389 resultados para Mössbauer Spektroskopie


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Mössbauer analyses were conducted on a sample of saponite selected from DSDP Leg 69 basalt core. The sample was initially placed within a nitrogen-purged container on-board Glomar Challenger approximately three hours after recovery, where it remained until analysis. The Mössbauer data revealed an original, in situ Fe2O3/FeO ratio of 0.46, with both Fe**2+ and Fe**3+ in octahedral coordination. With controlled exposure to air under ambient laboratory storage conditions, the proportion of Fe**3+ increased from an original 30% to 51% over a period of about 11.5 months. The Fe**3+ thus produced remained in octahedral coordination, and no observable changes occurred in the physical appearance of the sample.


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Three different stoichiometric forms of RbMn[Fe(CN) ]y·zHO [x = 0.96, y = 0.98, z = 0.75 (1); x = 0.94, y = 0.88, z = 2.17 (2); x = 0.61, y = 0.86, z = 2.71 (3)] Prussian blue analogues were synthesized and investigated by magnetic, calorimetric, Raman spectroscopic, X-ray diffraction, and Fe Mössbauer spectroscopic methods. Compounds 1 and 2 show a hysteresis loop between the high-temperature (HT) Fe(S = 1/2)-CN-Mn(S = 5/2) and the low-temperature (LT) Fe(S = 0)-CN-Mn(S = 2) forms of 61 and 135 K width centered at 273 and 215 K, respectively, whereas the third compound remains in the HT phase down to 5 K. The splitting of the quadrupolar doublets in the Fe Mössbauer spectra reveal the electron-transfer-active centers. Refinement of the X-ray powder diffraction profiles shows that electron-transfer-active materials have the majority of the Rb ions on only one of the two possible interstitial sites, whereas nonelectron-transfer-active materials have the Rb ions equally distributed. Moreover, the stability of the compounds with time and following heat treatment is also discussed. © Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2009.


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The surfaces of iron-containing sulphide minerals were oxidised by a range of inorganic oxidants, and the resultant surface alteration products studied using various spectroscopic techniques. The characterisation of surface oxidation is relevant to the alteration of ores in nature and their behaviour during flotation and leaching, of importance to the metallurgical industry. The sulphides investigated included pyrite (FeS2), hexagonal pyrrhotine (Fe9S10), monoclinic pyrrhotine (Fe7Se), violarite (FeNi2S4), pentlandite ((FeiNi)9Se), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) and arsenopyrite (FeAsS). The surfaces were oxidised by various methods including acid (sulphuric), alkali (ammonium hydroxide), hydrogen peroxide, steam, electrochemical and air/oxygen (in a low-temperature (150ºC) furnace), The surfaces were examined using surface sensitive chemical spectroscopic methods including x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (ms), Auger electron spectroscopy (LES) and conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy (CEKS). Physical characterisation of the surfaces was undertaken using scanning electron microscopy (SM), spectral reflectance measurements and optical microscopy. Bulk characterisation of the sulphide minerals was undertaken using x-ray diffraction and electron microprobe techniques. Observed phases suggested to form in most of the sulphide surfaces include Fe204, Fe1-x0, Fe202, Fe00H, Fe(OH)3, with iron II & III oxy-sulphates. The iron sulphides show variable extents of oxidation, indicating pyrite to be the most stable. Violarite shows stability to oxidation, suggested to result from both its stable spinel crystal structure, and from the rapid formation of sulphur at the surface protecting the sub-surface from further oxidation. The phenomenon of sub-surface enrichment (in metals), forming secondary sulphides, is exhibited by pentlandite and chalcopyrite, forming violarite and copper sulphides respectively. The consequences of this enrichment with regard to processing and leaching are discussed. Arsenopyrite, often a hindrance in ore processing, exhibits the formation of arsenic compounds at the surface, the dissolution of which is discussed in view of the possible environmental hazard caused by the local pollution of water systems. The results obtained allow a characterisation of the sulphides in terms of their relative stability to oxidation, and an order of stability of the sulphide surfaces is proposed. Models were constructed to explain the chemical compositions of the surfaces, and the inter-relationships between the phases determined at the surface and in the sub-surface. These were compared to the thermo-chemically predicted phases shown in Eh/pH and partial pressure diagrams! The results are discussed, both in terms of the mineralogy and geochemistry of natural ores, and the implications for extraction and processing of these ore minerals.


