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A generalized Bayesian population dynamics model was developed for analysis of historical mark-recapture studies. The Bayesian approach builds upon existing maximum likelihood methods and is useful when substantial uncertainties exist in the data or little information is available about auxiliary parameters such as tag loss and reporting rates. Movement rates are obtained through Markov-chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) simulation, which are suitable for use as input in subsequent stock assessment analysis. The mark-recapture model was applied to English sole (Parophrys vetulus) off the west coast of the United States and Canada and migration rates were estimated to be 2% per month to the north and 4% per month to the south. These posterior parameter distributions and the Bayesian framework for comparing hypotheses can guide fishery scientists in structuring the spatial and temporal complexity of future analyses of this kind. This approach could be easily generalized for application to other species and more data-rich fishery analyses.


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Background: The European mink (Mustela lutreola, L. 1761) is a critically endangered mustelid, which inhabits several main river drainages in Europe. Here, we assess the genetic variation of existing populations of this species, including new sampling sites and additional molecular markers (newly developed microsatellite loci specific to European mink) as compared to previous studies. Probabilistic analyses were used to examine genetic structure within and between existing populations, and to infer phylogeographic processes and past demography. Results: According to both mitochondrial and nuclear microsatellite markers, Northeastern (Russia, Estonia and Belarus) and Southeastern (Romania) European populations showed the highest intraspecific diversity. In contrast, Western European (France and Spain) populations were the least polymorphic, featuring a unique mitochondrial DNA haplotype. The high differentiation values detected between Eastern and Western European populations could be the result of genetic drift in the latter due to population isolation and reduction. Genetic differences among populations were further supported by Bayesian clustering and two main groups were confirmed (Eastern vs. Western Europe) along with two contained subgroups at a more local scale (Northeastern vs. Southeastern Europe; France vs. Spain). Conclusions: Genetic data and performed analyses support a historical scenario of stable European mink populations, not affected by Quaternary climate oscillations in the Late Pleistocene, and posterior expansion events following river connections in both North-and Southeastern European populations. This suggests an eastern refuge during glacial maxima (as already proposed for boreal and continental species). In contrast, Western Europe was colonised more recently following either natural expansions or putative human introductions. Low levels of genetic diversity observed within each studied population suggest recent bottleneck events and stress the urgent need for conservation measures to counteract the demographic decline experienced by the European mink.


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When estimating parameters that constitute a discrete probability distribution {pj}, it is difficult to determine how constraints should be made to guarantee that the estimated parameters { pˆj} constitute a probability distribution (i.e., pˆj>0, Σ pˆj =1). For age distributions estimated from mixtures of length-at-age distributions, the EM (expectationmaximization) algorithm (Hasselblad, 1966; Hoenig and Heisey, 1987; Kimura and Chikuni, 1987), restricted least squares (Clark, 1981), and weak quasisolutions (Troynikov, 2004) have all been used. Each of these methods appears to guarantee that the estimated distribution will be a true probability distribution with all categories greater than or equal to zero and with individual probabilities that sum to one. In addition, all these methods appear to provide a theoretical basis for solutions that will be either maximum-likelihood estimates or at least convergent to a probability distribut


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We assayed allelic variation at 19 nuclear-encoded microsatellites among 1622 Gulf red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) sampled from the 1995 and 1997 cohorts at each of three offshore localities in the northern Gulf of Mexico (Gulf). Localities represented western, central, and eastern subregions within the northern Gulf. Number of alleles per microsatellite per sample ranged from four to 23, and gene diversity ranged from 0.170 to 0.917. Tests of conformity to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium expectations and of genotypic equilibrium between pairs of micro-satellites were generally nonsignificant following Bonferroni correction. Significant genic or genotypic heterogeneity (or both) among samples was detected at four microsatellites and over all microsatellites. Levels of divergence among samples were low (FST ≤0.001). Pairwise exact tests revealed that six of seven “significant” comparisons involved temporal rather than spatial heterogeneity. Contemporaneous or variance effective size (NeV) was estimated from the temporal variance in allele frequencies by using a maximum-likelihood method. Estimates of NeV ranged between 1098 and >75,000 and differed significantly among localities; the NeV estimate for the sample from the northcentral Gulf was >60 times as large as the estimates for the other two localities. The differences in variance effective size could ref lect differences in number of individuals successfully reproducing, differences in patterns and intensity of immigration, or both, and are consistent with the hypothesis, supported by life-history data, that different “demographic stocks” of red snapper are found in the northern Gulf. Estimates of NeV for red snapper in the northern Gulf were at least three orders of magnitude lower than current estimates of census size (N). The ratio of effective to census size (Ne/N) is far below that expected in an ideal population and may reflect high variance in individual reproductive success, high temporal and spatial variance in productivity among subregions or a combination of the two.


