999 resultados para Ms delay


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INTRODUCTION. Patients admitted in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) from general wards are more severe and have a higher mortality than those admitted from emergency department as reported [1]. The majority of them develop signs of instability (e.g. tachypnea, tachycardia, hypotension, decreased oxygen saturation and change in conscious state) several hours before ICU admission. Considering this fact and that in-hospital cardiac arrests and unexpected deaths are usually preceded by warning signs, immediate on site intervention by specialists may be effective. This gave an impulse to medical emergency team (MET) implementation, which has been shown to decrease cardiac arrest, morbidity and mortality in several hospitals. OBJECTIVES AND METHODS. In order to verify if the same was true in our hospital and to determine if there was a need for MET, we prospectively collected all non elective ICU admissions of already hospitalized patients (general wards) and of patients remaining more than 3 h in emergency department (considered hospitalized). Instability criteria leading to MET call correspond to those described in the literature. The delay between the development of one criterion and ICU admission was registered. RESULTS. During an observation period of 12 months, 321 patients with our MET criteria were admitted to ICU. 88 patients came from the emergency department, 115 from the surgical and 113 from the medical ward. 65% were male. The median age was 65 years (range 17-89). The delay fromMETcriteria development to ICU admission was higher than 8 h in 155 patients, with a median delay of 32 h and a range of 8.4 h to 10 days. For the remaining 166 patients, an early MET criterion was present up to 8 h (median delay 3 h) before ICU admission. These results are quite concordant with the data reported in the literature (ref 1-8). 122 patients presented signs of sepsis or septic shock, 70 patients a respiratory failure, 58 patients a cardiac emergency. Cardiac arrest represent 5% of our collective of patients. CONCLUSIONS.Similar to others observations, the majority of hospitalized patients admitted on emergency basis in our ICU have warning signs lasting for several hours. More than half of them were unstable for more than 8 h. This shows there is plenty of time for early acute management by dedicated and specialized team such as MET. However, further studies are required to determine if MET implementation can reduce in-hospital cardiac arrests and influence the morbidity, the length of stay and the mortality.


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INTRODUCTION. NAVA is a new spontaneous-assisted ventilatory mode based on thedetection of diaphragmatic electrical activity (Eadi) and its feedback to adjust ventilatorsettings. NAVA uses the Eadi, an expression of the respiratory center's activity, to initiatepressurization, set the level of pressure support and cycle the ventilator into exhalation.Therefore, NAVA should theoretically allow near-perfect synchronization between the patientand the ventilator. However there are few data documenting these effects in intensive carepatients.OBJECTIVES. To determine whether NAVA can improve patient-ventilator synchronycompared to standard pressure support (PS) in intubated intensive care patients.METHODS. Comparative study of patient-ventilator interaction during PS with cliniciandetermined ventilator settings and NAVA with NAVA gain (proportionality factor betweenEadi and the amount of delivered inspiratory pressure) set as to obtain the same peak airwaypressure as the total pressure obtained in PS. A 20 min continuous recording with eachventilatory mode was performed allowing determination of trigger delay (Td), patient neuralinspiratory time (Tin), duration of pressurization by the ventilator (Tiv), excess durationof pressurization (Ti excess = Tiv - Tin/Tin 9 100) and number of asynchrony events byminute: non-triggering breaths, auto-triggering, double triggering, premature and delayedcycling.Results are given in mean ± SD. p is considered significant if\0.05.RESULTS. Preliminary results (mean ± SD): five patients (age 75 ± 12 years, 1 M/4F,BMI 25.7 ± 4.1 kg m-2), two pts with COPD, 1 with restrictive disease, initial settings: PS14.6 ± 1.7 cm H2O, PEEP 6.4 ± 1.5 cm H2O, NAVA gain 2.8 ± 1.3PS NAVA % reduction NAVAversus PSTd (ms) 210.4 ± 63.0 51.8 ± 12.1* 74.5 ± 5.0Ti excess (%) 12.9 ± 19.6 2.2 ± 0.6 70.8 ± 37.8n asynchrony/minute 7.6 ± 6.4 4.1 ± 3.7* 47.5 ± 17.0Respiratory rate (min-1) 16.8 ± 2.6 20.4 ± 4.7 NA* p\0.05CONCLUSION. Compared to standard PS, NAVA improves patient ventilator interaction byreducing Td and the overall incidence of asynchrony events. There is also a strong trend inreducing delayed cycling. This ongoing trial should provide evidence that NAVA can indeedimprove patient-ventilator synchrony in intubated patients undergoing PS.REFERENCE(S). 1. Sinderby C, Navalesi P et al (1995) Neural control of mechanicalventilation in respiratory failure. Nat Med 5(12):1433-1436.2. Colombo D, Cammarota G et al (2008) Physiologic response to varying levels of pressuresupport and neurally adjusted ventilator assist in patients with acute respiratory failure.Intensive Care Med 34(11):2010-2018.


