917 resultados para Loading and unloading
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Among the osteotomies performed in orthognathic surgery, the sagittal osteotomy of the mandibular ramus (SOMR) is the most common, allowing a great range of movements and stable internal fixation (SIF), therefore eliminating the need of maxillomandibular block in the postoperative period. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biomechanical resistance of three national systems used for SIF in SOMR in sheep mandibles. Material and methods: The study was performed in 30 sheep hemi-mandibles randomly divided into 3 experimental groups, each containing 10 hemi-mandibles. The samples were measured to avoid discrepancies and then subjected to SOMR with 5-mm advancement. In group I, 2.0x12 mm screws were used for fixation, inserted in an inverted "L" pattern (inverted "L" group). In group II, fixation was performed with two 2.0x12 mm screws, positioned in a linear pattern and a 4-hole straight miniplate and four 2.0x6.0 mm monocortical screws (hybrid group). In group III, fixation was performed with two-hole straight miniplates and eight 2.0x6.0 mm monocortical screws (mini plate group). All materials used for SIF were supplied by Osteosin - SIN. The hemimandibles were subjected to vertical linear load test by Kratos K2000MP mechanical testing unit for loading registration and displacement. Results: All groups showed similar resistance during mechanical test for loading and displacement, with no statistically significant differences between groups according to analysis of variance. Conclusion: These results indicate that the three techniques of fixation are equally effective for clinical fixation of SOMR.
Aim: This study compared the resistance to fracture of endodontically treated teeth restored with different intraradicular posts with different lengths and full coverage metallic crowns. Methods: Sixty extracted human canine teeth were randomly divided into 6 groups. Groups CP5, CP75 and CP10 were restored using custom cast post and core (CP) and groups PF5, PF75 and PF10 were restored with provisional pre-fabricated tin post (PF) and composite resin core at 5 mm, 7.5 mm and 10 mm of intraradicular length, respectively. The specimens were submitted to dynamic cyclic loading and those that resisted to this load were submitted to load compression using a universal testing machine. Compressive load was applied at a 45-degree angle to the long axis of the tooth until failure. Results: Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance by ranks showed statistically significant differences among the groups (p<0.0001). However, when the means were compared using the Tukey’s test, significant differences were noted between groups CP5 and CP10 and between groups CP10 and PF5. All groups presented root fractures and post displacements during mechanical cycling. All teeth in groups CP5 and PF5 failed the dynamic cycling test. Conclusions: This study showed that increasing intraradicular post length also increases resistance to fracture of endodontically treated teeth. On the other hand, most endodontically treated teeth restored with pre-fabricated tin posts (provisional posts) failed in the dynamic cycling test
Die Entwicklung des Nordwestdeutschen Beckens und seiner rezenten Topographie ist geprägt von einer Vielzahl endogener und exogener Prozesse: Tektonik, Vulkanismus, Diapirismus, Eisvorstöße, elsterzeitlichen Rinnen und die Ablagerung von quartären Sedimenten. Mit Hilfe der Quantifizierung von Bodenbewegungspotenzialen wurde für Schleswig-Holstein der Einfluß von Tiefenstrukturen (insbesondere Salzstrukturen und tektonische Störungen) auf die Entwicklung der rezenten Topographie in Schleswig-Holstein untersucht. Dabei wurden folgende Parameter berücksichtigt: (1) Salzstrukturen; (2) Tektonischen Störungen; (3) Oberflächennahe Störungen, die mit einer hohen Wahrscheinlichkeit an der Erdoberfläche ausstreichen; (4) Elsterzeitliche Rinnen (tiefer 100 m); (5) Historische Erdbeben; (6) In Satellitenbildszenen kartierte Lineamente (7) Korrelationskoeffizienten, die zwischen 7 stratigraphischen Horizonten des „Geotektonischen Atlas von NW-Deutschland“ berechnet wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass in Schleswig-Holstein großflächig rezente Bodenbewegungs-potenziale auftreten, die auf tektonische Störungen und Salzstrukturen zurückzuführen sind und sich hauptsächlich auf den Bereich des Glückstadt Grabens beschränken. In den 5 Gebieten Sterup, Tellingstedt Nord, Oldensworth Nord, Schwarzenbek und Plön