783 resultados para Nanopartículas de quitosana
Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo produzir membranas porosas de carboximetilquitosana e hidrogéis de quitosana com propriedades físico-químicas e mecânicas adequadas para aplicações em Engenharia de Tecidos. Para isso, quitosanas com diferentes graus de acetilação (4,0%<GA<40%) e de elevada massa molar média viscosimétrica (Mv>750.000 g.mol-1) foram produzidas através da aplicação de processos consecutivos de desacetilação assistida por irradiação de ultrassom de alta intensidade (DAIUS) à beta-quitina extraída de gládios de lulas Doryteuthis spp. A carboximetilação de quitosana extensivamente desacetilada (Qs-3; GA=4%) foi realizada pela reação com ácido monocloroacético em meio isopropanol/solução aquosa de NaOH, gerando a amostra CMQs-0 (GS≈0,98; Mv≈190.000 g.mol-1). A irradiação de ultrassom de alta intensidade foi empregada para tratar solução aquosa de CMQs-0 durante 1 h e 3 h, resultando nas amostras CMQs-1 (Mv≈94.000 g.mol-1) e CMQs-3 (Mv≈43.000 g.mol-1), respectivamente. Para a produção de membranas reticuladas, genipina foi adicionada em diferentes concentrações (1,0x10-4 mol.L-1, 3,0x10-4 mol.L-1 ou 5,0x10-4 mol.L-1) às soluções aquosas das CMQs, que foram vertidas em placas de Petri e a reação de reticulação procedeu por 24 h. Em seguida, as membranas reticuladas (M-CMQs) foram liofilizadas, neutralizadas, lavadas e liofilizadas novamente, resultando em nove amostras, que foram caracterizadas quanto ao grau médio de reticulação (GR), grau médio de hidratação (GH), morfologia, propriedades mecânicas e quanto à susceptibilidade à degradação por lisozima. O grau médio de reticulação (GR) foi tanto maior quanto maior a concentração de genipina empregada na reação, variando de GR≈3,3% (M-CMQs-01) a GR≈17,8% (M-CMQs-35). As análises de MEV revelaram que as membranas reticuladas M-CMQs são estruturas porosas que apresentam maior densidade de poros aparentes quanto maiores os valores de Mve GR. Entretanto, as membranas preparadas a partir de CMQs de elevada massa molar (Mv>94.000 g.mol-1) e pouco reticuladas (GR<10%), apresentaram propriedades mecânicas superiores em termos de resistência máxima à tração (>170 kPa) e elongação máxima à ruptura (>40%). Por outro lado, as membranas mais susceptíveis à degradação enzimática foram aquelas preparadas a partir de CMQs de baixa massa molar (Mv≈43.000 g.mol-1) e que exibiram baixos graus de reticulação (GR<11%). Hidrogéis estáveis de quitosana sem o uso de qualquer agente de reticulação externo foram produzidos a partir da gelificação de soluções aquosas de quitosana com solução de NaOH ou vapor de NH3. Os hidrogéis produzidos a partir de soluções de quitosana de elevada massa molar média ponderal (Mw≈640.000 g.mol-1) e extensivamente desacetilada (DA≈2,8%) em concentrações poliméricas acima 2,0%, exibiram melhores propriedades mecânicas com o aumento da concentração polimérica, devido à formação de numerosos emaranhamentos físicos das cadeias poliméricas em solução. Os resultados mostram que as propriedades físico-químicas e mecânicas dos hidrogéis de quitosana podem ser controladas variando a concentração do polímero e o processo de gelificação. A avaliação biológica de tais hidrogéis para a regeneração de miocárdio infartado de ratos revelou que os hidrogéis de quitosana preparados a partir de soluções de polímero a 1,5% foram perfeitamente incorporados sobre a superfície do epicárdio do coração e apresentaram degradação parcial acompanhada por infiltração de células mononucleares.
