947 resultados para Leukemia -- Statistics


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In this article, the fusion of a stochastic metaheuristic as Simulated Annealing (SA) with classical criteria for convergence of Blind Separation of Sources (BSS), is shown. Although the topic of BSS, by means of various techniques, including ICA, PCA, and neural networks, has been amply discussed in the literature, to date the possibility of using simulated annealing algorithms has not been seriously explored. From experimental results, this paper demonstrates the possible benefits offered by SA in combination with high order statistical and mutual information criteria for BSS, such as robustness against local minima and a high degree of flexibility in the energy function.


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Conferència Organitzada per l'Escola Politècnica Superior, Universitat de Vic en col·laboració amb Servei d'Estadística de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona i CosmoCaixa Barcelona. Celebrada del 18 al 22 de juny de 2012 a Barcelona


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TCF3-HLF-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is currently incurable. Using an integrated approach, we uncovered distinct mutation, gene expression and drug response profiles in TCF3-HLF-positive and treatment-responsive TCF3-PBX1-positive ALL. We identified recurrent intragenic deletions of PAX5 or VPREB1 in constellation with the fusion of TCF3 and HLF. Moreover somatic mutations in the non-translocated allele of TCF3 and a reduction of PAX5 gene dosage in TCF3-HLF ALL suggest cooperation within a restricted genetic context. The enrichment for stem cell and myeloid features in the TCF3-HLF signature may reflect reprogramming by TCF3-HLF of a lymphoid-committed cell of origin toward a hybrid, drug-resistant hematopoietic state. Drug response profiling of matched patient-derived xenografts revealed a distinct profile for TCF3-HLF ALL with resistance to conventional chemotherapeutics but sensitivity to glucocorticoids, anthracyclines and agents in clinical development. Striking on-target sensitivity was achieved with the BCL2-specific inhibitor venetoclax (ABT-199). This integrated approach thus provides alternative treatment options for this deadly disease.


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Natural killer (NK) cells are cytotoxic lymphocytes that substantially contribute to the therapeutic benefit of antitumor antibodies like Rituximab, a crucial component in the treatment of B-cell malignancies. In chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the ability of NK cells to lyse the malignant cells and to mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity upon Fc receptor stimulation is compromised, but the underlying mechanisms are largely unclear. We report here that NK-cells activation-dependently produce the tumor necrosis factor family member 'B-cell activating factor' (BAFF) in soluble form with no detectable surface expression, also in response to Fc receptor triggering by therapeutic CD20-antibodies. BAFF in turn enhanced the metabolic activity of primary CLL cells and impaired direct and Rituximab-induced lysis of CLL cells without affecting NK reactivity per se. The neutralizing BAFF antibody Belimumab, which is approved for treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus, prevented the effects of BAFF on the metabolism of CLL cells and restored their susceptibility to direct and Rituximab-induced NK-cell killing in allogeneic and autologous experimental systems. Our findings unravel the involvement of BAFF in the resistance of CLL cells to NK-cell antitumor immunity and Rituximab treatment and point to a benefit of combinatory approaches employing BAFF-neutralizing drugs in B-cell malignancies.


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Leukemiaa sairastavien lasten kuumeiset infektiot, erityisesti respiratoriset virusinfektiot Tausta: Hengitysteiden virusinfektiot ovat lasten tavallisimpia sairauksia. Infektiota aiheuttava virus voidaan uusilla menetelmillä löytää lähes kaikissa tapauksissa. Leukemiaa sairastavilla lapsilla on perustaudin ja leukemian hoitojen takia tavallista suurempi infektioalttius, ja kuumeilu on tavallista leukemiahoidon aikana. Suurin osa syöpähoidon aikaisten kuumejaksojen syistä jää kuitenkin selvittämättä. Tavoitteet: Prospektiivisen 5 vuotta kestäneen monikeskustutkimuksen tavoitteena oli etsiä uusimmilla mikrobiologisilla menetelmillä leukemiaa sairastavien lasten kuumeen syy. Tätä varten tutkittiin 16 virusta virusviljelyllä, antigeeniosoituksella ja nukleiinihappo-osoituksella. Näytteitä otettiin nenästä, ulosteesta, virtsasta ja verestä. Lisäksi tutkittiin MxA-proteiinin kykyä osoittaa virusinfektio syöpälapsella. Tulokset: Tutkimuksen aikana analysoitiin 138 kuumejaksoa 51 leukemialapsella. Kokonaisseuranta-aika oli 1.5 vuotta/lapsi. Kuumejaksojen ilmaantuvuus oli 2.1 jaksoa potilasta kohden suhteutettuna vuoden riskiaikaan. Hengistysteiden virusinfektio voitiin osoittaa 82 kuumejaksossa (59%). Kaksi tai useampi virus löydettiin 12 %:ssa kuumejaksoista. Tavallisimmat virukset olivat rhinovirus (22 %), respiratory syncytial virus eli RS-virus (11 %), human herpes virus 6 (7 %), human bocavirus (5 %), sytomegalovirus (5 %), parainfluenssavirukset (5 %) ja influenssa A -virus (4 %). Kahdelle potilaalle kehittyi pneumonia, muilla oireet olivat lievät. Veriviljely oli positiivinen 19 kuumejaksossa (14 %), ja puolessa tapauksista löydettiin samanaikaisesti respiratorinen virus. MxA proteini ilmeni veren lymfosyyteissä useimmilla virusinfektioon sairastuneilla syöpälapsilla. Päätelmät: Kuumeiset respiratoriset virusinfektiot ovat tavallisia leukemiaa sairastavilla lapsilla. Infektion oireet ovat tavallisesti vähäiset, mutta pienelle osalle voi kehittyä veriviljelypositiivinen sepsis tai pneumonia. Kuumeen syy jäi selvittämättä vain harvoissa tapauksissa.


