988 resultados para Medial PFC
Real-time Taqman(TM) RT-PCR was used to make quantitative comparisons of the levels of PrRP mRNA expression in micropunch brain samples from rats at different stages of the oestrous cycle and in lactation. The nucleus of the solitary tract and ventrolateral reticular nuclei of the medulla oblongata contained significantly (P < 0.05) greater levels of PrRP mRNA than any hypothalamic region. Within the hypothalamus, the highest level of PrRP expression was localised to the dorsomedial aspect of the ventromedial hypothalamus. All other hypothalamic regions exhibited significantly (P < 0.05) lower levels of expression, including the rostral and caudal dorsomedial hypothalamus. Very low levels of PrRP expression were observed in the arcuate nucleus, paraventricular nucleus, medial preoptic nucleus and ventrolateral aspect of the ventromedial hypothalamus. No significant changes in PrRP expression were noted in any sampled region between proestrus, oestrus or dioestrus. Similarly, PrRP expression in hypothalamic regions did not differ between lactating and non-lactating (dioestrous) animals. During validation of RT-PCR techniques we cloned and sequenced a novel splice variant of PrRP from the hypothalamus. This variant arises from alternative splicing of the donor site within exon 2, resulting in an insert of 64 base pairs and shift in the-codon:reading frame with the introduction of an early stop codon. In the hypothalamus and brainstem, mRNA expression of the variant was restricted to regions that expressed PrRP. These results suggest that PrRP expression in the hypothalamus may be more Widespread than previously reported. However, the relatively low level of PrRP in the hypothalamus and the lack of significant changes in expression during the oestrous cycle and lactation provides further evidence that PrRP is unlikely to be involved in the regulation of prolactin, secretion. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A converging body of literature over the last 50 years has implicated the amygdala in assigning emotional significance or value to sensory information. In particular, the amygdala has been shown to be an essential component of the circuitry underlying fear-related responses. Disorders in the processing of fear-related information are likely to be the underlying cause of some anxiety disorders in humans such as posttraumatic stress. The amygdaloid complex is a group of more than 10 nuclei that are located in the midtemporal lobe. These nuclei can be distinguished both on cytoarchitectonic and connectional grounds. Anatomical tract tracing studies have shown that these nuclei have extensive intranuclear and internuclear connections. The afferent and efferent connections of the amygdala have also been mapped in detail, showing that the amygdaloid complex has extensive connections with cortical and subcortical regions. Analysis of fear conditioning in rats has suggested that long-term synaptic plasticity of inputs to the amygdala underlies the acquisition and perhaps storage of the fear memory. In agreement with this proposal, synaptic plasticity has been demonstrated at synapses in the amygdala in both in vitro and in vivo studies. In this review, we examine the anatomical and physiological substrates proposed to underlie amygdala function.
In experiments on isolated animal muscle, the force produced during active lengthening contractions can be up to twice the isometric force, whereas in human experiments lengthening force shows only modest, if any, increase in force. The presence of synergist and antagonist muscle activation associated with human experiments in situ may partly account for the difference between animal and human studies. Therefore, this study aimed to quantify the force-velocity relationship of the human soleus muscle and assess the likelihood that co-activation of antagonist muscles was responsible for the inhibition of torque during submaximal voluntary plantar flexor efforts. Seven subjects performed submaximal voluntary lengthening, shortening(at angular, velocities of +5, -5, +15, -15 and +30, and -30degrees s(-1)) and isometric plantar flexor efforts against an ankle torque motor. Angle-specific (90degrees) measures of plantar flexor torque plus surface and intramuscular electromyography from soleus, medial gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior were made. The level of activation (30% of maximal voluntary isometric effort) was maintained by providing direct visual feedback of the soleus electromyogram to the subject. In an attempt to isolate the contribution of soleus to the resultant plantar flexion torque, activation of the synergist and antagonist muscles were minimised by: (1) flexing the knee of the test limb, thereby minimising the activation of gastrocnemius, and (2) applying an anaesthetic block to the common peroneal nerve to eliminate activation of the primary antagonist muscle, tibialis anterior and the synergist muscles, peroneus longus and peroneus brevis. Plantar flexion torque decreased significantly (P<0.05) after blocking the common peroneal nerve which was likely due to abolishing activation of the peroneal muscles which are synergists for plantar flexion. When normalised to the corresponding isometric value, the force-velocity relationship between pre- and post-block conditions was not different. In both conditions, plantar flexion torques during shortening actions were significantly less than the isometric torque and decreased at faster velocities. During lengthening actions, however, plantar flexion torques were not significantly different from isometric regardless of angular velocity. It was concluded that the apparent inhibition of lengthening torques during voluntary activation is not due to co-activation of antagonist muscles. Results are presented as mean (SEM).
