999 resultados para Mean values


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PurposeUltrasonographic evaluation of the eye is a relatively recent addition to routine ophthalmic diagnostics in small animal ophthalmology. Some parameters for ophthalmic biometry have been established. There are few studies in clinical avian ophthalmology that describe ultrasound images of eye in some nocturnal avian species and in other birds that do not belong to the Brazilian fauna, but the psittacine family is not represented. The purpose of this study was to describe the following measurements: the distances between cornea and anterior lens capsule (D1) between the anterior and posterior lens capsule (D2), between posterior lens capsule and optic papilla (D3) and the axial length.MethodSixty four transpalpebral ocular ultrasound examinations were performed on 32 Blue fronted Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva) with no history of previous ophthalmic disease.Result and DiscussionThe measurements were taken in sagital planes using a 10 MHz linear probe without a standoff pad. The mean values for the left eye were; D1 0.17 +/- 0.03 cm, D2 0.35 +/- 0.02 cm, D3 0.73 +/- 0.04 cm and the axial length 1.26 +/- 0.06 cm. In the right eye D1 0.17 +/- 0.02 cm, D2 0.34 +/- 0.02 cm, D3 0.74 +/- 0.03 cm and the axial length 1.25 +/- 0.05 cm. No significant statistical difference was observed among the birds or between the left and right eye. The description of these parameters will allow the veterinary practitioner to evaluate the structural changes that specific diseases may cause in these animals.


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Knowledge of genetic parameters is essential for improved reproductive management and increased yield. Quantitative analysis of genetic parameters is lacking for many breeds of buffaloes. This article provides the first estimate of genetic parameters for dual purpose (meat and milk) Brazilian Jaffarabadi buffaloes, using Bayesian inference. Data on milk yield (MY), lactation length (LL), weight at 205 days (W205) and 365 (W365) days of age, and average daily gain (ADG) from 205 to 365 days of age were collected in two herds. Bivariate analyses (using the program MTGSAM) were performed with the Gibbs sampler to obtain estimates of variance and covariance. Average lactation milk yield and lactation length were 1 620.2 +/- 450.9 kg and 257.6 +/- 46.8 days, respectively, and the mean values for weight traits (kg) were 181.6 +/- 63.3 (W205), 298.04 +/- 116.1 (W365), and 0.73 +/- 0.35 (ADG). Heritability estimates (modes) were 0.16 for MY, 0.10 for LL, 0.43 for W205, 0.48 for W365 and 0.32 for ADG. There was a high genetic correlation (0.96) between milk yield and lactation length and very high genetic correlations (0.99) between the three growth traits. Our data suggest that both milk production and growth traits have clear potential for yield improvement through direct selection in this dual purpose breed. The selection for weight at an early age would be successful and selection for MY can be performed in the first lactation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the periodontal conditions of removable partial denture (RPD) wearers, comparing direct and indirect abutment teeth, and the teeth not involved in the denture design before denture placement and 1 year later. Fifty patients (32 women and 18 men), average age 45, were assessed by the same examiner at the moment of denture insertion and 3, 6, 9 and 12 months later. The following items were verified in each assessment: probing depth (PD), plaque index (PI) and gingival index (GI). PD and PI data were evaluated by ANOVA test for linear trend followed by Tukey-Kramer post-test, while GI data were analysed by Friedman's test. Results showed that the teeth not involved in the denture design were the least affected for all variables studied. It was also verified that PD and GI mean values increased from the initial assessment to 1 year of RPD wearing in every group, but that only PI showed a significant increase. This study indicated that direct and indirect retainer elements tend to undergo more damaging periodontal effects associated with RPD wearing when compared with non-abutment elements. Plaque index values were significantly higher after 1 year of denture use.


