931 resultados para Langer, Ellen
The hypolipidemic effects of several medicinal plants have already been demonstrated, but many plants commonly used to treat diseases still need to be studied. Peppermint (Mentha piperita) is widely consumed by the population for different purposes, but not for the treatment of dyslipidemias. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of this plant on human biochemical and anthropometric profiles and blood pressure, based on the administration of peppermint juice twice daily for 30 days. Blood samples were collected before and after the treatment in order to determine the glycemic and lipid profiles, and the Body Mass Index (BMI) analysis was performed. Results indicated that 41.5% of the subjects showed a reduction in glycemia, 66.9% in total cholesterol levels, 58.5% in triacylglycerides, 52.3% in LDL-c (low-density lipoproteins) indices, 70% in GOT (glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase) levels, 74.5% in GPT (glutamic-pyruvic transaminase) levels, and that 52% presented an increase in HDL-c (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol) indices. Also, 52.5% showed a decrease in blood pressure and 48.7% in BMI. The use of peppermint by humans can be considered beneficial in the prevention and treatment of risk factors of chronic degenerative diseases.
In Brazil, several little economically explored fruits have good potential as raw material for the agro-industry. This study aimed to produce and determine the physical-chemical and sensory characteristics of light jambolan jelly. This fruit has intense purple color, which gave the jellies - both standard and light - a quite attractive visual aspect. The light jellies exhibited similar physical-chemical characteristics to the ones developed through the conventional method and; with the proportion of sweeteners used, the caloric values of the formulations were reduced to the range of 41 to 53%, attending the requirements of the Brazilian legislation for this type of product. The sensory profile obtained for the 4 light formulations developed, clearly showed the tasters' preference for the jelly elaborated with the association of cyclamate and saccharin. Thus, the results revealed good perspectives for the application of this fruit in the food industry.
Desordens metabólicas são frequentes em pacientes com nefrolitíase pediátrica. OBJETIVOS: Estudar as alterações metabólicas e anatômicas e a análise química dos cálculos encontrados em pacientes da nossa região. MÉTODOS: Este é um estudo retrospectivo em 158 crianças com evidência de formação recente de cálculos, destes apenas 109 concluíram a investigação metabólica. A investigação laboratorial consistiu de duas amostras de urina de 24 horas com dosagem de cálcio, ácido úrico, citrato, oxalato, sódio e creatinina, cistinúria qualitativa, pH urinário seguido de 12 horas de jejum e restrição hídrica, cultura da urina e análise química quando os cálculos foram disponíveis. As técnicas de imagem incluíram ultrassonografia do trato urinário e urografia excretora. RESULTADOS: Em 96,3% das crianças alguma causa foi detectada. A principal alteração metabólica encontrada foi a hipercalciúria (73,4%). Análise química dos cálculos mostrou oxalato de cálcio em 90,9% dos casos. Alterações anatômicas foram encontradas em 18,0% dos pacientes investigados, e a mais frequente foi a duplicação pieloureteral (28,6%). CONCLUSÕES:Hipercalciúria foi a desordem mais encontrada, a alteração anatômica mais comum foi a duplicação pieloureteral e oxalato de cálcio foi o constituinte químico mais frequente. Este trabalho serviu para o conhecimento das características dos pacientes pediátricos portadores de nefrolitíase em nossa região.
Resumo Arterite de Takayasu é uma doença rara, de etiologia desconhecida, que acomete a aorta e seus principais ramos. É uma patologia, geograficamente mais comum no Sudeste Asiático, que acomete principalmente mulheres em idade reprodutiva. A apresentação clínica é inespecífica, com sinais e sintomas que variam de acordo com o seguimento arterial acometido. O vaso mais comumente afetado é a artéria subclávia, enquanto a estenose de artéria renal é relativamente incomum. Comprometimento cardíaco e associação com outras patologias também podem estar presentes. Apresentamos neste relato o caso de uma paciente idosa com diagnóstico tardio de arterite de Takayasu e várias comorbidades ou complicações relacionadas.
Maize seeds, infected by Stenocarpella species, are important sources of inoculum for the introduction and dissemination of stalk and ear rot and macrospore leaf spot diseases. The use of healthy seeds is an important strategy for the preventive control of these diseases. However, one of the difficulties in the health quality control programs for maize seeds is the availability of a reliable and quick method for detecting these fungi during routine seed analyses. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to investigate the possibility of using the PCR technique as an alternative method for accurately detecting these pathogens in maize seed samples. Maize seeds were kept in contact with S. maydis colonie developed in PDA media containing mannitol at -1.4 MPa for 72 h. The seed samples used in this study were prepared with infected seeds at incidences of 100, 20, 10, 2, 1 and zero %.The primers used were able to detect S. maydis fungi in association with seeds with a maximum of 2% , however those primers were not able to differentiate between the two species.
