948 resultados para Lear, King (Legendary character)
This thesis provides a reading of the different forms of representation that can be attributed to the character Tashi, the protagonist of the novel Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992), written by the African American writer Alice Walker. Before this work Tashi had already appeared in two previous novels by Walker, first, in The Color Purple (1982) and then, as a mention, in The Temple of My Familiar (1989). With Tashi, the author introduces the issue of female circumcision, a ritual Tashi submits herself to at the beginning of her adult life. The focus of observation lies in the ways in which the author’s anger is transformed into a means of creative representation. Walker uses her novel Possessing the Secret of Joy openly as a political instrument so that the expression “female mutilation” (term used by the author) receives ample attention from the media and critics in general. The aim of this investigation is to evaluate to what extent Walker’s social engagement contributes to the development of her work and to what extent it undermines it. For the analysis of the different issues related to “female genital cutting”, the term I use in this thesis, the works of feminist critics and writers such as Ellen Gruenbaum, Lightfoot-Klein, Nancy Hartsock, Linda Nicholson, Efrat Tseëlon and the Egyptian writer and doctor Nawal El Saadawi will be consulted. I hope that this thesis can contribute as an observation about Alice Walker’s use of her social engagement in the creation of her fictional world.
A educação vem sofrendo graves, permanentes e contundentes críticas quanto a sua produtividade, eficácia e eficiência. O ataque sistemático às escolas, e em especial às destinadas à preparação de professores, e uma constante em países do Velho, do Terceiro e do Novo Mundo. Todos concordam que a função docente exige competência profissional, sendo a sua ausência a principal responsavel pelas lacunas, insuficiências e deficiências do processo educacional. Acredita-se que a situação ensino-aprendizagem proporcionada por uma atividade didática bem orientada seja um fator de suma importância para a eficácia e eficiência de um sistema de ensino. Considerando a expansão do ensino de 2o grau, que o levou a perder muito do seu caráter acadêmico e seletivo, optou-se pelo estudo da formação do professor que a ele se destina. Com a finalidade de verificar o tipo de formação que o professor de 2o grau vem recebendo e as consequências deste no seu desempenho profissional. Analisa-se criticamente a evolução histérica de sua formação, no Brasil, e procede-se a um estudo dos currículos dos cursos de licenciatura das Faculdades de Educação, ou Unidades Equivalentes, do Estado do Espírito Santo. Verifica-se que estas, de modo geral, adotam o currículo mínimo proposto pelo Conselho Federal de Educação. Sabe-se que o ensino de 2o grau, atualmente, destina-se a alunos provenientes das mais diversas classes sociais, sendo os seus objetivos bem mais amplos que antes verifica-se que as alterações curriculares limitam-se a uma improdutiva ampliação ou diminuição de carga horária e de disciplinas. Deduz-se que a Faculdade de Educação não trouxe nenhuma inovação significativa no que concerne ao currículo de formação pedagógica de professor de 2o grau,o que dá procedência às críticas negativas que a mesma vem recebendo. Recomenda-se a realização de pesquisas de campo e o estudo de propostas curriculares objetivando obter subardias para a reformulação dos currículos atuais.
Esta pesquisa surge do ~nteresse pela ~mportanc~a do estu- do_ do comportamento humêno, face ~s distintas situaçÕes de desem- penha, manifestado por atitudes que revelam o compromisso no meio eoucacional. Trata-se de verificar se h~ alguma rElação significativa entre o traço de ansiedade (na vis;o te~rica de Spielberger) de uma popul8ção amo,stral de profesf;ores universit~rios e seus dados . , ' institucionais: estado, civil, sexo, ~daae, numero de filhos,renda ~ ., - mensal, formaçao academica, area de concentrêçao, de estudos, cate goria profissional e tempo de ensino. t' , No primeiro cap~tulo poder-se-a apreciar uma aborcagem teg, ric8, na expectativa de conciliar os diferentes enfoques dados ao estudo da ansiedade pelas escolas e seus autores. , t O problema pesquisado esta delimitado no segundo cap~tulo 6It# , •• _ na forma de uma reflexao da pratJ.ca educncJ.onal, uma reflexao so- bre o professor universit~rio e un pequeno aspecto do seu mundo pessoal e profissional. t Verifica-se com alguns detalhes, no terceiro cap~tulo,qual o procedimento, metodol~gico utilizado neste estudo, seguindo-se a descrição dos instrumentos, bem como, o tratamento, , . analJ.se e conclusões.