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Colour preference of individual juvenile rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss was tested at 1 and 12 degrees C, and also at 12 degrees C after a 42 day growth experiment under white, blue, green, yellow or red ambient colour. All experiments were carried out under controlled laboratory conditions and the preference was assessed by the location of the fish in a preference tank with four chambers. Rainbow trout showed a preference for blue and green at 1 degrees C and for green at 12 degrees C. After the growth experiment the fish reared in blue tanks preferred blue and green but green was the most preferred colour for the fish reared in green, yellow and red tanks. Yellow and especially red chambers were avoided, irrespective of the ambient colour during the growth trial. The final mass of fish reared in the red aquaria was significantly smaller than that of the fish in green tanks. In addition, when the data of the preference tests were correlated with the data of the growth experiment using mean values of the four tested colours, a very good linear relationship was observed between the preference (i.e. visit frequency in coloured compartments) and growth rate as well as food intake. When considering the results both from the preference and growth trials it is suggested that green is the best environmental colour for rearing juvenile rainbow trout while rearing in a red environment cannot be recommended. (c) 2008 The Authors Journal compilation (c) 2008 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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Few studies dealing with effort intensity during swimming exercise in rats have been reported in the literature. Recently, with the use of the lactate minimum test (LMT), our group estimated the minimum blood lactate (MBL) of rats during swimming exercises. This information allowed accurate evaluation of the effort intensity developed by rats during swimming exercise. The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of swimming exercise sessions in below, equivalent and above intensities to MBL, on protein metabolism of rats. Adult (90 days) sedentary male Wistar rats were used in the present study. Mean values of MBL, in the present study, were obtained at blood concentration of 6.7 +/- 0.4 mmol/L with a load of 5% bw. The animals were sacrificed at rest (R) or immediately after a single swimming session (30 min) supporting loads below (3.5% bw), equivalent (5.0% bw) and high load (6.5% bw) to AT. Blood samples were collected each 5 min of exercise for lactate determination. Soleus muscle protein synthesis (amount of L-[C-14] fenil alanyn incorporation to protein) and breakdown (tyrosin release) rates were evaluated. Blood lactate concentrations (mmol/L) stabilized with the below (5.4 +/- 0.01) and equivalent (6.4 +/- 0.006) to MBL but increased, progressively, with the high load. There were no differences in protein synthesis (pmol/mg.h) among rest values (65.2 +/- 3.4) and after-exercise supporting the loads below (61.5 +/- 1.3) and the equivalent (60.7+/-1.7) to MBL but there was a decrease with the high load (36.6+/-2.0). Protein breakdown rates (pmol/g.h) increase after exercise supporting the loads below (227.0 +/- 6.1), equivalent (227.9 +/- 6.0) and high (363.6 +/- 7.1) to MBL in relation to the rest (214.3 +/- 6.0). The results indicate the viability of the application of LMT in studies with rats since it detected alterations imposed by exercise.


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Aim: To validate the platform switching concept at oral implants with respect to the preservation of the alveolar crestal bone levels in an animal model. Material & methods: Five minipigs received three implants each with a 0.25mm implant/ abutment mismatch and were placed flush (T(0)), 1 mm below (T(1)) and 1 mm above (T(+1)) the alveolar bony crest, and as a control, one conventionally restored implant placed at the bone level. The implants were randomly inserted flapless into the mandible. Four months after implant insertion, the animals were sacrificed, and undecalcified block sections were obtained and used for histological analyses. Results: The mean values for peri- implant bone resorption were 1.09 +/- 0.59mm (Control), 0.51 (+/- 0.27 mm, T(0)), 0.50 (+/- 0.46 mm, T(1)) and 1.30 (+/- 0.21 mm, T (+1)), respectively. Statistically significant differences (P< 0.05) were found among the test (T(0), T(-1)) and the control sites. Control implants presented an average biologic width length of 3.20mm (+/- 0.33), with a connective tissue adaptation compartment of 1.29mm (+/- 0.53) and an epithelial attachment of 1.91 mm (+/- 0.71). T(0), T(1) and T(+1) implants presented with a mean biologic width of 1.97mm (+/- 1.20), 2.70 mm (+/- 1.36) and 2.84mm (+/- 0.90), respectively, with a connective tissue adaptation compartment of 1.21mm (+/- 0.97), 1.21 mm (+/- 0.65) and 1.50 mm (+/- 0.70) and an epithelial attachment of 0.84 mm (+/- 0.93), 1.66 mm (+/- 0.88) and 1.35 mm (+/- 0.44), respectively. Differences between the configurations were mainly associated with the length of the epithelial attachment. The epithelial attachment was significantly longer in the C sites than in T(0) (P = 0.014). However, no other differences between configurations were detected. Conclusion: If the implants are positioned at the level of the alveolar bony crest, the platform switching concept may have a minor impact on the length of the epithelial attachment (0.84 vs. 1.91 mm), while the connective tissue adaptation compartment remains relatively unaffected. Moreover, platform switching resulted in less resorption of the alveolar crest (0.58 mm).


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A preliminary study of precipitable water over Brazil is attempted. Mean values for January are presented in this paper. A regression equation connecting the surface dew-point temperature and the precipitable water was computed along the lines of studies made by Reitan (1963), and the results are presented. © 1979 Birkhäuser Verlag.


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This paper deals with an integrated study concerning the evaluation of the coal deposit at Cerquilho (Sao Paulo State) in the upper part of the Tubarao Group. Palaeogeographical studies from other authors describe the genesis of these deposits as a deltaic system overlapped by a marine transgressive sequence. The study applied four methods for ore reserve estimation (isolines, blocks, polygones and triangles), besides statistical and geostatistical methodology. The technological characterization assays suggest the application for the coal in cement and ceramics industries. The applied methodology showed reserves estimated around 1 400 000 ton. The isolines method tend to underestimate the amount of coal, on the other hand, the kriging method shows a tendency to overestimate the results. The data from the polygonal method are closest to mean values. For the thickness estimation the results close to the mean values are those from the isolines. -after English summary


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With the help of orthopantomograms we analyse the tooth development beside body weight and height from Brazilian healthy boys and girls. So, their dental age were compared to their chronological age. The results of this investigation, according to the methodology employed, indicated that: 1. girls showed accelerated formation of permanent teeth and mean values of dental age higher than boys; 2. the mean values of dental age in girls were higher than their chronological age in all groups; 3. the teeth development stages were appropriate in assessment of the degree of physiological maturity of a growing child.


