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The study aimed to elucidate electrophysiological and cortical mechanisms involved in anticipatory actions when healthy subjects had to catch balls in free drop; specifically through quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) alpha absolute power changes. Our hypothesis is that during the preparation of motor action (i.e., 2 s before ball`s drop) occurred integration among left medial frontal, left primary somatomotor and left posterior parietal cortices, showing a differentiated activity involving expectation, planning and preparedness. This hypothesis supports a lateralization of motor function. Although we contend that in right-handers the left hemisphere takes on a dominant role for the regulation of motor behavior. The sample was composed of 23 healthy subjects (13 male and 10 female), right handed, with ages varying between 25 and 40 years old (32.5 +/- 7.5), absence of mental and physical illness, right handed, and do not make use of any psychoactive or psychotropic substance at the time of the study. The experiment consisted of a task of catching balls in free drop. The three-way ANOVA analysis demonstrated an interaction between moment and position in left medial frontal cortex (F3 electrode), somatomotor cortex (C3 electrode) and posterior parietal cortex (P3 electrode: p < 0.001). Summarizing, through experimental task employed, it was possible to observe integration among frontal, central and parietal regions. This integration appears to be more predominant in expectation, planning and motor preparation. In this way, it established an absolute predominance of this mechanism under the left hemisphere. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective. The purpose of this series was to determine the frequency of abductor mechanism avulsion by sonography after total hip arthroplasty with the Hardinge approach (J Bone Joint Surg Br 1982; 64:17-19) and its relationship to the presence of insufficiency of this musculature in the postoperative period. Methods. Thirty-four consecutive patients were prospectively accessed in the postoperative period of hip arthroplasty by the Trendelenburg test, hip sonography, and abductor muscle electromyography. In patients who were found to have clinical insufficiency of the abductor musculature, we also measured the femoral offset in the preoperative and postoperative radiographs. Hip sonography was performed by an experienced musculoskeletal radiologist blinded to the other tests, and the tendons of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus were visualized on longitudinal and transverse sections with a 7- to 10-MHz linear transducer. Results. Eight patients presented clinical insufficiency of the abductor musculature as detected by the Trendelenburg test. Four of these 8 patients with abductor insufficiency presented tendinous avulsion detected by sonography. One of the 4 patients with abductor insufficiency and normal sonographic findings had a decrease in the femoral offset caused by the arthroplasty itself. Two patients presented electromyographic changes of the abductor musculature, with no tendinous avulsion detected by sonography and no abductor insufficiency. Conclusions. We concluded that in patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty by the Hardinge approach in whom insufficiency of the abductor musculature develops, sonography is an interesting method of investigation because it identified the cause of this problem in most of our patients.
Secondary hyperparathyroidism is a common complication in uremic patients. Total parathyroidectomy combined with partial autotransplantation into brachioradialis muscle has been the preference among the options for surgical treatment. This study was designed to evaluate the reserve and ability of suppression of autotransplanted parathyroid tissue using dynamics tests. We studied, prospectively, 12 patients in recent (RP) and late (LP) postoperative of total parathyroidectomy with autotransplantation. For analysis of the secretory reserve capacity, we induced hypocalcemia by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) infusion. Furthermore, for analysis of the ability for parathyroid hormone (PTH) suppression, the hypercalcemia test was used, by intravenous administration of calcium in LP. In RP, there was a decrease in the average serum levels of PTH, phosphorus, and alkaline phosphatase, which ranged from 13 to 231 (87 +/- A 65) pg/ml, 2.3 to 6.2 (3.3 +/- A 1.1) mg/dl, and 77 to 504 (250 +/- A 135) U/L, respectively, similar to that observed in LP. The analysis of the average curve of variations in PTH during testing of the stimulus with EDTA showed lack of secretion in RP and partial response in LP. Impaired suppression ability of the graft in LP was observed in the test with intravenous calcium. Total parathyroidectomy followed by partial autotransplantation was effective in reducing PTH serum levels in patients with terminal kidney disease. The elevation of serum calcium during the suppression test was not able to inhibit the autograft gland secretion of PTH. The assessment of parathyroid graft function demonstrated an inability to respond to the stimulus of hypocalcemia induced by EDTA, although there was a partial recovery, in late postoperative period.
Objectives The aim was to test the potential use of an extract of Mikania laevigata (popularly known in Brazil as guaco), made from leaves harvested in different months of the year, oil neutrophil migration after all inflammatory Stimulus and investigate the underlying molecular mechanisms. Methods We examined the effect of guaco on vascular permeability and leucocyte function in carrageenan-induced peritonitis in mice. Key findings Our results demonstrated that guaco extract administered subcutaneously (3 mg/kg) decreased the vascular permeability and also leucocyte rolling and adhesion to the inflamed tissues by a mechanism dependent on nitric oxide. Specifically, inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase remarkably abrogated the guaco extract-mediated suppression of neutrophil migration to the inflammatory site. In addition, guaco extract-mediated suppression of neutrophil migration appeared to be dependent on the production of the cytokines interleukin-1 beta and tumour necrosis factor-alpha. One of the major constituents of the guaco extract, coumarin, was able to inhibit the neutrophil migration towards the inflammatory focus. Conclusions In conclusion the anti-inflammatory effect induced by guaco extract may be by inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokine production at the inflammatory site.