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Suitable methods for the assessment of the effect of freeze-thaw action upon ceramic tiles have been determined. The results obtained have been shown to be reproducible with some work in this area still warranted. The analysis of Whichford Potteries clays via a variety of analytical techniques has shown them to be a complex mix of both clay and non-clay minerals. 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy has highlighted the presence of both small and large particleα-Fe203, removable via acid washing. 19F MAS NMR has demonstrated that the raw Whichford Pottery clays examined have negligible fluorine content. This is unlikely to be detrimental to ceramic wares during the heating process. A unique technique was used for the identification of fluorine in solid-state systems. The exchange of various cations into Wyoming Bentonite clay by microwave methodology did not show the appearance of five co-ordinate aluminium when examined by 27Al MAS NMR. The appearance of Qo silicate was linked to an increase in the amount of tetrahedrally bound aluminium in the silicate framework. This is formed as a result of the heating process. The analysis of two Chinese clays and two Chinese clay raw materials has highlighted a possible link between the two. These have also been shown to be a mix of both clay and non-clay minerals. Layered double hydroxides formed by conventional and microwave methods exhibited interesting characteristics. The main differences between the samples examined were not found to be solely attributable to the differences between microwave and conventional methods but more attributable to different experimental conditions used.


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Mõssbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction of five coals revealed the presence of pyrite, illite, kaolinite and Quartz, together with other minor phases. Analysis of the coal ashes indicated the formation of hematite and an Fe (3+) paramagnetic phase, the latter resulting from .the dehydroxylation of the clay minerals during ashing at 700 to 750 C. By using a combination of several physicochemical methods, different successive stages of dehydroxylation, structural consolidation, and recrystallisation of illite, montmorillonite and hectorite upon thermal treatment to 1300 C were investigated. Dehydroxylation of the clay minerals occurred between 450 and 750 C, the X-ray crysdallinity of illite and montmorillonite remaining until 800 C. Hectorite gradually recrystallises to enstatite at temperatures above 700°C. At 900 C the crystalline structure of all three clay minerals had totally collapsed. Solid state reactions occurred above 900 C producing such phases as spinel, hematite, enstatite, cristobalite and mullite. Illite and montmorillonite started to melt between 1200 and 1300°C, producing a silicate glass that contained Fe(3+) and Fe(2+) ions. Ortho-pnstatite, clino-enstatite and proto-enstatite were identified in the thermal products of hectorite, their relative proportions varying with temperature. Protoenstatite was stabilised with respect to metastable clinoenstatite upon cooling from 12000 C by the presence of exchanged transition metal cations. Solid state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy of thermally treated transition metal exchanged hectorite indicated the levels at which paramagnetic cations could be loaded on to the clay before spectral resolution is significantly diminished.


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Tbe formation of Pd(TeR)n and (CuTeR)n from the reaction between telluroesters and Pd(II)or Cu(II) suggested that these organa­tellurium reagents may be useful precursors of RTe- ligands in reactions with transition-metal substrates. Also the formation of telluronium salts Me2RTeI- from the reaction between telluroesters and methyl iodide, together with the above, confirm the cleavage of -cõ-Te bonds rather than -C-Te bonds. The formation of a carboxylic acid from the toluene solution of a ditelluride d palladium(O) complex in the presence of light oxygen (from air) is demonstrated. When the solvent employed is p-xylene an aldehyde is formed.The reaction proceeds via the free radical, RTeO, with Pd(PPh3)4 as a catalyst.It has also been shown that the oxidation of aldehydes to carboxylic acids is catalysed by ditelluride. Spin trapping experiments with PhCH=N(O)But (phenyl-t-butyl-nitrone) have provided evidence that the oxidative addition of an alkyl halide (RX=Mei, BunBr, BusecBr, ButBr, BrCH2-CH=CHCH2Br, and Br(CH2)4Br) to diphenyltelluride and reductive elimination of CH3SCN from Ph2(CH3)Te(NCS) proceeds via radical pathways. A mechanism is proposed for oxidative addition which involves the preformation of a charge transfer complex of alkyl halide and diphenyltelluride.The first step is the formation of a charge transfer complex, and the initial product of the oxidative addition is a "covalent" form of the tellurium(IV)compound. When the radical R is more stable, Ph2TeX2 may be the major tellurium(IV)product. The reaction of RTeNa (R=p-EtOC6H4, Ph) with organic dihalides X2(CH2)n (n=1,2,3,4) affords telluronium salts (n=3,4; X=Cl, Br) the nature of which is discussed.For n=l (X=Br, I)the products are formulated as charge transfer complexes of stoichiometry (RTe)2(CH2).CH2X2• For n=2, elimination of ditelluride occurs with the formation of an alkene. Some 125’Te Mõssbauer data are discussed and it is suggested that the unusually low value of 6 (7.58 mm.s-1 ) for  p-EtO.C6H4.Te)2(cH2)cH2Br2 relates to removal of 5's electronsfrom the spare pair orbltal via the charge transfer interaction. 125Te Mossbauer data for (p-EtO.C6H4)Te(CH2)4Br are typical of a tellurium (IV) compound and in particular ∇ is in the expected range for a telluronium salt. The product of the reaction of Na Te (C6H4.OEt), with 1,3-dibromopropane is, from the Mössbauer data, also a telluronium salt.