Fifth-grade children were given a series of word reading tasks. First, two sets of 16 disyllabic words with medial VCV spellings, and with a long initial vowel were selected, varying in frequency but with similar word-initial segments. Nonwords were derived from these sets of words by exchanging initial onsets. Children read these nonwords in a first testing session. In a second test session, children were given the Woodcock Word Identification Test and the set of analogue words from which the nonwords were derived. Initial analyses examined only nonwords derived from words that were correctly read. Both sets of nonwords were more likely to be read with a long initial vowel than a short initial vowel, although this tendency was stronger in nonwords derived from high frequency words. Furthennore, Word Identification ability showed a strong relationship with the preference for long initial vowels in this type of disyllabic nonword, both for nonwords derived from known analogues and for nonwords derived from words that children could not read correctly. This preference was also correlated with the preference for context-sensitive grapheme-phoneme correspondences in the reading of ambiguous monosyllabic nonwords.These results have strong implications for current theories of word reading.
A new Sciophilinae-Azana atlantica, sp. n. - is described from the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. The species has a number of distinctive apomorphic features, including loss of the mid ocellus, reduced mouthparts, Sc short and incomplete, first section of Rs missing, r-m elongated, longitudinal in position, aligned with the second section of Rs ( R(5)), unforked medial and cubital veins, R(4) missing, M(4) entirely absent, gonostyle triangular, with an inner row of elongated spines and a basal, digitiform inner projection. Some of these features are shared with other genera of the Azana-group of Sciophilinae. The shape of the scutum and the strong spines on the gonostyle make it clear that the species belongs in Azana, despite the features that are distinctive from the remaining species in the genus. There are ten species described in Azana to date, from United States, Europe, Sri Lanka, Canary Islands, tropical Africa and Baltic amber. This is the first Neotropical species belonging to the genus. The complete loss of M(4) and the separated gonocoxites suggest that Azana atlantica, sp. n. forms a monophyletic group with the Afrotropical species of the genus. Azana, Morganiella, Neoaphelomera, Neotrizygia, and Trizygia are shown to compose a small clade within the Azana-group of genera. The division of the genus into two subgenera - A. ( Azana) and A. ( Jugazana) - most probably renders A. ( Azana) paraphyletic and it is suggested that this should be for the time being abandoned.
Using whole cell recordings from acute slices of the rat amygdala, we have examined the physiological properties of and synaptic connectivity to neurons in the lateral sector of the central amygdala (CeA). Based on their response to depolarizing current injections, CeA neurons could be divided into three types. Adapting neurons fired action potentials at the start of the current injections at high frequency and then showed complete spike-frequency adaptation with only six to seven action potentials evoked with suprathreshold current injections. Late-firing neurons fired action potentials with a prolonged delay at threshold but then discharged continuously with larger current injections. Repetitive firers discharged at the start of the current injection at threshold and then discharged continuously with larger current injections. All three cells showed prolonged afterhyperpolarizations (AHPs) that followed trains of action potentials. The AHP was longer lasting with a larger slow component in adapting neurons. The AHP in all cell types contained a fast component that was inhibited by the SK channel blocker UCL1848. The slow component, not blocked by UCL1848, was blocked by isoprenaline and was significantly larger in adapting neurons. Blockade of SK channels increased the discharge frequency in late firers and regular-spiking neurons but had no effect on adapting neurons. Blockade of the slow AHP with isoprenaline had no effect on any cell type. All cells received a mixed glutamatergic and GABAergic input from a medial pathway. Electrical stimulation of the lateral (LA) and basolateral (BLA)nuclei evoked a large monosynaptic glutamatergic response followed by a disynaptic inhibitory postsynaptic potential. Activation of neurons in the LA and BLA by puffer application of glutamate evoked a small monosynaptic response in 13 of 55 CeA neurons. Local application of glutamate to the CeL evoked a GABAergic response in all cells. These results show that at least three types of neurons are present in the CeA that can be distinguished on their firing properties. The firing frequency of two of these cell types is determined by activation of SK channels. Cells receive a small input from the LA and BLA but may receive inputs that course through these nuclei en route to the CeA.
