989 resultados para Light microscopy analysis
Metasequoia glyptostroboides is a useful nearest living relative (NLR) of the Eocene fossil Metasequoia. Research on modern Metasequoia might give us some clues about its fossil counterpart. During this study the leaf anatomy of Metasequoia, Glyptostrobus, Sequoia and Taxodium was investigated with light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Metasequoia exhibits several characteristics of typical sciaphilic plants, such as slightly arched outer cell walls in the adaxial epidermal cells, strongly arched outer cell walls in the abaxial epidermal cells, mesophyll composed of spongy cells, chloroplasts with well-developed grana not only in mesophyll cells but in both the adaxial and abaxial epidermis. Based on comparison of leaf morphology and anatomy, we conclude that Metasequoia is best adapted to low light intensities, Sequoia and Taxodium are intermediate, and Glyptostrobus is adapted to higher light intensities. The effects of light intensity on mesophyll plastids of Metasequoia leaves were studied with trees grown under different light intensities. Metasequoia had the ability to synthesize chlorophyll under complete darkness and was stressed under high light. These characteristics would provide adaptive advantages for Metasequoia to adapt to low intensity, low angle, polar light at their Eocene high latitude paleoenvironments, particularly during the polar spring when light levels are exceedingly low. It provides evidence to explain why Metasequoia was the dominant tree species in Eocene high latitudes. The thesis is written as an article to be submitted to the American Journal of Botany.
Stockwork-like metal sulfide mineralizations were found at 910-928 m below seafloor (BSF) in the pillow/dike transition zone of Hole 504B. This is the same interval where most physical properties of the 5.9-m.y.-old crust of the Costa Rica Rift change from those characteristic of Layer 2B to those of Layer 2C. The pillow lavas, breccias, and veins of the stockwork-like zone were studied by transmitted and reflected light microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and electron microprobe analysis. Bulk rock oxygen isotopic analyses as well as isolated mineral oxygen and sulfur isotopic analyses and fluid inclusion measurements were carried out. A complex alteration history was reconstructed that includes three generations of fissures, each followed by precipitation of characteristic hydrothermal mineral parageneses: (1) Minor and local deposition of quartz occurred on fissure walls; adjacent wall rocks were silicified, followed by formation of chlorite and minor pyrite I in the veins, whereas albite, sphene, chlorite and chlorite-expandable clay mixtures, actinolite, and pyrite replaced igneous phases in the host rocks. The hydrothermal fluids responsible for this first stage were probably partially reacted seawater, and their temperatures were at least 200-250° C. (2) Fissures filled during the first stage were reopened and new cracks formed. They were filled with quartz, minor chlorite and chlorite-expandable clay mixtures, traces of epidote, common pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and minor galena. During the second stage, hydrothermal fluids were relatively evolved metal- and Si-rich solutions whose temperatures ranged from 230 to 340° C. The fluctuating chemical composition and temperature of the solutions produced a complex depositional sequence of sulfides in the veins: chalcopyrite I, ± Fe-rich sphalerite, chalcopyrite II ("disease"), Fe-poor sphalerite, chalcopyrite III, galena, and pyrite II. (3) During the last stage, zeolites and Mg-poor calcite filled up the remaining spaces and newly formed cracks and replaced the host rock plagioclase. Analcite and stilbite were first to form in veins, possibly at temperatures below 200°C; analcite and earlier quartz were replaced by laumontite at 250°C, whereas calcite formation temperature ranged from 135 to 220°C. The last stage hydrothermal fluids were depleted in Mg and enriched in Ca and 18O compared to seawater and contained a mantle carbon component. This complex alteration history paralleling a complex mineral paragenesis can be interpreted as the result of a relatively long-term evolution of a hydrothermal system with superimposed shorter term fluctuations in solution temperature and composition. Hydrothermal activity probably began close to the axis of the Costa Rica Rift with the overall cooling of the system and multiple fracturing stages due to movement of the crust away from the axis and/or cooling of a magmatic heat source.