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The crystal structure of natural magnetite has been investigated on the basis of previously published X-ray intensity data and a newly acquired, more extensive data base. Both investigations show that the structure does not conform to the centrosymmetrical space group Fd3m, as is normally assumed, but the non-centrosymmetrical space group F43m. The structure refinement provides values for the atom positions, anisotropic thermal parameters and bond lengths. A study of Friedel related pairs of X-ray intensities shows that Friedel's law is violated in magnetite, further confirming that the space group is non-centrosymmetrical. It was found that the octahedral site cations in magnetite do not occupy special positions at the centres of the octahedral interstices as they should under the space group Fd3m, but are displaced along <111 > directions leading to F43m symmetry. A mechanism is known for the origin of these displacements and the likelihood of similar displacements occurring in other natural and synthetic spinels is discussed. The crystal structure of a natural titanomaghemite was determined by a combination of X-ray diffraction and Mõssbauer spectroscopy. This was confirmed as possessing a primitive cubic Bravais lattice with the space group P4332 and the structural formula: Fe3+.0.96 0 0.04 [Fe2+0.23 Fe3+0.99 Ti4+0.42 0 0.37 ] 042 - where 0 represents a cation vacancy. As the above formula shows, there are cation vacancies on both tetrahedral arrl octahedral sites, the majority being restricted to octahedral sltes. No tetrahedral site Fe2+ or Ti4+ was observed. Values for the atom positions, anisotropic thermal parameters and bond lengths have been determined for this particular specimen.


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A series of novel polymeric compounds of formula [M(btzb)3][ClO4]2 (Mll = Fe, Ni or Cu) with btzb = 1,4-bis-(tetrazol-1-yl)butane have been prepared and their physical properties investigated. The btzb ligand has been prepared and its crystal structure determined, together with a tentative crystal structure of the 3-D compound [Fe(btzb)3][ClO4]2. The model of the latter shows two symmetry-related, interpenetrating Fe-btzb networks in which the iron(II) ions approach each other as close as 8.3 and 9.1 Å. This supramolecular catenane undergoes a sharp thermal spin transition around 160 K with hysteresis (20 K) along with a pronounced thermochromic effect. The spin crossover behaviour has been followed by magnetic, DSC, optical spectroscopy and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements. Irradiation with green light at low temperature leads to population of the metastable high-spin state for the thermally active iron(ll) ions. The nature of the spin crossover behaviour has been discussed in detail.


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[μ-Tris(1,4-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)butane-N4,N4‘)iron(II)] bis(hexafluorophosphate), [Fe(btzb)3](PF6)2, crystallizes in a three-dimensional 3-fold interlocked structure featuring a sharp two-step spin-crossover behavior. The spin conversion takes place between 164 and 182 K showing a discontinuity at about T1/2 = 174 K and a hysteresis of about 4 K between T1/2 and the low-spin state. The spin transition has been independently followed by magnetic susceptibility measurements, 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy, and variable temperature far and midrange FTIR spectroscopy. The title compound crystallizes in the trigonal space group P30¯(No. 147) with a unit cell content of one formula unit plus a small amount of disordered solvent. The lattice parameters were determined by X-ray diffraction at several temperatures between 100 and 300 K. Complete crystal structures were resolved for 9 of these temperatures between 100 (only low spin, LS) and 300 K (only high spin, HS), Z = 1 [Fe(btzb)3](PF  6)2:  300 K (HS), a = 11.258(6) Å, c = 8.948(6) Å, V = 982.2(10) Å3; 100 K (LS), a = 10.989(3) Å, c = 8.702(2) Å, V = 910.1(4) Å3. The molecular structure consists of octahedral coordinated iron(II) centers bridged by six N4,N4‘ coordinating bis(tetrazole) ligands to form three 3-dimensional networks. Each of these three networks is symmetry related and interpenetrates each other within a unit cell to form the interlocked structure. The Fe−N bond lengths change between 1.993(1) Å at 100 K in the LS state and 2.193(2) Å at 300 K in the HS state. The nearest Fe separation is along the c-axis and identical with the lattice parameter c.