Devido à preocupação com o meio ambiente e o volume crescente de resíduos plástico em aterros sanitários, os polímeros biodegradáveis estão sendo estudados extensivamente. Um deles é o PLA. Apesar de possuir propriedades comparáveis a polímeros commodities e polímeros de engenharia, ainda é necessário melhorar certas características do PLA, como resistência ao impacto. Para isso, a nanocelulose (NC) pode ser usada sem alterações significativas na biodegradação polimérica. Este estudo teve como objetivo obter a nanocelulose, caracteriza-la e incorpora-la ao poli(ácido láctico) (PLA), assim como, estudar as propriedades térmicas, morfológicas e mecânicas do compósito obtido. A NC foi obtida por hidrólise ácida utilizando ácido fosfórico e posteriormente foi silanizada com três silanos distintos. As nanopartículas foram caracterizadas por Birrefringência, Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão (MET), Termogravimetria (TG), Potencial Zeta, Espectroscopia Vibracional de Absorção no Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier (FTIR) e Difração de Raio X (DRX). Com as imagens obtidas pelo MET foi possível medir o tamanho das partículas de NC. E então obter a razão de aspecto de 82 e o limite de percolação de 1,1% em massa, confirmando a morfologia de nanofibra. De acordo as analises TG\'s, a presença de NC silanizada aumentou o início da degradação térmica. Os compósitos, contendo 3% em massa de NC, foram obtidos por fusão em câmara de mistura e moldados por injeção. Os compósitos foram caracterizados por FTIR, Cromatografia de Permeação em Gel (GPC), TG, Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC), Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV-FEG), Impacto e Tração. As análises dos compósitos mostraram que a NC atuou como agente de nucleação, facilitando a cristalização do PLA, além de a NC ter atuado como reforço na matriz polimérica melhorando as propriedades mecânicas.
Neste trabalho foi estudada a influência da adição de quitosana e sílica a monômeros dimetacrílicos, BisEMA e TEGDMA, por meio das técnicas de fotocalorimetria, termogravimetria e análise dinâmico mecânica. Os resultados dos experimentos de fotocalorimetria demonstraram que a quitosana pode aumentar a velocidade de polimerização e o máximo de conversão para alguns sistemas em determinadas concentrações da mesma, já a sílica tem pouco efeito nas reações de fotopolimerização das amostras. Para os experimentos de termogravimetria, a quitosana tem pouca influência na degradação das amostras não alterando significativamente as curvas TGA/DTG, por outro lado a sílica acelerou a degradação térmica das amostras. A avaliação das propriedades mecânicas demonstrou que a quitosana diminui a temperatura de transição vítrea e a resposta elástica dos sistemas não afetando os valores dos módulos de armazenamento e módulos de perda. A sílica apresentou a tendência de aumento de temperatura de transição vítrea e não alteração da resposta elástica das amostras.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
Nos últimos anos, a crescente necessidade de desenvolvimento de novos e inovadores sistemas para a libertação de fármacos, tem levado a comunidade científica à pesquisa de novos materiais, maioritariamente de origem polimérica. O aparecimento destes materiais abre novas possibilidades aos campos de investigação da medicina e farmacologia, uma vez que os polímeros podem ser facilmente modificados (por reticulação física ou química) e processados nas mais diversas formas. Entre os novos materiais estudados encontra-se o quitosano, um polímero de origem natural extraído das carapaças de animais marinhos. O quitosano tem sido exaustivamente investigado devido a um conjunto de características, como biocompatibilidade, biodegradabilidade e ausência de toxicidade. O objectivo do presente trabalho consiste na preparação de microsferas de quitosano pelo método de emulsão água-em-óleo, seguido de reticulação, para utilização como sistemas de libertação de fármacos. Após análise da literatura disponível, verifica-se que existe um hiato de informação sobre o impacto das condições iniciais da preparação de microsferas nas suas características de tamanho e forma, pelo que se considerou importante colmatar a presente falta com este estudo, uma vez que o conhecimento da morfologia das microsferas preparadas é fulcral para estudos de difusão. Em estudos de libertação de fármacos, o quitosano geralmente apresenta elevadas taxas de difusão e biodegradação, juntamente com reduzidas propriedades mecânicas. Na tentativa de melhorar estas propriedades, as microsferas de quitosano são reticuladas quimicamente com genipin, um reticulante de origem natural. Para o estudo do impacto das variáveis de entrada no tamanho e na morfologia das microsferas, variou-se a concentração de quitosano, a concentração de genipin e a velocidade de agitação da emulsão água-em-óleo, pois na informação existente na literatura está patente que estas são as variáveis mais relevantes. Depois de obtidas as microsferas, foram recolhidas imagens com uma camara de alta resolução acoplada a um microscópio óptico, sendo que a dimensão e a morfologia destas foi analisada por análise de imagem, com recurso ao software de imagem ImageJ®. Foram medidos os parâmetros de tamanho, designadamente o diâmetro equivalente, o perímetro e os diâmetros de Feret (máximo e mínimo), e os parâmetros de forma: a circularidade e o factor de forma (AR). Os resultados obtidos mostram que o diâmetro equivalente das microsferas de quitosano reticuladas com genipin (bem como todas as restantes propriedades de tamanho) diminui com a diminuição quer da concentração de polímero quer da concentração de reticulante. O aumento da velocidade de agitação da emulsão também se reflecte numa diminuição da dimensão das microsferas. As variáveis de entrada não aparentam ter qualquer tipo de impacto sobre as características de forma, embora os resultados indiciem que as microsferas mais pequenas, de menor diâmetro equivalente são as que, aparentemente, apresentam maior esfericidade. Estes resultados, de natureza qualitativa, foram consolidados por recurso a Análise de Variância (ANOVA)
Polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) nanoparticles were prepared using chitosan and sodium polymethacrylate. The complex formation was investigated using turbidimetry, conductometry, viscometry, and dynamic light scattering. The presence of excess positive charges was evidenced by zeta potential measurements. The particle diameter was characterized by dynamic light scattering and the morphology by atomic force microscopy. In all experiments an abrupt change in behavior was observed at a carboxyl:amino molar ratio around 0.7−0.8. Those changes in behavior were related to a proposed mechanism of complex formation based on the decrease of macromolecular dimensions of soluble polyelectrolyte complex clusters, followed by phase segregation
Reported accidents involving the poisoning scorpions are still frequent in Brazil, mainly caused by Tityus serrulatus, known as yellow scorpion. Although antivenom sera are produced routinely by various government laboratories, the effectiveness of its use depends on how quickly treatment is initiated and efficiency in the production of antibodies by the immunized animals. In this study, the development of cationic polymeric nanoparticles of poly(lactic acid) aimed to create a modified delivery system for peptides and proteins of T. serrulatus venom, able to enhance the production of serum antibodies against the scorpion toxins. The cationic nanoparticles were obtained by a low energy nanoprecipitation, after study of the parameters’ variations effects over the physicochemical properties of the particles. The surface functionalization of the nanoparticles with the hyperbranched polyethyleneimine was proved by zeta potential analysis and enabled the adsorption by electrostatic interaction of different types of proteins. The protein loading efficiency of 40-80 % to bovine serum albumin (BSA) and 100 % to scorpion venom peptides evaluated by spectrophotometry and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis confirmed the success of the selected parameters established for obtainment of nanoparticles, produced with size between 100 to 250 nm. The atomic force microscopy analysis and in vitro release showed that the spherical nanoparticles provided a sustained release profile of proteins by diffusion mechanism, demonstrating the potential for application of the nanoparticles in vivo.
Reported accidents involving the poisoning scorpions are still frequent in Brazil, mainly caused by Tityus serrulatus, known as yellow scorpion. Although antivenom sera are produced routinely by various government laboratories, the effectiveness of its use depends on how quickly treatment is initiated and efficiency in the production of antibodies by the immunized animals. In this study, the development of cationic polymeric nanoparticles of poly(lactic acid) aimed to create a modified delivery system for peptides and proteins of T. serrulatus venom, able to enhance the production of serum antibodies against the scorpion toxins. The cationic nanoparticles were obtained by a low energy nanoprecipitation, after study of the parameters’ variations effects over the physicochemical properties of the particles. The surface functionalization of the nanoparticles with the hyperbranched polyethyleneimine was proved by zeta potential analysis and enabled the adsorption by electrostatic interaction of different types of proteins. The protein loading efficiency of 40-80 % to bovine serum albumin (BSA) and 100 % to scorpion venom peptides evaluated by spectrophotometry and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis confirmed the success of the selected parameters established for obtainment of nanoparticles, produced with size between 100 to 250 nm. The atomic force microscopy analysis and in vitro release showed that the spherical nanoparticles provided a sustained release profile of proteins by diffusion mechanism, demonstrating the potential for application of the nanoparticles in vivo.
In this work a chitosan (CS) ionically crosslinked were manufactured by treatment with sulfuric acid solution for application in the treatment of wastewater from oil industry. Two crosslinking process were developed: homogeneous and heterogeneous. In the homogeneous process the ratio molar of SO42-/ NH3+ (1:6 and 1:4) were the variable analyzed, denominated CS16 and CS14 respectively. In the heterogeneous process the soaking time of the membranes in sulfuric acid solution were the variable studied, being used times of 5 (CS5) and 30 (CS30) minutes. FTIR-ATR results indicated no changes in the characteristics of chitosan after homogeneous crosslinking process, while heterogeneous crosslinking showed formation of ionic bonds between protonated groups from chitosan and the crosslinking agent sulfate ions. TG/DTG and XRD analysis confirmed the formation of these interactions, as also shown the new structure on the surface region of CS5 and CS30 membranes compared to CS, CS16 e CS14. Swelling test in aqueous medium have shown that crosslinking process reduced the membrane sorption capacity. Swelling test in acid medium demonstrated that CS16 and CS14 membranes increasing the adsorption capacity up to a maximum percentage of 140% approximately, whereas the CS5 e CS30 reached a maximum of 60%. The mechanical properties indicated the stiff and ductile behavior of crosslinked membrane. Adsorption experiments of CuCl2 results that CS16 membranes reached the efficiency maximum with 73% of copper removal at pH 5.0 and 87% at pH 4.0. The experiments with CuSO4 also obtained efficiency maximum to the CS16 membrane and 80% to the removal of Cu2+ ions. Also was verified that the increase of concentration and temperature cause a decrease in the adsorption capacity for all membranes. Kinetics study indicated that pseudo-second-order obtained characterized better the membranes. Equilibrium studies demonstrated that the CS, CS16 and CS14 follow the Langmuir model, whereas CS5 and CS30 follows Freundlich model. Filtration experiments results with rejection maximum to the CS16 and CS5 membranes, reaching 92 and 98% respectively.
