG molecules injected i.v., or expressed by transfected, autologous B cells, can efficiently modulate the cellular and humoral immune responses to immunodominant epitopes. This model displays the feasibility of "tailor-designing" immune responses to whole antigens by selecting epitopes for either tolerance or immunity.


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Complement receptor 1 (CR1, CD35) and complement receptor 2 (CR2, CD21) have been implicated as regulators of B-cell activation. We explored the role of these receptors in the development of humoral immunity by generating CR1- and CR2-deficient mice using gene-targeting techniques. These mice have normal basal levels of IgM and of IgG isotypes. B- and T-cell development are overtly normal. Nevertheless, B-cell responses to low and high doses of a T-cell-dependent antigen are impaired with decreased titers of antigen-specific IgM and IgG isotypes. This defect is not complete because there is still partial activation of B lymphocytes during the primary immune response, with generation of splenic germinal centers and a detectable, although reduced, secondary antibody response. These data suggest that certain T-dependent antigens manifest an absolute dependence on complement receptors for the initiation of a normally robust immune response.


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A number of alternatively spliced epsilon transcripts have been detected in IgE-producing B cells, in addition to the mRNAs encoding the classical membrane and secreted IgE heavy (H) chains. In a recent study, we examined the protein products of three of these alternatively spliced isoforms and found that they are intracellularly retained and degraded because of their inability to assemble into complete IgE molecules. We have now similarly examined a more recently described epsilon mRNA species that is generated by splicing between a donor splice site immediately upstream of the stop codon in the H-chain constant region exon 4 (CH4) and an acceptor site located in the 3' part of the second membrane exon. We show that this isoform is efficiently secreted by both plasma cells and B lymphocytes and therefore represents a second secreted IgE isoform (epsilon S2). The epsilon S2 H chain is only six amino acids longer than the classical secreted Ig H chain (epsilon S1) and contains a C-terminal cysteine, which is a characteristic sequence feature of mu and alpha H chains. However, unlike IgM and IgA, the epsilon S2 C-terminal cysteine (Cys-554) does not induce polymerization of H2L2 molecules (where L is light chain), but rather creates a disulfide bond between the two H chains that increases the rate of association into covalently bound H2L2 monomers. This C-terminal cysteine also does not function as an intracellular retention element because the epsilon S2 isoform was secreted in amounts equal to that of the epsilon S1, both in B lymphocytes and in plasma cells. The epsilon S2 H chains secreted by B lymphocytes differed from the epsilon S1 H chains in the extent of glycosylation. Interestingly, a difference in glycosylation between B-lymphocytes and plasma cells was also noted for both isoforms. The presence of the Cys-554 also allowed the identification of a distinctive asymmetric pathway of IgE assembly, common to both types of epsilon H chains.


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To better understand the role of class II major histocompatibility complex molecules in both normal and autoimmune responses, we have produced a series of I-Ab transgenic mice. One of these transgenic constructs, designated NOD.PD, has the sequence of the NOD beta chain (Abeta(g7)) except at positions 56 and 57, where Pro-Asp replaces His-Ser. Several NOD.PD transgenic lines have been produced. One line of these mice carried a very high number of copies (>50) of the NOD.PD transgene. As has been described in other mice carrying high copy numbers of I-Ab transgenes, B-cell development was abnormal. The steady state numbers of mature B cells (IgM+/IgD(hi)) in the periphery were greatly reduced in transgenic mice compared to nontransgenic littermates. Surprisingly, rather than being accompanied by a generalized hypogammaglobulinemia, this B-cell deficiency was accompanied by elevated concentrations of IgG1 and IgE in the serum. Conversely, the levels of IgG2a were reduced in transgenic mice compared to nontransgenic littermates. Because this isotype pattern was characteristic of interleukin (IL)-4-induced class-switching, we then investigated the role of IL-4 in causing the observed phenotype. We crossed the high copy number transgenic mice with an IL-4-deficient strain of mice. As expected, the elevated levels of IgE in high copy number transgenic mice were eliminated when the IL-4 gene was inactivated. However, the reduction in the number of B cells was not ameliorated. These data indicate that the primary defect caused by the transgene was to reduce the number of B cells in these mice. This reduction was accompanied by a secondary increase in IL-4 production, which drove the remaining B cells toward the production of IgGl and IgE.


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Signal transduction initiated by crosslinking of antigen-specific receptors on T- and B-lymphoma cells induces apoptosis. In T-lymphoma cells, such crosslinking results in upregulation of the APO-1 ligand, which then interacts with induced or constitutively expressed APO-1, thereby triggering apoptosis. Here we show that crosslinking the membrane immunoglobulin on human lymphoma cells (Daudi) (that constitutively express APO-1) does not induce synthesis of APO-1 ligand. Further, a noncytotoxic fragment of anti-APO-1 antibody that blocks T-cell-receptor-mediated apoptosis in T-lymphoma cells does not block anti-mu-induced apoptosis. Hence, in B-lymphoma cells, apoptosis induced by signaling via membrane IgM is not mediated by the APO-1 ligand.


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We have previously shown that in neutrophils deprived of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, apoptosis is preceded by acidification and that the protection against apoptosis conferred on neutrophils by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor is dependent upon delay of this acidification. To test the hypothesis that acidification could be a general feature of apoptosis, we examined intracellular pH changes in another cell line. Jurkat cells, a T-lymphoblastoid line, were induced to undergo apoptosis with anti-Fas IgM, cycloheximide, or exposure to short-wavelength UV light. We found that acidification occurred in response to treatment with these agents and that acidification preceded DNA fragmentation. Jurkat cells were also found to possess an acid endonuclease that is active below pH 6.8, compatible with a possible role for this enzyme in chromatin digestion during apoptosis. Incubation of the cells with the bases imidazole or chloroquine during treatment with anti-Fas antibody or cycloheximide or after UV exposure decreased apoptosis as assessed by nuclear morphology and DNA content. The alkalinizing effect of imidazole and chloroquine was shown by the demonstration that the percentage of cells with an intracellular pH below 6.8 after treatment with anti-Fas antibody, cycloheximide, or UV was diminished in the presence of base as compared with similarly treated cells incubated in the absence of base. We conclude that acidification is an early event in programmed cell death and may be essential for genome destruction.


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Mouse CD38 has been implicated in the regulation of both B-cell proliferation and protection of B cells from irradiation-induced apoptosis. CD38 ligation on B cells by CS/2, an anti-mouse CD38 monoclonal antibody, induced proliferation, IgM secretion, and tyrosine phosphorylation of Bruton tyrosine kinase in B cells from wild-type mice. B cells from X chromosome-linked immunodeficient mice did not respond at all to anti-CD38 antibody, although CD38 expression on these B cells was comparable to that on wild-type B cells. We infer from these results that Bruton tyrosine kinase activation is involved in B-cell triggering after cross-linkage of CD38. Analysis of the synergistic effects of various cytokines with CD38 ligation on B-cell activation revealed that interleukin 5 (IL-5) showed the most potent effect on B-cell proliferation, Blimp1 gene expression, and IgM production. These synergistic effects were not seen with B cells from X chromosome-linked immunodeficient mice. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that CD38 ligation increased surface expression of the IL-5-receptor alpha chain on B cells. These data indicate that CD38 ligation increases IL-5 receptor alpha expression and synergizes with IL-5 to enhance Blimp1 expression and IgM synthesis.