872 resultados para Moor ecology
Luciferid shrimps have short life spans and a rapid turnover of generations, engage in sequential spawning, and protect their eggs during incubation. This study investigates the ecology of Lucifer faxoni Borradaile, 1915 in the littoral zone, Ubatuba region, São Paulo. Sampling was conducted monthly from July 2005 to December 2006 using a Renfro net trawled over a distance of 50 m for a total sampling effort of 50 m² at each station. Nine stations were sampled, ranging from 1 to 15 m deep. Three stations each were grouped into zones 1, 2 and 3 (Z1, Z2 and Z3). Monthly values of salinity, temperature and rainfall were recorded at each station. The pre-buccal somite length (SL) of each specimen was measured. The results showed that in shallower zones (Z1 and Z2), 6306 individuals were captured, whereas in the deeper zone (Z3), 3808 specimens were captured, but no significant differences in SL was detected between the specimens from Z1 and Z2 and those from Z3 (ANOVA, p=0.25). The abundance of shrimps did not differ significantly between seasons (Tukey’s test, p=0.02) except in the spring. The sex ratio differed significantly over the seasons (χ², p<0.05). The results were closely associated with environmental factors with respect to the spatial and seasonal distribution of L. faxoni. Rainfall affected salinity directly, and contributed to the displacement of these shrimps to deeper areas.
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been widely applied to the resolution of complex biological problems. An important feature of neural models is that their implementation is not precluded by the theoretical distribution shape of the data used. Frequently, the performance of ANNs over linear or non-linear regression-based statistical methods is deemed to be significantly superior if suitable sample sizes are provided, especially in multidimensional and non-linear processes. The current work was aimed at utilising three well-known neural network methods in order to evaluate whether these models would be able to provide more accurate outcomes in relation to a conventional regression method in pupal weight predictions of Chrysomya megacephala, a species of blowfly (Diptera: Calliphoridae), using larval density (i.e. the initial number of larvae), amount of available food and pupal size as input data. It was possible to notice that the neural networks yielded more accurate performances in comparison with the statistical model (multiple regression). Assessing the three types of networks utilised (Multi-layer Perceptron, Radial Basis Function and Generalised Regression Neural Network), no considerable differences between these models were detected. The superiority of these neural models over a classical statistical method represents an important fact, because more accurate models may clarify several intricate aspects concerning the nutritional ecology of blowflies.
Beginning in the late 1980s, large groups of previously unidentified killer whales (Orcinus orca) were sighted off the west coast of Vancouver Island and in the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Scientists working in this region produced two killer whale photo-identification catalogues that included both transient (mammal-eating) whales and 65 individual whales that investigators believed represented a distinct killer whale community (Ford et al. 1992, Heise et al. 1993). It was thought that these killer whales maintained a generally offshore distribution and were provisionally termed “offshores”; a term that has since been used as a population identifier for the eastern temperate North Pacific offshore killer whale population. Then in September 1992, 75 unidentified whales entered the Strait of Juan de Fuca just south and east of Victoria, British Columbia (Walters et al. 1992). Although most of these whales had not been seen before, two were matched to killer whales in the Queen Charlotte photo-identification catalogue (Ford et al. 1992, Heise et al. 1993) and were thus listed as “offshore” killer whales. During a similar time period, other large groups of killer whales, previously unidentified, were also being sighted off Alaska and California (Dahlheim et al. 1997; Nancy Black and Alisa Schulman- Janiger, unpublished data, respectively).
The occurrence of a species of Echinococcus (Rudolphi, 1801) on St Lawrence Island was noted by the writers in early 1950. Recognition of its unusual host relationships led to an investigation of the ecology of this cestode, E. sibiricensis Rausch & Schiller, 1954. It is the purpose of this paper to report the results of this work, with emphasis on alveolar hydatid disease in man, of which this cestode is the etiologic agent.
