968 resultados para Liver Metabolism


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Fatty liver is commonly associated with alcohol ingestion and abuse. While the molecular pathogenesis of these fatty changes is well understood, the biochemical and pharmacological mechanisms by which ethanol stimulates these molecular changes remain unknown. During ethanol metabolism, adenosine is generated by the enzyme ecto-5'-nucleotidase, and adenosine production and adenosine receptor activation are known to play critical roles in the development of hepatic fibrosis. We therefore investigated whether adenosine and its receptors play a role in the development of alcohol-induced fatty liver. WT mice fed ethanol on the Lieber-DeCarli diet developed hepatic steatosis, including increased hepatic triglyceride content, while mice lacking ecto-5'-nucleotidase or adenosine A1 or A2B receptors were protected from developing fatty liver. Similar protection was also seen in WT mice treated with either an adenosine A1 or A2B receptor antagonist. Steatotic livers demonstrated increased expression of genes involved in fatty acid synthesis, which was prevented by blockade of adenosine A1 receptors, and decreased expression of genes involved in fatty acid metabolism, which was prevented by blockade of adenosine A2B receptors. In vitro studies supported roles for adenosine A1 receptors in promoting fatty acid synthesis and for A2B receptors in decreasing fatty acid metabolism. These results indicate that adenosine generated by ethanol metabolism plays an important role in ethanol-induced hepatic steatosis via both A1 and A2B receptors and suggest that targeting adenosine receptors may be effective in the prevention of alcohol-induced fatty liver.


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The metabolism of the antitumor agent 6-thioguanine (TG, NSC-752) by rat liver was studied in vitro. Livers from adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were homogenized and the "liver homogenate" was subjected to differential centrifugation to obtain the "10,000 x g pellet", the "post-mitochondrial fraction", the "cytosol fraction", and the "microsomes". The homogenity of each fraction was estimated by appropriate marker enzyme assays. To delineate the in vitro metabolism of TG by rat liver, 0.2 mM of {8-('14)C}TG was incubated with different subcellular fractions in KCl-Tris-MgCl(,2) buffer, pH 7.4 at 37(DEGREES). The metabolites formed were identified by chromatography, UV spectrometry, as well as mass spectrometry. After a 1 hr incubation, TG was metabolized by the liver homogenate, the 10,000 x g pellet and the post-mitochondrial fraction mainly to 6-thioguanosine (TGR), accompanied by varying lesser amounts of 6-thiouric acid (TUA), allantoin, guanine-6-sulfinic acid (G-SO(,2)H) and an unknown product. In comparison, the cytosal fraction converted TG almost entirely to TGR and TUA in equal amounts. The formation of TGR from TG was limited by the endogenous supply of ribose-1-phosphate. With the microsomal fraction, however, TG was metabolized significantly to G-SO(,2)H and the unknown, accompanied with some TGR. After a 5 hr incubation the metabolism of TG was changed to favor the catabolic route, yielding mostly TUA in the post-mitochondrial and cytosol fractions; but mainly allantoin in the liver homogenate fraction. The kinetic studies of TG metabolism by the subcellar fractions indicated that the formation of TGR served as a depot form of TG. The level of TGR decreased when the catabolism of TG became prominent. The oxidation of TG to GSO(,2)H mediated by the hepatic microsomes represented a new catabolic pathway of TG. This GSO(,2)H, under acidic conditions, readily decomposes to guanine and inorganic sulfate. In the presence of reduced glutathione in Tris buffer, pH 7.8 at 25(DEGREES), GSO(,2)H is adducted to glutathione chemically to form S-(2-amino-purin-6-yl) glutathione and conceivably, inorganic sulfate. Therefore, the formation of GSO(,2)H from TG might have implication in the desulfuration mechanism of TG. On the other hand, the unknown formed from TG by the action of the microsomal enzymes appeared to be a TG conjugate. However, it is neither a glutathione, a glucuronide, nor a ribose conjugate. Additionally, the deamination of TG by guanine deaminase (E.C. isolated from rat liver was also investigated. TG is a poorer substrate (Km = 4.8 x 10('-3)M) for guanine deaminase than that of guanine (Km = 4.7 x 10('-6)M) at pH 7.25, optimal pH for TG as a substrate. TG is also a competitive inhibitor of guanine for guanine deaminase, with a ki of 2.2 x 10('-4)M. ^