Detailed description of the cranial anatomy of the rhynchosaur previously known as Scaphonyx sulcognathus allows its assignment to a new genus Teyumbaita. Two nearly complete skulls and a partial skull have been referred to the taxon, all of which come from the lower part of the Caturrita Formation, Upper Triassic of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Cranial autapomorphies of Teyumbaita sulcognathus include anterior margin of nasal concave at midline, prefrontal separated from the ascending process of the maxilla, palatal ramus of pterygoid expanded laterally within palatines, dorsal surface of exoccipital markedly depressed, a single tooth lingually displaced from the main medial tooth-bearing area of the maxilla, and a number of other characters (such as skull broader than long; a protruding orbital anterior margin; anguli oils extending to anterior ramus of the jugal; bar between the orbit and the lower temporal fenestra wider than 0.4 of the total orbital opening; mandibular depth reaching more than 25% of the total length) support its inclusion in Hyperodapedontinae. T. sulcognathus is the only potential Norian rhynchosaur, suggesting that the group survived the end-Carnian extinction event.
Prior experience with the elevated plus maze (EPM) increases the avoidance of rodents to the open arms and impairs the anxiolytic-like effects of benzodiazepines on the traditional behaviors evaluated upon re-exposure to the maze, a phenomenon known as one-trial tolerance. Risk assessment behaviors are also sensitive to benzodiazepines. During re-exposure to the maze, these behaviors reinstate the information-processing initiated during the first experience, and the detection of danger generates stronger open-arm avoidance. The present study investigated whether the benzodiazepine midazolam alters risk assessment behaviors and Fos protein distribution associated with test and retest sessions in the EPM. Naive or maze-experienced Wistar rats received either saline or midazolam (0.5 mg/kg i.p.) and were subjected to the EPM. Midazolam caused the usual effects on exploratory behavior, increasing exploratory activity of naive rats in the open arms and producing no effects on these conventional measures in rats re-exposed to the maze. Risk assessment behaviors, however, were sensitive to the benzodiazepine during both sessions, indicating anxiolytic-like effects of the drug in both conditions. Fos immunohistochemistry showed that midazolam injections were associated with a distinct pattern of action when administered before the test or retest session, and the anterior cingulate cortex, area 1 (Cg1), was the only structure targeted by the benzodiazepine in both situations. Bilateral infusions of midazolam into the Cg1 replicated the behavioral effects of the drug injected systemically, suggesting that this area is critically involved in the anxiolytic-like effects of benzodiazepines, although the behavioral strategy adopted by the animals appears to depend on the previous knowledge of the threatening environment. (C) 2009 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mice show urinary scent marking behavior as a form of social communication. Marking to a conspecific stimulus mouse or odor varies with stimulus familiarity, indicating discrimination of novel and familiar animals. This study investigated Fos immunoreactivity in inbred C57BL/6J (C57) males following scent marking behavior in response to detection of a social stimulus, or discrimination between a familiar and an unfamiliar conspecific. In Experiment 1 C57 mice were exposed for four daily trials to an empty chamber; on a test day they were exposed to the same chamber or to a male CD-1 mouse in that chamber. Increased scent marking to the CD-1 mouse was associated with increased Fos-immunoreactive cells in the basolateral amygdala, medial amygdala, and dorsal and ventral premammillary nuclei. In Experiment 2 C57 mice were habituated to a CD-1 male for 4 consecutive days and, on the 5th day, exposed to the same CD-1 male, or to a novel CD-1 male. Mice exposed to a novel CD-1 displayed a significant increase in scent marking compared to their last exposure to the familiar stimulus, indicating discrimination of the novelty of this social stimulus. Marking to the novel stimulus was associated with enhanced activation of several telencephalic, as well as hypothalamic and midbrain, structures in which activation had not been seen in the detection paradigm (Experiment 1). These included medial prefrontal and piriform cortices, and lateral septum; the paraventricular nuclei, ventromedial nuclei, and lateral area of the hypothalamus, and the ventrolateral column of the periaqueductal gray. These data suggest that a circumscribed group of structures largely concerned with olfaction is involved in detection of a conspecific olfactory stimulus, whereas discrimination of a novel vs. a familiar conspecific stimulus engages a wider range of forebrain structures encompassing higher-order processes and potentially providing an interface between cognitions and emotions. (C) 