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The 2q3 duplication and 4q3 deletion syndromes are two conditions with variable phenotypes including Pierre-Robin sequence (PRS), limb anomalies, congenital heart defects (CHD), developmental delays and intellectual disabilities. We describe a patient born to a mother with a balanced t(2; 4) translocation who combines both a 2q34-qter duplication and a 4q34.2-qter deletion through inheritance of the derivative chromosome 4 (der(4)). He showed developmental delay, growth retardation, hearing problems, minor facial and non-facial anomalies, such as bilateral fifth finger shortness and clinodactyly, but no PRS or CHD. The comparison of his features with those of 46 and 65 published cases of 2q3 duplication and 4q3 deletion, respectively, allows us to further restrict the size of the proposed critical intervals for PRS and CHD on chromosome 4.


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Planteja un projecte extens,innovador i creatiu, que a part d’un anàlisi de l’estat de la qüestió del patrimoni a Berga i el seu úsproposa noves rutes i noves propostes per conèixer la història de la ciutat de forma més global iamena, activar, donar valor i proposar restauracions d’urgència a elements poc valorats i pocdifosos. Fer que la cultura de Berga sigui molt més que la Patum, un patrimoni sostenible duranttot l’any, proper a tota classe de persones, famílies, col·lectius....S'ha volgut crear una visió global de la cultura Berguedana, una ruta que indagui des dels orígensfins l’actualitat de la capital de comarca, ja que les propostes actuals que s’ofereixen des del’Oficina de turisme de la ciutat, segmenten la història en parts i per tant els donen més valor, endetriment d’altres que al meu parer també són cabdals en la formació de l’actual Berga


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TFC d'una aplicació J2EE per a la gestió d'un programa de "frequent flyer" d'una aerolínia.


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A liquid chromatography method coupled to mass spectrometry was developed for the quantification of bupropion, its metabolite hydroxy-bupropion, moclobemide, reboxetine and trazodone in human plasma. The validation of the analytical procedure was assessed according to Société Française des Sciences et Techniques Pharmaceutiques and the latest Food and Drug Administration guidelines. The sample preparation was performed with 0.5mL of plasma extracted on a cation-exchange solid phase 96-well plate. The separation was achieved in 14min on a C18 XBridge column (2.1mm×100mm, 3.5μm) using a 50mM ammonium acetate pH 9/acetonitrile mobile phase in gradient mode. The compounds of interest were analysed in the single ion monitoring mode on a single quadrupole mass spectrometer working in positive electrospray ionisation mode. Two ions were selected per molecule to increase the number of identification points and to avoid as much as possible any false positives. Since selectivity is always a critical point for routine therapeutic drug monitoring, more than sixty common comedications for the psychiatric population were tested. For each analyte, the analytical procedure was validated to cover the common range of concentrations measured in plasma samples: 1-400ng/mL for reboxetine and bupropion, 2-2000ng/mL for hydroxy-bupropion, moclobemide, and trazodone. For all investigated compounds, reliable performance in terms of accuracy, precision, trueness, recovery, selectivity and stability was obtained. One year after its implementation in a routine process, this method demonstrated a high robustness with accurate values over the wide concentration range commonly observed among a psychiatric population.