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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the commonest causes of death from cancer. A plethora of metabolomic investigations of HCC have yielded molecules in biofluids that are both up- and down-regulated but no real consensus has emerged regarding exploitable biomarkers for early detection of HCC. We report here a different approach, a combined transcriptomics and metabolomics study of energy metabolism in HCC. A panel of 31 pairs of HCC tumors and corresponding nontumor liver tissues from the same patients was investigated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS)-based metabolomics. HCC was characterized by ∼2-fold depletion of glucose, glycerol 3- and 2-phosphate, malate, alanine, myo-inositol, and linoleic acid. Data are consistent with a metabolic remodeling involving a 4-fold increase in glycolysis over mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. A second panel of 59 HCC that had been typed by transcriptomics and classified in G1 to G6 subgroups was also subjected to GCMS tissue metabolomics. No differences in glucose, lactate, alanine, glycerol 3-phosphate, malate, myo-inositol, or stearic acid tissue concentrations were found, suggesting that the Wnt/β-catenin pathway activated by CTNNB1 mutation in subgroups G5 and G6 did not exhibit specific metabolic remodeling. However, subgroup G1 had markedly reduced tissue concentrations of 1-stearoylglycerol, 1-palmitoylglycerol, and palmitic acid, suggesting that the high serum α-fetoprotein phenotype of G1, associated with the known overexpression of lipid catabolic enzymes, could be detected through metabolomics as increased lipid catabolism. Conclusion: Tissue metabolomics yielded precise biochemical information regarding HCC tumor metabolic remodeling from mitochondrial oxidation to aerobic glycolysis and the impact of molecular subtypes on this process.


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The circulating, endocrine renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is important to circulatory homeostasis, while ubiquitous tissue and cellular RAS play diverse roles, including metabolic regulation. Indeed, inhibition of RAS is associated with improved cellular oxidative capacity. Recently it has been suggested that an intra-mitochondrial RAS directly impacts on metabolism. Here we sought to rigorously explore this hypothesis. Radiolabelled ligand-binding and unbiased proteomic approaches were applied to purified mitochondrial sub-fractions from rat liver, and the impact of AngII on mitochondrial function assessed. Whilst high-affinity AngII binding sites were found in the mitochondria-associated membrane (MAM) fraction, no RAS components could be detected in purified mitochondria. Moreover, AngII had no effect on the function of isolated mitochondria at physiologically relevant concentrations. We thus found no evidence of endogenous mitochondrial AngII production, and conclude that the effects of AngII on cellular energy metabolism are not mediated through its direct binding to mitochondrial targets.


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BACKGROUND Electrochemical conversion of xenobiotics has been shown to mimic human phase I metabolism for a few compounds. MATERIALS & METHODS Twenty-one compounds were analyzed with a semiautomated electrochemical setup and mass spectrometry detection. RESULTS The system was able to mimic some metabolic pathways, such as oxygen gain, dealkylation and deiodination, but many of the expected and known metabolites were not produced. CONCLUSION Electrochemical conversion is a useful approach for the preparative synthesis of some types of metabolites, but as a screening method for unknown phase I metabolites, the method is, in our opinion, inferior to incubation with human liver microsomes and in vivo experiments with laboratory animals, for example.