In this work a chitosan (CS) ionically crosslinked were manufactured by treatment with sulfuric acid solution for application in the treatment of wastewater from oil industry. Two crosslinking process were developed: homogeneous and heterogeneous. In the homogeneous process the ratio molar of SO42-/ NH3+ (1:6 and 1:4) were the variable analyzed, denominated CS16 and CS14 respectively. In the heterogeneous process the soaking time of the membranes in sulfuric acid solution were the variable studied, being used times of 5 (CS5) and 30 (CS30) minutes. FTIR-ATR results indicated no changes in the characteristics of chitosan after homogeneous crosslinking process, while heterogeneous crosslinking showed formation of ionic bonds between protonated groups from chitosan and the crosslinking agent sulfate ions. TG/DTG and XRD analysis confirmed the formation of these interactions, as also shown the new structure on the surface region of CS5 and CS30 membranes compared to CS, CS16 e CS14. Swelling test in aqueous medium have shown that crosslinking process reduced the membrane sorption capacity. Swelling test in acid medium demonstrated that CS16 and CS14 membranes increasing the adsorption capacity up to a maximum percentage of 140% approximately, whereas the CS5 e CS30 reached a maximum of 60%. The mechanical properties indicated the stiff and ductile behavior of crosslinked membrane. Adsorption experiments of CuCl2 results that CS16 membranes reached the efficiency maximum with 73% of copper removal at pH 5.0 and 87% at pH 4.0. The experiments with CuSO4 also obtained efficiency maximum to the CS16 membrane and 80% to the removal of Cu2+ ions. Also was verified that the increase of concentration and temperature cause a decrease in the adsorption capacity for all membranes. Kinetics study indicated that pseudo-second-order obtained characterized better the membranes. Equilibrium studies demonstrated that the CS, CS16 and CS14 follow the Langmuir model, whereas CS5 and CS30 follows Freundlich model. Filtration experiments results with rejection maximum to the CS16 and CS5 membranes, reaching 92 and 98% respectively.
The thermodynamic performance of a refrigeration system can be improved by reducing the compression work by a particular technique for a specific heat removal rate. This study examines the effect of small concentrations of Al2O3 (50 nm) nanoparticles dispersion in the mineral oil based lubricant on the: viscosity, thermal conductivity, and lubrication characteristics as well as the overall performance (based on the Second Law of Thermodynamics) of the refrigerating system using R134a or R600a as refrigerants. The study looked at the influences of variables: i) refrigerant charge (100, 110, 120 and 130 g), ii) rotational speed of the condenser blower (800 and 1100 RPM) and iii) nanoparticle concentration (0.1 and 0.5 g/l) on the system performance based on the Taguchi method in a matrix of L8 trials with the criterion "small irreversibility is better”. They were carried pulldown and cycling tests according to NBR 12866 and NBR 12869, respectively, to evaluate the operational parameters: on-time ratio, cycles per hour, suction and discharge pressures, oil sump temperature, evaporation and condensation temperatures, energy consumption at the set-point, total energy consumption and compressor power. In order to evaluate the nanolubricant characteristics, accelerated tests were performed in a HFRR bench. In each 60 minutes test with nanolubricants at a certain concentration (0, 0.1 and 0.5 g/l), with three replications, the sphere (diameter 6.00 ± 0.05 mm, Ra 0.05 ± 0.005 um, AISI 52100 steel, E = 210 GPa, HRC 62 ± 4) sliding on a flat plate (cast iron FC200, Ra <0.5 ± 0.005 um) in a reciprocating motion with amplitude of 1 mm, frequency 20 Hz and a normal load of 1,96 N. The friction coefficient signals were recorded by sensors coupled to the HFRR system. There was a trend commented bit in the literature: a nanolubricant viscosity reduction at the low nanoparticles concentrations. It was found the dominant trend in the literature: increased thermal conductivity with increasing nanoparticles mass fraction in the base fluid. Another fact observed is the significant thermal conductivity growth of nanolubricant with increasing temperature. The condenser fan rotational speed is the most influential parameter (46.192%) in the refrigerator performance, followed by R600a charge (38.606%). The Al2O3 nanoparticles concentration in the lubricant plays a minor influence on system performance, with 12.44%. The results of power consumption indicates that the nanoparticles addition in the lubricant (0.1 g/L), together with R600a, the refrigerator consumption is reduced of 22% with respect to R134a and POE lubricant. Only the Al2O3 nanoparticles addition in the lubricant results in a consumption reduction of about 5%.
