936 resultados para MODEL ANALYSIS
It is of major importance to consider non-ideal energy sources in engineering problems. They act on an oscillating system and at the same time experience a reciprocal action from the system. Here, a non-ideal system is studied. In this system, the interaction between source energy and motion is accomplished through a special kind of friction. Results about the stability and instability of the equilibrium point of this system are obtained. Moreover, its bifurcation curves are determined. Hopf bifurcations are found in the set of parameters of the oscillating system.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The objective of this work was to evaluate the Nelore beef cattle, growth curve parameters using the Von Bertalanffy function in a nested Bayesian procedure that allowed estimation of the joint posterior distribution of growth curve parameters, their (co)variance components, and the environmental and additive genetic components affecting them. A hierarchical model was applied; each individual had a growth trajectory described by the nonlinear function, and each parameter of this function was considered to be affected by genetic and environmental effects that were described by an animal model. Random samples of the posterior distributions were drawn using Gibbs sampling and Metropolis-Hastings algorithms. The data set consisted of a total of 145,961 BW recorded from 15,386 animals. Even though the curve parameters were estimated for animals with few records, given that the information from related animals and the structure of systematic effects were considered in the curve fitting, all mature BW predicted were suitable. A large additive genetic variance for mature BW was observed. The parameter a of growth curves, which represents asymptotic adult BW, could be used as a selection criterion to control increases in adult BW when selecting for growth rate. The effect of maternal environment on growth was carried through to maturity and should be considered when evaluating adult BW. Other growth curve parameters showed small additive genetic and maternal effects. Mature BW and parameter k, related to the slope of the curve, presented a large, positive genetic correlation. The results indicated that selection for growth rate would increase adult BW without substantially changing the shape of the growth curve. Selection to change the slope of the growth curve without modifying adult BW would be inefficient because their genetic correlation is large. However, adult BW could be considered in a selection index with its corresponding economic weight to improve the overall efficiency of beef cattle production.
This work presents a methodology for elastic-plastic fracture reliability analysis of plane and axisymmetric structures. The structural reliability analysis is accomplished by means of the FORM analytical method. The virtual crack extension technique based on a direct minimization of potencial energy is utililized for the calculation of the energy release rate. Results are presented to illustrate the performance of the adopted methodology.
The usefulness of the application of heuristic algorithms in the transportation model, first proposed by Garver, is analysed in relation to planning for the expansion of transmission systems. The formulation of the mathematical model and the solution techniques proposed in the specialised literature are analysed in detail. Starting with the constructive heuristic algorithm proposed by Garver, an extension is made to the problem of multistage planning for transmission systems. The quality of the solutions found by heuristic algorithms for the transportation model is analysed, as are applications in problems of planning transmission systems.
This work is related with the proposition of a so-called regular or convex solver potential to be used in numerical simulations involving a certain class of constitutive elastic-damage models. All the mathematical aspects involved are based on convex analysis, which is employed aiming a consistent variational formulation of the potential and its conjugate one. It is shown that the constitutive relations for the class of damage models here considered can be derived from the solver potentials by means of sub-differentials sets. The optimality conditions of the resulting minimisation problem represent in particular a linear complementarity problem. Finally, a simple example is present in order to illustrate the possible integration errors that can be generated when finite step analysis is performed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we analyze the rural-urban migration phenomenon as it is usually observed in economies which are in the early stages of industrialization. The analysis is conducted by means of a statistical mechanics approach which builds a computational agent-based model. Agents are placed on a lattice and the connections among them are described via an Ising-like model. Simulations on this computational model show some emergent properties that are common in developing economies, such as a transitional dynamics characterized by continuous growth of urban population, followed by the equalization of expected wages between rural and urban sectors (Harris-Todaro equilibrium condition), urban concentration and increasing of per capita income. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P>In this study, Bayesian analysis under a threshold animal model was used to estimate genetic correlations between morphological traits (body structure, finishing precocity and muscling) in Nelore cattle evaluated at weaning and yearling. Visual scores obtained from 7651 Nelore cattle at weaning and from 4155 animals at yearling, belonging to the Brazilian Nelore Program, were used. Genetic parameters for the morphological traits were estimated by two-trait Bayesian analysis under a threshold animal model. The genetic correlations between the morphological traits evaluated at two ages of the animal (weaning and yearling) were positive and high for body structure (0.91), finishing precocity (0.96) and muscling (0.94). These results indicate that the traits are mainly determined by the same set of genes of additive action and that direct selection at weaning will also result in genetic progress for the same traits at yearling. Thus, selection of the best genotypes during only one phase of life of the animal is suggested. However, genetic differences between morphological traits were better detected during the growth phase to yearling. Direct selection for body structure, finishing precocity and muscling at only one age, preferentially at yearling, is recommended as genetic differences between traits can be detected at this age.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This work present a study of glulam beams reinforced with FRP. It was developed a theoretical model that calculates strength and stiffness of the beams. The model allows for the calculation of the bending moment, the hypothetical distribution of linear strains along the height of the beam, and considers the wood has a linear elastic fragile behavior in tension parallel to the fibers and bilinear in compression parallel to the fibers, initially elastic and subsequently inelastic, with a negative decline in the stress-strain diagram. The stiffness was calculated by the transformed section method. Twelve non-reinforced and fiberglass reinforced glulam beams were evaluated experimentally to validate the proposed theoretical model. The results obtained indicate good congruence between the experimental and theoretical values.
This paper reveals new contributions to the analysis and development of mitigating harmonic distortion devices. Considering the variety of sequential distribution of harmonic current, in the use of passive filters, one can point out the electromagnetic blocking device, which have received particular attention due to its robustness and low cost of installation. In this context, aiming the evaluation of the reliability of the results obtained through mathematical modeling, experimental tests are carried out using a low-power prototype, highlighting particular aspects related to its function as a zero-sequence harmonic blocking. © 2011 IEEE.
When searching for prospective novel peptides, it is difficult to determine the biological activity of a peptide based only on its sequence. The trial and error approach is generally laborious, expensive and time consuming due to the large number of different experimental setups required to cover a reasonable number of biological assays. To simulate a virtual model for Hymenoptera insects, 166 peptides were selected from the venoms and hemolymphs of wasps, bees and ants and applied to a mathematical model of multivariate analysis, with nine different chemometric components: GRAVY, aliphaticity index, number of disulfide bonds, total residues, net charge, pI value, Boman index, percentage of alpha helix, and flexibility prediction. Principal component analysis (PCA) with non-linear iterative projections by alternating least-squares (NIPALS) algorithm was performed, without including any information about the biological activity of the peptides. This analysis permitted the grouping of peptides in a way that strongly correlated to the biological function of the peptides. Six different groupings were observed, which seemed to correspond to the following groups: chemotactic peptides, mastoparans, tachykinins, kinins, antibiotic peptides, and a group of long peptides with one or two disulfide bonds and with biological activities that are not yet clearly defined. The partial overlap between the mastoparans group and the chemotactic peptides, tachykinins, kinins and antibiotic peptides in the PCA score plot may be used to explain the frequent reports in the literature about the multifunctionality of some of these peptides. The mathematical model used in the present investigation can be used to predict the biological activities of novel peptides in this system, and it may also be easily applied to other biological systems. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.
Models of different degrees of complexity are found in the literature for the estimation of lightning striking distances and attractive radius of objects and structures. However, besides the oversimplifications of the physical nature of the lightning discharge on which most of them are based, till recently the tridimensional structure configuration could not be considered. This is an important limitation, as edges and other details of the object affect the electric field and, consequently, the upward leader initiation. Within this context, the Self-consistent leader initiation and propagation model (SLIM) proposed by Becerra and Cooray is state-of-the-art leader inception and propagation leader model based on the physics of leader discharges which enables the tridimensional geometry of the structure to be taken into account. In this paper, the model is used for estimating the striking distance and attractive radius of power transmission lines. The results are compared with those obtained from the electrogeometric and Eriksson's models. © 2003-2012 IEEE.