964 resultados para Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012


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The objectives of this study were to evaluate morphogenetic characteristics and tillering dynamics in Tanzania grass fertilized and non-fertilized with nitrogen, under intermittent grazing, in the spring and the summer. The main plots were composed of four nitrogen rates (0, 100, 200 and 300 kg/ha) and the subplots were growth seasons: spring (October, November and December) and summer (January, February and March). The experimental design was of randomized block with plots subdivided by time (seasons of the year) and four replications. Urea was used as nitrogen supply and was divided into two applications: one in the spring and another in the summer. The experimental units fertilized with N rates of 200 and 300 kg/ha showed six cycles of pasture, with an average of 27 days of pasture interval, while the treatments with no fertilization and 100 kg/ha of N showed only four and five cycles of pasture, respectively. Leaf elongation rate (LER) and the leaf appearance rate (LAR) increased linearly with increasing of N rates. The greatest population density occurred in summer with the higher nitrogen rates. The treatment without N fertilization showed the lowest growth of tiller population, while the other treatments exhibited growth rates above 50% when compared with non-fertilized samples. Nitrogen rates significantly affect the leaf appearance rate and the leaf elongation rate, as well as the number of live leaves in plants of Tanzania grass in both spring and summer.


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To verify the effects of energy supplementation and fat on follicular dynamics, metabolic profile and the production of oocytes, 15 young heifers (Bos taurus indicus) with an average age of 14 months and with an initial weight of 256.35 kg were assigned to two treatments according to weight and follicular population as evaluated by ultrasonography: in T1 (1.0 × M), animals received 100% of the energy requirements for maintenance; in T2 (1.7 × M), animals received 170% of the energy requirements for maintenance, achieved by the addition of 200 g of Megalac®. After a period of adaptation to the diet, the treatments, blood collection and follicular aspirations were started using a randomized design. The dry matter intake and weight gain were lower in the 1.0 × M group than in the 1.7 × M group. No differences were found in the plasma progesterone concentrations, albumin, glucose, urea or gonadotropin (FSH and LH) levels between the groups. The mean concentrations of cholesterol were higher in the 1.7 × M group. The total number of small (<4 mm) and medium follicles (4-8 mm) was not altered by the treatments, but the number of small follicles increased on days 1 and 2 of the estrous cycle, with higher values found in the 1.7 × M group. The average of the oocytes also increased (9.50±2.1 and 12.5±4.4 for the 1.0 × M and 1.7 × M groups, respectively). The rapid increase in the amount of energy offered in the diet changes the amount of follicles and oocytes available for follicular aspiration (OPU) in young heifers without changing their metabolic profile.


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The tingid Leptopharsa heveae, known as the lace bug, occurs in large populations in rubber tree plantations, limiting the production of latex due to losses of photosynthetic area and weakening of the infested trees. The alternative for the use of insecticides would be the release of biological control agents, but little is known about the natural enemies of L. heveae. The parasitoid Erythmelus tingitiphagus parasitizes eggs of the lace bug in rubber tree plantations. The knowledge of the population dynamics and the peak of occurrence of economically important insect species and their natural enemies are indispensable requirements for the establishment of efficient and rational control strategies. The objective of this work was to study the population dynamics of L. heveae and E. tingitiphagus in rubber tree plantations in the county of Itiquira, MT, Brazil. Mature folioles were collected weekly from the lower stratum of the canopy of the tree clones RRIM 600, PR 255, GT 1, PB 235 and PB 217, from August/2005 to February/2006. The parasitoid was observed during the whole study period. The population peaks of the populations of the L. heveae and E. tingitiphagus in the study area occurred at the end of October and beginning of November. This result demonstrates that measures for the control of L. heveae and population increase of E. tingitiphagus must be adopted before the peak population of this pest in cultivated rubber plantations.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Measurement-based quantum computation is an efficient model to perform universal computation. Nevertheless, theoretical questions have been raised, mainly with respect to realistic noise conditions. In order to shed some light on this issue, we evaluate the exact dynamics of some single-qubit-gate fidelities using the measurement-based quantum computation scheme when the qubits which are used as a resource interact with a common dephasing environment. We report a necessary condition for the fidelity dynamics of a general pure N-qubit state, interacting with this type of error channel, to present an oscillatory behavior, and we show that for the initial canonical cluster state, the fidelity oscillates as a function of time. This state fidelity oscillatory behavior brings significant variations to the values of the computational results of a generic gate acting on that state depending on the instants we choose to apply our set of projective measurements. As we shall see, considering some specific gates that are frequently found in the literature, the fast application of the set of projective measurements does not necessarily imply high gate fidelity, and likewise the slow application thereof does not necessarily imply low gate fidelity. Our condition for the occurrence of the fidelity oscillatory behavior shows that the oscillation presented by the cluster state is due exclusively to its initial geometry. Other states that can be used as resources for measurement-based quantum computation can present the same initial geometrical condition. Therefore, it is very important for the present scheme to know when the fidelity of a particular resource state will oscillate in time and, if this is the case, what are the best times to perform the measurements.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this work, the resonance problem in the artificial satellites motion is studied. The development of the geopotential includes the zonal harmonics J20 and J40 and the tesseral harmonics J22 and J42. Through successive Mathieu transformations, the order of dynamical system is reduced and the final system is solved by numerical integration. In the simplified dynamical model, two critical angles are studied, 2201 and 4211. Numerical results show the time behavior of the semi-major axis and 2 angle.


