945 resultados para Municipal management policies


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Els incendis forestals són una pertorbació amb un paper decisiu en l’estructura i dinàmica dels ecosistemes mediterranis. La majoria de les seves espècies vegetals presenten mecanismes de resposta al foc, com la germinació de llavors i la rebrotada d’individus cremats. Les masses forestals regenerades a partir de rebrots assoleixen densitats massa altes i una baixa producció, i, per tant, és fonamental dur a terme una gestió mitjançant tractaments silvícoles. El principal objectiu d’aquest projecte és quantificar l’efecte de la selecció de rebrots i la selecció de rebrots més la desbrossada sobre el creixement de l’Arbutus unedo. S’han estudiat 12 parcel—les en regeneració després dels incendis de 1985, 1986 i 1994 al terme municipal d’Esparreguera. Els resultats mostren que els dos tractaments afavoreixen de la mateixa manera el creixement dels peus d’Arbutus unedo, a causa de la disminució de la competència intraespecífica i interespecífica. La desbrossada (a nivell de parcel—la, no d’individu), no obstant, provoca un increment probablement perjudicial de l’alçada dels rebrots, per la major disponibilitat de llum. Per tal de proposar un model de gestió forestal, s’ha realitzat una anàlisi multicriterial dels diferents escenaris, on s’han considerat altres criteris, com són el model de combustible, la possibilitat de pastura i el cost econòmic. L’alternativa preferida en els boscos d’Arbutus unedo és la selecció de rebrots i la desbrossada.


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The aim of this project is to evaluate the importance of submarine groundwater discharge sector in order to improve the water balance in Málaga-Granada region. The approach of this study arose from the the geology and the aquifers that indicate that there could be some discharge to the sea between Maro (Málaga) and Almuñécar (Granada) and the Andalusian’s Government and its Water Agence were really interested in evaluating it because there is a lot of population and few water available and the magnitude of groundwater discharge has generated controversy. Is well known that water is a scarce resource in this area and it’s very important for the society and for the environment. The legislation, the water policies, the knowledge of the aquifer and the geology, the water dynamics, the land use and the water perception in the society might help the management of this resource not just in Andalusia but in all the Mediterranean basin. The main objective is to evaluate the submarine groundwater discharge from the Alberquillas Aqufier to the sea by measuring 222Rn and Ra isotopes. Specific objectives have been established to achieve the main objective: A) Reveal the importance of water resources in the Mediterranean basin; B) Learn radiometric techniques for the study of groundwater discharge to the sea; C) Learn of sampling techniques of water samples for the measurement of Ra and Rn; D) Learn the techniques for measuring Ra (RaDeCC) and Rn (RAD7); E) Interpretation and discussion of results. During this semester, and in addition of the present study in Málaga- Granada region, the author has participated in the initial phase (sampling, analysis and interpretation of preliminary results) of other research projects focused on the study of submarine groundwater discharges through the use of Ra isotopes and 222Rn. These studies have been developed in different areas, including Alt Empordà (Roses and Sant Pere Pescador), Maresme with CMIMA’s group (Mediterranean Center for Marine and Environmental Research), Delta de l’Ebre, Peñíscola and Mallorca with the IMEDEA’s group (Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies).


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Water scarcity is a long-standing problem in Catalonia, as there are significant differences in the spatial and temporal distribution of water through the territory. There has consequently been a debate for many years about whether the solution to water scarcity must be considered in terms of efficiency or equity, the role that the public sector must play and the role that market-based instruments should play in water management. The aim of this paper is to use a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model to analyze the advantages and disadvantages associated with different policy instruments, from both a supply and a demand viewpoint, which can be applied to water management in Catalonia. We also introduce an ecological sector in our CGE model, allowing us to analyze the environmental impact of the alternative policies simulated. The calibration of the exogenous variables of the CGE model is performed by using a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for the Catalan economy with 2001 data. The results suggest that taking into account the principle of sustainability of the resource, the policy debate between supply and demand in water policies is obsolete, and a new combination of policies is required to respect the different values associated with water. Keywords: Water Policies; Computable General Equilibrium Model; Economic Effects; Environmental Effects.


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The Workplace Drugs and Alcohol Policy aims to contribute to a safe, healthy and productive work environment by: • Preventing drugs and alcohol problems through awareness raising; • Identifying problems at the earliest stage; • Offering support to those who have a problem. The policy has been developed in conjunction with our employees, their representatives and management and applies equally to all staff including all levels of management. åÊ


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El present treball Final de Carrera és un apropament als Sistemas d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG), segons dues vessants: la teòrica, oferint informació general sobre els SIG, i la pràctica, mostrant el desenvolupament d'una aplicació concreta basada en programari SIG.


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El present treball de fi de carrera (TFC) és un estudi dels Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG) per tal de gestionar informació cadastral. Com a objecte concret de l'estudi s'ha triat la població de Centelles, Osona.


