997 resultados para Laser Science
OBJECTIVES: To determine the clinical performance of a laser fluorescence device (DIAGNOdent pen, KaVo) to discriminate between different occlusal caries depths (D(0)-D(1-4); D(0-2)-D(3,4)) in permanent molars. METHODS: In this prospective, randomized two-centre-study 120 sound/uncavitated carious sites in 120 patients were measured after visual and radiographic caries assessment. In cases of operative intervention (n=86), the lesion depths after caries removal were recorded (reference). In cases of preventive intervention (n=34), the sites were reassessed visually/radiographically after 12 months to verify the status assessed before (reference). The discrimination performance was determined statistically (Mann-Whitney test, Spearman's rho coefficient, and areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUCs)). Sensitivities (SE) and specificities (SP) were plotted as a function of the measured values and cut-off values for the mentioned thresholds suggested. RESULTS: Sound sites (n=13) had significantly minor fluorescence values than carious sites (n=107) (P<0.0001) as had sites with no/enamel caries (n=63) compared to dentinal caries (n=57). The AUCs for the same discriminations were 0.92 and 0.78 (P<0.001). For the D(0)-D(1-4) threshold, a cut-off at a value of 12 (SE: 0.88, SP: 0.85) and for the D(0-2)-D(3,4) threshold at 25 (SE: 0.67, SP: 0.79) can be suggested. A moderate positive correlation between the measurements and the caries depths was calculated (rho=+0.57, P=0.01). CONCLUSION: Within this study, the device's discrimination performance for different caries depths was moderate to very good and it may be recommended as adjunct tool in the diagnosis of occlusal caries.
The aim of this study was to assess the influence of the zero value subtraction on the performance of laser fluorescence (LFpen) for approximal caries detection. Three areas (cuspal, middle and cervical) of both mesial and distal buccal surfaces of 78 permanent molars were assessed using both wedge-shaped (WDG) and tapered wedge-shaped (TWDG) tips. With the addition of the average, one cut-off value for each area was obtained and the performance was assessed. The areas under the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve, specificity, sensitivity and accuracy with and without the zero value subtraction were calculated. The McNemar test revealed a statistically significant difference for specificity at thresholds D(1), D(2) and D(3) (WDG) and D(1) and D(2) (TWDG) when the zero value subtraction was not performed. Influence of the zero value subtraction on the LFpen performance was observed for approximal caries detection. However, when modified cut-off values were used, the zero value subtraction could be eliminated.
In modern implant dentistry there are several clinical indications for laser surgery. Different laser systems have a considerable spectrum of application in soft and hard peri-implant tissues. The literature was searched for clinical application of different laser wavelengths in peri-implant tissues: second-stage surgery of submerged implants, treatment of infrabony defects, removal of peri-implant hyperplastic overgrowths, and, possibly, the preparation of bone cavities for implant placement. This report describes the state-of-the-art application of different laser systems in modern implant dentistry for the treatment of peri-implant lesions and decontamination of implant surfaces. Our study evaluated in vitro examinations, clinical experience and long-term clinical studies. The exact selection of the appropriate laser system and wavelength was dependent on the scientific evaluation of recent literature and the level of changes in implant and tissue temperatures during laser application. The significant reduction in bacteria on the implant surface and the peri-implant tissues during irradiation and the cutting effects associated with the coagulation properties of the lasers are the main reasons for laser application in the treatment of peri-implant lesions and the successful long-term prognosis of failing oral implants. The various applications of lasers in implant dentistry are dependent on the wavelength and laser-tissue interactions.
The aim of this study was to compare the performance of the DIAGNOdent 2095 with visual examination for occlusal caries detection in permanent and primary molars. The sample comprised 148 permanent human molars and 179 primary human molars. The samples were measured and visually examined three times by two examiners. After measurement, the teeth were histologically prepared and assessed for caries extension. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and area under the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve were calculated. Intra-class correlation (ICC), unweighted kappa and the Bland and Altman method were used to assess inter- and intra-examiner reproducibility. DIAGNOdent showed higher specificity and lower sensitivity than did visual examination. The ICC values indicated an excellent agreement between the examinations. Kappa values varied from good to excellent for DIAGNOdent but from poor to good for visual examination. In conclusion, the DIAGNOdent may be a useful adjunct to conventional methods for occlusal caries detection.