This thesis elaborates the creation of value in private equity and in particular analyzes value creation in 3G Capital’s acquisition of Burger King. In this sense, a specific model is applied that composes value creation into several drivers, in order to answer the question of how value creation can be addressed in private equity investments. Although previous research by Achleitner et al. (2010) introduced a specific model that addresses value creation in private equity, the respective model was neither applied to an individual company, nor linked to indirect drivers that explain the dynamics and rationales for the creation of value. In turn this paper applies the quantitative model to an ongoing private equity investment and thereby provides different extensions to turn the model into a better forecasting model for ongoing investments, instead of only analyzing a deal that has already been divested from an ex post perspective. The chosen research approach is a case study about the Burger King buyout that first includes an extensive review about the current status of academic literature, second a quantitative calculation and qualitative interpretation of different direct value drivers, third a qualitative breakdown of indirect drivers, and lastly a recapitulating discussion about value creation and value drivers. Presenting a very successful private equity investment and elaborately demonstrating the dynamics and mechanisms that drive value creation in this case, provides important implications for other private equity firms as well as public firms in order to develop their proprietary approach towards value creation.
The present work seeks to investigate and discuss about the Greek Tragedy s elements at Ariano Suassuna s romance called τ Romance d A Pedra do Reino e o Principe do Sangue do Vai e Volta, connecting it directly to mythic, epic, poetic, and romances aspects at his work. The romance has as the protagonist the backcountry Pedro Dinis Quaderna. Quaderna is a character which is simultaneously popular, elitist, enigmatic, naive, and an intellectual man that has a great erudition. Quaderna is a character that seeks, by using the Literature, to reestablish a Brazilian backcountry kingdom which he s supposedly the king, always trying to empathizes the Brazilian northeast region like if it was a nation apart. By impressing a national personality to the Brazilian northeast , Quaderna tries to become an epic poet just like Homer, denoting a strong influence of the Epopee. Quaderna, just like many characters of Greek Tragedy, has at his family past time a lot of tragic circumstances. These facts that ocurred to his relativos like the your uncle Pedro Sebastião Garcia Barreto s death, the disappearement of his cousin Sinésio, and the contest between the brothers Arésio and Sinésio, and others aspects, remind us remarkable influences, beyond the Epopee, of the Greek Tragedy. By reading the romance we may notice many similarities between Quaderna s trajectory and Greek Tragedy heroes. To make an analysis about the tragic aspects at Suassuna s work, we need to dialogue with many theoreticals that have written about the tragic and comparate with many parts of Suassuna s with classics character s texts of Greek Tragedy. At the following chapters we seek to provide romance s elementaries notions, as well as tragic notions, the dialogue with mythics aspects and the tragic and epic aplicability at Suassuna s work
No Zoológico Nacional do Parque Metropolitano de Santiago, Chile, foram encontrados dois psitacídeos Enicognathus leptorhynchus, mortos pelo nematódeo Ascaridia hermaphrodita (Froelich, 1789). Este é o primeiro registro desse nematódeo em E. leptorhynchus e também o primeiro registro deste parasito no Chile.
Determinou-se a tolerância ao dessecamento de sementes de Archontophoenix alexandrae (Wendl. & Drude) e identificou-se o teste de vigor mais sensível para avaliar a deterioração de sementes nessa espécie. Frutos maduros foram colhidos na coleção de palmeiras do Instituto Agronômico em Campinas. Os frutos despolpados foram transportados em embalagem impermeável para a UNESP em Botucatu, onde as sementes foram secas a diferentes intervalos de tempo. Foram avaliados teor de umidade, germinação, comprimento da plântula e condutividade elétrica. Os resultados sugerem que sementes de A. alexandrae são recalcitrantes, com alta porcentagem de germinação (acima de 67%) quando não desidratadas (47% de umidade). Teores de água inferiores a 31,5% reduziram significativamente a taxa de germinação (<52,5%). Perda total da capacidade germinativa foi observada em sementes com 15,1% de umidade. Dentre os testes de vigor empregados, aquele que avalia a condutividade elétrica da água de embebição foi o mais sensível para a identificação da deterioração da semente em resposta à dessecação progressiva do lote em estudo.