Enhanced sympathetic outflow to the heart and resistance vessels greatly contributes to the onset and maintenance of neurogenic hypertension. There is a consensus that the development of hypertension (clinical and experimental) is associated with an impairment of sympathetic reflex control by arterial baroreceptors. More recently, chronic peripheral chemoreflex activation, as observed in obstructive sleep apnea, has been proposed as another important risk factor for hypertension. In this review, we present and discuss recent experimental evidence showing that changes in the respiratory pattern, elicited by chronic intermittent hypoxia, play a key role in increasing sympathetic activity and arterial pressure in rats. This concept parallels results observed in other models of neurogenic hypertension, such as spontaneously hypertensive rats and rats with angiotensin II-salt-induced hypertension, pointing out alterations in the central coupling of respiratory and sympathetic activities as a novel mechanism underlying the development of neurogenic hypertension.
Objective To evaluate the influence of oral contraceptives (OCs) containing 20 mu mu g ethinylestradiol (EE) and 150 mu mu g gestodene (GEST) on the autonomic modulation of heart rate (HR) in women. Methods One-hundred and fifty-five women aged 24 +/-+/- 2 years were divided into four groups according to their physical activity and the use or not of an OC: active-OC, active-non-OC (NOC), sedentary-OC, and sedentary-NOC. The heart rate was registered in real time based on the electrocardiogram signal for 15 minutes, in the supine-position. The heart rate variability (HRV) was analysed using Shannon`s entropy (SE), conditional entropy (complexity index [CInd] and normalised CInd [NCI]), and symbolic analysis (0V%, 1V%, 2LV%, and 2ULV%). For statistical analysis the Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn post hoc and the Wilcoxon test (p < 0.05 was considered significant) were applied. Results Treatment with this COC caused no significant changes in SE, CInd, NCI, or symbolic analysis in either active or sedentary groups. Active groups presented higher values for SE and 2ULV%, and lower values for 0V% when compared to sedentary groups (p < 0.05). Conclusion HRV patterns differed depending on life style; the non-linear method applied was highly reliable for identifying these changes. The use of OCs containing 20 mu mu g EE and 150 mu mu g GEST does not influence HR autonomic modulation.
Evidence from our laboratory has shown alterations in myocardial structure in severe sepsis/septic shock. The morphological alterations are heralded by sarcolemmal damage, characterized by increased plasma membrane permeability caused by oxidative damage to lipids and proteins. The critical importance of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC) in maintaining sarcolemmal stability led us to hypothesize that loss of dystrophin and associated glycoproteins could be involved in early increased sarcolemmal permeability in experimentally induced septic cardiomyopathy. Male C57Bl/6 mice were subjected to sham operation and moderate (MSI) or severe (SSI) septic injury induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). Using western blot and immunofluorescence, a downregulation of dystrophin and beta-dystroglycan expression in both severe and moderate injury could be observed in septic hearts. The immunofluorescent and protein amount expressions of laminin-alpha 2 were similar in SSI and sham-operated hearts. Consonantly, the evaluation of plasma membrane permeability by intracellular albumin staining provided evidence of severe injury of the sarcolemma in SSI hearts, whereas antioxidant treatment significantly attenuated the loss of sarcolemmal dystrophin expression and the increased membrane permeability. This study offers novel and mechanistic data to clarify subcellular events in the pathogenesis of cardiac dysfunction in severe sepsis. The main finding was that severe sepsis leads to a marked reduction in membrane localization of dystrophin and beta-dystroglycan in septic cardiomyocytes, a process that may constitute a structural basis of sepsis-induced cardiac depression. In addition, increased sarcolemmal permeability suggests functional impairment of the DGC complex in cardiac myofibers. In vivo observation that antioxidant treatment significantly abrogated the loss of dystrophin expression and plasma membrane increased permeability supports the hypothesis that oxidative damage may mediate the loss of dystrophin and beta-dystroglycan in septic mice. These abnormal parameters emerge as therapeutic targets and their modulation may provide beneficial effects on future cardiovascular outcomes and mortality in sepsis. Laboratory Investigation (2010) 90, 531-542; doi: 10.1038/labinvest.2010.3; published online 8 February 2010
Objective. The objective of this study was to investigate the mediators and the resident peritoneal cells involved in the neutrophil migration (NM) induced by mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) in mice. Study design. MTA (25 mg/cavity) was injected into normal and pretreated peritoneal cavities (PC) with indomethacin (IND), dexamethasone (DEX), BWA4C, U75302, antimacrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2), and anti-interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) antibodies and the NM was determined. The role of macrophage (MO) and mast cells (MAST) was determined by administration of thioglycollate 3% or 48/80 compound, respectively. The concentration of IL-1 beta and MIP-2 exudates was measured by ELISA. Results. MTA induced dose-and time-dependent NM into mice PC, with the participation of MO and MAST. NM was inhibited by DEX, BWA4C, and U75302, as well as anti-MIP-2 and anti-IL-1 beta antibodies. In the exudates, IL-1 beta and MIP-2 were detected. Conclusions. This study suggests that MTA induces NM via a mechanism dependent on MAST and MO mediated by IL-1 beta, MIP-2, and LTB(4).