Calcareous nannofossils were studied by light microscopy in Neogene sedimentary rocks recovered at four sites of the Ocean Drilling Program Leg 127 in the Japan Sea. Nannofossils occur sporadically at all sites, and allow recognition of seven zones and two subzones; four zones in the Holocene to the uppermost Pliocene, and three zones and two subzones in the middle to lower Miocene. Forty-eight nannofossil species are recognized in 95 of the 808 irregularly-spaced samples taken from all the sites. The nannofossil assemblages in the Miocene are more diverse than those in the Holocene to Pliocene sedimentary interval. The greater diversity and the presence of warm-water taxa, such as Sphenolithus and discoasters in the upper lower Miocene to lower middle Miocene, suggest a relatively warm and stable surface-water condition, attributed to an increased supply of warm water from the subtropical western Pacific Ocean. Site 797 in the southern part of the Yamato Basin contains the most complete and the oldest nannofossil record so far reported from the Japan Sea. The lowermost nannofossil zone at this site, the Helicosphaera ampliaperta Zone (15.7-18.4 Ma) gives a minimum age for the Yamato Basin. This age range predates rotation of southwest Japan, an event previously believed to be caused by the opening of the Japan Sea.
The magnetization of four breccia samples from the Leg 83 section of DSDP Hole 504B was analyzed by selective destructive demagnetization in order to study the origin and stability of hydrothermally altered basalts. The NRM directions of the clasts for three of the four samples are randomly oriented and much more strongly magnetized than the bulk sample. Clasts which were individually demagnetized show two or more components of magnetization, but neither are coincident with those of the bulk sample, indicating that NRM was probably acquired prior to the consolidation of the breccia and suggesting that any overprint (VRM or otherwise) can be removed by AF demagnetization to at most 50 Oe. Reflected light microscopy and electron microprobe analysis of two samples show that the unexpectedly high NRM of the matrix regions is apparently the result of secondary magnetic phases precipitated from hydrothermal solutions.
The purpose of the present study was to explore the composition and variation of the pico-, nano- and micro-plankton communities in Norwegian coastal waters and Skagerrak, and the co-occurrence of bacteria and viruses. Samples were collected along three cruise transects from Jaeren, Lista and Oksoy on the south coast of Norway and into the North Sea and Skagerrak. We also followed a drifting buoy for 55 h in Skagerrak in order to observe diel variations. Satellite ocean color images (SeaWiFS) of the chlorophyll a (chl a) distribution compared favorably to in situ measurements in open waters, while closer to the shore remote sensing chl a data was overestimated compared to the in situ data. Using light microscopy, we identified 49 micro- and 15 nanoplankton sized phototrophic forms as well as 40 micro- and 12 nanoplankton sized heterotrophic forms. The only picoeukaryote (0.2-2.0 µm) we identified was Resultor micron (Pedinophyceae). Along the transects a significant variation in the distribution and abundance of different plankton forms were observed, with Synechococcus spp and autotrophic picoeukaryotes as the most notable examples. There was no correlation between viruses and chl a, but between viruses and bacteria, and between viruses and some of the phytoplankton groups, especially the picoeukaryotes. Moreover, there was a negative correlation between nutrients and small viruses (Low Fluorescent Viruses) but a positive correlation between nutrients and large viruses (High Fluorescent Viruses). The abundance of autotrophic picoplankton, bacteria and viruses showed a diel variation in surface waters with higher values around noon and late at night and lower values in the evening. Synechococcus spp were found at 20 m depth 25-45 nautical miles from shore apparently forming a bloom that stretched out for more than 100 nautical miles from Skagerrak and up the south west coast of Norway. The different methods used for assessing abundance, distribution and diversity of microorganisms yielded complementary information about the plankton community. Flow cytometry enabled us to map the distribution of the smaller phytoplankton forms, bacteria and viruses in more detail than has been possible before but detection and quantification of specific forms (genus or species) still requires taxonomic skills, molecular analysis or both.