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In this article the demand for fish and its substitute was estimated using a very flexible demand function, the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) developed by Deaton and Muelllbaeur (1980), incorporating the habit formation variable to measure the impact of the changes in tastes in comsumer demand for fish and meat products from 1960 to 1990 in Malaysia. Information on price and income elasticities for these meat groups was also obtained. To incorporate consumption habit variables, the dynamic translating procedure proposed by Pollak (1970) and Pollak and Wales (1981) has been adopted. The overall results of the maximum likelihood estimates of the dynamic AIDS model are quite good where 19 of 30 coefficients are significantly different from zero and the minimum budget shares, the constant, are between zero and one for each meat type. Consumers tend to purchase and consume fish, chicken, and pork almost daily. Beef and mutton are only consumed occassionally since they are relatively more expensive. This finding is consistent with the trend observed in the per capita consumption and budget share where fish, chicken, and pork tended to dominate over beef and mutton from 1960 to 1990.


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In this paper we present livestock breeding developments that could be taken into consideration in the genetic improvement of farmed aquaculture species, especially in freshwater fish. Firstly, the current breeding objective in aquatic species has focused almost exclusively on the improvement of body weight at harvest or on growth related traits. This is unlikely to be sufficient to meet the future needs of the aquaculture industry. To meet future demands breeding programs will most likely have to include additional traits, such as fitness related ones (survival, disease resistance), feed efficiency, or flesh quality, rather than only growth performance. In order to select for a multi-trait breeding objective, genetic variation in traits of interest and the genetic relationships among them need to be estimated. In addition, economic values for these traits will be required. Generally, there is a paucity of data on variable and fixed production costs in aquaculture, and this could be a major constraint in the further expansion of the breeding objectives. Secondly, genetic evaluation systems using the restricted maximum likelihood method (REML) and best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) in a framework of mixed model methodology could be widely adopted to replace the more commonly used method of mass selection based on phenotypic performance. The BLUP method increases the accuracy of selection and also allows the management of inbreeding and estimation of genetic trends. BLUP is an improvement over the classic selection index approach, which was used in the success story of the genetically improved farmed tilapia (GIFT) in the Philippines, with genetic gains from 10 to 20 per cent per generation of selection. In parallel with BLUP, optimal genetic contribution theory can be applied to maximize genetic gain while constraining inbreeding in the long run in selection programs. Thirdly, by using advanced statistical methods, genetic selection can be carried out not only at the nucleus level but also in lower tiers of the pyramid breeding structure. Large scale across population genetic evaluation through genetic connectedness using cryopreserved sperm enables the comparison and ranking of genetic merit of all animals across populations, countries or years, and thus the genetically superior brood stock can be identified and widely used and exchanged to increase the rate of genetic progress in the population as a whole. It is concluded that sound genetic programs need to be established for aquaculture species. In addition to being very effective, fully pedigreed breeding programs would also enable the exploration of possibilities of integrating molecular markers (e.g., genetic tagging using DNA fingerprinting, marker (gene) assisted selection) and reproductive technologies such as in-vitro fertilization using cryopreserved spermatozoa.