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Neonatal energy metabolism in calves has to adapt to extrauterine life and depends on colostrum feeding. The adrenergic and glucocorticoid systems are involved in postnatal maturation of pathways related to energy metabolism and calves show elevated plasma concentrations of cortisol and catecholamines during perinatal life. We tested the hypothesis that hepatic glucocorticoid receptors (GR) and α₁- and β₂-adrenergic receptors (AR) in neonatal calves are involved in adaptation of postnatal energy metabolism and that respective binding capacities depend on colostrum feeding. Calves were fed colostrum (CF; n=7) or a milk-based formula (FF; n=7) with similar nutrient content up to d 4 of life. Blood samples were taken daily before feeding and 2h after feeding on d 4 of life to measure metabolites and hormones related to energy metabolism in blood plasma. Liver tissue was obtained 2 h after feeding on d 4 to measure hepatic fat content and binding capacity of AR and GR. Maximal binding capacity and binding affinity were calculated by saturation binding assays using [(3)H]-prazosin and [(3)H]-CGP-12177 for determination of α₁- and β₂-AR and [(3)H]-dexamethasone for determination of GR in liver. Additional liver samples were taken to measure mRNA abundance of AR and GR, and of key enzymes related to hepatic glucose and lipid metabolism. Plasma concentrations of albumin, triacylglycerides, insulin-like growth factor I, leptin, and thyroid hormones changed until d 4 and all these variables except leptin and thyroid hormones responded to feed intake on d 4. Diet effects were determined for albumin, insulin-like growth factor I, leptin, and thyroid hormones. Binding capacity for GR was greater and for α₁-AR tended to be greater in CF than in FF calves. Binding affinities were in the same range for each receptor type. Gene expression of α₁-AR (ADRA1) tended to be lower in CF than FF calves. Binding capacity of GR was related to parameters of glucose and lipid metabolism, whereas β₂-AR binding capacity was negatively associated with glucose metabolism. In conclusion, our results indicate a dependence of GR and α₁-AR on milk feeding immediately after birth and point to an involvement of hepatic GR and AR in postnatal adaptation of glucose and lipid metabolism in calves.


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The transition from the nonlactating to the lactating state represents a critical period for dairy cow lipid metabolism because body reserves have to be mobilized to meet the increasing energy requirements for the initiation of milk production. The purpose of this study was to provide a comprehensive overview on cholesterol homeostasis in transition dairy cows by assessing in parallel plasma, milk, and hepatic tissue for key factors of cholesterol metabolism, transport, and regulation. Blood samples and liver biopsies were taken from 50 multiparous Holstein dairy cows in wk 3 antepartum (a.p.), wk 1 postpartum (p.p.), wk 4 p.p., and wk 14 p.p. Milk sampling was performed in wk 1, 4, and 14 p.p. Blood and milk lipid concentrations [triglycerides (TG), cholesterol, and lipoproteins], enzyme activities (phospholipid transfer protein and lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase) were analyzed using enzymatic assays. Hepatic gene expression patterns of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMGC) synthase 1 (HMGCS1) and HMGC reductase (HMGCR), sterol regulatory element-binding factor (SREBF)-1 and -2, microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTTP), ATP-binding cassette transporter (ABC) A1 and ABCG1, liver X receptor (LXR) α and peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) α and γ were measured using quantitative RT-PCR. Plasma TG, cholesterol, and lipoprotein concentrations decreased from wk 3 a.p. to a minimum in wk 1 p.p., and then gradually increased until wk 14 p.p. Compared with wk 4 p.p., phospholipid transfer protein activity was increased in wk 1 p.p., whereas lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase activity was lowest at this period. Total cholesterol concentration and mass, and cholesterol concentration in the milk fat fraction decreased from wk 1 p.p. to wk 4 p.p. Both total and milk fat cholesterol concentration were decreased in wk 4 p.p. compared with wk 1 and 14 p.p. The mRNA abundance of genes involved in cholesterol synthesis (SREBF-2, HMGCS1, and HMGCR) markedly increased from wk 3 a.p. to wk 1 p.p., whereas SREBF-1 was downregulated. The expression of ABCA1 increased from wk 3 a.p. to wk 1 p.p., whereas ABCG1 was increased in wk 14 p.p. compared with other time points. In conclusion, hepatic expression of genes involved in the biosynthesis of cholesterol as well as the ABCA1 transporter were upregulated at the onset of lactation, whereas plasma concentrations of total cholesterol, phospholipids, lipoprotein-cholesterol, and TG were at a minimum. Thus, at the gene expression level, the liver seems to react to the increased demand for cholesterol after parturition. Whether the low plasma cholesterol and TG levels are due to impaired hepatic export mechanisms or reflect an enhanced transfer of these compounds into the milk to provide essential nutrients for the newborn remains to be elucidated.


