901 resultados para Multi-Criteria Problems


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La tesis propone un marco de trabajo para el soporte de la toma de decisiones adecuado para soportar la ejecución distribuida de acciones cooperativas en entornos multi-agente dinámicos y complejos. Soporte para la toma de decisiones es un proceso que intenta mejorar la ejecución de la toma de decisiones en escenarios cooperativos. Este proceso ocurre continuamente en la vida diaria. Los humanos, por ejemplo, deben tomar decisiones acerca de que ropa usar, que comida comer, etc. En este sentido, un agente es definido como cualquier cosa que está situada en un entorno y que actúa, basado en su observación, su interpretación y su conocimiento acerca de su situación en tal entorno para lograr una acción en particular.Por lo tanto, para tomar decisiones, los agentes deben considerar el conocimiento que les permita ser consientes en que acciones pueden o no ejecutar. Aquí, tal proceso toma en cuenta tres parámetros de información con la intención de personificar a un agente en un entorno típicamente físico. Así, el mencionado conjunto de información es conocido como ejes de decisión, los cuales deben ser tomados por los agentes para decidir si pueden ejecutar correctamente una tarea propuesta por otro agente o humano. Los agentes, por lo tanto, pueden hacer mejores decisiones considerando y representando apropiadamente tal información. Los ejes de decisión, principalmente basados en: las condiciones ambientales, el conocimiento físico y el valor de confianza del agente, provee a los sistemas multi-agente un confiable razonamiento para alcanzar un factible y exitoso rendimiento cooperativo.Actualmente, muchos investigadores tienden a generar nuevos avances en la tecnología agente para incrementar la inteligencia, autonomía, comunicación y auto-adaptación en escenarios agentes típicamente abierto y distribuidos. En este sentido, esta investigación intenta contribuir en el desarrollo de un nuevo método que impacte tanto en las decisiones individuales como colectivas de los sistemas multi-agente. Por lo tanto, el marco de trabajo propuesto ha sido utilizado para implementar las acciones concretas involucradas en el campo de pruebas del fútbol robótico. Este campo emula los juegos de fútbol real, donde los agentes deben coordinarse, interactuar y cooperar entre ellos para solucionar tareas complejas dentro de un escenario dinámicamente cambiante y competitivo, tanto para manejar el diseño de los requerimientos involucrados en las tareas como para demostrar su efectividad en trabajos colectivos. Es así que los resultados obtenidos tanto en el simulador como en el campo real de experimentación, muestran que el marco de trabajo para el soporte de decisiones propuesto para agentes situados es capaz de mejorar la interacción y la comunicación, reflejando en un adecuad y confiable trabajo en equipo dentro de entornos impredecibles, dinámicos y competitivos. Además, los experimentos y resultados también muestran que la información seleccionada para generar los ejes de decisión para situar a los agentes, es útil cuando tales agentes deben ejecutar una acción o hacer un compromiso en cada momento con la intención de cumplir exitosamente un objetivo colectivo. Finalmente, algunas conclusiones enfatizando las ventajas y utilidades del trabajo propuesto en la mejora del rendimiento colectivo de los sistemas multi-agente en situaciones tales como tareas coordinadas y asignación de tareas son presentadas.


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La coordinació i assignació de tasques en entorns distribuïts ha estat un punt important de la recerca en els últims anys i aquests temes són el cor dels sistemes multi-agent. Els agents en aquests sistemes necessiten cooperar i considerar els altres agents en les seves accions i decisions. A més a més, els agents han de coordinar-se ells mateixos per complir tasques complexes que necessiten més d'un agent per ser complerta. Aquestes tasques poden ser tan complexes que els agents poden no saber la ubicació de les tasques o el temps que resta abans de que les tasques quedin obsoletes. Els agents poden necessitar utilitzar la comunicació amb l'objectiu de conèixer la tasca en l'entorn, en cas contrari, poden perdre molt de temps per trobar la tasca dins de l'escenari. De forma similar, el procés de presa de decisions distribuït pot ser encara més complexa si l'entorn és dinàmic, amb incertesa i en temps real. En aquesta dissertació, considerem entorns amb sistemes multi-agent amb restriccions i cooperatius (dinàmics, amb incertesa i en temps real). En aquest sentit es proposen dues aproximacions que permeten la coordinació dels agents. La primera és un mecanisme semi-centralitzat basat en tècniques de subhastes combinatòries i la idea principal es minimitzar el cost de les tasques assignades des de l'agent central cap als equips d'agents. Aquest algoritme té en compte les preferències dels agents sobre les tasques. Aquestes preferències estan incloses en el bid enviat per l'agent. La segona és un aproximació d'scheduling totalment descentralitzat. Això permet als agents assignar les seves tasques tenint en compte les preferències temporals sobre les tasques dels agents. En aquest cas, el rendiment del sistema no només depèn de la maximització o del criteri d'optimització, sinó que també depèn de la capacitat dels agents per adaptar les seves assignacions eficientment. Addicionalment, en un entorn dinàmic, els errors d'execució poden succeir a qualsevol pla degut a la incertesa i error de accions individuals. A més, una part indispensable d'un sistema de planificació és la capacitat de re-planificar. Aquesta dissertació també proveeix una aproximació amb re-planificació amb l'objectiu de permetre als agent re-coordinar els seus plans quan els problemes en l'entorn no permeti la execució del pla. Totes aquestes aproximacions s'han portat a terme per permetre als agents assignar i coordinar de forma eficient totes les tasques complexes en un entorn multi-agent cooperatiu, dinàmic i amb incertesa. Totes aquestes aproximacions han demostrat la seva eficiència en experiments duts a terme en l'entorn de simulació RoboCup Rescue.