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BACKGROUND: Reports of patients with secondary acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) have increased in recent years, particularly for those who received treatment with mitoxantrone, and retrospective studies have suggested that their characteristics and outcomes were similar to those of patients with de novo APL. METHODS: The authors investigated patients with de novo and secondary APL who were included in the ongoing APL-2006 trial. Patients with secondary APL who were included in that trial also were compared with a previous retrospective cohort of patients with secondary APL. RESULTS: In the APL-2006 trial, 42 of 280 patients (15%) had secondary APL. Compared with the retrospective cohort, patients with secondary APL in the APL-2006 trial had a lower incidence of prior breast carcinoma (35.7% vs 57%; P = .03) and a higher incidence of prior prostate carcinoma (26.2% vs 4.7%; P < .001). Treatment of the primary tumor in the APL-2006 trial less frequently included combined radiochemotherapy (28.6% vs 47.2%; P = .044) and no mitoxantrone (0% vs 46.7%; P = .016) but more frequently included anthracyclines (53.3% vs 38.3%; P = .015). In the APL-2006 trial, patients who had secondary APL, compared with those who had de novo APL, were older (mean, 60.2 years vs 48.7 years, respectively; P < .0001) but had a similar complete response rate (97.6% vs 90.3%, respectively), cumulative incidence of relapse (0% vs 1.8%, respectively), and overall survival (92.3% vs 90.9%, respectively) at 18 months. CONCLUSIONS: Although the incidence of secondary APL appears to be stable over time, evolving strategies for the treatment of primary cancers have reduced its occurrence among breast cancer patients but have increased its incidence among patients with prostate cancer. The current results confirm prospectively that patients with secondary APL have characteristics and outcomes similar to those of patients with de novo APL. Cancer 2015;121:2393-2399. © 2015 American Cancer Society.


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In this study, we randomly compared high doses of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib combined with reduced-intensity chemotherapy (arm A) to standard imatinib/hyperCVAD (cyclophosphamide/vincristine/doxorubicin/dexamethasone) therapy (arm B) in 268 adults (median age, 47 years) with Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+) acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The primary objective was the major molecular response (MMolR) rate after cycle 2, patients being then eligible for allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) if they had a donor, or autologous SCT if in MMolR and no donor. With fewer induction deaths, the complete remission (CR) rate was higher in arm A than in arm B (98% vs 91%; P = .006), whereas the MMolR rate was similar in both arms (66% vs 64%). With a median follow-up of 4.8 years, 5-year event-free survival and overall survival (OS) rates were estimated at 37.1% and 45.6%, respectively, without difference between the arms. Allogeneic transplantation was associated with a significant benefit in relapse-free survival (hazard ratio [HR], 0.69; P = .036) and OS (HR, 0.64; P = .02), with initial white blood cell count being the only factor significantly interacting with this SCT effect. In patients achieving MMolR, outcome was similar after autologous and allogeneic transplantation. This study validates an induction regimen combining reduced-intensity chemotherapy and imatinib in Ph+ ALL adult patients and suggests that SCT in first CR is still a good option for Ph+ ALL adult patients. This trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as #NCT00327678.