treten die höchsten Bodenbewegungspotenziale auf. Sie dokumentieren rezente Prozesse in diesen Gebieten. In den Gebieten Sterup, Schwarzenbek und Plön sind aktive, an der Erdoberfläche ausstreichende Störungen lokalisiert, deren Auftreten auch durch kartierte Luft- und Satellitenbildlineare belegt wird. Im Gebiet Plön werden die ermittelten Bodenbewegungspotenziale durch eine, sich rezent vergrößernde Senke bei Kleinneudorf bestätigt. Unterhalb der Senke führen, begünstigt durch tektonische Störungen, Lösungsprozesse in tertiären Sedimenten zu Hohlraumbildungen, die das rezente Absacken der Senke verursachen. Für Bereiche höchsten Bodenbewegungspotenzials kann ein Einfluß von Tiefenstrukturen auf die Entwicklung der rezenten Topographie nachgewiesen werden. So beeinflussen oberflächennahe Störungen in dem Gebiet Plön die Entwicklung des Plöner Sees. Im Gebiet Schwarzenbek verursacht ein N-S orientiertes Störungsband ein Abknicken des Elbverlaufs. Weiterhin kann ein Einfluß der Entwicklung der rezenten Topographie durch eine Interaktion zwischen Eisauflast und Salzmobilität in den Gebieten Sterup und Oldensworth nachgewiesen werden. Demnach ist die Ablagerung quartärer Sedimente und somit der Grenzverlauf der Flußgebietseinheiten Eider und Schlei-Trave zwischen den Salzstrukturen Sterup und Meezen beeinflusst durch eine aktive Reaktion beider Salzstrukturen auf Eisauflast. Im Bereich Oldensworth zeigen geologische Schnitte von der Basis Oberkreide bis zur rezenten Topographie, dass die Salzmauern Oldensworth und Hennstedt die Ablagerung quartärer Sedimente aktiv beeinflussten. Weiterhin orientiert sich der Elbverlauf von Hamburg bis zur Mündung an den Randbereichen von Salzstrukturen, die bis in den oberflächennahen Bereich aufgestiegen sind.
Der Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt in dem Design, der Synthese und der Charakterisierung neuartiger photosensitiver Mikrogele und Nanopartikel als potentielle Materialien für Beladungs- und Freisetzungsanwendungen. Zur Realisierung dieses Konzepts wurden verschiedene Ansätze untersucht.Es wurden neuartige niedermolekulare lichtspaltbare Vernetzermoleküle auf der Basis von o-Nitrobenzylderivaten synthetisiert, charakterisiert und zur Herstellung von photosensitiven PMMA und PHEMA Mikrogelen verwendet. Diese sind unter Bestrahlung in organischen Lösungsmitteln quellbar und zersetzbar. Durch die Einführung anionischer MAA Gruppen in solche PHEMA Mikrogele wurde dieses Konzept auf doppelt stimuliresponsive p(HEMA-co-MAA) Mikrogele erweitert. Hierbei wurde ein pH-abhängiges Quellbarkeitsprofil mit der lichtinduzierten Netzwerkspaltung in wässrigen Medien kombiniert. Diese duale Sensitivität zu zwei zueinander orthogonalen Reizen stellt ein vielversprechendes Konzept zur Kombination einer pH-abhängigen Beladung mit einer lichtinduzierten Freisetzung von funktionellen Substanzen dar. Desweiteren wurden PAAm Mikrogele entwickelt, welche sowohl eine Sensitivität gegenüber Enzymen als auch Licht aufweisen. Dieses Verhalten wurde durch die Verwendung von (meth-)acrylatfunktionalisierten Dextranen als polymere Vernetzungsmoleküle erreicht. Das entsprechende stimuliresponsive Profil basiert auf der enzymatischen Zersetzbarkeit der Polysaccharid-Hauptkette und der Anbindung der polymerisierbaren Vinyleinheiten an diese über photospaltbare Gruppen. Die gute Wasserlöslichkeit der Vernetzermoleküle stellt einen vielversprechenden Ansatz zur Beladung solcher Mikrogele mit funktionellen hydrophilen Substanzen bereits während der Partikelsynthese dar. Ein weiteres Konzept zur Beladung von Mikrogelen basiert auf der Verwendung von photolabilen Wirkstoff-Mikrogel Konjugaten. In einem ersten Schritt zur Realisierung solch eines Ansatzes wurde ein neuartiges Monomer entwickelt. Hierbei wurde Doxorubicin über eine lichtspaltbare Gruppe an eine polymerisierbare Methacrylatgruppe angebunden. Für die Freisetzung hydrophober Substanzen in wässrigen Medien wurden polymere Photolack-Nanopartikel entwickelt, welche sich unter Bestrahlung in Wasser zersetzen. Die lichtinduzierte Änderung der Hydrophobizität des Polymers ermöglichte die Freisetzung von Nilrot durch das Auflösen der partikulären Struktur. Ein interessanter Ansatz zur Verhinderung einer unkontrollierten Freisetzung funktioneller Substanzen aus Mikrogelen ist die Einführung einer stimuliresponsiven Schale. In diesem Kontext wurden Untersuchungen zur Bildung von nicht-stimulisensitiven Schalen um vorgefertigte Mikrogelkerne und zur Synthese von Hydrogelkernen in vorgefertigten polymeren Schalen (Nanokapseln) durchgeführt.