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En entornos donde los recursos son precederos y la asignación de recursos se repite en el tiempo con el mismo conjunto o un conjunto muy similar de agentes, las subastas recurrentes pueden ser utilizadas. Una subasta recurrente es una secuencia de subastas donde el resultado de una subasta puede influenciar en las siguientes. De todas formas, este tipo de subastas tienen problemas particulares cuando la riqueza de los agentes esta desequilibrada y los recursos son precederos. En esta tesis se proponen algunos mecanismos justos o equitativos para minimizar los efectos de estos problemas. En una subasta recurrente una solución justa significa que todos los participantes consiguen a largo plazo sus objetivos en el mismo grado o en el grado más parecido posible, independientemente de su riqueza. Hemos demostrado experimentalmente que la inclusión de justicia incentiva a los bidders en permanecer en la subasta minimizando los problemas de las subastas recurrentes.


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The activated sludge and anaerobic digestion processes have been modelled in widely accepted models. Nevertheless, these models still have limitations when describing operational problems of microbiological origin. The aim of this thesis is to develop a knowledge-based model to simulate risk of plant-wide operational problems of microbiological origin.For the risk model heuristic knowledge from experts and literature was implemented in a rule-based system. Using fuzzy logic, the system can infer a risk index for the main operational problems of microbiological origin (i.e. filamentous bulking, biological foaming, rising sludge and deflocculation). To show the results of the risk model, it was implemented in the Benchmark Simulation Models. This allowed to study the risk model's response in different scenarios and control strategies. The risk model has shown to be really useful providing a third criterion to evaluate control strategies apart from the economical and environmental criteria.


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In this paper, the issues that arise in multi-organisational collaborative groups (MOCGs) in the public sector are discussed and how a technology-based group support system (GSS) could assist individuals within these groups. MOCGs are commonly used in the public sector to find solutions to multifaceted social problems. Finding solutions for such problems is difficult because their scope is outside the boundary of a single government agency. The standard approach to solving such problems is collaborative involving a diverse range of stakeholders. Collaborative working can be advantageous but it also introduces its own pressures. Conflicts can arise due to the multiple contexts and goals of group members and the organisations that they represent. Trust, communication and a shared interface are crucial to making any significant progress. A GSS could support these elements.


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In this paper, we present a distributed computing framework for problems characterized by a highly irregular search tree, whereby no reliable workload prediction is available. The framework is based on a peer-to-peer computing environment and dynamic load balancing. The system allows for dynamic resource aggregation, does not depend on any specific meta-computing middleware and is suitable for large-scale, multi-domain, heterogeneous environments, such as computational Grids. Dynamic load balancing policies based on global statistics are known to provide optimal load balancing performance, while randomized techniques provide high scalability. The proposed method combines both advantages and adopts distributed job-pools and a randomized polling technique. The framework has been successfully adopted in a parallel search algorithm for subgraph mining and evaluated on a molecular compounds dataset. The parallel application has shown good calability and close-to linear speedup in a distributed network of workstations.


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A range of funding schemes and policy instruments exist to effect enhancement of the landscapes and habitats of the UK. While a number of assessments of these mechanisms have been conducted, little research has been undertaken to compare both quantitatively and qualitatively their relative effectiveness across a range of criteria. It is argued that few tools are available for such a multi-faceted evaluation of effectiveness. A form of Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) is justified and utilized as a framework in which to evaluate the effectiveness of nine mechanisms in relation to the protection of existing areas of chalk grassland and the creation of new areas in the South Downs of England. These include established schemes, such as the Countryside Stewardship and Environmentally Sensitive Area Schemes, along with other less common mechanisms, for example, land purchase and tender schemes. The steps involved in applying an MCDA to evaluate such mechanisms are identified and the process is described. Quantitative results from the comparison of the effectiveness of different mechanisms are presented, although the broader aim of the paper is that of demonstrating the performance of MCDA as a tool for measuring the effectiveness of mechanisms aimed at landscape and habitat enhancement.