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Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), which is exotic to South America, is the most common species caught in artisanal fisheries at the Barra Bonita Reservoir, Southeastern Brazil. This species is of great socioeconomic importance for the region and keeps active a population of about 500 fishers. In the present study we assess reproduction, food dynamics and level of exploitation of O. niloticus, caught by artisanal fisheries in the Barra Bonita Reservoir. Specimens were collected monthly, from July 2004-June 2005, and a total of 1 715 specimens were analyzed. Each specimen was examined to obtain biological and biometric data: standard length (cm), total weight (g), reproductive data (sex and stage of maturation), and stomach contents (empty, partly full, and full). We also estimated the sex ratio (by macroscopic observation of gonads), reproductive period (by ovarian development and seasonal average of gonadosomatic index in females), and feeding habits (by stomach contents). The possible relationship between abiotic factors and the reproductive period was statistically verified using Spearman's Rank Correlation. The FiSAT (ELEFAN I) package was used to assess growth parameters, mortality rates and to infer exploitation rate from standard length frequencies. The O. niloticus population had a sex ratio of 1.3:1 (M:F). Results indicated that ripe females were captured throughout the year, with a higher frequency during the winter-2004 (with a frequency of 59%, at a mean temperature of 20.5°C), and in spring-2004 (with a frequency of 60.5% at a mean temperature of 21.18°C). The GSI mean values obtained by season were: winter-2004: 1.71; spring-2004: 1.72; summer-2005: 0.80, and autumn-2005: 1.19. The Spearman correlation indicated positive values with respect to pH, dissolved oxygen, electric conductivity, transparency and chlorophyll a, and negative values with respect to temperature, accumulated rainfall and altimetric benchmark. The main food items were phytoplankton and periphytic algae, observed in 99.6% of the analyzed stomachs. The estimated growth and mortality parameters were: L∞=33.60cm, k=0.63/year, longevity= 4.76years, Z=2.81/ year, M=1.20/year and F=1.61/year. The weight-length relationship was Ln Wt=-2.8532+2.8835 Ln Lp. The estimated yield per recruit values were as follows: E=0.570, Emax=0.776, E0.1=0.604 and E0.5=0.349. These results indicate that a well established population of O. niloticus is present at Barra Bonita Reservoir; with an active reproduction throughout the year, more intense during winter and spring, and that O. niloticus is a phytoplanktophagus species. There were no indications that this species is being overfished, we therefore recommend that, due to its exotic condition, no restrictions need to be taken on its fishing activities.


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The present study investigated the trail-following behavior of the subterranean termite Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann Rhinotermitidae) under laboratory conditions. The results showed that workers were the first to initiate the exploration to the food source. When food was discovered they returned to the nest laying a trail for recruiting nestmates to the food source. In this situation, workers always traveled significantly faster when returning from the arenas. Both workers and soldiers were recruited to the food source; however, the soldier/worker proportion was higher during the first phase of the recruitment. When no food was available, the number of recruited nestmates and the speed on their way back to the nest were significantly lower. The results also showed that scout foragers always laid trail pheromones when entering into unknown territories, and that chemical signals found in the food could induce workers of C. gestroi to increase their travel speed. Copyright © 2012 Alberto Arab et al.