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Channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, fingerlings (mean length: 4.0±0.5 cm) were stocked into sixteen 16-m2 tanks with cement walls and earth bottoms. Four stocking densities were used: 10, 15, 20, and 25 fish/m2. Fish were fed a prepared diet containing 36% protein according to a fish size/water temperature-dependant chart for 120 days. Fish were stocked on January 20, 1992. Average water temperature varied from 19.7°C to 28.5°C. Final mean values of individual fish length and weight were significantly higher (P < 0.05) for the density of 10 fish/m2 and averaged 19.4±2.6 cm and 70.0±16.9 g, respectively. Food conversion ratio was significantly higher (P < 0.05) for fish stocked at rate of 25 fish/m2. Survival rates averaged 91.4%, with no significant differences (P > 0.05) found among treatments. These results demonstrate the viability of channel catfish fingerling growth in southern Brazil.


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Background and Objectives - Ropivacaine - a local amino amide anesthetic agent - is a plain S enantiomer which makes it a potent and low toxicity drug. The aim of our study was to evaluate 1% ropivacaine for epidural block in lower doses than those described in the literature. Methods - Thirty-eight patients, physical status ASA I and II, aged 15 to 70 years, weighing 50 to 100 kg were selected. Premedication consisted of 15 mg oral midazolam given 60 min before anesthesia induction. In the OR, after standard monitoring a catheter was inserted intravenously to administer 10 ml.kg-1 Ringers lactate solution. Epidural puncture was performed with the patient in the sitting position and 1% ropivacaine was administered in a volume corresponding to 10% of patient's height in centimeters. With the patient in the supine position, motor blockade intensity, temperature sensitivity and sensory block extension at 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes after drug injection were evaluated. Blood pressure, heart rate and adverse side effects during the course of anesthesia and in the post-anesthetic period were also observed. In the recovery room patients were followed-up until motor blockade intensity temperature sensitivity and sensory block had returned to level L2. Results - Mean values were 41.4 years of age, 68.8 kg of body weight and 165 cm height. Upper thermal blockade level was T4 and upper sensory block level was T6. Most patients showed motor block level 1 (Bromage scale) after 30 minutes of observation. Motor block mean duration was 254 minutes and temperature sensitivity 426 minutes. Only three patients had complications: two cases of hypotension and one of bradycardia. Conclusions - In the volumes used in this study, ropivacaine produced adequate analgesia and a less intense lower limb motor block which, however, was sufficient to allow for surgical procedures with low incidence of side-effects.


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In this work, the chemical structure, the microstructure and the surface morphology of two non-ferrous materials used in dental implants (Ti-6Al-4V and Co-Cr-Mo) were studied. This was done by chemical analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy disperse spectroscopy (EDS), and strength measurements (HV). Metallographic studies reveal that titanium alloy surface present a fine granular binary phase structure, while cobalt alloy present cast dendrite structures with an intense precipitation of carbides. To correlate the macro and microstructure with the mechanical behavior of the material, microhardness measurements were performed. Using the Vickers hardening method, the Ti-6Al-4V alloy yielded strength mean values smaller than the Co-Cr-Mo alloy. Their values are associated to the chemical composition and to the microstructural distribution of these materials. The Ti-6Al-4V alloy presents hardness similar to dental enamel, which suggests better performance as dental implant.


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This work deals with the Priestley-Taylor model for evapotranspiration in different grown stages of a bean crop. Priestley and Taylor derived a practical formulation for energy partitioning between the sensible and latent heat fluxes through the α parameter. Bowen ratio energy balance (BREB) was carried out for daily sensible and latent heat flux estimations in three different crop stages. Mean daily values of Priestley-Taylor α parameter were determined for eleven days during the crop cycle. Diurnal variation patterns of α are presented for the growing, flowering and graining periods. The mean values of 1.13 ± 0.33, 1.26 ± 0.74, 1.22 ± 0.55 were obtained for a day in the growing, in the flowering and for graining periods, respectively. Eleven days values of α are shown and gave a mean value of 1.23 ± 0.10 which agree on the reported literature.


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The Abbott Cell-Dyn 3000 automated hematological analyzer prepares a histogram of platelet volume, which is measured by a technique using electrical impedance, inferring from its platelet count (PLT), mean platelet volume (MPV) and platelet distribution width (PDW). This equipment also calculates the plateletcrit (PCT). These platelet parameters may be important to evaluate platelet function, but they require standardization, because platelets swell when in contact with ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid salts, hence an increase in blood sample storage time produces artificially increased results. To assess the effect of storage time on MPV, PLT, PDW and PCT, blood samples from 23 sickle cell anemia patients during steady state (Group I) and 50 from healthy controls (Group II) were placed in Vacutainer® tubes with dipotassium ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid and measured over a period of 1440 minutes (24 h) at the following times: immediately after the venipuncture (time 0), 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 360, 480 and 1440 minutes. The mean values of MPV and PCT were significantly increased (p<0.00001) along the storage time in both groups. The mean values of PLT and PDW were practically stable (p>0.05) throughout the storage time in both groups.