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BACKGROUND Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a comorbidity of childhood obesity. OBJECTIVE We examined whole-body substrate metabolism and metabolic characteristics in obese adolescents with vs. without NAFLD. SUBJECTS Twelve obese (BMI ≥ 95th percentile) adolescents with and without NAFLD [intrahepatic triglyceride (IHTG) ≥5.0% vs. <5.0%] were pair-matched for race, gender, age and % body fat. METHODS Insulin sensitivity (IS) was assessed by a 3-h hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp and whole-body substrate oxidation by indirect calorimetry during fasting and insulin-stimulated conditions. RESULTS Adolescents with NAFLD had increased (p < 0.05) abdominal fat, lipids, and liver enzymes compared with those without NAFLD. Fasting glucose concentration was not different between groups, but fasting insulin concentration was higher (p < 0.05) in the NAFLD group compared with those without. Fasting hepatic glucose production and hepatic IS did not differ (p > 0.1) between groups. Adolescents with NAFLD had higher (p < 0.05) fasting glucose oxidation and a tendency for lower fat oxidation. Adolescents with NAFLD had lower (p < 0.05) insulin-stimulated glucose disposal and lower peripheral IS compared with those without NAFLD. Although respiratory quotient (RQ) increased significantly from fasting to insulin-stimulated conditions in both groups (main effect, p < 0.001), the increase in RQ was lower in adolescents with NAFLD vs. those without (interaction, p = 0.037). CONCLUSION NAFLD in obese adolescents is associated with adverse cardiometabolic profile, peripheral insulin resistance and metabolic inflexibility.


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The existence of a resident population of intrahepatic immune cells (IHICs) is well documented for mammalian vertebrates, however, it is uncertain whether IHICs are present in the liver of teleostean fish. In the present study we investigated whether trout liver contains an IHIC population, and if so, what the relative cellular composition of this population is. The results provide clear evidence for the existence of an IHIC population in trout liver, which constitutes 15-29% of the non-hepatocytes in the liver, and with a cellular composition different to that of the blood leukocyte population. We also analyzed the response of IHICs to a non-infectious liver challenge with the hepatotoxic and immunotoxic chemical, benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). Juvenile trout were treated with BaP (25 or 100mg/kgbw) at levels sufficient to induce the molecular pathway of BaP metabolism while not causing pathological and inflammatory liver changes. The IHIC population responded to the BaP treatments in a way that differed from the responses of the leukocyte populations in trout blood and spleen, suggesting that IHICs are an independently regulated immune cell population.


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The intracellular availability of glucocorticoids is regulated by the enzymes 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 (HSD11B1) and 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 (HSD11B2). The activity of HSD11B1 is measured in the urine based on the (tetrahydrocortisol+5α-tetrahydrocortisol)/tetrahydrocortisone ((THF+5α-THF)/THE) ratio in humans and the (tetrahydrocorticosterone+5α-tetrahydrocorticosterone)/tetrahydrodehydrocorticosterone ((THB+5α-THB)/THA) ratio in mice. The cortisol/cortisone (F/E) ratio in humans and the corticosterone/11-dehydrocorticosterone (B/A) ratio in mice are markers of the activity of HSD11B2. In vitro agonist treatment of liver X receptor (LXR) down-regulates the activity of HSD11B1. Sterol 27-hydroxylase (CYP27A1) catalyses the first step in the alternative pathway of bile acid synthesis by hydroxylating cholesterol to 27-hydroxycholesterol (27-OHC). Since 27-OHC is a natural ligand for LXR, we hypothesised that CYP27A1 deficiency may up-regulate the activity of HSD11B1. In a patient with cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis carrying a loss-of-function mutation in CYP27A1, the plasma concentrations of 27-OHC were dramatically reduced (3.8 vs 90-140 ng/ml in healthy controls) and the urinary ratios of (THF+5α-THF)/THE and F/E were increased, demonstrating enhanced HSD11B1 and diminished HSD11B2 activities. Similarly, in Cyp27a1 knockout (KO) mice, the plasma concentrations of 27-OHC were undetectable (<1 vs 25-120 ng/ml in Cyp27a1 WT mice). The urinary ratio of (THB+5α-THB)/THA was fourfold and that of B/A was twofold higher in KO mice than in their WT littermates. The (THB+5α-THB)/THA ratio was also significantly increased in the plasma, liver and kidney of KO mice. In the liver of these mice, the increase in the concentrations of active glucocorticoids was due to increased liver weight as a consequence of Cyp27a1 deficiency. In vitro, 27-OHC acts as an inhibitor of the activity of HSD11B1. Our studies suggest that the expression of CYP27A1 modulates the concentrations of active glucocorticoids in both humans and mice and in vitro.