Sulfate aerosol plays an important but uncertain role in cloud formation and radiative forcing of the climate, and is also important for acid deposition and human health. The oxidation of SO2 to sulfate is a key reaction in determining the impact of sulfate in the environment through its effect on aerosol size distribution and composition. This thesis presents a laboratory investigation of sulfur isotope fractionation during SO2 oxidation by the most important gas-phase and heterogeneous pathways occurring in the atmosphere. The fractionation factors are then used to examine the role of sulfate formation in cloud processing of aerosol particles during the HCCT campaign in Thuringia, central Germany. The fractionation factor for the oxidation of SO2 by ·OH radicals was measured by reacting SO2 gas, with a known initial isotopic composition, with ·OH radicals generated from the photolysis of water at -25, 0, 19 and 40°C (Chapter 2). The product sulfate and the residual SO2 were collected as BaSO4 and the sulfur isotopic compositions measured with the Cameca NanoSIMS 50. The measured fractionation factor for 34S/32S during gas phase oxidation is αOH = (1.0089 ± 0.0007) − ((4 ± 5) × 10−5 )T (°C). Fractionation during oxidation by major aqueous pathways was measured by bubbling the SO2 gas through a solution of H2 O2
In recent years, layered manufacturing (LM) processes have begun to progress from rapid prototyping techniques towards rapid manufacturing methods, where the objective is now to produce finished components for potential end use in a product (Caulfield et al., 2007). LM is especially promising for the fabrication of specific need, low volume products such as replacement parts for larger systems. This trend accentuates the need for a thorough understanding of the associated mechanical properties and the resulting behavior of parts produced by layered methods. Not only must the base material be durable, but the mechanical properties of the layered components must be sufficient to meet in-service loading and operational requirements, and be reasonably comparable to parts produced by more traditional manufacturing techniques. This chapter presents the details of a study completed to quantitatively analyze the potential of fused deposition modelling to fully evolve into a rapid manufacturing tool. The project objective is to develop an understanding of the dependence of the mechanical properties of FDM parts on raster orientation and to assess whether these parts are capable of maintaining their integrity while under service loading. The study examines the effect of fiber orientation, i.e. the direction of the polymer beads relative to the loading direction of the part, on a variety of important mechanical properties of ABS components fabricated by fused deposition modeling. Tensile, compressive, flexural, impact, and fatigue strength properties of FDM specimens are examined, evaluated, and placed in context in comparison with the properties of injection molded ABS parts.