Analytical methods accounting for imperfect detection are often used to facilitate reliable inference in population and community ecology. We contend that similar approaches are needed in disease ecology because these complicated systems are inherently difficult to observe without error. For example, wildlife disease studies often designate individuals, populations, or spatial units to states (e.g., susceptible, infected, post-infected), but the uncertainty associated with these state assignments remains largely ignored or unaccounted for. We demonstrate how recent developments incorporating observation error through repeated sampling extend quite naturally to hierarchical spatial models of disease effects, prevalence, and dynamics in natural systems. A highly pathogenic strain of avian influenza virus in migratory waterfowl and a pathogenic fungus recently implicated in the global loss of amphibian biodiversity are used as motivating examples. Both show that relatively simple modifications to study designs can greatly improve our understanding of complex spatio-temporal disease dynamics by rigorously accounting for uncertainty at each level of the hierarchy.
This paper reports the results of a comparative study of the development of the larval Echinococcus multilocularis Leuckart, 1863), and associated tissue reaction in naturally and experimentally infected mammals representing 31 species. The histogenesis of the larval cestode was traced in detail in arvicoline rodents of several species, and interspecific differences were defined. In arvicoline rodents, the developing larva exhibited host-specific characteristics within about a month after infection was established. The tissue reaction in Microtus oeconomus was characterized by the production of a large quantity of detritus around the larva, and by the formation of a thick epithelioid zone. In one subspecies, M. oeconomus innuitus, development of the larva was retarded, and the detrital mass was often calcified; in another, M. oeconomus operarius, the detritus rarely became calcified and the larva proliferated more rapidly. In M. pennsylvanicus, the tissue reaction was minimal, and little detritus was present. The characteristics of the tissue reaction in M. montebelli placed it in an intermediate position between the aforementioned species. In Clethrionomys rutilus, a thin epithelioid zone and an outer zone of loose collagenous fibers composed the adventitial layer; exogenous budding was retarded in this vole. A minimal tissue reaction occurred in Lagurus curtatus. In Lemmus spp., larger cysts were characteristic, but areas of small-cystic proliferation were always present. Similar differences in species or subspecies of Citellus and Dicrostonyx were described. Lesions of alveolar bydatid disease in man also were studied. The invasive growth of the larval cestode in the human liver involves a process comparable to small-cystic proliferation in the natural intermediate hosts. Although the later stages of development of the larval cestode are inhibited in man, exogenous proliferation of vesicles continues for the life of the host. The lesion in man was compared with a morphologically similar formation produced by anomalous development of the larval E. granulosus in the bovine liver. The latter is distinguished by the absence of areas of small-cystic proliferation. Non-echinococcal lesions found in the tissues studied, some of which resembled foci caused by the larval E. multilocularis, were briefly discussed.
Grassland ecosystems have been severely reduced and grassland bird populations have experienced consistent declines. National Park Service (NPS) properties on the Great Plains provide breeding habitat for grassland songbirds, though little is known about the quality of this habitat. A short-term study on songbirds at three NPS properties complemented current monitoring, providing an among park comparison addressing grassland bird productivity and fidelity relative to NPS property size. During 2008-2009, I assessed avian species richness, and estimated bird density and grassland songbird nest success. Bird species richness was greatest at small and medium sites, while number of nesting obligate species was greatest at the large site. Species-specific densities varied among sites, with few grassland obligates occurring at all three sites. Nest success estimates for grassland obligates were highest at the small site and lower at the large site. Another method to quantify habitat quality is assessment of breeding site fidelity. Current extrinsic markers used in monitoring site fidelity are inadequate for small birds; stable isotope analyses provide an alternative. I compared two techniques for assigning stable isotope tissue origin and measured grassland songbird site fidelity. My method of assigning origin provided site-specific variances of expected stable isotope values, an improvement over the most commonly used method. Fidelity tended to be higher at the large site, which may indicate a more robust breeding community of grassland birds. The small size of two of my sites precluded large sample sizes and made strong inferences difficult. To quantify how scientists cope with weak inference, I conducted a literature review. Strong inference was rarely observed, and most authors of weak-inference papers provided specific management recommendations. I suggest that adaptive management is an ideal method to resolve uncertainty from weak inference. Managers should consider my results within the context of regional and global management and the extent to which their unit might aide songbird conservation.
