903 resultados para Lindahl, Rutger: Non-alignment and European security policy
Thirty Cecropia pachystachya trees were examined in non-floodable and floodable areas to investigate the association between C. pachystachya and Azteca ants in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The species Azteca ovaticeps, Azteca isthmica, and Azteca alfari were found nesting inside domatia of C. pachystachya. A. ovaticeps was the most frequent species in the trees in the floodable area, while A. isthmica and A. alfari, in the non-floodable area. A. ovaticeps and A. isthmica maintained more entrance/exit holes in comparison to A. alfari. All Azteca species maintained entrance/exit holes in the closest domatia to the apical area of the branch, due to proximity to Müllerian and pearl bodies, suggesting that these species of Azteca were influenced by their environment during evolution and became specialized. All internodal septa of each examined branch were perforated by ants, indicating the branches were inhabited by a single colony.
This paper proposes a dynamic framework to study the timing of balance of paymentscrises. The model incorporates two main ingredients: (i) investors have private information; (ii)investors interact in a dynamic setting, weighing the high returns on domestic assets against the incentives to pull out before the devaluation. The model shows that the presence of disaggregated information delays the onset of BOP crises, giving rise to discrete devaluations. It also shows that high interest rates can be eective in delaying and possibly avoiding the abandonment of the peg. The optimal policy is to raise interest rates sharply as fundamentals become very weak. However, this policy is time inconsistent, suggesting a role for commitment devices such as currency boards or IMF pressure.
Why do people coordinate on the use of valueless piecesof paper as generally accepted money? A possible answeris that these objects have intrinsic properties that make them better candidates to be used as media of exchange. Another answer stresses the fact that unconvertible fiat money will not easily appear unless there is a centralized institution that favors its use.The main objective of the paper is to analyze these questions. In order to do this, we take a model of commodity money in which fiat money does not play any significant role and modify it to examine under which circumstances fiat money might come to circulate as medium of exchange. Some of the results obtained from the model differ in a rather substantial way from previous related literature.
Dichroplus maculipennis is one of the most characteristic and damaging grasshopper species of Argentina, mainly in areas of the Pampas and Patagonia regions. We estimated and compared the longevity and fecundity of adult female D. maculipennis under controlled conditions (30ºC, 14L:10D, 40% RH) from individuals collected as last instar nymphs (VI) in the field and with a known recent history of low and high density conditions. Densities of D. maculipennis at the collecting sites were 0.95 individuals per m² in 2006 and 46 ind/m² in 2009, representing non-outbreaking and outbreaking situations, respectively. Adult female longevity in 2006 (67.96 ± 3.2 days) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than in 2009 (37.44 ± 1.98 days). The number of egg-pods per female was 3.32 ± 0.44 for 2006 and 1.62 ± 0.26 for 2009. The average fecundity in 2006 (89.29 ± 11.9 eggs/female) was significantly greater (p < 0.05) than that in 2009 (36.27 ± 5.82 eggs/female). While it was observed that the oviposition rate was higher in 2006, this difference was not significant (p > 0.05). The fecundity curves showed that the highest values were at weeks 11 and 13 for the 2006 females, and at week 6 for those of 2009. Since the daily oviposition rate at low and high densities was not significantly different, the diminished fecundity rate at high density is attributable to their reduced longevity.
Current hypertension guidelines point to the necessity of achieving sustained and strict blood pressure control in every hypertensive patient. To reach this goal the patient should comply both with hygienic measures and pharmacologic treatment. This remains a difficult task, particularly since hypertension is generally asymptomatic and since any therapeutic intervention might adversely alter the patient's quality of life. Long-term persistence with antihypertensive therapy is facilated when the treatment is initiated with well tolerated antihypertensive agents, especially blockers of the renin-angiotensin system. Having a normal blood pressure during treatment is also an important determinant of persistence. This explains the growing interest for fixed-dose combinations, which have the main advantage to be at the same time efficient and well tolerated. These simple to use preparations have even gained acceptance as first-line drug regimen.
Pasture productivity can drop due to soil compaction caused by animal trampling. Physical and mechanical alterations are therefore extremely important indicators for pasture management. The objective of this research was to: draw and evaluate the Mohr failure line of a Red Yellow Latossol under different pasture cycles and natural forest; calculate apparent cohesion; observe possible physical alterations in this soil; and propose a correction factor for stocking rates based on shear strength properties. This study was conducted between March/2006 and March/2007 on the Experimental Farm of Fundação de Ensino Superior de Passos, in Passos, state of Minas Gerais. The total study area covered 6 ha, of which 2 ha were irrigated pasture, 2 ha non-irrigated pasture and 2 ha natural forest. Brachiaria brizantha cv. MG-5 Vitória was used as forage plant. The pasture area was divided into paddocks. The Mohr failure line of samples of a Red Yellow Latossol under irrigated pasture equilibrated at a tension of water content of 6 kPa indicated higher shear strength than under non-irrigated pasture. The shear strength under irrigated pasture and natural forest was higher than under non-irrigated pasture. At a tension of water content of 33 kPa no difference was found in shear strength between management and use. Possible changes in soil structure were caused by apparent cohesion. The values of the correction factor were close to 1, which may indicate a possible soil compaction in prolonged periods of management.
