996 resultados para Leticia Prislei


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Dimorphandra mollis: An Alternative as a Source of Flavonoids with Antioxidant Action. Dimorphandra molls fruits are rich in flavonoids rutin and quercetin, which are compounds with high antioxidant activity and can be used to prevent diseases caused by free radicals. The aim of this study was to obtain an extract rich in flavonoids from fruits of D. mollis. The extract was analyzed using the methods of determination by spectrophotometry and high performance liquid chromatography. The presence of rutin and quercetin was identified in the extract, which showed a total flavonoids content of 33.71 To. The extract also showed antioxidant activity as scanvanger of DPPH and ABTS radicals. It was possible to conclude that D. mollis fruits are a rich source of flavonoids with antioxidant action.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Photosynthesis is the single most important source of 02 and organic chemical energy necessary to support all non-autotrophic life forms. Plants compartmentalize this elaborate biochemical process within chloroplasts in order to safely harness the power of solar energy and convert it into usable chemical units. Stresses (biotic or abiotic) that challenge the integrity of the plant cell are likely to affect photosynthesis and alter chlorophyll fluorescence. A simple three-step assay was developed to test selected herbicides representative of the known herbicide mechanisms of action and a number of natural phytotoxins to determine their effect on photosynthesis as measured by chlorophyll fluorescence. The most active compounds were those interacting directly with photosynthesis (inhibitors of photosystem I and II), those inhibiting carotenoid synthesis, and those with mechanisms of action generating reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation (uncouplers and inhibitors of protoporphyrinogen oxidase). Other active compounds targeted lipids (very-long-chain fatty acid synthase and removal of cuticular waxes). Therefore, induced chlorophyll fluorescence is a good biomarker to help identify certain herbicide modes of action and their dependence on light for bioactivity. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The cardiovascular effects of dexmedetomidine alone or in combination with atropine were studied in six cats. Cats underwent four treatments in a randomized crossover design as follows: DEX15, saline + dexmedetomidine 15 mu g/kg; DEX30, saline + dexmedetomidine 30 mu g/kg; ADEX15, atropine + dexmedetomidine 15 mu g/kg; ADEX30, atropine + dexmedetomidine 30 mu g/kg. Pulse rate (PR) and systolic arterial pressure (SAP) decreased in DEX15 and DEX30. Premedication with atropine was effective in preventing bradycardia (PR < 100 beats/min) and resulted in a biphasic effect in blood pressure. Hypertension was followed by a gradual decrease in SAP. Rate pressure product decreased in DEX15 and DEX30 whereas in ADEX15 and ADEX30 it remained within baseline values for at least 60 min. Although premedication with atropine in cats sedated with dexmedetomidine prevents bradycardia, it induces hypertension and increases myocardial oxygen consumption. The magnitude of cardiovascular effects produced by dexmedetomidine in cats does not seem to be dose-related. (C) 2009 ESFM and AAFP. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The goal of this study was to evaluate the process of salting and dry salting of fillets in pacu (P. mesopotamicus), from cultivation in cages. Fillet with skin were salted at a rate of 40% of salt in relation of the initial weight, for a period of 10 days. After processing, were evaluated for microbiological and centesimal composition of fillets subjected to salting and determining the concentration of sodium chloride (NaCl) and calculation of income. The centesimal composition were evaluated the protein, ether extract, moisture and ash of the raw material fresh and processed products by salting. The microbiological analysis included the determination of coliforms at 45 degrees C, Salmonella and Staphylococcus coagulase positive. The pacus subjected to umided and dry salting were within quality control standards established by the legislation. The content of umided, protein, lipids and chlorides showed differences (p< 0.05) between the processes of salt. However both forms can be used for the development of technological processes of low investment by encouraging new options for fish consumption.


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Nuclear restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was used to determine the wild diploid Arachis species that hybridized to form tetraploid domesticated peanut. Results using 20 previously mapped cDNA clones strongly indicated A. duranensis as the progenitor of the A genome of domesticated peanut and A. ipaensis as the B genome parent. A large amount of RFLP variability was found among the various accessions of A. duranensis, and accessions most similar to the A genome of cultivated peanut were identified. Chloroplast DNA RFLP analysis determined that A. duranensis was the female parent of the original hybridization event. Domesticated peanut is known to have one genome with a distinctly smaller pair of chromosomes ('A'), and one genome that lacks this pair. Cytogenetic analysis demonstrated that A. duranensis has a pair of 'A' chromosomes, and A. ipaensis does not. The cytogenetic evidence is thus consistent with the RFLP evidence concerning the identify of the progenitors. RFLP and cytogenetic evidence indicate a single origin for domesticated peanut in Northern Argentina or Southern Bolivia, followed by diversification under the influence of cultivation.