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A Mata Atlântica brasileira concentra uma das maiores diversidades biológicas da Terra com cerca de 7% das espécies animais e vegetais do planeta. Esse bioma abriga atualmente mais de 50% das espécies de anuros do Brasil (c.a. 500 espécies), mas sofre intensa perda e fragmentação de habitat. Um dos principais fragmentos da Mata Atlântica, a Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu (REGUA) abriga vasta anurofauna, com cerca de 71 espécies já descritas. Acredita-se, porém, que muitas ainda precisam ser identificadas e estudadas. A identificação de espécies baseada em caracteres moleculares vem se mostrando uma alternativa para dar suporte à identificação morfológica, e dentro deste contexto os genes de DNA mitocondrial, como o 16S, são utilizados para a realização de barcode. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a metodologia de identificação molecular de espécies (DNA barcode) na comunidade de anfíbios anuros da REGUA utilizando o gene mitocondrial 16S. Para isso, foram coletados tecidos de 99 indivíduos, entre adultos e girinos de 23 espécies, agrupados em seis famílias distintas. Desses 99 indivíduos, 88 foram amplificados corretamente para o gene em referência e foram realizadas, com sucesso, a determinação de espécies de 84 anuros (95,45%) da REGUA. As espécies de Scinax albicans, Scinax flavoguttatus e Hylodes charadranaetes, cujas identificações haviam sido determinadas com base em critérios morfológicos, agruparam em clados de mesmo gênero, porém de espécies diferentes quando analisadas pelas metodologias neighbor-joining e maximum-likelihood. Além de altos valores de distância intraespecífica (2,18%, 3,49% e 3,77%, respectivamente) e distâncias interespecíficas nulas (0%) temos a indicação de possíveis equívocos em determinações de espécies feitas exclusivamente por critérios morfológicos. Nesse caso, as discordâncias morfológica e molecular são exclusivamente de girinos, demonstrando a dificuldade na identificação morfológica e a escassez de chaves de identificação dessas espécies em estágio larval. Os resultados mostram que o gene mitocondrial 16S teve seu uso na identificação de anuros da REGUA confirmada e apontam que, em casos de estudos com indivíduos em estágios larvais, como em girinos, a metodologia de barcode, quando complementada a identificação morfológica, suporta a correta identificação das espécies de anfíbios anuros.


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This study examined the technical efficiency in artisanal fisheries in Lagos State of Nigeria. The study employed a two stage random sampling procedure for the selection of 120 respondents. The analytical techniques involved descriptive statistics and estimation of technical efficiency following maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) procedure available in FRONTIER 4.1. The MLE result of the stochastic frontier production function showed that hired labour, cost of repair and capital items are critical factors that influences productivity of artisanal fishermen with the coefficient of hired labour being highly elastic. This implies that employing more labour will significantly increase the catch in the study area. The predicted farm efficiency with an average value of 0.92 showed that there is a marginal potential of about 8 percent to increase the catch, hence the income of the fishermen. The study further examined the factors that influence productivity of fishermen in the study area. Year of education, mode of operation and frequency of fishing have important implication on the technical efficiency of fishermen in the study area.