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Objectives: To assess the potential source of variation that surgeon may add to patient outcome in a clinical trial of surgical procedures. Methods: Two large (n = 1380) parallel multicentre randomized surgical trials were undertaken to compare laparoscopically assisted hysterectomy with conventional methods of abdominal and vaginal hysterectomy; involving 43 surgeons. The primary end point of the trial was the occurrence of at least one major complication. Patients were nested within surgeons giving the data set a hierarchical structure. A total of 10% of patients had at least one major complication, that is, a sparse binary outcome variable. A linear mixed logistic regression model (with logit link function) was used to model the probability of a major complication, with surgeon fitted as a random effect. Models were fitted using the method of maximum likelihood in SAS((R)). Results: There were many convergence problems. These were resolved using a variety of approaches including; treating all effects as fixed for the initial model building; modelling the variance of a parameter on a logarithmic scale and centring of continuous covariates. The initial model building process indicated no significant 'type of operation' across surgeon interaction effect in either trial, the 'type of operation' term was highly significant in the abdominal trial, and the 'surgeon' term was not significant in either trial. Conclusions: The analysis did not find a surgeon effect but it is difficult to conclude that there was not a difference between surgeons. The statistical test may have lacked sufficient power, the variance estimates were small with large standard errors, indicating that the precision of the variance estimates may be questionable.


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The assumption that negligible work is involved in the formation of new surfaces in the machining of ductile metals, is re-examined in the light of both current Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations of cutting and modern ductile fracture mechanics. The work associated with separation criteria in FEM models is shown to be in the kJ/m2 range rather than the few J/m2 of the surface energy (surface tension) employed by Shaw in his pioneering study of 1954 following which consideration of surface work has been omitted from analyses of metal cutting. The much greater values of surface specific work are not surprising in terms of ductile fracture mechanics where kJ/m2 values of fracture toughness are typical of the ductile metals involved in machining studies. This paper shows that when even the simple Ernst–Merchant analysis is generalised to include significant surface work, many of the experimental observations for which traditional ‘plasticity and friction only’ analyses seem to have no quantitative explanation, are now given meaning. In particular, the primary shear plane angle φ becomes material-dependent. The experimental increase of φ up to a saturated level, as the uncut chip thickness is increased, is predicted. The positive intercepts found in plots of cutting force vs. depth of cut, and in plots of force resolved along the primary shear plane vs. area of shear plane, are shown to be measures of the specific surface work. It is demonstrated that neglect of these intercepts in cutting analyses is the reason why anomalously high values of shear yield stress are derived at those very small uncut chip thicknesses at which the so-called size effect becomes evident. The material toughness/strength ratio, combined with the depth of cut to form a non-dimensional parameter, is shown to control ductile cutting mechanics. The toughness/strength ratio of a given material will change with rate, temperature, and thermomechanical treatment and the influence of such changes, together with changes in depth of cut, on the character of machining is discussed. Strength or hardness alone is insufficient to describe machining. The failure of the Ernst–Merchant theory seems less to do with problems of uniqueness and the validity of minimum work, and more to do with the problem not being properly posed. The new analysis compares favourably and consistently with the wide body of experimental results available in the literature. Why considerable progress in the understanding of metal cutting has been achieved without reference to significant surface work is also discussed.


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We present a conceptual architecture for a Group Support System (GSS) to facilitate Multi-Organisational Collaborative Groups (MOCGs) initiated by local government and including external organisations of various types. Multi-Organisational Collaborative Groups (MOCGs) consist of individuals from several organisations which have agreed to work together to solve a problem. The expectation is that more can be achieved working in harmony than separately. Work is done interdependently, rather than independently in diverse directions. Local government, faced with solving complex social problems, deploy MOCGs to enable solutions across organisational, functional, professional and juridical boundaries, by involving statutory, voluntary, community, not-for-profit and private organisations. This is not a silver bullet as it introduces new pressures. Each member organisation has its own goals, operating context and particular approaches, which can be expressed as their norms and business processes. Organisations working together must find ways of eliminating differences or mitigating their impact in order to reduce the risks of collaborative inertia and conflict. A GSS is an electronic collaboration system that facilitates group working and can offer assistance to MOCGs. Since many existing GSSs have been primarily developed for single organisation collaborative groups, even though there are some common issues, there are some difficulties peculiar to MOCGs, and others that they experience to a greater extent: a diversity of primary organisational goals among members; different funding models and other pressures; more significant differences in other information systems both technologically and in their use than single organisations; greater variation in acceptable approaches to solve problems. In this paper, we analyse the requirements of MOCGs led by local government agencies, leading to a conceptual architecture for an e-government GSS that captures the relationships between 'goal', 'context', 'norm', and 'business process'. Our models capture the dynamics of the circumstances surrounding each individual representing an organisation in a MOCG along with the dynamics of the MOCG itself as a separate community.