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Genetic variation within and among accessions of the genus Arachis representing sections Extranervosae, Caulorrhizae, Heteranthae, and Triseminatae was evaluated using RFLP and RAPD markers. RAPD markers revealed a higher level of genetic diversity than did RFLP markers, both within and among the species evaluated. Phenograms based on various band-matching algorithms revealed three major clusters of similarity among the sections evaluated. The first group included the species from section Extranervosae, the second group consisted of sections Triseminatae, Caulorrhizae, and Heteranthae, and the third group consisted of one accession of Arachis hypogaea, which had been included as a representative of section Arachis. The phenograms obtained from the RAPD and RFLP data were similar but not identical. Arachis pietrarellii, assayed only by RAPD, showed a high degree of genetic similarity with Arachis villosulicarpa. This observation supported the hypothesis that these two species are closely related. It was also shown that accession V 7786, previously considered to be Arachis sp. aff. pietrarellii, and assayed using both RFLPs and RAPDs, was possibly a new species from section Extranervosae, but very distinct from A. pietrarellii.


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Wild Arachis germplasm includes potential forage species, such as the rhizomatous Arachis glabrata and the stoloniferous A. pinto and A. repens. Commercial cultivars of A. pintoi have already been released in Australia and in several Latin American countries, and most of these cultivars were derived from a single accession of A. pintoi (GK 12787). Arachis repens is less productive as a forage plant than is A. pintoi. However, it can be crossed with A. pintoi, and thus has good potential as germplasm for the improvement of A. pintoi. Arachis repens is also used as an ornamental plant and ground cover. Many new accessions of these two stoloniferous species are now available, and they harbor significant genetic variability beyond that available in the few older accessions, previously available. Therefore, these new accessions need to be conserved, documented and considered in terms of their potential for crop improvement and direct commercial use. Sixty-four accessions of this new germplasm were analyzed using RAPD analysis. Most of the accessions of A. repens grouped together into a clearly distinct group. In general, the accessions from the distinct valleys of the Jequitinhonha, Sao Francisco and Parana rivers did not group together, suggesting there is not a tight relation between dispersion by rivers and the geographic distribution of genetic variation in these species.


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The purpose of this study was to identify the drugs most often prescribed for hypertension at the Municipal Health Care Center of the town of Rincäo, State of São Paulo, Brazil, and the principal interactions arising from their association with other drugs, both anti-hypertensives and those in other classes. The study included 725 hypertensive patients registered at this health care center who were regularly seen by a physician every three months. Data were collected on age, sex, occurrence of diabetes, smoking, sedentary lifestyle and overweight, to obtain a profile of the hypertensive population of the area. Control records of all patients were available at the pharmacy in the health care center, where patients obtained their drugs once a month. Of the 725 patients, 38% were male and 62% female. Most (57%) were between 50 and 70 years of age, 21% used tobacco and 43% led a sedentary lifestyle. Single-drug therapy accounted for 33% of the prescriptions, multidrug therapy for 66%. In addition to anti-hypertensives, 50% of the patients took drugs of other therapeutic classes. Of those receiving multidrug therapy, 34% used three or more anti-hypertensives and 66% used only two of these drugs. Drug interactions were detected in as many as 47% of the prescriptions. Captopril was the drug that showed most interactions with others (54%), followed by hydrochlorothiazide (27%), furosemide (14%), propanolol (4%), and nifedipine (1%). The analysis revealed that drug consumption by the patients investigated is high, with a concomitantly high number of episodes of drug interaction.


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Due to the commercial importance of the red-winged tinamou (Rhynchotus rufescens), for the past few years, the employment of reproductive biotechnologies has been attempted. Thirty animals were randomly assigned into two groups: control group (no selenium) and treatment group (supplemented with 0,2 a 0,8 mg selenium/ 1000 kg ration). Animals were allocated at the FCAV - UNESP/Jaboticabal (2007-2008). Semen collections were performed by digital manipulation and divided in pools of at least 150 μL. After the immediate evaluation of motility, vigour, concentration and morphology, an aliquot of 20 μL was diluted in 300 μL of physiologic solution in order to test acrosome and membrane integrities, which were performed by counting 200 cells for each test. Cells were evaluated as follows: 1) Intact acrosome: lilac acrosome; Non-intact acrosome: pink acrosome; 2) Live cells: non stained; Dead: stained. Data was statistically analysed using the SAS System for Windows. No differences were found between treatment and control groups for volume, motility, vigour, mean number of spermatozoa per animal, concentration, Intact acrosome, Intact membrane. The difference found on midpiece sperm defect (Se = 1,33 ± 0,53 and control = 3,78 ± 0,69, p = 0.0107) may be due to the damages caused by the selenium deficiency to the architecture of the midpiece, which compromises sperm mobility and fertilization capacity.