Scaphoid is one of the 8 carpal bones found adjacent to the thumb supported proximally by Radius bone. During the free fall, on outstretched hand, the impact load gets transferred to the scaphoid at its free anterior end. Unique arrangement of other carpal bones in the palm is also one of the reasons for the load to get transferred to scaphoid. About half of the total load acting upon carpal bone gets transferred to scaphoid at its distal pole. There are about 10 to 12 clinically observed fracture pattern in the scaphoid due to free fall. The aim of the study is to determine the orientation of the load, magnitude of the load and the corresponding fracture pattern. This study includes both static and dynamic finite element models validated by experiments. The scaphoid model has been prepared from CT scans of a 27 year old person. The 2D slices of the CT scans have been converted to 3D model by using MIMICS software. There are four cases of loading studied which are considered to occur clinically more frequently. In case (i) the load is applied at the posterior end at distal pole whereas in case (ii), (iii) and (iv), the load is applied at anterior end at different directions. The model is given a fixed boundary condition at the region which is supported by Radius bone during the impact. Same loading and boundary conditions have been used in both static and dynamic explicit finite element analysis. The site of fracture initiation and path of fracture propagation have been identified by using max principal stress / gradient and max principal strain / gradient criterion respectively in static and dynamic explicit finite element analysis. Static and dynamic impact experiments were performed on the polyurethane foam specimens to validate the finite element results. Experimental results such as load at fracture, site of fracture initiation and path of fracture propagation have been compared with the results of finite element analysis. Four different types of fracture patterns observed in clinical studies have been identified in this study.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to analyze prosthetic maintenance in partially edentulous patients with removable prostheses supported by teeth and strategic implants. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty patients with removable partial prostheses and combined tooth-implant support were identified within the time period from 1998 to 2006. One group consisted of 42 patients (planned group) with a reduced residual dentition and in need of removable partial dentures (RPDs) or overdentures in the maxilla and/or mandible. They were admitted consecutively for treatment. Due to missing teeth in strategic important positions, one or two implants were placed to improve symmetrical denture support and retention. The majority of residual teeth exhibited an impaired structural integrity and therefore were provided with root copings for denture retention. A few vital teeth were used for telescopic crowns. The anchorage system for the strategic implants was selected accordingly. A second group of 18 patients (repair group) wearing RPDs with the loss of one abutment tooth due to biologic or mechanical failure was identified. These abutment teeth were replaced by 21 implants, and patients continued to wear their original prostheses. The observation time for planned and repair groups was 12 months to 8 years. All patients followed a regular maintenance schedule. Technical or biologic complications with supporting teeth or implants and prosthetic service were registered regularly. RESULTS: Three maxillary implants were lost after loading and three roots with copings had to be removed. Biologic problems included caries and periodontal/peri-implant infection with a significantly higher incidence in the repair group (P < .05). Technical complications with the dentures were rather frequent in both groups, mostly related to the anchorage system (matrices) of root copings and implants. Maintenance and complications were observed more frequently in the first year after delivery of the denture than in the following 3 years (P < .05). No denture had to be remade. CONCLUSIONS: The placement of a few implants allows for maintaining a compromised residual dentition for support of RPDs. The combination of root and implant support facilitates treatment planning and enhances designing the removable denture. It also proves to be a practical rescue method. Technical problems with the anchorage system were frequent, particularly in the first year after delivery of the dentures.
This study evaluated the response to increasing levels of neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA), a mode converting electrical activity of the diaphragm (EAdi) into pressure, regulated by a proportionality constant called the NAVA level. Fourteen rabbits were studied during baseline, resistive loading and ramp increases of the NAVA level. EAdi, airway (Paw) and esophageal pressure (Pes), Pes pressure time product (PTPes), breathing pattern, and blood gases were measured. Resistive loading increased PTPes and EAdi. P(a)(CO)(2) increased with high load but not during low load. Increasing NAVA levels increased Paw until a breakpoint where the Paw increase was reduced despite increasing NAVA level. At this breakpoint, Pes, PTPes, EAdi, and P(a)(CO)(2) were similar to baseline. Further increase of the NAVA level reduced Pes, PTPes and EAdi without changes in ventilation. In conclusion, observing the trend in Paw during a ramp increase of the NAVA level allows determination of a level where the inspiratory effort matches unloaded conditions.
Im Beitrag wird ein neuartiges Förderprinzip zur federnden Aufnahme und zum Transport von massenhaft anfallenden Paketstrukturen vorgestellt. Das Förderprinzip beruht auf einem flächigen Tragmittel in Form eines veränderbaren, elastischen Verbundes von kleinskaligen Fördermodulen. Das konzipierte Transportprinzip mit peristaltischen Eigenschaften soll entstehende Staus der Pakete schnell auflösen und eine dedizierte Steuerung von Teilmengen zulassen, um den erforderlichen Durchsatz innerhalb eines Materialflusssystems zu erreichen. Diese Lösung ermöglicht eine sinnvolle Verknüpfung von Wirkprinzipien der Schüttgut- und Stückgutförderung zur Aufnahme und Fortbewegung von Pakete als Schüttgut. Die Grundfunktionalität des Förderkonzepts wird durch die numerische Simulation auf Basis der Diskrete Elemente Methode sowie der Mehrkörpersimulation überprüft.