Invasive studies suggest that healthy children living at high altitude display pulmonary hypertension, but the data to support this assumption are sparse. Nitric oxide (NO) synthesized by the respiratory epithelium regulates pulmonary artery pressure, and its synthesis was reported to be increased in Aymara high-altitude dwellers. We hypothesized that pulmonary artery pressure will be lower in Aymara children than in children of European ancestry at high altitude, and that this will be related to increased respiratory NO. We therefore compared pulmonary artery pressure and exhaled NO (a marker of respiratory epithelial NO synthesis) between large groups of healthy children of Aymara (n = 200; mean +/- SD age, 9.5 +/- 3.6 years) and European ancestry (n = 77) living at high altitude (3,600 to 4,000 m). We also studied a group of European children (n = 29) living at low altitude. The systolic right ventricular to right atrial pressure gradient in the Aymara children was normal, even though significantly higher than the gradient measured in European children at low altitude (22.5 +/- 6.1 mm Hg vs 17.7 +/- 3.1 mm Hg, p < 0.001). In children of European ancestry studied at high altitude, the pressure gradient was 33% higher than in the Aymara children (30.0 +/- 5.3 mm Hg vs 22.5 +/- 6.1 mm Hg, p < 0.0001). In contrast to what was expected, exhaled NO tended to be lower in Aymara children than in European children living at the same altitude (12.4 +/- 8.8 parts per billion [ppb] vs 16.1 +/- 11.1 ppb, p = 0.06) and was not related to pulmonary artery pressure in either group. Aymara children are protected from hypoxic pulmonary hypertension at high altitude. This protection does not appear to be related to increased respiratory NO synthesis.
Autonomic neuropathy is a well known complication of diabetes. Diabetes is often superimposed on obesity. A reduction in the variability of the heart rate in the resting state has been demonstrated in 16 obese diabetic subjects as well as in 34 obese non-diabetic subjects. The coefficient of variation (CV) of the heart rate during 30 minutes of resting was significantly decreased in both obese groups (3.9 +/- 0.2% for the diabetics; 5.2 +/- 0.2%, p less than 0.01 for the non diabetics) as compared to their own controls (4.5 +/- 0.6% and 6.5 +/- 0.4%, respectively). Age also contributes to decreased heart rate variability. Furthermore, this defect of autonomic function has been correlated with the blunted glucose-induced thermogenesis (GIT) seen in both obese groups (r = 0.52, p. less than 0.001): the increase in energy expenditure over basal values following a 100 g oral glucose load was only 4.8 +/- 0.8% for the diabetic obese group (p less than 0.001), and 8.5 +/- 0.7% for the non-diabetic obese group (p less than 0.001) as opposed to their own controls (12.4 +/- 1.3% and 13.3 +/- 0.6% respectively). Measurement of the variability of heart rate in obese individuals may be of predictive value in assessing blunted glucose-induced thermogenesis in non diabetic and diabetic obese patients.
This special issue aims to cover some problems related to non-linear and nonconventional speech processing. The origin of this volume is in the ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Non-Linear Speech Processing, NOLISP’09, held at the Universitat de Vic (Catalonia, Spain) on June 25–27, 2009. The series of NOLISP workshops started in 2003 has become a biannual event whose aim is to discuss alternative techniques for speech processing that, in a sense, do not fit into mainstream approaches. A selected choice of papers based on the presentations delivered at NOLISP’09 has given rise to this issue of Cognitive Computation.
The objective of this work was to evaluate, through a polymorphism in the ND5 gene of the bovine mitochondrial DNA, the frequency of Bos taurus indicus mtDNA individuals in a sample of Nellore purebred origin animals (n = 69) and crossbred animals originated from crosses of European sires and Nellore purebred origin females (n = 275). Only 2.26% (8/354) of the animals presented Bos taurus indicus mtDNA. The high frequency of Bos taurus taurus mtDNA in these animals can be a consequence of selection, once the animals studied are originated from selected lineages of high performance for meat production.
General equations are presented for predicting loss of prestress and camber of both composite and non- composite prestressed concrete structures. Continuous time functins of all parameters needed to solve the equations are given, and sample results included. Computed prestress loss and camber are compared with experimental data for normal weight and lightweight concrete. Methods are also presented for predicting the effect of non-prestressed tension steel in reducing time-dependent loss of prestress and camber, and for the determination of short-time deflections of uncracked and cracked prestressed members. Comparisons with experimental results are indicated for these partially prestressed methods.
Mobile technologies have brought about major changes in police equipment and police work. If a utopian narrative remains strongly linked to the adoption of new technologies, often formulated as 'magic bullets' to real occupational problems, there are important tensions between their 'imagined' outcomes and the (unexpected) effects that accompany their daily 'practical' use by police officers. This article offers an analysis of police officers' perceptions and interactions with security devices. In so doing, it develops a conceptual typology of strategies for coping with new technology inspired by Le Bourhis and Lascoumes: challenging, neutralizing and diverting. To that purpose, we adopt an ethnographic approach that focuses on the discourses, practices and actions of police officers in relation to three security devices: the mobile digital terminal, the mobile phone and the body camera. Based on a case study of a North American municipal police department, the article addresses how these technological devices are perceived and experienced by police officers on the beat.