646 resultados para Minorities.
Background. There is currently a push to increase the number of minorities in cancer clinical trials in an effort to reduce cancer health disparities. Overcoming barriers to clinical trial research for minorities is necessary if we are to achieve the goals of Healthy People 2010. To understand the unexpectedly high rate of attrition in the A NULIFE study, the research team examined the perceived barriers to participation among minority women. The purpose of this study was to determine if either personal or study-related factors influenced healthy pre-menopausal women aged 25-45 years to terminate their participation in the A NULIFE Study. We hypothesized that personal factors were the driving forces for attrition rates in the prevention trial.^ Methods. The target population consisted of eligible women who consented to the A NULIFE study but withdrew prior to being randomized (N= 46), as well as eligible women who completed the informed consent process for the A NULIFE study and withdrew after randomization (N= 42). Examination of attrition rates in this study occurred at a time point when 10 out of 12 participant groups had completed the A NULIFE study. Data involving the 2 groups that were actively engaged in study activities were not used in this analysis. A survey instrument was designed to query the personal and study-related factors that were believed to have contributed to the decision to terminate participation in the A NULIFE study.^ Results. Overall, the highest ranked personal reason that influenced withdrawal from the study was being “too busy” with other obligations. The second highest ranked factor for withdrawal was work obligations. Whereas, more than half of all participants agreed that they were well-informed about the study and considered the study personnel to be approachable, 54% of participants would have been inclined to remain in the study if it were located at a local community center.^ Conclusions. Time commitment was likely a major factor for withdrawal from the A NULIFE study. Future investigators should implement trials within participant communities where possible. Also, focus group settings may provide detailed insight into factors that contribute to the attrition of minorities in cancer clinical trials.^
Differential access to health care services has been observed among various groups in the United States. Minorities and low-income groups have been especially notable in their decreased access to regular providers of care. This is believed by many to account for some of the higher rates of morbidity and mortality and shorter life expectancies of these groups.^ This research delineated the factors associated with health care access for a particular subset of a minority group, the Mexican American elderly in Texas. Hospital admission and evidence of a regular source of medical care and dental care were chosen as the indicators of access to health care.^ This study analyzed survey interview data from the Texas Study on Aging, 1976. The 597 Mexican American elderly included in this study were representative of the non-institutionalized Mexican American elderly in Texas aged 55 or older.^ The results indicate that hospital admission is not a question of discretion and that common barriers to access, such as income, health insurance, and distance to the nearest facility, are not important in determining hospital admission. Mexican American elderly who need to be hospitalized, as indicated by self-perception of health and disability days, will be hospitalized.^ The results also indicate that having a regular source of medical care is influenced by many factors, some mutable and some immutable. The well-established and immutable factors of age, sex, and need were confirmed. However, the mutable factors such as area of residence and income were also found to have a significant influence. Mexican American elderly living in urban areas had significantly less access to a regular source of medical care as did those who were near the poverty level (as opposed to those who were well below the poverty level). In general, persons claiming a regular source of medical care were more likely to be women, persons who had many health needs, were near the poverty level, lived in urban areas, and had extensive social support systems.^ Persons claiming a regular source of dental care tended to be more advantaged. They had more education, a more extensive informal social support network, higher income, and were generally younger and in better health. They were also more likely to have private health insurance. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^
Viral hepatitis is a significant public health problem worldwide and is due to viral infections that are classified as Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. Hepatitis B is one of the five known hepatic viruses. A safe and effective vaccine for Hepatitis B was first developed in 1981, and became adopted into national immunization programs targeting infants since 1990 and adolescents since 1995. In the U.S., this vaccination schedule has led to an 82% reduction in incidence from 8.5 cases per 100,000 in 1990 to 1.5 cases per 100,000 in 2007. Although there has been a decline in infection among adolescents, there is still a large burden of hepatitis B infection among adults and minorities. There is very little research in regards to vaccination gaps among adults. Using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) question "{Have you/Has SP (Study Participant)} ever received the 3-dose series of the hepatitis B vaccine?" the existence of racial/ethnic gaps using a cross-sectional study design was explored. In this study, other variables such as age, gender, socioeconomic variables (federal poverty line, educational attainment), and behavioral factors (sexual practices, self-report of men having sex with men, and intravenous drug use) were examined. We found that the current vaccination programs and policies for Hepatitis B had eliminated racial and ethnic disparities in Hepatitis B vaccination, but that a low coverage exists particularly for adults who engage in high risk behaviors. This study found a statistically significant 10% gap in Hepatitis B vaccination between those who have and those who do not have access to health insurance.^