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The synthesis and detailed characterization of a few samples of the compound RbMn[Fe(CN)]·zHO are described. The composition of the materials significantly depends on the applied preparative conditions. Analysis of spectroscopic results (FTIR, Raman, Fe Mössbauer, XPS) and X-ray powder-diffraction data yielded a further assessment of the difference in structural features in terms of the amount of Fe(CN)6 vacancies and the associated number of water molecules. The characteristic individual magnetic behavior, as well as the metal-to-metal charge-transfer capabilities of the various samples, could be related to significant changes within the structures that appear to be associated with the synthetic method used.


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The reaction of btzmp (1,2-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)-2-methylpropane) with Fe(ClO4)2 generates a 1D polymeric species, [Fe(μ-btzmp)2(btzmp)2](ClO4)2, showing a steep spin transition (T½↑ = 136 K and T ½↓ = 133 K) with a 3 K thermal hysteresis. The crystal structure at 100 and 200 K reveals that, in contrast to other bistetrazole based spin-transition systems such as [Fe(endi)3](BF4)2 and [Fe(btzp)3](ClO4)2, the present compound has only two ligands bridging the metallic centres, while the other two coordination positions are occupied by two mono-coordinated (non-bridging) btzmp ligands. This peculiarity confers an unprecedented crystal packing in the series of 1D bistetrazole based polymers. The change in spin state is accompanied by an order/disorder transition of the ClO4- counterion. A careful examination of the structural changes occurring upon the spin transition indicates that this order/disorder is most likely affected by the modification of the [tetrazole-centroid]-ND-Fe angle (which is typical of bistetrazole spin-transition materials). Apart from X-ray analysis, also magnetic susceptibility, Mössbauer and UV-vis spectroscopies have been used to characterise the HS and the LS states of [Fe(µ-btzmp)2(btzmp)2](ClO4)2. © The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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In analogy to a common synthesis of 1-substituted 5-H tetrazoles (Tetrahedron Lett. 36 (1995)1759; Beloruss. Gos. Univ., Minsk, USSR. Khim. Geterotsikl. Soedin. 11 (1985) 1521; Beloruss. Gos. Univ., Minsk, USSR. Khim. Geterotsikl. Soedin. 1 (1991) 66; BGU, Belarus. Vestsi Akad. Navuk Belarusi, Ser. Khim. Navuk 1 (1992) 73), the new bidentate ligand 1,2-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)ethane [endi] was synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction, NMR, IR and UV–Vis spectroscopy. By using iron(II) tetrafluoroborate hexahydrate the complexation with this ligand yields a 1-dimensional linear coordination polymer similar to the recently published chain compound (Inorg. Chem. 39 (2000) 1891) exhibiting a thermally induced spin-crossover phenomenon. Similar to the 1,2-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)propane-bridged compound, our 1,2-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)ethane-bridged compound shows a gradual spin transition, but the spin-crossover temperature T1/2≈140 K is found to be 10 K above the other T1/2. The T1/2 was determined by temperature-dependent 57Fe-Mössbauer, far FT-IR and UV–Vis spectroscopy as well as by temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements. Single crystals of the complex were grown in situ from a solution of the ligand and iron(II) tetrafluoroborate. The X-ray structure determinations of both the high spin as well as the low spin state of the compound revealed a solid state structure, which is comparable to that of catena-[Fe(1,2-bis(tetrazole-1-yl)propane)3](ClO4)2 (Inorg. Chem. 39 (2000) 1891; 2nd TMR-TOSS Meeting, 4th Spin Crossover Family Meeting, Lufthansa Training Center, Seeheim/Germany, April 30–May 2, 1999). Both the 1,2-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)propane-bridged and our compound do not show a thermal hysteresis effect (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115 (1993) 9810; Inorg. Chim. Acta 37 (1979) 169; Chem. Phys. Lett. 93 (1982) 567). The synthesis of the complex described in the experimental section yielded a fine powdered product being poorly soluble in most common solvents. The single crystal measurements were done with crystals obtained by various diffusion methods. Most of them yielded either thin needles or small hexagonal prism crystals depending on the specific conditions.