2009 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The amygdala, the dorsal periaqueductal gray (dPAG), and the media] hypothalamus have long been recognized to be a neural system responsible for the generation and elaboration of unconditioned fear in the brain. It is also well known that this neural substrate is under a tonic inhibitory control exerted by GABA mechanisms. However, whereas there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that the amygdala and dPAG are also able to integrate conditioned fear, it is still unclear, however, how the distinct hypothalamic nuclei participate in fear conditioning. In this work we aimed to examine the extent to which the gabaergic mechanisms of this brain region are involved in conditioned fear using the fear-potentiated startle (FPS). Muscimol, a GABA-A receptor agonist, and semicarbazide, an inhibitor of the GABA synthesizing enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), were used as an enhancer and inhibitor of the GABA mechanisms, respectively. Muscimol and semicarbazide were injected into the anterior hypothalamus (AHN). the dorsomedial part of the ventromedial nucleus (VMHDM), the dorsomedial (DMH) or the dorsal premammillary (PMD) nuclei of male Wistar rats before test sessions of the fear conditioning paradigm. The injections into the DMH and PMD did not produce any significant effects on FPS. On the other hand, muscimol injections into the AHN and VMHDM caused significant reduction in FPS. These results indicate that injections of muscimol and semicarbazide into the DMH and PMD fail to change the FPS, whereas the enhancement of the GABA transmission in the AHN and VMHDM produces a reduction of the conditioned fear responses. On the other hand, the inhibition of this transmission led to an increase of this conditioned response in the AHN. Thus, whereas DMH and PMD are known to be part of the caudal-most region of the medial hypothalamic defensive system, which integrates unconditioned fear, systems mediating conditioned fear select the AHN and VMHDM nuclei that belong to the rostral-most portion of the hypothalamic defense area. Thus, distinct subsets of neurons in the hypothalamus could mediate different aspects of the defensive responses. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The inferior colliculus (IC) together with the dorsal periaqueductal gray (dPAG), the amygdala and the medial hypothalamus make part of the brain aversion system, which has mainly been related to the organization of unconditioned fear. However, the involvement of the IC and dPAG in the conditioned fear is still unclear. It is certain that GABA has a regulatory role on the aversive states generated and elaborated in these midbrain structures. In this study, we evaluated the effects of injections of the GABA-A receptor agonist muscimol (1.0 and 2.0 nmol/0.2 mu L) into the IC or dPAG on the freezing and fear-potentiated startle (FPS) responses of rats submitted to a context fear conditioning. Intra-IC injections of muscimol did not cause any significant effect on the FPS or conditioned freezing but enhanced the startle reflex in non-conditioned animals. In contrast, intra-dPAG injections of muscimol caused significant reduction in FPS and conditioned freezing without changing the startle reflex in non-conditioned animals. Thus, intra-dPAG injections of muscimol produced the expected inhibitory effects on the anxiety-related responses, the FPS and the freezing whereas these injections into the IC produced quite opposite effects suggesting that descending inhibitory pathways from the IC, probably mediated by GABA-A mechanisms, exert a regulatory role on the lower brainstem circuits responsible for the startle reflex. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Independent brain circuits appear to underlie different forms of conditioned fear, depending on the type of conditioning used, such as a context or explicit cue paired with footshocks. Several clinical reports have associated damage to the medial temporal lobe (MTL) with retrograde amnesia. Although a number of studies have elucidated the neural circuits underlying conditioned fear, the involvement of MTL components in the aversive conditioning paradigm is still unclear. To address this issue, we assessed freezing responses and Fos protein expression in subregions of the rhinal cortex and ventral hippocampus of rats following exposure to a context, light or tone previously paired with footshock (Experiment 1). A comparable degree of freezing was observed in the three types of conditioned fear, but with distinct patterns of Fos distribution. The groups exposed to cued fear conditioning did not show changes in Fos expression, whereas the group subjected to contextual fear conditioning showed selective activation of the ectorhinal (Ect), perirhinal (Per), and entorhinal (Ent) cortices, with no changes in the ventral hippocampus. We then examined the effects of the benzodiazepine midazolam injected bilaterally into these three rhinal subregions in the expression of contextual fear conditioning (Experiment 2). Midazolam administration into the Ect, Per, and Ent reduced freezing responses. These findings suggest that contextual and explicit stimuli endowed with aversive properties through conditioning recruit distinct brain areas, and the rhinal cortex appears to be critical for storing context-, but not explicit cue-footshock, associations. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Rats with a bilateral neonatal ventral hippocampus lesion (NVHL) are used as models of neurobiological aspects of schizophrenia. In view of their decreased number of GABAergic interneurons, we hypothesized that they would show increased reactivity to acoustic stimuli. We systematically characterized the acoustic reactivity of NVHL rats and sham operated controls. They were behaviourally observed during a loud white noise. A first cohort of 7 months` old rats was studied. Then the observations were reproduced in a second cohort of the same age after characterizing the reactivity of the same rats to dopaminergic drugs. A third cohort of rats was studied at 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 months. In subsets of lesioned and control rats, inferior colliculus auditory evoked potentials were recorded. A significant proportion of rats (50-62%) showed aberrant audiogenic responses with explosive wild running resembling the initial phase of audiogenic seizures. This was not correlated with their well-known enhanced reactivity to dopaminergic drugs. The proportion of rats showing this strong reaction increased with rats` age. After the cessation of the noise, NVHL rats showed a long freezing period that did neither depend on the size of the lesion nor on the rats` age. The initial negative deflection of the auditory evoked potential was enhanced in the inferior colliculus of only NVHL rats that displayed wild running. Complementary anatomical investigations using X-ray scans in the living animal, and alizarin red staining of brain slices, revealed a thin layer of calcium deposit close to the medial geniculate nuclei in post-NVHL rats, raising the possibility that this may contribute to the hyper-reactivity to sounds seen in these animals. The findings of this study provide complementary information with potential relevance for the hyper-reactivity noted in patients with schizophrenia, and therefore a tool to investigate the underlying biology of this endophenotype. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Independent studies have shown that the median raphe nucleus (MRN) and dorsal hippocampus (DH) are involved in the expression of contextual conditioned fear (CFC). However, studies that examine the integrated involvement of serotonergic mechanisms of the MRN-DH are lacking. To address this issue, a CFC paradigm was used to test whether the serotonergic projections from the MRN to DH can influence CFC. Serotoninergic drugs were infused either into the MRN or DH prior to testing sessions in which freezing and startle responses were measured in the same context where 6 h previously rats received footshocks. A reduction of serotonin (5-HT) transmission in the MRN by local infusions of the 5-HT(1A) agonist 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)-tetralin (8-OH-DPAT) decreased freezing in response to the context but did not reduce fear-potentiated startle. This pattern of results is consistent with the hypothesis that MRN serotonergic mechanisms selectively modulate the freezing response to the aversive context. As for the DH, a decrease in postsynaptic 5-HT receptor activity at projection areas has been proposed to be the main consequence of 5-HT(1A) receptor activation in the MIRN. Intra-DH injections of 8-OH-DPAT inhibited both the freezing and fear-potentiated startle response to the context. To reconcile these findings, an inhibitory mechanism may exist between the incoming 5-HT pathway from the MRN to DH and the neurons of the DH output to other structures. The DH-amygdala or medial prefrontal cortex projections could well be this output circuit modulating the expression of CFC as revealed by measurements of Fos immunoreactivity in these areas. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Constructing a veridical spatial map by touch poses at least two problems for a perceptual system. First, as the hand is moved through space, the locations of features may be displaced if there is an uncorrected lag between the moment the hand encounters a feature and the time that feature is encoded on a spatial map. Second, due to the sequential nature of the process, some form of memory, which itself may be subject to spatial distortions, is required for integration of spatial samples. We investigated these issues using a task involving active haptic exploration with a stylus swept back and forth in the horizontal plane at the wrist. Remembered locations of tactile targets were shifted towards the medial axis of the forearm, suggesting a central tendency in haptic spatial memory, while evidence for a displacement of perceived locations in the direction of sweep motion was consistent with processing delays.