We present an SiF4 separation line, coupled to a laser fluorination system, which allows for an efficient combined silica d18O and d30Si analysis (50 min per sample). The required sample weight of 1.5-2.0 mg allows for high-resolution isotope studies on biogenic opal. Besides analytical tests, the new instrumentation set-up was used to analyse two marine diatom fractions (>63 µm, 10-20 µm) with different diatom species compositions extracted from a Bølling/Allerød-Holocene core section [MD01-2416, North-West (NW) Pacific] to evaluate the palaeoceanographic significance of the diatom isotopic signals and to address isotopic effects related to contamination and species-related isotope effects (vital and environmental effects). While d30Si offsets between the two fractions were not discernible, supporting the absence of species-related silicon isotope effects, systematic offsets occur between the d18O records. Although small, these offsets point to species-related isotope effects, as bias by contamination can be discarded. The new records strengthen the palaeoceanographic history during the last deglaciation in the NW Pacific characterized by a sequence of events with varying surface water structure and biological productivity. With such palaeoceanographic evolution it becomes unlikely that the observed systematic d18O offsets signal seasonal temperature variability. This calls for reconsideration of vital effects, generally excluded to affect d18O measurements.
The magnetic properties of 11 samples from Site 670 of Leg 109, 3 harzburgites and 8 highly serpentinized peridotites, have been studied. Reflected light microscopy and Curie temperatures confirm that magnetite is the dominant magnetic mineral in all samples. However, both rock types show different magnetic behavior. Susceptibility, saturation magnetization, and NRM are higher for the serpentinites, because of the higher magnetite content. The hysteresis parameters indicate magnetite particles with pseudosingle domain structure for both rock types. For the remarkable anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility no definite explanation could be found, because of the complex texture of the samples. In both rock types the presence of maghemite, a product of low temperature oxidation of magnetite, has been indicated by reflected light microscopy and by thermomagnetic analysis. As the maghemite converts to hematite at temperatures above 350°C, the temperature during the serpentinization was below this value assuming that the maghemitization took place at the same time.
Mining in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), the biggest VMS metallogenetic province known in the world to date, has to face a deep crisis in spite of the huge reserves still known after ≈5 000 years of production. This is due to several factors, as the difficult processing of complex Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag- Au ores, the exhaustion of the oxidation zone orebodies (the richest for gold, in gossan), the scarce demand for sulphuric acid in the world market, and harder environmental regulations. Of these factors, only the first and the last mentioned can be addressed by local ore geologists. A reactivation of mining can therefore only be achieved by an improved and more efficient ore processing, under the constraint of strict environmental controls. Digital image analysis of the ores, coupled to reflected light microscopy, provides a quantified and reliable mineralogical and textural characterization of the ores. The automation of the procedure for the first time furnishes the process engineers with real-time information, to improve the process and to preclude or control pollution; it can be applied to metallurgical tailings as well. This is shown by some examples of the IPB.
A joint research to develop an efficient method for automated identification and quantification of ores [1], based on Reflected Light Microscopy (RLM) in the VNIR realm (Fig. 1), provides an alternative to modern SEM based equipments used by geometallurgists, but for ~ 1/10th of the price.
Traditional identification of ore minerals with reflected light microscopy relies heavily on the experience of the observer. Qualified observers have become a rarity, as ore microscopy is often neglected in today’s university training, but since it furnishes necessary and inexpensive information, innovative alternatives are needed, especially for quantification. Many of the diagnostic optical properties of ores defy quantification, but recent developments in electronics and optics allow new insights into the reflectance and colour properties of ores. Preliminary results for the development of an expert system aimed at the automatic identification of ores based on their reflectance properties are presented. The discriminatory capacity of the system is enhanced by near IR reflectance measures, while UV filters tested to date are unreliable. Interaction with image analysis software through a wholly automated microscope, to furnish quantitative and morphological information for geometallurgy, relies on automated identification of the ores based on the measured spectra. This methodology increases enormously the performance of the microscopist; nevertheless supervision by an expert is always needed.