The aim of this in vivo study was to evaluate the performance of laser fluorescence (LF) comparing different cut-off limits for occlusal caries detection. One hundred and thirty first permanent molars were selected. Visual examination and LF assessments were performed independently. The extent of caries was assessed after operative intervention. New cut-off limits were established and compared with those proposed by the manufacturer and by Lussi et al. (Eur J Oral Sci 109:14-19, 2001). Similar sensitivity and higher specificity was found at D(2) (considering as disease only dentin caries) when the LF cut-off limits proposed by Lussi et al. and the new one were compared. At the D(3) threshold (considering as disease only deep dentin caries), no statistically significant difference among the cut-off limits for sensitivity was found. However, the new cut-off limits showed higher specificity. The LF device provided good ability to detect dentin caries lesions. Furthermore, the new cut-off limits and the values proposed by Lussi et al. could be suggested for the in vivo detection of occlusal caries.
An experimental procedure for precise and accurate measurements of isotope abundances by a miniature laser ablation mass spectrometer for space research is described. The measurements were conducted on different untreated NIST standards and galena samples by applying pulsed UV laser radiation (266 nm, 3 ns and 20 Hz) for ablation, atomisation, and ionisation of the sample material. Mass spectra of released ions are measured by a reflectron-type time-of-flight mass analyser. A computer controlled performance optimiser was used to operate the system at maximum ion transmission and mass resolution. At optimal experimental conditions, the best relative accuracy and precision achieved for Pb isotope compositions are at the per mill level and were obtained in a range of applied laser irradiances and a defined number of accumulated spectra. A similar relative accuracy and precision was achieved in the study of Pb isotope compositions in terrestrial galena samples. The results for the galena samples are similar to those obtained with a thermal ionisation mass spectrometer (TIMS). The studies of the isotope composition of other elements yielded relative accuracy and precision at the per mill level too, with characteristic instrument parameters for each element. The relative accuracy and precision of the measurements is degrading with lower element/isotope concentration in a sample. For the elements with abundances below 100 ppm these values drop to the percent level. Depending on the isotopic abundances of Pb in minerals, 207Pb/206Pb ages with accuracy in the range of tens of millions of years can be achieved.
Repeat airborne laser altimeter measurements are used to derive surface elevation changes on parts of Whillans Ice Stream and Ice Stream C, West Antarctica. Elevation changes are converted to estimates of ice equivalent thickness change using local accumulation rates, surface snow densities and vertical bedrock motions. The surveyed portions of two major tributaries of Whillans Ice Stream are found to be thinning almost uniformly at an average rate of similar to 1 m a(-1). Ice Stream C has a complicated elevation-change pattern, but is generally thickening. These results are used to estimate the contribution of each surveyed region to the current rate of global sea-level rise.
We measured the elemental composition on a sample of Allende meteorite with a miniature laser ablation mass spectrometer. This Laser Mass Spectrometer (LMS) has been designed and built at the University of Bern in the Department of Space Research and Planetary Sciences with the objective of using such an instrument on a space mission. Utilising the meteorite Allende as the test sample in this study, it is demonstrated that the instrument allows the in situ determination of the elemental composition and thus mineralogy and petrology of untreated rocky samples, particularly on planetary surfaces. In total, 138 measurements of elemental compositions have been carried out on an Allende sample. The mass spectrometric data are evaluated and correlated with an optical image. It is demonstrated that by illustrating the measured elements in the form of mineralogical maps, LMS can serve as an element imaging instrument with a very high spatial resolution of µm scale. The detailed analysis also includes a mineralogical evaluation and an investigation of the volatile element content of Allende. All findings are in good agreement with published data and underline the high sensitivity, accuracy and capability of LMS as a mass analyser for space exploration.
We present a derivation and, based on it, an extension of a model originally proposed by V.G. Niziev to describe continuous wave laser cutting of metals. Starting from a local energy balance and by incorporating heat removal through heat conduction to the bulk material, we find a differential equation for the cutting profile. This equation is solved numerically and yields, besides the cutting profiles, the maximum cutting speed, the absorptivity profiles, and other relevant quantities. Our main goal is to demonstrate the model’s capability to explain some of the experimentally observed differences between laser cutting at around 1 and 10 μm wavelengths. To compare our numerical results to experimental observations, we perform simulations for exactly the same material and laser beam parameters as those used in a recent comparative experimental study. Generally, we find good agreement between theoretical and experimental results and show that the main differences between laser cutting with 1- and 10-μm beams arise from the different absorptivity profiles and absorbed intensities. Especially the latter suggests that the energy transfer, and thus the laser cutting process, is more efficient in the case of laser cutting with 1-μm beams.