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The response of cholesterol metabolism to a negative energy balance (NEB) induced by feed restriction for 3 weeks starting at 100 days in milk (DIM) compared to the physiologically occurring NEB in week 1 postpartum (p.p.) was investigated in 50 dairy cows (25 control (CON) and 25 feed-restricted (RES)). Blood samples, liver biopsies and milk samples were taken in week 1 p.p., and in weeks 0 and 3 of feed restriction. Plasma concentrations of total cholesterol (C), phospholipids (PL), triglycerides (TAG), very low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (VLDL-C) and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) increased in RES cows from week 0 to 3 during feed restriction and were higher in week 3 compared to CON cows. In contrast, during the physiologically occurring NEB in week 1 p.p., C, PL, TAG and lipoprotein concentrations were at a minimum. Plasma phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) and lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) activities did not differ between week 0 and 3 for both groups, whereas during NEB in week 1 p.p. PLTP activity was increased and LCAT activity was decreased. Milk C concentration was not affected by feed restriction in both groups, whereas milk C mass was decreased in week 3 for RES cows. In comparison, C concentration and mass in milk were elevated in week 1 p.p. Hepatic mRNA abundance of sterol regulatory element-binding factor-2 (SREBF-2), 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A synthase 1 (HMGCS1), 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (HMGCR), and ATP-binding cassette transporter (ABCA1) were similar in CON and RES cows during feed restriction, but were upregulated during NEB in week 1 p.p. compared to the non-lactating stage without a NEB. In conclusion, cholesterol metabolism in dairy cows is affected by nutrient and energy deficiency depending on the stage of lactation.


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Hepatic expression of A20, including in hepatocytes, increases in response to injury, inflammation and resection. This increase likely serves a hepatoprotective purpose. The characteristic unfettered liver inflammation and necrosis in A20 knockout mice established physiologic upregulation of A20 as integral to the anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic armamentarium of hepatocytes. However, the implication of physiologic upregulation of A20 in modulating hepatocytes' proliferative responses following liver resection remains controversial. To resolve the impact of A20 on hepatocyte proliferation and the liver's regenerative capacity, we examined whether decreased A20 expression, as in A20 heterozygous knockout mice, affects outcome following two-third partial hepatectomy. A20 heterozygous mice do not demonstrate a striking liver phenotype, indicating that their A20 expression levels are still sufficient to contain inflammation and cell death at baseline. However, usually benign partial hepatectomy provoked a staggering lethality (>40%) in these mice, uncovering an unsuspected phenotype. Heightened lethality in A20 heterozygous mice following partial hepatectomy resulted from impaired hepatocyte proliferation due to heightened levels of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, p21, and deficient upregulation of cyclins D1, E and A, in the context of worsened liver steatosis. A20 heterozygous knockout minimally affected baseline liver transcriptome, mostly circadian rhythm genes. Nevertheless, this caused differential expression of >1000 genes post hepatectomy, hindering lipid metabolism, bile acid biosynthesis, insulin signaling and cell cycle, all critical cellular processes for liver regeneration. These results demonstrate that mere reduction of A20 levels causes worse outcome post hepatectomy than full knockout of bona fide liver pro-regenerative players such as IL-6, clearly ascertaining A20's primordial role in enabling liver regeneration. Clinical implications of these data are of utmost importance as they caution safety of extensive hepatectomy for donation or tumor in carriers of A20/TNFAIP3 single nucleotide polymorphisms alleles that decrease A20 expression or function, and prompt the development of A20-based liver pro-regenerative therapies.