The thermodynamic performance of a refrigeration system can be improved by reducing the compression work by a particular technique for a specific heat removal rate. This study examines the effect of small concentrations of Al2O3 (50 nm) nanoparticles dispersion in the mineral oil based lubricant on the: viscosity, thermal conductivity, and lubrication characteristics as well as the overall performance (based on the Second Law of Thermodynamics) of the refrigerating system using R134a or R600a as refrigerants. The study looked at the influences of variables: i) refrigerant charge (100, 110, 120 and 130 g), ii) rotational speed of the condenser blower (800 and 1100 RPM) and iii) nanoparticle concentration (0.1 and 0.5 g/l) on the system performance based on the Taguchi method in a matrix of L8 trials with the criterion "small irreversibility is better”. They were carried pulldown and cycling tests according to NBR 12866 and NBR 12869, respectively, to evaluate the operational parameters: on-time ratio, cycles per hour, suction and discharge pressures, oil sump temperature, evaporation and condensation temperatures, energy consumption at the set-point, total energy consumption and compressor power. In order to evaluate the nanolubricant characteristics, accelerated tests were performed in a HFRR bench. In each 60 minutes test with nanolubricants at a certain concentration (0, 0.1 and 0.5 g/l), with three replications, the sphere (diameter 6.00 ± 0.05 mm, Ra 0.05 ± 0.005 um, AISI 52100 steel, E = 210 GPa, HRC 62 ± 4) sliding on a flat plate (cast iron FC200, Ra <0.5 ± 0.005 um) in a reciprocating motion with amplitude of 1 mm, frequency 20 Hz and a normal load of 1,96 N. The friction coefficient signals were recorded by sensors coupled to the HFRR system. There was a trend commented bit in the literature: a nanolubricant viscosity reduction at the low nanoparticles concentrations. It was found the dominant trend in the literature: increased thermal conductivity with increasing nanoparticles mass fraction in the base fluid. Another fact observed is the significant thermal conductivity growth of nanolubricant with increasing temperature. The condenser fan rotational speed is the most influential parameter (46.192%) in the refrigerator performance, followed by R600a charge (38.606%). The Al2O3 nanoparticles concentration in the lubricant plays a minor influence on system performance, with 12.44%. The results of power consumption indicates that the nanoparticles addition in the lubricant (0.1 g/L), together with R600a, the refrigerator consumption is reduced of 22% with respect to R134a and POE lubricant. Only the Al2O3 nanoparticles addition in the lubricant results in a consumption reduction of about 5%.
Bi-magnetic core@shell nanoparticle has attracted attention several researchers because great applicability that they offer. The possibility of combining different functionalities of magnetic materials make them a key piece in many areas as in data processing permanent magnets and biomagnetics sistems. These nanoparticles are controlled by intrinsic properties of the core and shell materials as well as the interactions between them, besides size and geometry effects. Thus, it was developed in this thesis a theoretical study about dipolar interaction contribution between materials different magnetic properties in bi-magnetic core@shell nanoparticles conventional spherical geometry. The materials were analyzed CoFe2O4, MnFe2O4 e CoFe2 in various combinations and sizes. The results show that the impact of the core dipole field in the shell cause reverse magnetization early its, before of the core, in nanoparticle of CoFe2O4(22nm)@CoFe2(2nm), thereby causing a decrease coercivity field of 65% in comparection with simple nanoparticle of CoFe2O4 (HC=13.6 KOe) of same diameter. The large core anisotropy in conventional nanoparticle makes it the a stable dipolar field source in the shell, that varies length scale of the order of the core radius. Furthermore, the impact of dipolar field is greatly enhanced by the geometrical constraints and by magnetics properties of both core@shell materials. In systems with core coated with a thin shell of thickness less than the exchange length, the interaction interface can hold reversal the shell occurring an uniform magnetization reversal, however this effect only is relevant on systems where the dipole field effects is weak compared with the exchange interaction.