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Because of the various matrices available for forensic investigations, the development of versatile analytical approaches allowing the simultaneous determination of drugs is challenging. The aim of this work was to assess a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) platform allowing the rapid quantification of colchicine in body fluids and tissues collected in the context of a fatal overdose. For this purpose, filter paper was used as a sampling support and was associated with an automated 96-well plate extraction performed by the LC autosampler itself. The developed method features a 7-min total run time including automated filter paper extraction (2 min) and chromatographic separation (5 min). The sample preparation was reduced to a minimum regardless of the matrix analyzed. This platform was fully validated for dried blood spots (DBS) in the toxic concentration range of colchicine. The DBS calibration curve was applied successfully to quantification in all other matrices (body fluids and tissues) except for bile, where an excessive matrix effect was found. The distribution of colchicine for a fatal overdose case was reported as follows: peripheral blood, 29 ng/ml; urine, 94 ng/ml; vitreous humour and cerebrospinal fluid, < 5 ng/ml; pericardial fluid, 14 ng/ml; brain, < 5 pg/mg; heart, 121 pg/mg; kidney, 245 pg/mg; and liver, 143 pg/mg. Although filter paper is usually employed for DBS, we report here the extension of this alternative sampling support to the analysis of other body fluids and tissues. The developed platform represents a rapid and versatile approach for drug determination in multiple forensic media.


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A simple wipe sampling procedure was developed for the surface contamination determination of ten cytotoxic drugs: cytarabine, gemcitabine, methotrexate, etoposide phosphate, cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, irinotecan, doxorubicin, epirubicin and vincristine. Wiping was performed using Whatman filter paper on different surfaces such as stainless steel, polypropylene, polystyrol, glass, latex gloves, computer mouse and coated paperboard. Wiping and desorption procedures were investigated: The same solution containing 20% acetonitrile and 0.1% formic acid in water gave the best results. After ultrasonic desorption and then centrifugation, samples were analysed by a validated liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in selected reaction monitoring mode. The whole analytical strategy from wipe sampling to LC-MS/MS analysis was evaluated to determine quantitative performance. The lowest limit of quantification of 10 ng per wiping sample (i.e. 0.1 ng cm(-2)) was determined for the ten investigated cytotoxic drugs. Relative standard deviation for intermediate precision was always inferior to 20%. As recovery was dependent on the tested surface for each drug, a correction factor was determined and applied for real samples. The method was then successfully applied at the cytotoxic production unit of the Geneva University Hospitals pharmacy.


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For the last decade, high-resolution (HR)-MS has been associated with qualitative analyses while triple quadrupole MS has been associated with routine quantitative analyses. However, a shift of this paradigm is taking place: quantitative and qualitative analyses will be increasingly performed by HR-MS, and it will become the common 'language' for most mass spectrometrists. Most analyses will be performed by full-scan acquisitions recording 'all' ions entering the HR-MS with subsequent construction of narrow-width extracted-ion chromatograms. Ions will be available for absolute quantification, profiling and data mining. In parallel to quantification, metabotyping will be the next step in clinical LC-MS analyses because it should help in personalized medicine. This article is aimed to help analytical chemists who perform targeted quantitative acquisitions with triple quadrupole MS make the transition to quantitative and qualitative analyses using HR-MS. Guidelines for the acceptance criteria of mass accuracy and for the determination of mass extraction windows in quantitative analyses are proposed.


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We investigate the problem of finding minimum-distortion policies for streaming delay-sensitive but distortion-tolerant data. We consider cross-layer approaches which exploit the coupling between presentation and transport layers. We make the natural assumption that the distortion function is convex and decreasing. We focus on a single source-destination pair and analytically find the optimum transmission policy when the transmission is done over an error-free channel. This optimum policy turns out to be independent of the exact form of the convex and decreasing distortion function. Then, for a packet-erasure channel, we analytically find the optimum open-loop transmission policy, which is also independent of the form of the convex distortion function. We then find computationally efficient closed-loop heuristic policies and show, through numerical evaluation, that they outperform the open-loop policy and have near optimal performance.


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Standards for the construction of full-depth patching in portland cement concrete pavement usually require replacement of all deteriorated based materials with crushed stone, up to the bottom of the existing pavement layer. In an effort to reduce the time of patch construction and costs, the Iowa Department of Transportation and the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at Iowa State University studied the use of extra concrete depth as an option for base construction. This report compares the impact of additional concrete patching material depth on rate of strength gain, potential for early opening to traffic, patching costs, and long-term patch performance. This report also compares those characteristics in terms of early setting and standard concrete mixes. The results have the potential to change the method of Portland cement concrete pavement patch construction in Iowa.