Expensive, extensive and apparently lethal control measures have been applied against many species of pest vertebrates and invertebrates for decades. In spite of this, few pests have been annihilated, and in many cases the stated goals have become progressively more modest, so that now we speak of saving foliage or a crop, rather than extermination. It is of interest to examine the reasons why animals are so difficult to exterminate, because this matter, of course, has implications for the type of control policy we pursue in the future. Also, it has implications for the problem of evaluating comparatively various resource management strategies. There are many biological mechanisms which could, in principle, enhance the performance of an animal population after control measures have been applied against it. These are of four main types: genetic, physiological, populationa1, and environmental. We are all familiar with the fact that in applying a control measure, we are, from the pest's point of view, applying intense selection pressure in favor of those individuals that may be preadapted to withstand the type of control being used. The well-known book by Brown (1958) documents, for invertebrates, a tremendous number of such cases. Presumably, vertebrates can show the same responses. Not quite so familiar is the evidence that sub-lethal doses of a lethal chemical may have a physiologically stimulating effect on population performance of the few individuals that happen to survive (Kuenen, 1958). With further research, we may find that this phenomenon occurs throughout the animal kingdom. Still less widely recognized is the fact that pest control elicits a populational homeostatic mechanism, as well as genetic and physiological homeostatic mechanisms. Many ecologists, such as Odum and Allee (1950, Slobodkin (1955), Klomp (1962) and the present author (1961, 1963) have pointed out that the curve for generation survival, or the curve for trend index as a function of last generations density is of great importance in population dynamics.
The feeding ecology of the Brazilian silverside, Atherinella brasiliensis, in a sub-tropical estuary of Brazil was investigated through the gut analysis of 1431 individuals. We described dietary composition and analysed seasonal, estuarine habitat, and body size variations in the diet; trophic level; feeding diversity; and gut fullness indices. Results reveal that A. brasiliensis is a typical, generalistic and opportunistic predator that makes use of a wide array of prey types (at least 89 different types), with zooplankton (mainly calanoids), diatoms, terrestrial insects, and plant detritus making up the bulk of the overall diet. The exotic calanoid Temora turbinata ranked as the primary prey. A wide feeding diversity (mean H` = 2.26), low trophic level (mean TROPH = 2.57), and high gut replenishment were persistent across seasons and habitats. Diet composition varied largely and significantly with respect to habitat, season, and body size. A closer assessment showed that habitat and season had a stronger effect on diet than fish size.
This article documents the addition of 473 microsatellite marker loci and 71 pairs of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) sequencing primers to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Barteria fistulosa, Bombus morio, Galaxias platei, Hematodinium perezi, Macrocentrus cingulum Brischke (a.k.a. M.abdominalis Fab., M.grandii Goidanich or M.gifuensis Ashmead), Micropogonias furnieri, Nerita melanotragus, Nilaparvata lugens Stal, Sciaenops ocellatus, Scomber scombrus, Spodoptera frugiperda and Turdus lherminieri. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Barteria dewevrei, Barteria nigritana, Barteria solida, Cynoscion acoupa, Cynoscion jamaicensis, Cynoscion leiarchus, Cynoscion nebulosus, Cynoscion striatus, Cynoscion virescens, Macrodon ancylodon, Menticirrhus americanus, Nilaparvata muiri and Umbrina canosai. This article also documents the addition of 116 sequencing primer pairs for Dicentrarchus labrax.