It has been well documented that inmates incarcerated in prisons and correctional facilities exhibit higher incidence and prevalence of mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) disease than the general population. This has public health implications because correctional systems may serve as reservoirs for TB disease that can lead to TB outbreaks in the facilities or can be spread to the general public once inmates are released. Although Texas has one of the largest correctional systems in both the US and the world, little is known about TB prevalence and incidence among Texas inmates. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the relationship between TB incidence and incarceration in Texas correctional facilities and investigate differences in various demographic factors. ^ The study used the national TB database from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to calculate and compare the overall incidences of TB disease among correctional facility inmates and similar non-inmates in Texas during 2005–2009. Data were also stratified by age, gender, race/ethnicity, birth status, and HIV status and compared between inmates and non-inmates using chi-squared analysis and relative risks with 95% confidence intervals to assess any significant differences. ^ Results suggest that the overall TB incidence among Texas correctional facility inmates per year (88.6 per 100,000) was significantly higher than that of Texas non-inmates (6.3 per 100,000); a 14 fold difference. Relative risk analyses by gender, race/ethnicity, and those with HIV infection found that the TB incidences for all these demographics were significantly and consistently higher in inmates compared to non-inmates. In particular, Hispanic inmates were more likely to develop TB than their non-inmate counterparts by a relative risk of 23.9 (95% CI 19.4–29.4). Likewise, both male and female inmates were more likely to develop TB than non-inmates (RR = 10.2, 95% CI 8.5–12.2; RR = 20.8, 95% CI 12.2–25.3, respectively), although female inmates unconventionally exhibited a higher TB incidence and relative risk than males inmates, which has not been shown. Among those with HIV infections, correctional facility inmates were 2.6 times were likely to develop TB disease than non-inmates (95% CI 1.5–4.4). ^ Inmates in Texas correctional facilities have a higher incidence of TB than non-inmates. Part of this higher risk may be because a large proportion of inmates come from populations already at high risks for TB, such as foreign born immigrants, those infected with HIV, and low SES groups such as many racial/ethnic minorities. Thus, these results may be used as a basis for more controlled and detailed research in the area, and to further characterize incarceration as a risk factor for TB incidence. They may also bring much needed attention about this health disparity to public health officials, legislators, and health administrators to expand and improve TB control in Texas correctional facilities, particularly among inmates released to the community, and reduce the risk of TB transmission to the general population.^
Study 1: Schools provide a range of opportunities for youth to be active, however, over the past decade, these opportunities have been declining. Sports teams are a promising venue to promote physical activity yet limited research has examined the gender an ethnic differences in sport participation. The purpose of this study is to examine trends in sport participation from 1991-2009 among US high school students. Secondly, we examined the association between gender and ethnicity with sports over time. This serial cross-sectional study used surveillance data from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, a probability based sample weighted to represent gender and race/ethnic subpopulations of US high school students. The findings of this paper reveal persistent gender and ethnic disparities for sports participation among US youth. Since sports teams may provide a substantial source of physical activity, greater efforts should be undertaken to increase the participation of girls, especially minorities, in sports teams. ^ Study 2: Sports team participation is congruent with teaching and supporting healthy eating, yet limited research has examined the association between sports participation and dietary behaviors. This study aims to determine the association between youth sports participation and dietary behaviors among elementary-aged children. Significant dose-response associations were observed between number of sports teams and consumption of most fruits and vegetables. The likelihood of eating fruit for boys increased with the number of sports teams (1 team: OR=1.89; 3 teams: OR=3.44, p<0.001) and the likelihood of consuming green vegetables for girls