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OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to determine the delay of extubation attributable to ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in comparison to other complications and complexity of surgery after repair of congenital heart lesions in neonates and children. METHODS: Cohort study in a pediatric intensive care unit of a tertiary referral center. All patients who had cardiac operations during a 22-month period and who survived surgery were eligible (n = 272, median age 1.3 years). Primary outcome was time to successful extubation. Primary variable of interest was VAP Surgical procedures were classified according to complexity. Cox proportional hazards models were calculated to adjust for confounding. Potential confounders comprised other known risk factors for delayed extubation. RESULTS: Median time to extubation was 3 days. VAP occurred in 26 patients (9.6%). The rate of VAP was not associated with complexity of surgery (P = 0.22), or cardiopulmonary bypass (P = 0.23). The adjusted analysis revealed as further factors associated with delayed extubation: other respiratory complications (n = 28, chylothorax, airway stenosis, diaphragm paresis), prolonged inotropic support (n = 48, 17.6%), and the need for secondary surgery (n = 51, 18.8%; e.g., re-operation, secondary closure of thorax). Older age promoted early extubation. The median delay of extubation attributable to VAP was 3.7 days (hazards ratio HR = 0.29, 95% CI 0.18-0.49), exceeding the effect size of secondary surgery (HR = 0.48) and other respiratory complications (HR = 0.50). CONCLUSION: VAP accounts for a major delay of extubation in pediatric cardiac surgery.


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EBV has been consistently associated with MS, but its signature in the CNS has rarely been examined. In this study, we assessed EBV-specific humoral and cellular immune responses in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with early MS, other inflammatory neurological diseases (OIND) and non-inflammatory neurological diseases (NIND). The neurotropic herpesvirus CMV served as a control. Virus-specific humoral immune responses were assessed in 123 consecutive patients and the intrathecal recruitment of virus-specific antibodies was expressed as antibody indexes. Cellular immune responses tested in the blood of 55/123 patients were positive in 46/55. The CD8(+) CTL responses of these 46 patients were assessed in the blood and CSF using a CFSE-based CTL assay. We found that viral capsid antigen and EBV-encoded nuclear antigen-1, but not CMV IgG antibody indexes, were increased in early MS as compared with OIND and NIND patients. There was also intrathecal enrichment in EBV-, but not CMV-specific, CD8(+) CTL in early MS patients. By contrast, OIND and NIND patients did not recruit EBV- nor CMV-specific CD8(+) CTL in the CSF. Our data, showing a high EBV-, but not CMV-specific intrathecal immune response, strengthen the association between EBV and MS, in particular at the onset of the disease.


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“El coneixement condueix a la unitat, com la ignorància a la diversitat” Ramakrishna.Fins a quin punt les nostres opinions estan realment ben fonamentades? És la diversitat d’opinió, fruit de la ignorància col·lectiva?Tants punts a tractar sobre la Monarquia o la República, i tan difícils cada un d’ells. En aquest cas, pretenem saber si hi ha o no grans diferències econòmiques entre un sistema i altre, donant un repàs als conceptes i magnituds importants per entendre bé el significat de les dades resultants.Si bé pensàvem que seria difícil arribar a una conclusió clara, i ens sorprèn haver-ho aconseguit, més ens sorprèn el fet d’haver-nos adonat, durant la realització de la investigació, de la carència d’informació que tenim. I no només els ciutadans, sinó els propis governs sobre les seves pròpies dades i sobre el que reflecteixen les mateixes. Conceptes entremesclats, dades poc clares, diferències en les informacions dins llocs oficials d’un mateix país... La República és més cara. Ho sabien? Però...ara que ho saben...és aquest un resultat que podria variar les seves preferències? O necessiten saber més?Tots tenim dret a opinar sobre aquest tema, a triar el que ens agrada més,però, com bé diu Ramakrishna, el resultat de la diversitat d’opinions sobre eltema és, probablement, conseqüència de la poca informació que tenim sobre laglobalitat de factors que influencien en la execució d’una d’aquestes formes d’estat.