• Premise of the study: The presence of compatible fungi is necessary for epiphytic orchid recruitment. Thus, identifying associated mycorrhizal fungi at the population level is essential for orchid conservation. Recruitment patterns may also be conditioned by factors such as seed dispersal range and specific environmental characteristics. • Methods: In a forest plot, all trees with a diameter at breast height >1 cm and all individuals of the epiphytic orchid Epidendrum rhopalostele were identified and mapped. Additionally, one flowering individual of E. rhopalostele per each host tree was randomly selected for root sampling and DNA extraction. • Key results: A total of 239 E. rhopalostele individuals were located in 25 of the 714 potential host trees. Light microscopy of sampled roots showed mycorrhizal fungi in 22 of the 25 sampled orchids. Phylogenetic analysis of ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequences yielded two Tulasnella clades. In four cases, plants were found to be associated with both clades. The difference between univariate and bivariate K functions was consistent with the random labeling null model at all spatial scales, indicating that trees hosting clades A and B of Tulasnella are not spatially segregated. The analysis of the inhomogenous K function showed that host trees are not clustered, suggesting no limitations to population-scale dispersal. χ2 analysis of contingency tables showed that E. rhopalostele is more frequent on dead trees than expected. • Conclusions: Epidendrum rhopalostele establishes mycorrhizal associations with at least two different Tulasnella species. The analysis of the distribution patterns of this orchid suggests a microsite preference for dead trees and no seed dispersal limitation.
Esta tesis se ha desarrollado en el contexto del proyecto Cajal Blue Brain, una iniciativa europea dedicada al estudio del cerebro. Uno de los objetivos de esta iniciativa es desarrollar nuevos métodos y nuevas tecnologías que simplifiquen el análisis de datos en el campo neurocientífico. El presente trabajo se ha centrado en diseñar herramientas que combinen información proveniente de distintos canales sensoriales con el fin de acelerar la interacción y análisis de imágenes neurocientíficas. En concreto se estudiará la posibilidad de combinar información visual con información háptica. Las espinas dendríticas son pequeñas protuberancias que recubren la superficie dendrítica de muchas neuronas del cerebro. A día de hoy, se cree que tienen un papel clave en la transmisión de señales neuronales. Motivo por el cual, el interés por parte de la comunidad científica por estas estructuras ha ido en aumento a medida que las técnicas de adquisición de imágenes mejoraban hasta alcanzar una calidad suficiente para analizar dichas estructuras. A menudo, los neurocientíficos utilizan técnicas de microscopía con luz para obtener los datos que les permitan analizar estructuras neuronales tales como neuronas, dendritas y espinas dendríticas. A pesar de que estas técnicas ofrezcan ciertas ventajas frente a su equivalente electrónico, las técnicas basadas en luz permiten una menor resolución. En particular, estructuras pequeñas como las espinas dendríticas pueden capturarse de forma incorrecta en las imágenes obtenidas, impidiendo su análisis. En este trabajo, se presenta una nueva técnica, que permite editar imágenes volumétricas, mediante un dispositivo háptico, con el fin de reconstruir de los cuellos de las espinas dendríticas. Con este objetivo, en un primer momento se desarrolló un algoritmo que proporciona retroalimentación háptica en datos volumétricos, completando la información que provine del canal visual. Dicho algoritmo de renderizado háptico permite a los usuarios tocar y percibir una isosuperficie en el volumen de datos. El algoritmo asegura un renderizado robusto y eficiente. Se utiliza un método basado en las técnicas de “marching tetrahedra” para la extracción local de una isosuperficie continua, lineal y definida por intervalos. La robustez deriva tanto de una etapa de detección de colisiones continua de la isosuperficie extraída, como del uso de técnicas eficientes de renderizado basadas en un proxy puntual. El método de “marching tetrahedra” propuesto garantiza que la topología de la isosuperficie extraída coincida con la topología de una isosuperficie equivalente determinada utilizando una interpolación trilineal. Además, con el objetivo de mejorar la coherencia entre la información háptica y la información visual, el algoritmo de renderizado háptico calcula un segundo proxy en la isosuperficie pintada en la pantalla. En este trabajo se demuestra experimentalmente las mejoras en, primero, la etapa de extracción de isosuperficie, segundo, la robustez a la hora de mantener el proxy en la isosuperficie deseada y finalmente la eficiencia del algoritmo. En segundo lugar, a partir del algoritmo de renderizado háptico propuesto, se desarrolló un procedimiento, en cuatro