was higher with the number of sports teams (1 team: OR=1.50; 3 teams: OR=2.39; p<0.001). For boys, the odds of consuming fruit-flavored drinks was higher ( p=0.019) and the odds of drinking soda was lower (p=0.018) with participation in increasing number of sports teams whereas for girls, sports participation was positively associated with diet soda consumption (p=0.006). ^ Study 3: Parents and peers have been shown to have a strong influence over the physical activity, dietary, and sedentary behaviors of youth. Youth sports teams have the potential to offer physical activity, displace sedentary behaviors, and promote a healthy diet. The purpose of this study is to assess how peer and parental support for physical activity and healthy eating, coupled with sport participation, is associated obesity related risk factors including diet and sedentary behaviors. A secondary analysis of data from the School Physical Activity and Nutrition study, a state-representative survey, was conducted. Eighth (n=3,931) and 11th (n=2,785) grade students were categorized into four groups based upon the level of peer and parental support derived from a three item scale and their participation in sports (sports/high support, sports/low support, no sports/high support, no sports/low support). Linear models were conducted to determine the difference in means between these groups for the following outcome variables: previous day fruit and vegetable intake, scores for an unhealthy and healthy food index, and hours spent watching television, playing video games, and working on a computer. Eighth graders had significantly greater levels of parental support for healthy eating and physical activity compared to 11th grade. Both 8 th and 11th graders in the sport/high support for healthy eating from peers and parents scored significantly higher on the healthy food index than other groups. Eighth and 11th graders in the sport/high support for physical activity from peers participated in fewer hours of sedentary behaviors than any other group (p ≤ 0.032). Although it is thought that sport participation may offer opportunities to support a healthy diet and displace sedentary time by offering providing physical activity, our study found that parental and peer support for activity and healthy eating may further attenuate this association. Parents and peer support should be an important target when developing strategies to improve healthy diets and reduce sedentary time among youth, especially in the context of youth sports. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^
The introduction of new medical treatments in recent years, commonly referred to as highly active antiretroviral therapy, has greatly increased the survival of patients with HIV/AIDS. As patients with HIV/AIDS continue to live longer, other important health-related outcomes, such as quality of life (QOL), should be thoroughly studied. There is also evidence that racial/ethnic minorities are disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS, but potential health disparities among individuals already infected with HIV/AIDS have not been adequately examined in ethnically diverse populations. The purpose of this dissertation was to: (1) examine the impact of both demographic and behavioral variables on functional status and overall QOL among a population of ethnically diverse and economically disadvantaged HIV/AIDS patients; (2) examine the psychometric properties of a functional status measure—the Household and Leisure Time Activities questionnaire (HLTA); and (3) assess a proximal-distal theoretical framework for QOL using a full structural equation model in a population of patients with HIV/AIDS. Analyses were performed using data collected in the fall of 2000 from the project, Health and Work-Related Quality of Life and Health Risk Behaviors in a Multiethnic HIV-positive Population . Investigators from The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, The University of Texas-Houston Medical School, and The University of Texas School of Public Health conducted this project. The study site was the Thomas Street Clinic (TSC), a comprehensive HIV/AIDS care facility funded by the Harris County Hospital District (HCHD). TSC provides HIV/AIDS care to a diverse population of approximately 4000 medically indigent residents of Harris County. A systematic, consecutive sampling procedure yielded a sample size of 348 patients. Findings suggested that overall QOL, work-role functioning, household functioning, and leisure time functioning were impaired in this patient population. Results from the psychometric evaluation indicated that the HLTA was a reliable and valid measure of household and leisure time functioning status in a low-income multiethnic HIV-positive population. Finally, structural equation modeling of the proximal-distal QOL model suggested that this model was not a viable representation of the relationship between the study variables in this patient population. ^
Linton Kwesi Johnson, poeta jamaiquino, fue el pionero de la poesía dub con su obra Dread Beat and Blood, su primer LP. En su búsqueda estética, la calle adquiere una relevancia primordial pues la poesía dub ha comunicado todo el resentimiento que desemboca en el disturbio. De allí que haya inspirado a las minorías a enfrentarse con las fuerzas del orden en las calles. Emparentada con el reggae, la poesía dub se yergue como estrategia de liberación. Esta investigación explora los orígenes y el desarrollo de esta poesía dentro y fuera de las Antillas, analizando algunos ejemplos concretos.