The character of holomorphic functions on the space of pure spinors in 10, 11 and 12 dimensions is calculated. From this character formula, we derive in a manifestly covariant way various central charges which appear in the pure spinor formalism for the superstring. We also derive in a simple way the zero momentum cohomology of the pure spinor BRST operator for the D = 10 and D = 11 superparticle.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Seven species of marine bivalves, including six new taxa, are described from the Cape early Miocene Melville Formation which crops out on the Melville Peninsula, King George Island, West Antarctica. The bivalve assemblage includes representatives of the families Nuculidae, Ennucula frigida sp. nov., E. musculosa sp. nov.; Malletidae, Neilo (Neilo) rongelii sp. nov.; Sareptidae, Yoldia peninsularis sp. nov.; Limopsidae, Limopsis psimolis sp. nov.; Hiatellidae, Panopea (Panopea) sp. cf. P. regularis; and Pholadomyoida (Periploma acuta sp. nov.). Species studied come from four sedimentary sections measured in the upper part of the unit. Detailed morphologic features of nuculoid and areoid species are exceptionally well preserved and allow for the first time reconstruction of muscle insertions as well as dentition patterns of Cenozoic taxa. Known geological distribution of the species is in agreement with the early Miocene age assigned to the Cape Melville Formation. The bivalve fauna from Cape Melville Formation is the best known from Antarctic Miocene rocks, a time of complex geologic, paleogeographic and paleoclimatic changes in the continent. The new fauna introduces new taxonomic and palaeogeographic data that bear oil the question of opening of sea gateways and distribution of Cenozoic biota around Antarctica.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Eight taxa of marine invertebrates, including two new bivalve species, are described from the Low Head Member of the Polonez Cove Formation (latest early Oligocene) cropping out in the Vaureal Peak area, King George Island, West Antarctica. The fossil assemblage includes representatives of Brachiopoda (genera Neothyris sp. and Liothyrella sp.), Bivalvia (Adamussium auristriatum sp. nov., ?Adamussium cf. A. alanbeui Jonkers, and Limatula (Antarctolima) ferraziana sp. nov.), Bryozoa, Polychaeta (serpulid tubes) and Echinodermata. Specimens occur in debris flows deposits of the Low Head Member, as part of a fan delta setting in a high energy, shallow marine environment. Liothyrella sp., Adamussium auristriatum sp. nov. and Limatula ferraziana sp. nov. are among the oldest records for these genera in King George Island. In spite of their restrict number and diversification, bivalves and brachiopods from this study display an overall dispersal pattern that roughly fits in the clockwise circulation of marine currents around Antarctica accomplished in two steps. The first followed the opening of the Tasmanian Gateway at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, along the eastern margin of Antarctica, and the second took place in post-Palaeogene time, following the Drake Passage opening between Antarctic Peninsula and South America, along the western margin of Antarctica.
Few studies have examined the effects of temperature on spatial and temporal trends in soil CO2-C emissions in Antarctica. In this work, we present in situ measurements of CO2-C emissions and assess their relation with soil temperature, using dynamic chambers. We found an exponential relation between CO2 emissions and soil temperature, with the value of Q10 being close to 2.1. Mean emission rates were as low as 0.026 and 0.072 g of CO2-C m-2 h-1 for bare soil and soil covered with moss, respectively, and as high as 0.162 g of CO2-C m-2 h-1 for soil covered with grass, Deschampsia antarctica Desv. (Poaceae). A spatial variability analysis conducted using a 60-point grid, for an area with mosses (Sannionia uncianata) and D. antarctica, yielded a spherical semivariogram model for CO2-C emissions with a range of 1 m. The results suggest that soil temperature is a controlling factor on temporal variations in soil CO2-C emissions, although spatial variations appear to be more strongly related to the distribution of vegetation types. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. and NIPR.