etapas, para la reconstrucción de espinas dendríticas. Este procedimiento, se puede integrar en los cauces de segmentación automática y semiautomática existentes como una etapa de pre-proceso previa. El procedimiento está diseñando para que tanto la navegación como el proceso de edición en sí mismo estén controlados utilizando un dispositivo háptico. Se han diseñado dos experimentos para evaluar esta técnica. El primero evalúa la aportación de la retroalimentación háptica y el segundo se centra en evaluar la idoneidad del uso de un háptico como dispositivo de entrada. En ambos casos, los resultados demuestran que nuestro procedimiento mejora la precisión de la reconstrucción. En este trabajo se describen también dos casos de uso de nuestro procedimiento en el ámbito de la neurociencia: el primero aplicado a neuronas situadas en la corteza cerebral humana y el segundo aplicado a espinas dendríticas situadas a lo largo de neuronas piramidales de la corteza del cerebro de una rata. Por último, presentamos el programa, Neuro Haptic Editor, desarrollado a lo largo de esta tesis junto con los diferentes algoritmos ya mencionados. ABSTRACT This thesis took place within the Cajal Blue Brain project, a European initiative dedicated to the study of the brain. One of the main goals of this project is the development of new methods and technologies simplifying data analysis in neuroscience. This thesis focused on the development of tools combining information originating from distinct sensory channels with the aim of accelerating both the interaction with neuroscience images and their analysis. In concrete terms, the objective is to study the possibility of combining visual information with haptic information. Dendritic spines are thin protrusions that cover the dendritic surface of numerous neurons in the brain and whose function seems to play a key role in neural circuits. The interest of the neuroscience community toward those structures kept increasing as and when acquisition methods improved, eventually to the point that the produced datasets enabled their analysis. Quite often, neuroscientists use light microscopy techniques to produce the dataset that will allow them to analyse neuronal structures such as neurons, dendrites and dendritic spines. While offering some advantages compared to their electronic counterpart, light microscopy techniques achieve lower resolutions. Particularly, small structures such as dendritic spines might suffer from a very low level of fluorescence in the final dataset, preventing further analysis. This thesis introduces a new technique enabling the edition of volumetric datasets in order to recreate dendritic spine necks using a haptic device. In order to fulfil this objective, we first presented an algorithm to provide haptic feedback directly from volumetric datasets, as an aid to regular visualization. The haptic rendering algorithm lets users perceive isosurfaces in volumetric datasets, and it relies on several design features that ensure a robust and efficient rendering. A marching tetrahedra approach enables the dynamic extraction of a piecewise linear continuous isosurface. Robustness is derived using a Continuous Collision Detection step coupled with acknowledged proxy-based rendering methods over the extracted isosurface. The introduced marching tetrahedra approach guarantees that the extracted isosurface will match the topology of an equivalent isosurface computed using trilinear interpolation. The proposed haptic rendering algorithm improves the coherence between haptic and visual cues computing a second proxy on the isosurface displayed on screen. Three experiments demonstrate the improvements on the isosurface extraction stage as well as the robustness and the efficiency of the complete algorithm. We then introduce our four-steps procedure for the complete reconstruction of dendritic spines. Based on our haptic rendering algorithm, this procedure is intended to work as an image processing stage before the automatic segmentation step giving the final representation of the dendritic spines. The procedure is designed to allow both the navigation and the volume image editing to be carried out using a haptic device. We evaluated our procedure through two experiments. The first experiment concerns the benefits of the force feedback and the second checks the suitability of the use of a haptic device as input. In both cases, the results shows that the procedure improves the editing accuracy. We also report two concrete cases where our procedure was employed in the neuroscience field, the first one concerning dendritic spines in the human cortex, the second one referring to an ongoing experiment studying dendritic spines along dendrites of mouse cortical pyramidal neurons. Finally, we present the software program, Neuro Haptic Editor, that was built along the development of the different algorithms implemented during this thesis, and used by neuroscientists to use our procedure.