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Glycogen is a major substrate in energy metabolism and particularly important to prevent hypoglycemia in pathologies of glucose homeostasis such as type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). (13) C-MRS is increasingly used to determine glycogen in skeletal muscle and liver non-invasively; however, the low signal-to-noise ratio leads to long acquisition times, particularly when glycogen levels are determined before and after interventions. In order to ease the requirements for the subjects and to avoid systematic effects of the lengthy examination, we evaluated if a standardized preparation period would allow us to shift the baseline (pre-intervention) experiments to a preceding day. Based on natural abundance (13) C-MRS on a clinical 3 T MR system the present study investigated the test-retest reliability of glycogen measurements in patients with T1DM and matched controls (n = 10 each group) in quadriceps muscle and liver. Prior to the MR examination, participants followed a standardized diet and avoided strenuous exercise for two days. The average coefficient of variation (CV) of myocellular glycogen levels was 9.7% in patients with T1DM compared with 6.6% in controls after a 2 week period, while hepatic glycogen variability was 13.3% in patients with T1DM and 14.6% in controls. For comparison, a single-session test-retest variability in four healthy volunteers resulted in 9.5% for skeletal muscle and 14.3% for liver. Glycogen levels in muscle and liver were not statistically different between test and retest, except for hepatic glycogen, which decreased in T1DM patients in the retest examination, but without an increase of the group distribution. Since the CVs of glycogen levels determined in a "single session" versus "within weeks" are comparable, we conclude that the major source of uncertainty is the methodological error and that physiological variations can be minimized by a pre-study standardization. For hepatic glycogen examinations, familiarization sessions (MR and potentially strenuous interventions) are recommended. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A colony of rabbits has been developed at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston that is resistant to dietary-induced hypercholesterolemia. The liver of resistant rabbits had higher levels of ($\sp{125}$I) $\beta$-VLDL binding and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl (HMGCoA) reductase activity, but lower acyl coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) activity than normal rabbits. Direct quantitation of intracellular cholesterol content of the liver revealed that the resistant rabbits had $<$10% of the intracellular free cholesterol present in normal rabbits. Fibroblasts isolated from normal and resistant rabbits exhibited differences in ($\sp{125}$I) LDL binding, HMGCoA reductase activity and ACAT activity that were similar to those found in the liver. No structural differences were found in the LDL receptor of normal and resistant fibroblasts that would account for the increased binding capacity of the resistant cells. The regulation of LDL receptor levels by exogenous oxygenated sterols was similar in normal and resistant fibroblasts. The regulation of LDL receptor binding capacity by LDL was attenuated in the resistant compared to normal fibroblasts, suggesting that the resistant fibroblasts have an alternate pathway for processing lipoprotein-derived cholesterol. Sterol-balance studies revealed that the cholesterol-fed resistant rabbits increased lithocholic acid excretion compared to the basal state, and had higher levels of deoxycholic acid excretion than cholesterol-fed normal rabbits. In addition, the specific activity and mRNA levels of cholesterol 7$\alpha$-hydroxylase (C7$\alpha$H) were higher in resistant rabbits than normal rabbits, suggesting that the increased bile acid excretion was due to an increase in bile acid synthesis. Increased clearance of cholesterol relieves the negative feedback inhibition cholesterol exerts on expression of the LDL receptor. The number of cell surface LDL receptors is then increased in resistant rabbits and allows rapid clearance of lipoproteins from the plasma compartment, thereby reducing plasma cholesterol levels. The low intracellular cholesterol level also relieves the negative feedback inhibition cholesterol exerts on HMGCoA reductase. Increased synthesis of cholesterol from acetate provides cells with cholesterol for bile acid synthesis and/or homeostasis. The activity of ACAT is then decreased due to the flux of cholesterol through the bile acid synthetic pathways. ^


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Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis), mainly distributed in the Yangtze River, has been listed as a grade I protected animal in China because of a dramatic decline in population owing to loss of natural habitat for reproduction and interference by human activities. Understanding the proteome profile of Chinese sturgeon liver would provide an invaluable resource for protecting and increasing the stocks of this species. In this study, we have analyzed proteome profiles of juvenile Chinese sturgeon liver using a one-dimensional gel electrophoresis coupled to LC-MS/MS approach. A total of 1059 proteins and 2084 peptides were identified. The liver proteome was found to be associated with diverse biological processes, cellular components and molecular functions. The proteome profile identified a variety of significant pathways including carbohydrate metabolism, fatty acid metabolism and amino acid metabolism pathways. It also established a network for protein biosynthesis, folding and catabolic processes. The proteome profile established in this study can be used for understanding the development of Chinese sturgeon and studying the molecular mechanisms of action under environmental or chemical stress, providing very useful omics information that can be applied to preserve this species.