The feeding ecology of the American freshwater goby Ctenogobius shufeldti in a low salinity salt-marsh habitat in the Paranagua Bay estuarine complex (Brazil) was assessed through the gut analysis of 632 individuals. The effects of a set of abiotic factors (type of sediment, salinity, temperature and estuarine reach), season and body size on dietary composition were analysed. Seasonal and size-related changes in feeding strategy, feeding intensity and trophic level were assessed. The effects of gape and body size on prey size use were also analysed. The results showed that C. shufeldti is a typical omnivorous, generalized benthic predator of low trophic levels throughout the seasons and size classes, feeding on 56 dietary items; tanaids, chlorophyte algae, ostracods, gastropods, detritus and benthic diatoms made up the bulk of its diet. The tanaid Kalliapseudes schubarti was the main prey item in both numerical and volumetric terms. The gut fullness was persistently high across the seasons. As expected for a typical generalized, opportunistic omnivorous feeder: (1) seasonal and spatial-temporal variability of abiotic factors had a significant effect on diet structure, (2) season accounted for most of the dietary variation and (3) diet composition and the size of prey consumed did not vary across the size classes.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Medical ecology is a conceptual framework introduced in 1961 to describe the relationship and utilization of health care services by a given population. We applied this conception to individuals enrolled in a private health maintenance organization (HMO) in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with the aim of describing the utilization of primary health care, verifying the frequency of various symptoms, and identifying the roles of different health care sources. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional telephone survey among a random sample of people enrolled in a private HMO. We interviewed a random sample of non-pregnant adults over age 18 using 10 questions about symptoms and health care use during the month prior to interview. RESULTS: The final sample consisted of 1,065 participants (mean age 68 years, 68% female). From this sample, 424 (39.8%) reported the presence of symptoms, 311 (29.2%) had a medical office consult, 104 (9.8%) went directly to an emergency medical department, 63 (5.9%) were hospitalized, 22 (2.1%) used complementary medicine resources, seven (0.7%) were referred to home care, and one (0.1%) was admitted to an academic hospital. CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of study participants referred to an academic care center was similar to that observed in previous "medical ecology" studies in different populations.
Background: Proteinaceous toxins are observed across all levels of inter-organismal and intra-genomic conflicts. These include recently discovered prokaryotic polymorphic toxin systems implicated in intra-specific conflicts. They are characterized by a remarkable diversity of C-terminal toxin domains generated by recombination with standalone toxin-coding cassettes. Prior analysis revealed a striking diversity of nuclease and deaminase domains among the toxin modules. We systematically investigated polymorphic toxin systems using comparative genomics, sequence and structure analysis. Results: Polymorphic toxin systems are distributed across all major bacterial lineages and are delivered by at least eight distinct secretory systems. In addition to type-II, these include type-V, VI, VII (ESX), and the poorly characterized "Photorhabdus virulence cassettes (PVC)", PrsW-dependent and MuF phage-capsid-like systems. We present evidence that trafficking of these toxins is often accompanied by autoproteolytic processing catalyzed by HINT, ZU5, PrsW, caspase-like, papain-like, and a novel metallopeptidase associated with the PVC system. We identified over 150 distinct toxin domains in these systems. These span an extraordinary catalytic spectrum to include 23 distinct clades of peptidases, numerous previously unrecognized versions of nucleases and deaminases, ADP-ribosyltransferases, ADP ribosyl cyclases, RelA/SpoT-like nucleotidyltransferases, glycosyltranferases and other enzymes predicted to modify lipids and carbohydrates, and a pore-forming toxin domain. Several of these toxin domains are shared with host-directed effectors of pathogenic bacteria. Over 90 families of immunity proteins might neutralize anywhere between a single to at least 27 distinct types of toxin domains. In some organisms multiple tandem immunity genes or immunity protein domains are organized into polyimmunity loci or polyimmunity proteins. Gene-neighborhood-analysis of polymorphic toxin systems predicts the presence of novel trafficking-related components, and also the organizational logic that allows toxin diversification through recombination. Domain architecture and protein-length analysis revealed that these toxins might be deployed as secreted factors, through directed injection, or via inter-cellular contact facilitated by filamentous structures formed by RHS/YD, filamentous hemagglutinin and other repeats. Phyletic pattern and life-style analysis indicate that polymorphic toxins and polyimmunity loci participate in cooperative behavior and facultative 'cheating' in several ecosystems such as the human oral cavity and soil. Multiple domains from these systems have also been repeatedly transferred to eukaryotes and their viruses, such as the nucleo-cytoplasmic large DNA viruses. Conclusions: Along with a comprehensive inventory of toxins and immunity proteins, we present several testable predictions regarding active sites and catalytic mechanisms of toxins, their processing and trafficking and their role in intra-specific and inter-specific interactions between bacteria. These systems provide insights regarding the emergence of key systems at different points in eukaryotic evolution, such as ADP ribosylation, interaction of myosin VI with cargo proteins, mediation of apoptosis, hyphal heteroincompatibility, hedgehog signaling, arthropod toxins, cell-cell interaction molecules like teneurins and different signaling messengers.
