932 resultados para Marcantonio, Angela: The Uralic language family: facts, myths and statistics
This study analyzed the relationship of family support systems and adolescent pregnancy outcomes. The population for the study was 390 adolescents who had attended the Marion County Health Department Adolescent Family Life Project in Indianapolis, Indiana during a two-year period.^ The study is unique in that it afforded the opportunity to compare adolescent pregnancy-related characteristics, of white and non-white adolescents in the same study.^ The pregnancy outcomes studied were: Infant birthweight, school attendance, and pregnancy recidivism.^ Significant results were found in the analysis that supported other research in regard to factors that are associated with school attendance when family support, adolescent's age, and ethnicity were controlled. Infant birthweight and repeat pregnancy outcome relationships were not found to have any consistently significant relationship with independent variables anticipated to be associated. However, the comparisons of infant birthweight among the adolescents with, and without, family support, by ethnicity resulted in some interesting findings. Repeat pregnancy proved an enigma, in that there seemed to be almost no variables in this study that were associated with the adolescent having a repeat pregnancy.^ Familial support in this study seemed to be of less importance as a factor in adolescent pregnancy outcomes than was ethnicity. The non-white adolescents in this study had a better record for remaining in school, both those non-white adolescents who lived with parents, and those who did not live with parents. More low birthweight occurred in the non-white adolescent, both those adolescents who lived with parents, and those who did not live with parents. Repeat pregnancy occurred more in the non-white adolescent whether she lived with parents, or did not live with parents. ^
A clone of the primary Eco R1 family of human DNA sequences has been used as an indicator sequence for detecting alterations induced by a toxic agent. Specific clones of this family have been examined and compared to the consensus sequence to determine the normal variability of this family. Though variations were observed, data indicated that such clones can be used to study induced DNA modifications. This DNA was exposed to the toxic agent dimethyl sulfate under various conditions and a distinct pattern of aberrations was shown to occur. It is suggested that this approach be used to characterize patterns of damage induced by various agents in the ultimate development of a system capable of monitoring human genotoxic exposure. ^
Twenty-three abusing couples were compared with a matched group of 23 non-abusing couples in terms of stress levels and family environment factors (cohesion, expressiveness, conflict, independence, achievement orientation, organization, control) which might mediate the response of abuse to stress. Parents who had physically abused their children were found to have significantly greater stress, conflict, and control and a significantly lower level of cohesion, independence, and achievement orientation than non-abusing parents. However, none of the mediating effects of the family environment factors reached the level of significance. ^
The American Thyroid Association recently classified all MEN2A-associated codons into increasing risk levels A-C and stated that some patients may delay prophylactic thyroidectomy if certain criteria are met. One criterion is a less aggressive family history of MTC but whether families with the same mutated codon have variable MTC aggressiveness is not well described. We developed several novel measures of MTC aggressiveness and compared families with the same mutated codon to determine if there is significant inter-familial variability. Pedigrees of families with MEN2A were reviewed for codon mutated and proportion of RET mutation carriers with MTC. Individuals with MTC were classified as having local or distant MTC and whether they had progressive MTC. MTC status and age were assessed at diagnosis and most advanced MTC stage. For those without MTC, age was recorded at prophylactic thyroidectomy or last follow-up if the patient did not have a thyroidectomy. For each pedigree, the mean age of members without MTC, with MTC, and the proportion of RET mutation carriers with local or distant and progressive MTC were calculated. We assessed differences in these variables using ANOVA and the Fisher’s exact test. Sufficient data for analysis were available for families with mutated codons 609 (92 patients from 13 families), 618 (41 patients from 7 families), and 634 (152 patients from 13 families). The only significant differences found were the mean age of patients without MTC between families with codon 609 and 618 mutations even after accounting for prophylactic thyroidectomy (p=0.006 and 0.001, respectively), and in the mean age of MTC diagnosis between families with codon 618 and 634 mutations even after accounting for symptomatic presentation (p=0.023 and 0.014, respectively). However, these differences may be explained by generational differences in ascertainment of RET carriers and the availability of genetic testing when the proband initially presented.