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Whilst radial basis function (RBF) equalizers have been employed to combat the linear and nonlinear distortions in modern communication systems, most of them do not take into account the equalizer's generalization capability. In this paper, it is firstly proposed that the. model's generalization capability can be improved by treating the modelling problem as a multi-objective optimization (MOO) problem, with each objective based on one of several training sets. Then, as a modelling application, a new RBF equalizer learning scheme is introduced based on the directional evolutionary MOO (EMOO). Directional EMOO improves the computational efficiency of conventional EMOO, which has been widely applied in solving MOO problems, by explicitly making use of the directional information. Computer simulation demonstrates that the new scheme can be used to derive RBF equalizers with good performance not only on explaining the training samples but on predicting the unseen samples.


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A fundamental principle in practical nonlinear data modeling is the parsimonious principle of constructing the minimal model that explains the training data well. Leave-one-out (LOO) cross validation is often used to estimate generalization errors by choosing amongst different network architectures (M. Stone, "Cross validatory choice and assessment of statistical predictions", J. R. Stast. Soc., Ser. B, 36, pp. 117-147, 1974). Based upon the minimization of LOO criteria of either the mean squares of LOO errors or the LOO misclassification rate respectively, we present two backward elimination algorithms as model post-processing procedures for regression and classification problems. The proposed backward elimination procedures exploit an orthogonalization procedure to enable the orthogonality between the subspace as spanned by the pruned model and the deleted regressor. Subsequently, it is shown that the LOO criteria used in both algorithms can be calculated via some analytic recursive formula, as derived in this contribution, without actually splitting the estimation data set so as to reduce computational expense. Compared to most other model construction methods, the proposed algorithms are advantageous in several aspects; (i) There are no tuning parameters to be optimized through an extra validation data set; (ii) The procedure is fully automatic without an additional stopping criteria; and (iii) The model structure selection is directly based on model generalization performance. The illustrative examples on regression and classification are used to demonstrate that the proposed algorithms are viable post-processing methods to prune a model to gain extra sparsity and improved generalization.


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In this paper, a new equalizer learning scheme is introduced based on the algorithm of the directional evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMOO). Whilst nonlinear channel equalizers such as the radial basis function (RBF) equalizers have been widely studied to combat the linear and nonlinear distortions in the modern communication systems, most of them do not take into account the equalizers' generalization capabilities. In this paper, equalizers are designed aiming at improving their generalization capabilities. It is proposed that this objective can be achieved by treating the equalizer design problem as a multi-objective optimization (MOO) problem, with each objective based on one of several training sets, followed by deriving equalizers with good capabilities of recovering the signals for all the training sets. Conventional EMOO which is widely applied in the MOO problems suffers from disadvantages such as slow convergence speed. Directional EMOO improves the computational efficiency of the conventional EMOO by explicitly making use of the directional information. The new equalizer learning scheme based on the directional EMOO is applied to the RBF equalizer design. Computer simulation demonstrates that the new scheme can be used to derive RBF equalizers with good generalization capabilities, i.e., good performance on predicting the unseen samples.


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Building Management Systems (BMS) are widely adopted in modern buildings around the world in order to provide high-quality building services, and reduce the running cost of the building. However, most BMS are functionality-oriented and do not consider user personalization. The aim of this research is to capture and represent building management rules using organizational semiotics methods. We implement Semantic Analysis, which determines semantic units in building management and their relationship patterns of behaviour, and Norm Analysis, which extracts and specifies the norms that establish how and when these management actions occur. Finally, we propose a multi-agent framework for norm based building management. This framework contributes to the design domain of intelligent building management system by defining a set of behaviour patterns, and the norms that govern the real-time behaviour in a building.


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When performing data fusion, one often measures where targets were and then wishes to deduce where targets currently are. There has been recent research on the processing of such out-of-sequence data. This research has culminated in the development of a number of algorithms for solving the associated tracking problem. This paper reviews these different approaches in a common Bayesian framework and proposes an architecture that orthogonalises the data association and out-of-sequence problems such that any combination of solutions to these two problems can be used together. The emphasis is not on advocating one approach over another on the basis of computational expense, but rather on understanding the relationships among the algorithms so that any approximations made are explicit. Results for a multi-sensor scenario involving out-of-sequence data association are used to illustrate the utility of this approach in a specific context.