This article documents the addition of 171 microsatellite marker loci and 27 pairs of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) sequencing primers to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Bombus pauloensis, Cephalorhynchus heavisidii, Cercospora sojina, Harpyhaliaetus coronatus, Hordeum vulgare, Lachnolaimus maximus, Oceanodroma monteiroi, Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, Rhea americana, Salmo salar, Salmo trutta, Schistocephalus solidus, Sousa plumbea and Tursiops aduncus. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Aquila heliaca, Bulweria bulwerii, Buteo buteo, Buteo swainsoni, Falco rusticolus, Haliaeetus albicilla, Halobaena caerulea, Hieraaetus fasciatus, Oceanodroma castro, Puccinia graminis f. sp. Tritici, Puccinia triticina, Rhea pennata and Schistocephalus pungitii. This article also documents the addition of 27 sequencing primer pairs for Puffinus baroli and Bulweria bulwerii and cross-testing of these loci in Oceanodroma castro, Pelagodroma marina, Pelecanoides georgicus, Pelecanoides urinatrix, Thalassarche chrysostoma and Thalassarche melanophrys.
Biological invasions are an important issue of global change and an increased understanding of invasion processes is of crucial importance for both conservation managers and international trade. In this thesis, I have studied the invasion of the brown seaweed Fucus evanescens, to investigate the fate and effect of a perennial, habitat-forming seaweed introduced to a coastal ecosystem. A long-term study of the spread of F. evanescens in Öresund (southern Sweden) showed that the species was able to expand its range quickly during the first 20 years after the introduction, but that the expansion has been slow during the subsequent 30 years. Both in Öresund and in Skagerrak, the species is largely restricted to sites where native fucoids are scarce. Laboratory experiments showed that the restricted spread of F. evanescens cannot be explained by the investigated abiotic factors (wave exposure and salinity), although salinity restricts the species from spreading into the Baltic Sea. Neither did I find evidence for that herbivores or epibiota provide biotic resistance to the invader. On the contrary, F. evanescens was less consumed by native herbivores, both compared to the native fucoids and to F. evanescens populations in its native range, and little overgrown by epiphytes. Instead, the restricted spread may be due to competition from native seaweeds, probably by pre-occupation of space, and the establishment has probably been facilitated by disturbance. The studies provided little support for a general enemy release in introduced seaweeds. The low herbivore consumption of F. evanescens in Sweden could not be explained by release from specialist herbivores. Instead, high levels of chemical anti-herbivore defence metabolites (phlorotannins) could explain the pattern of herbivore preference for different fucoids. Likewise, the low epibiotic colonisation of F. evanescens plants could be explained by high resistance to epibiotic survival. This shows that colonisation of invading seaweeds by native herbivores and epibionts depends on properties of the invading species. The large differences between fucoid species in their quality as food and habitat for epibionts and herbivores imply that invasions of such habitat-forming species may have a considerable effect on a number of other species in shallow coastal areas. However, since F. evanescens did not exclude other fucoids in its new range, its effect on the recipient biota is probably small.