Este artículo analiza la importancia de integrar la cultura de la lengua meta con las cuatro destrezas lingüísticas tradicionales en la clase de inglés como lengua extranjera en el marco de dos posturas pedagógicas que integran las destrezas lingüísticas: una perspectiva que hace hincapié en el contenido del material auténtico a incorporar en la clase de inglés como lengua extranjera por sobre el sistema lingüístico, y la otra perspectiva que parte de la asignación de tareas que integran contenido de la materia a estudiar con las destrezas lingüísticas propiamente dichas. El artículo también destaca la importancia de las denominadas WebQuests como herramientas pedagógicas que ofrecen invalorables oportunidades para desarrollar las destrezas lingüísticas en un ambiente propicio que promociona el aprendizaje cooperativo y autónomo en la clase de inglés como lengua extranjera.
Production networks have been extensively developed in the Asia-Pacific region. This paper employs two micro-level approaches, case studies and econometric analysis, using JETRO's firm surveys which investigate Japanese affiliates operating in Southeast Asia. These two approaches found that production networks have extended, involving suppliers, across various nations in the Asia-Pacific region, and that production bases in host and home countries have different roles. A home country serves as a headquarters with services such as R&D, international marketing, and financing. A high tariff policy in a host country may foster domestic industries through the expansion of procurement from domestic suppliers, either indigenous or foreign, but it may discourage a country from becoming an export platform.
Synapsins are a family of neuron-specific synaptic vesicle-associated phosphoproteins that have been implicated in synaptogenesis and in the modulation of neurotransmitter release. In mammals, distinct genes for synapsins I and II have been identified, each of which gives rise to two alternatively spliced isoforms. We have now cloned and characterized a third member of the synapsin gene family, synapsin III, from human DNA. Synapsin III gives rise to at least one protein isoform, designated synapsin IIIa, in several mammalian species. Synapsin IIIa is associated with synaptic vesicles, and its expression appears to be neuron-specific. The primary structure of synapsin IIIa conforms to the domain model previously described for the synapsin family, with domains A, C, and E exhibiting the highest degree of conservation. Synapsin IIIa contains a novel domain, termed domain J, located between domains C and E. The similarities among synapsins I, II, and III in domain organization, neuron-specific expression, and subcellular localization suggest a possible role for synapsin III in the regulation of neurotransmitter release and synaptogenesis. The human synapsin III gene is located on chromosome 22q12–13, which has been identified as a possible schizophrenia susceptibility locus. On the basis of this localization and the well established neurobiological roles of the synapsins, synapsin III represents a candidate gene for schizophrenia.
We describe a gene from Drosophila melanogaster related to the alpha-amylase gene Amy. This gene, which exists as a single copy, was named Amyrel. It is strikingly divergent from Amy because the amino acid divergence is 40%. The coding sequence is interrupted by a short intron at position 655, which is unusual in amylase genes. Amyrel has also been cloned in Drosophila ananassae, Drosophila pseudoobscura, and Drosophila subobscura and is likely to be present throughout the Sophophora subgenus, but, to our knowledge, it has not been detected outside. Unexpectedly, there is a strong conservation of 5′ and 3′ flanking regions between Amyrel genes from different species, which is not the case for Amy and which suggests that selection acts on these regions. In contrast to the Amy genes, Amyrel is transcribed in larvae of D. melanogaster but not in adults. However, the protein has not been detected yet. Amyrel evolves about twice as fast as Amy in the several species studied. We suggest that this gene could result from a duplication of Amy followed by accelerated and selected divergence toward a new adaptation.