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Gundlachia Pfeiffer 1849 é o gênero de molusco de água doce pateliforme com a mais ampla distribuição geográfica dentre os oito gêneros de Ancylidae assinalados para a região Neotropical. A concha pateliforme, considerada uma homoplasia por diversos autores em vários basomatóforos, tem sido historicamente utilizada para definir a unidade da família Ancylidae, apesar dos questionamentos contrários à monofilia do grupo. Dados moleculares confirmaram que "Ancylidae" é um grupo parafilético, principalmente por causa do gênero Burnupia. Os demais gêneros foram incluídos em Ancylinae, dentro de Planorbidae. No entanto, a ausência de todos os gêneros Neotropicais nas filogenias propostas, com base molecular ainda é um assunto que necessita ser investigado. Os principais objetivos desse trabalho foram: (a) revisar as espécies de Gundlachia, através de estudos morfológicos das conchas e partes moles; (b) padronizar as descrições das espécies para iniciar uma análise cladística do gênero Gundlachia; (c) iniciar um estudo de biologia molecular utilizando distintas espécies de representantes de Ancylinae, para verificar as suas interrelações e o provável grupoirmão de Gundlachia; (d) e por fim, construir um mapa de distribuição geográfica. Para isso, examinamos diversas coleções científicas e realizamos coletas nas localidadestipo. A morfologia das conchas foi comparada por análises morfométricas e por microscópio de luz e de varredura. As partes moles dos espécimes foram dissecadas e estudadas sob o microscópio estereoscópico. A análise molecular foi realizada em três espécimes de cada amostra, utilizando os genes da citocromo c oxidase I e o 16S mtDNA. Após o sequenciamento verificamos as distâncias genéticas entre as diferentes espécies de Gundlachia e as suas relações com os outros gêneros por meio do teste Neighbor-joining e Maximum likelihood. Com esse estudo apresentamos a redescrição de algumas espécies de Gundlachia, discutimos a validade de novos táxons descobertos e sequenciamos e analisamos espécies de sete gêneros de Ancylinae que ocorrem na região Neotropical. Com base nesses dados discutimos a monofilia de Gundlachia e o seu provável grupo-irmão. E ainda abordamos a validade dos demais gêneros neotropicais


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Atualmente, o assunto de segurança em fundações tem despertado a atenção de diversos pesquisadores. Muitos entendem ser ultrapassada a utilização, pura e simples, de fatores de segurança em obras geotécnicas. O tratamento determinístico nos projetos de fundações não corresponde às variações e incertezas geradas em todo o processo de investigação do subsolo e processo executivo da fundação, sendo ainda o projeto de fundações um fim de linha de uma longa fila de disciplinas que a precedem e que geram também incertezas nas informações de esforços de suas estruturas e solicitações nas fundações. Porém, são as fundações as primeiras a serem executadas em qualquer obra civil. Este aspecto tem levado à necessidade crescente de verificar também a probabilidade de ruína da fundação por meio da chamada análise de confiabilidade. Com o objetivo de contribuir com a discussão sobre o emprego da análise de confiabilidade, as orientações da norma e o aprimoramento de modelos de cálculo, esta dissertação apresenta, através da aplicação em um estudo de caso, os diferentes aspectos de segurança abordados em projetos de fundações. Procura-se destacar dois tipos básicos de incertezas: aquelas inerentes à variabilidade espacial das propriedades do solo e as decorrentes do modelo de cálculo. Nesta pesquisa são procedidas inicialmente as extrapolações das curvas das provas de carga, que resultarão nos valores da função de Verossimilhança, para a atualização por Bayes. Numa segunda etapa se procede à estimativa da capacidade de carga a priori por alguns métodos consagrados e amplamente utilizados no Brasil. A atualização da estimativa da capacidade de carga é, a seguir, realizada através da metodologia de Bayes, sendo esta uma aplicação de conceitos da probabilidade condicional. A ideia de se proceder a estas duas alternativas de análise à priori foi norteada por duas motivações distintas: i) contribuir para a prática, pelo procedimento de combinação de informações num caso real bem documentado, conforme proposto por Vrouwenvelder (1992) e ii) motivar discussão de opiniões polêmicas de engenheiros de fundações brasileiros em relação à adoção de um fator de segurança inferior a 2 no caso de provas de carga especificadas na fase de projeto.


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This paper proposes an HMM-based approach to generating emotional intonation patterns. A set of models were built to represent syllable-length intonation units. In a classification framework, the models were able to detect a sequence of intonation units from raw fundamental frequency values. Using the models in a generative framework, we were able to synthesize smooth and natural sounding pitch contours. As a case study for emotional intonation generation, Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression (MLLR) adaptation was used to transform the neutral model parameters with a small amount of happy and sad speech data. Perceptual tests showed that listeners could identify the speech with the sad intonation 80% of the time. On the other hand, listeners formed a bimodal distribution in their ability to detect the system generated happy intontation and on average listeners were able to detect happy intonation only 46% of the time. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.