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Simple and coincidence spectra of the NM weak decay of light hypernuclei have been evaluated in a systematic way for the first time. We have only considered 1N induced processes, neglecting entirely the events induced by 2N emission, as well as the effects of the FSIt's. As the theoretical frameworkwe have used the IPSM with three different parametrizations for the transition potential. The comparison with data strongly suggests that the soft π + K exchange model could be a good starting point to describe the dynamics in the NM weak decays of s- and p-shell hypernuclei. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper presents a nonlinear dynamic analysis of a flexible portal frame subjected to support excitation, which is provided by an electro-dynamical shaker. The problem is reduced to a mathematical model of four degrees of freedom and the equations of motion are derived via Lagrangian formulation. The main goal of this study is to investigate the dynamic interactions between a flexible portal frame and a non-ideal support excitation. The numerical analysis shows a complex behavior of the system, which can be observed by phase spaces, Poincaŕ sections and bifurcation diagrams. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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When dealing with spatio-temporal simulations of load growth inside a service zone, one of the most important problems faced by a Distribution Utility is how to represent the different relationships among different areas. A new load in a certain part of the city could modify the load growth in other parts of the city, even outside of its radius of influence. These interactions are called Urban Dynamics. This work aims to discuss how to implement Urban Dynamics considerations into the spatial electric load forecasting simulations using multi-agent simulations. To explain the approach, three examples are introduced, including the effect of an attraction load, the effect of a repulsive load, and the effect of several attraction/repulsive loads at the same time when considering the natural load growth. © 2012 IEEE.


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A series of Molecular Dynamics simulations of thermal spikes has been run in zircon. For two different ensembles: microcanonical one and a combination of microcanonical one acting on the simulation core with Langevin one on the side walls of simulation. Depending on the used ensemble, different track-formation threshold energies were found. When the combined ensemble is carried out, the total energy of the simulations varies with the temperature which can influence how annealing fission-track models should deal with the lattice recovery. A fission-track annealing model is tested with the simulation results. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Unzipping carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is considered one of the most promising approaches for the controlled and large-scale production of graphene nanoribbons (GNR). These structures are considered of great importance for the development of nanoelectronics because of its dimensions and intrinsic nonzero band gap value. Despite many years of investigations some details on the dynamics of the CNT fracture/unzipping processes remain unclear. In this work we have investigated some of these process through molecular dynamics simulations using reactive force fields (ReaxFF), as implemented in the Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator (LAMMPS) code. We considered multi-walled CNTs of different dimensions and chiralities and under induced mechanical stretching. Our preliminary results show that the unzipping mechanisms are highly dependent on CNT chirality. Well-defined and distinct fracture patterns were observed for the different chiralities. Armchair CNTs favor the creation of GNRs with well-defined armchair edges, while zigzag and chiral ones produce GNRs with less defined and defective edges. © 2012 Materials Research Society.


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Questions: Grasslands are usually neglected as potential carbon stocks, partially due to the lack of studies on biomass and carbon dynamics in tropical grasslands. What is the importance of Brazilian tropical wet grasslands as carbon sinks? Does fire frequency and season affect biomass and carbon allocation in Brazilian wet grasslands? Location: Wet grasslands, tropical savanna, Jalapão, Tocantins, northern Brazil. Methods: We determined biomass above- and below-ground, estimated carbon stocks in biennially burned plots (B2) and plots excluded from fire for 4 yr (B4). Moreover, we determined biomass in both rainy and dry seasons. Samples were 0.25 m × 0.25 m × 0.2 m (eight samples per treatment, applying a nested design, total of 48 samples). The biomass was classified in above-ground graminoids, forbs and dead matter, and below-ground roots and other below-ground organs. We used ANOVA to compare variables between treatments and seasons. Results: More than 40% of the total biomass and carbon stocks were located below-ground, mostly in roots. A high proportion of dead biomass (B4) was found in the above-ground material, probably due to low decomposition rates and consequent accumulation over the years. Although these grasslands do not experience water stress, we found significant evidence of resource re-allocation from below-ground organs to the above-ground biomass in the rainy season. Conclusions: We found more dead biomass in the rainy season, probably due to low decomposition rates, which can increase fire risk in these grasslands during the following dry season. These tropical wet grasslands stored high amounts of carbon (621 to 716 g C.m-2), mostly in the roots. Thus, policymakers should consider tropical grasslands as potential carbon stocks, since they are one of the most threatened and unprotected ecosystems in Brazil. © 2012 International Association for Vegetation Science.