Cessation of transcription at specific terminator DNA sequences is used by viruses, bacteria, and eukaryotes to regulate the expression of downstream genes, but the mechanisms of transcription termination are poorly characterized. To elucidate the kinetic mechanism of termination at the intrinsic terminators of enteric bacteria, we observed, by using single-molecule light microscopy techniques, the behavior of surface-immobilized Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (RNAP) molecules in vitro. An RNAP molecule remains at a canonical intrinsic terminator for ≈64 s before releasing DNA, implying the formation of an elongation-incompetent (paused) intermediate by transcription complexes that terminate but not by those that read through the terminator. Analysis of pause lifetimes establishes a complete minimal mechanism of termination in which paused intermediate formation is both necessary and sufficient to induce release of RNAP at the terminator. The data suggest that intrinsic terminators function by a nonequilibrium process in which terminator effectiveness is determined by the relative rates of nucleotide addition and paused state entry by the transcription complex.
Violet-blue light is toxic to mammalian cells, and this toxicity has been linked with cellular production of H2O2. In this report, we show that violet-blue light, as well as UVA, stimulated H2O2 production in cultured mouse, monkey, and human cells. We found that H2O2 originated in peroxisomes and mitochondria, and it was enhanced in cells overexpressing flavin-containing oxidases. These results support the hypothesis that photoreduction of flavoproteins underlies light-induced production of H2O2 in cells. Because H2O2 and its metabolite, hydroxyl radicals, can cause cellular damage, these reactive oxygen species may contribute to pathologies associated with exposure to UVA, violet, and blue light. They may also contribute to phototoxicity often encountered during light microscopy. Because multiphoton excitation imaging with 1,047-nm wavelength prevented light-induced H2O2 production in cells, possibly by minimizing photoreduction of flavoproteins, this technique may be useful for decreasing phototoxicity during fluorescence microscopy.
The pancreatic acinar cell produces powerful digestive enzymes packaged in zymogen granules in the apical pole. Ca2+ signals elicited by acetylcholine or cholecystokinin (CCK) initiate enzyme secretion by exocytosis through the apical membrane. Intracellular enzyme activation is normally kept to a minimum, but in the often-fatal human disease acute pancreatitis, autodigestion occurs. How the enzymes become inappropriately activated is unknown. We monitored the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), intracellular trypsin activation, and its localization in isolated living cells with specific fluorescent probes and studied intracellular vacuole formation by electron microscopy as well as quantitative image analysis (light microscopy). A physiological CCK level (10 pM) eliciting regular Ca2+ spiking did not evoke intracellular trypsin activation or vacuole formation. However, stimulation with 10 nM CCK, evoking a sustained rise in [Ca2+]i, induced pronounced trypsin activation and extensive vacuole formation, both localized in the apical pole. Both processes were abolished by preventing abnormal [Ca2+]i elevation, either by preincubation with the specific Ca2+ chelator 1,2-bis(O-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N-N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA) or by removal of external Ca2+. CCK hyperstimulation evokes intracellular trypsin activation and vacuole formation in the apical granular pole. Both of these processes are mediated by an abnormal sustained rise in [Ca2+]i.