Signal transduction through the leukocyte integrins is required for the processes of firm adhesion, activation, and chemotaxis of neutrophils during inflammatory reactions. Neutrophils isolated from knockout mice that are deficient in the expression of p59/61hck (Hck) and p58c-fgr (Fgr), members of the Src-family of protein tyrosine kinases, have been shown to be defective in adhesion mediated activation. Cells from these animals have impaired induction of respiratory burst and granule secretion following plating on surfaces that crosslink β2 and β3 integrins. To determine if the defective function of hck−/−fgr−/− neutrophils observed in vitro also results in impaired inflammatory responses in vivo, we examined responses induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injection in these animals. The hck−/−fgr−/− mice showed marked resistance to the lethal effects of high-dose LPS injection despite the fact that high levels of serum tumor necrosis factor α and interleukin 1α were detected. Serum chemistry analysis revealed a marked reduction in liver and renal damage in mutant mice treated with LPS, whereas blood counts showed a marked neutrophilia that was not seen in wild-type animals. Direct examination of liver sections from mutant mice revealed reduced neutrophil migration into the tissue. These data demonstrate that defective integrin signaling in neutrophils, caused by loss of Hck and Fgr tyrosine kinase activity, results in impaired inflammation-dependent tissue injury in vivo.
Myosin I heavy chain kinase from Acanthamoeba castellanii is activated in vitro by autophosphorylation (8–10 mol of P per mol). The catalytically active C-terminal domain produced by trypsin cleavage of the phosphorylated kinase contains 2–3 mol of P per mol. However, the catalytic domain expressed in a baculovirus–insect cell system is fully active as isolated without autophosphorylation in vitro. We now show that the expressed catalytic domain is inactivated by incubation with acid phosphatase and regains activity upon autophosphorylation. The state of phosphorylation of all of the hydroxyamino acids in the catalytic domain were determined by mass spectrometry of unfractionated protease digests. Ser-627 was phosphorylated in the active, expressed catalytic domain, lost its phosphate when the protein was incubated with phosphatase, and was rephosphorylated when the dephosphorylated protein was incubated with ATP. No other residue was significantly phosphorylated in any of the three samples. Thus, phosphorylation of Ser-627, which is in the same position as the Ser and Thr residues that are phosphorylated in many other kinases, is necessary and sufficient for full activity of the catalytic domain. Ser-627 is also phosphorylated when full-length, native kinase is activated by autophosphorylation.
We prove the Regulat or Stochastic Conjecture for the real quadratic family which asserts that almost every real quadratic map Pc, c ∈ [−2, 1/4], has either an attracting cycle or an absolutely continuous invariant measure.
Neuronal and glial glutamate transporters remove the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate from the synaptic cleft. The proteins belong to a large family of secondary transporters, which includes bacterial glutamate transporters. The C-terminal half of the glutamate transporters is well conserved and thought to contain the translocation path and the binding sites for substrate and coupling ions. A serine-rich sequence motif in this part of the proteins is located in a putative intracellular loop. Cysteine-scanning mutagenesis was applied to this loop in the glutamate transporter GltT of Bacillus stearothermophilus. The loop was found to be largely intracellular, but three consecutive positions in the conserved serine-rich motif (S269, S270, and E271) are accessible from both sides of the membrane. Single-cysteine mutants in the serine-rich motif were still capable of glutamate transport, but modification with N-ethylmaleimide blocked the transport activity in six mutants (T267C, A268C, S269C, S270C, E271C, and T272C). Two milimolars l-glutamate effectively protected against the modification of the cysteines at position 269–271 from the periplasmic side of the membrane but was unable to protect cysteine modification from the cytoplasmic side of the membrane. The results indicate that the conserved serine-rich motif in the glutamate transporter forms a reentrant loop, a structure that is found in several ion channels but is unusual for transporter proteins. The reentrant loop is of crucial importance for the function of the glutamate transporter.
We have previously identified a cellular protein kinase activity termed TAK that specifically associates with the HIV types 1 and 2 Tat proteins. TAK hyperphosphorylates the carboxyl-terminal domain of the large subunit of RNA polymerase II in vitro in a manner believed to activate transcription [Herrmann, C. H. & Rice, A. P. (1995) J. Virol. 69, 1612–1620]. We show here that the catalytic subunit of TAK is a known human kinase previously named PITALRE, which is a member of the cyclin-dependent family of proteins. We also show that TAK activity is elevated upon activation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and peripheral blood lymphocytes and upon differentiation of U1 and U937 promonocytic cell lines to macrophages. Therefore, in HIV-infected individuals TAK may be induced in T cells following activation and in macrophages following differentiation, thus contributing to high levels of viral transcription and the escape from latency of transcriptionally silent proviruses.