En las sociedades modernas existen diversas posturas posibles de asumir frente a los múltiples y complejos problemas culturales, sociales, económicos y políticos. En este trabajo abordamos el problema de la demanda de reconocimiento igualitario por parte de minorías étnicas, como el caso de las comunidades indígenas en Formosa, Argentina. Para su elucidación proponemos un análisis comparado de los aportes de dos filósofos: Charles Taylor (éticas comunitaristas) y Enrique Dussel (ética de la liberación).
El siguiente artículo se inscribe en el debate de los estudios feministas que se proponen hacer una historia inclusiva en donde las mujeres, por su condición y posición, no queden relegadas al margen de los hechos sociales que tienen lugar en el tiempo y el espacio; que la mirada androcéntrica no gane la batalla y que esos hechos, algo invisibles a simple vista, puedan ser observados, analizados y revelados. En fin, que la genealogía de los procesos históricos, tal cual lo señala Foucault, nos permita ir más allá para descubrir lo que la historia oficial no ha descubierto, o bien, ha velado y omitido por su poca o mucha trascendencia. Deseamos plasmar aquí una entrada que retoma varios aspectos teórico- metodológicos que, en sí mismos, no son novedosos, de modo que el aporte consiste en cómo se relacionan estos constructos, cómo se articulan entre sí para avanzar y contribuir con el desarrollo de las reflexiones, en particular, la participación de las mujeres en hechos socio-históricos.
Despite the ethnicisation of power since independence in 1991, Kazakhstan has managed to maintain political stability without experiencing large-scale mobilisation to oppose Kazakh domination. This paper examines government strategy to avoid ethnic voting in an attempt to explain why ethnic divisions were rarely reflected in the struggle for power in the republic. While the arbitrary use of legal provisions considerably limited participation in elections by ethnic leaders, powerful pro-president parties that exhibited a cross-ethnic character were created to curtail ethnically based movements. The control strategy in elections aimed not simply at ethnicising the parliament in favour of Kazakhs, but at having loyal Russians and other minorities represented in the legislature through nomination by the president and catch-all pro-regime parties, or through the presidential consultative body—Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. This well-controlled representation of minorities served not only to placate non-Kazakhs but also to provide legitimacy for the Kazakh-dominated leadership by projecting the image of cross-ethnic support for the president and some degree of power-sharing.
The informal economy is a very important sector of the Indian economy. The National Council of Applied Economic Research estimates that the informal sector - "unorganised sector" - generates about 62% of GDP and provides for about 55% of total employment (ILO 2002, p. 14). This paper studies the characteristics of the workers in the informal economy and whether internal migrants treat this sector as a temporary location before moving on to the organised or formal sector to improve their lifetime income and living conditions. We limit our study to the Indian urban (non-agricultural) sector and study the characteristics of the household heads that belong to the informal sector (self-employed and informal wage workers) and the formal sector. We find that household heads that are less educated, come from poorer households, and/or are in lower social groups (castes and religions) are more likely to be in the informal sector. In addition, our results show strong evidence that the longer a rural migrant household head has been working in the urban sector, ceteris paribus, the more likely that individual has moved out of the informal wage sector. These results support the hypothesis that, for internal migrants, the informal wage labour market is a stepping stone to a better and more certain life in the formal sector.
India's Muslim community, which accounts for 14.4 percent of India’s vast population and is thus the largest of all religious minorities, has been the subject of considerable development discourse as Muslims have the lowest level of educational attainment and standard of living among socio-religious groups in the country. This study addresses the meaning of education and career opportunities for Muslim youths in relation to their educational credentials and social position in the hierarchy of Muslim class and caste groups, with particular reference to a community in Uttar Pradesh. The author contends that the career opportunities, possibilities, and strategies of Muslim youths in Indian society depend on multiple factors: social hierarchy, opportunities to utilize economic resources, social networks, cultural capital, and the wider structural disparities within which the Muslims are situated and wherein they question the value of higher education in gaining them admission to socially recognized and established employment sectors.