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Southern bluefin tuna (SBT) (Thunnus maccoyii) growth rates are estimated from tag-return data associated with two time periods, the 1960s and 1980s. The traditional von Bertalanffy growth model (VBG) and a two-phase VBG model were fitted to the data by maximum likelihood. The traditional VBG model did not provide an adequate representation of growth in SBT, and the two-phase VBG yielded a significantly better fit. The results indicated that significant change occurs in the pattern of growth in relation to a VBG curve during the juvenile stages of the SBT life cycle, which may be related to the transition from a tightly schooling fish that spends substantial time in near and surface shore waters to one that is found primarily in more offshore and deeper waters. The results suggest that more complex growth models should be considered for other tunas and for other species that show a marked change in habitat use with age. The likelihood surface for the two-phase VBG model was found to be bimodal and some implications of this are investigated. Significant and substantial differences were found in the growth for fish spawned in the 1960s and in the 1980s, such that after age four there is a difference of about one year in the expected age of a fish of similar length which persists over the size range for which meaningful recapture data are available. This difference may be a density-dependent response as a consequence of the marked reduction in the SBT population. Given the key role that estimates of growth have in most stock assessments, the results indicate that there is a need both for the regular monitoring of growth rates and for provisions for changes in growth over time (possibly related to changes in abundance) in the stock assessment models used for SBT and other species.


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As an endangered animal group, musk deer (genus Moschus) are not only a great concern of wildlife conservation, but also of special interest to evolutionary studies due to long-standing arguments on the taxonomic and phylogenetic associations in this group. Using museum samples, we sequenced complete mitochondrial cytochrome b genes (1140 bp) of all suggested species of musk deer in order to reconstruct their phylogenetic history through molecular information. Our results showed that the cytochrome b gene tree is rather robust and concurred for all the algorithms employed (parsimony, maximum likelihood, and distance methods). Further, the relative rate test indicated a constant sequence substitution rate among all the species, permitting the dating of divergence events by molecular clock. According to the molecular topology, M. moschiferus branched off the earliest from a common ancestor of musk deer (about 700,000 years ago); then followed the bifurcation forming the M. berezouskii lineage and the lineage clustering M. fuscus, M. chrysogaster, and M. leucogaster (around 370,000 years before present), interestingly the most recent speciation event in musk deer happened rather recently (140,000 years ago), which might have resulted from the diversified habitats and geographic barriers in southwest China caused by gigantic movements of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in history. Combining the data of current distributions, fossil records, and molecular data of this study, we suggest that the historical dispersion of musk deer might be from north to south in China. Additionally, in our further analyses involving other pecora species, musk deer was strongly supported as a monophyletic group and a valid family in Artiodactyla, closely related to Cervidae. (C) 1999 Academic Press.


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For many realistic scenarios, there are multiple factors that affect the clean speech signal. In this work approaches to handling two such factors, speaker and background noise differences, simultaneously are described. A new adaptation scheme is proposed. Here the acoustic models are first adapted to the target speaker via an MLLR transform. This is followed by adaptation to the target noise environment via model-based vector Taylor series (VTS) compensation. These speaker and noise transforms are jointly estimated, using maximum likelihood. Experiments on the AURORA4 task demonstrate that this adaptation scheme provides improved performance over VTS-based noise adaptation. In addition, this framework enables the speech and noise to be factorised, allowing the speaker transform estimated in one noise condition to be successfully used in a different noise condition. © 2011 IEEE.


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Recently there has been interest in structured discriminative models for speech recognition. In these models sentence posteriors are directly modelled, given a set of features extracted from the observation sequence, and hypothesised word sequence. In previous work these discriminative models have been combined with features derived from generative models for noise-robust speech recognition for continuous digits. This paper extends this work to medium to large vocabulary tasks. The form of the score-space extracted using the generative models, and parameter tying of the discriminative model, are both discussed. Update formulae for both conditional maximum likelihood and minimum Bayes' risk training are described. Experimental results are presented on small and medium to large vocabulary noise-corrupted speech recognition tasks: AURORA 2 and 4. © 2011 IEEE.