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La idea del treball és aconseguir crear un petit SIG d'àmbit municipal i per fer-ho, adquirir tots els coneixements necessaris per a la seva realització


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Aquest projecte neix amb l'objectiu de construir un Sistema d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG) que permeti millorar els serveis oferts per una agencia de taxis, referits a la gestió dels seus vehicles i dels seus clients.


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Aquest treball fi de carrera es basa en un estudi i posterior aplicació dels sistemes d'informació geogràfica (GIS), branca que pertany a l'àrea de les bases de dades.


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L'enunciat del TFC planteja unes qüestions per a donar resposta a les necessitats més bàsiques que pot tenir un ajuntament en relació a la gestió de les dades cadastrals municipals. Concretament, la resolució d'aquestes qüestions requereix la programació d'una aplicació que actuarà sobre un SIG.


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This article aims to verify the factors associated with the development of human resource management (HRM) competences in foreign subsidiaries of Brazilian multinationals. These competences are essential in that they allow foreign units to adopt HRM practices that are consistent with the countries or markets in which they operate. A multilevel research was conducted, involving headquarters and subsidiaries of major Brazilian companies; the empirical analysis employed hierarchical linear modelling. Despite the recurrent debate on global standardisation versus local adaptation, it was identified that the integration of international HRM policies (addressing simultaneously global guidelines and local response) may stimulate competences development. In addition, interaction in external networks in the host country may enhance the development of HRM competences in the subsidiaries. However, specific cultural factors of the company may inhibit development activity in units abroad.


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BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, health policies are decided at the local level, but little is known regarding their impact on the management of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). In this study, we assessed geographical differences within Switzerland regarding management of AMI. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. METHODS: Swiss hospital discharge database for period 2007-2008 (26,204 discharges from AMI). Seven Swiss regions (Leman, Mittelland, Northwest, Zurich, Central, Eastern, and Ticino) were analysed. RESULTS: Almost 53.7% of discharges from AMI were managed in a single hospital, ranging from 62.1% (Leman) to 31.6% (Ticino). The highest intensive care unit admission rate was in Leman (69.4%), the lowest (16.9%) in Ticino (Swiss average: 36.0%). Intracoronary revascularization rates were highest in Leman (51.1%) and lowest (30.9%) in Central Switzerland (average: 41.0%). Bare (non-drug-eluting) stent use was highest in Leman (61.4%) and lowest (16.9%) in Ticino (average: 42.1%), while drug-eluting stent use was highest (83.2%) in Ticino and lowest (38.6%) in Leman (average: 57.9%). Coronary artery bypass graft rates were highest (4.8%) in Ticino and lowest (0.5%) in Eastern Switzerland (average: 2.8%). Mechanical circulatory assistance rates were highest (4.2%) in Zurich and lowest (0.5%) in Ticino (average: 1.8%). The differences remained after adjusting for age, single or multiple hospital management, and gender. CONCLUSIONS: In Switzerland, significant geographical differences in management and revascularization procedures for AMI were found.


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The ways in which the dominant cultural majority frames the educationalsystem determine perceptions of its own identity and understandings ofthe ‘other.’ In this article I take a political approach, by examining themanagement of cultural diversity within Spanish education policies, treating“education as the mirror of society”. This article analyzes Spanish challengesand policies approaches towards the management of immigrationrelated diversity in education. The main finding is that there is not one approach,but several, due to both the decentralized character of the educationsystem and the multiplicity of diversity that is at stake (i.e. language,religion, culture etc.)


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Objective To identify the characteristics of managers and their use of management instruments in primary care and to analyze differences in these features among municipalities of different sizes. Method The present cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted at 108 basic health units from 21 municipalities in northern Paraná, Brazil. The data were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire during the second half of 2010. Results Most managers had graduate degrees and were female and nurses. The managers from the small municipalities were younger, their payment was lower, and they had less work experience. The use of management instruments was expressive for both the organization and work management; however, the instruments were used less in the small municipalities. Conclusion The managers were committed to their role; it is recommended that policies and guidance should be formulated at the federal and state levels to support small municipalities.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the actions of patient safety management developed in hospitals, from the perspective of nurses. METHOD This is a cross-sectional, descriptive study of the survey type. Participants were seven hospitals, in which seven nurse managers and 49 sector coordinator nurses (n = 56) answered the instrument prepared by the author. RESULTS The results showed that 100% of hospitals have an adverse event reporting system, 71.4% have a Risk Management Committee and 80% have discussions about the events. There is agreement that these discussions lead to favorable changes for patient safety in the surveyed institutions. The employees' fear of punishment for their faults, and the underreporting of events were the aspects of greatest weakness found. CONCLUSION The institutions should develop organizational policies focused on stimulating event notification and on the implementation of measures directed to a non-punitive organizational culture.