Tutkielman aiheena on vuonna 1922 tehty saksalainen ekspressionistinen elokuva Nosferatu – Eine Symphonie des Grauens. Elokuva on ensimmäinen virallinen sovitus irlantilaisen kirjailija Bram Stokerin Draculasta (1897). Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, minkälaisia pelon elementtejä elokuva välittää katsojilleen. Tämän lisäksi tutkielmassa on kehitelty lähiluvun tutkimusmetodia hyödyntäen rakennetaulukkoa, jolla elokuvasta ilmeneviä pelon elementtejä analysoidaan. Rakennetaulukon muodostuksessa on erityisesti hyödynnetty saksalaisen elokuvatutkija Siegfried Kracauerin kahta teosta: Caligarista Hitleriin (1947) sekä Propaganda ja kansallissosialistinen elokuva (1942). Tutkimuksessa on Kracauerin oppeja noudattaen laadittu jokaiselle analysoitavalle kohtaukselle oma rakennetaulukkonsa, johon on yksityiskohtaisesti purettu kohtausten visuaalinen sisältö, vuorosanat ja musiikki. Analysoitava aineisto koostuu kuudesta elokuvan kohtauksesta. Valituissa kohtauksissa keskeisessä roolissa ovat elokuvan päähenkilöt: vampyyrikreivi Orlok, asianajaja Hutter ja tämän vaimo Ellen. Keskeisenä tutkimuskirjallisuutena on käytetty elokuvatutkimuksesta, vampyyripopulaarikulttuurista, pelon kulttuurista sekä saksalaisesta 1900–1930-lukujen yhteiskunnasta kertovia teoksia. Tutkimuskirjallisuudella avataan Nosferatu – Eine Symphonie des Grauens -elokuvan historiallista sekä kulttuurista kontekstia. Kirjallisuuden lisäksi tutkimuksessa on käytetty kommenttiraitoja, joita Nosferatu – Eine Symphonie des Grauens -elokuvaan on tehty. Taustatutkimuksessa on myös käytetty elokuvasta kertovia dokumentteja. Tutkimustuloksissa päädytään siihen, että ensisijaisesti Nosferatu – Eine Symphonie des Grauens välittää katsojilleen kuoleman pelkoon liitettäviä elementtejä. Pelon elementtejä välitetään monipuolisesti elokuvassa kuten hahmojen olemuksen ja dialogin, miljöön, kamerakuvan luomien näkökulmien ja musiikin keinoin. Käytetty lähiluvun tutkimusmetodi ja rakennetaulukko ovat toimivia elokuvan kohtausten analyyseissä, mutta vaativat vielä jatko-tutkimuksia, mikäli niitä halutaan yrittää soveltaa muussa kuin ekspressionistisen elokuva-aineiston tarkastelussa.
This study examined the factors affecting treatment decision making for young women with early stage breast cancer. Thirty women, aged 35 to 52 years, were presented information about two equally effective chemotherapy treatments following surgery for breast cancer using an educational instrument called a "decision board." Although equally effective, the treatments differ with regards to side effects and treatment schedule. The purpose of this research was to investigate what factors affect the decision-making process. Following administration of the decision board, women were given a take-home version to review and asked to return one to two weeks later with a decision, at which time they completed a questionnaire. theoretical framework for this study was constructed from the literature on self-directed learning and critical thinking. The Overall, the factors rated most important to the treatment decision were related to quality of life, side effects, and length of treatment. Five factors were found to be rated significantly different by the women who chose one treatment versus the other in terms of importance to their decision. These were side effects in general, vomiting, hair loss, family role, and the number of trips to the cancer centre required for treatment.Implications and recommendations for patient education, research, and practice evolved from the findings of this study.
This correlational study was designed to investigate the relationship between self-directed learning and personality type. A sample of 133 graduate and undergraduate education students completed the MBTI and the SDLRS. Two hypotheses were examined: (a) scores on the intuitive scale will account for a significant amount of the variance in the prediction of selfdirected learning readiness and, (b) scores on the introverted scale will account for a significant amount of the variance in self-directed learning readiness. Stepwise multiple regression analyses indicated that psychological type accounts for 28% of the variance in self-directed learning. Support for the first hypothesis was found with 15% of the variance in selfdirected learning accounted for by intuition. The second hypothesis was not supported. Introversion accounted for 13% of the variance but in a negative manner. Results of this study indicate that personality type does influence the ability of the learner to be self-directed in studies. These findings add another dimension for the adult educator to consider when attempting to develop self-directedness in learners.
Lewis Tyrell married Jane Gains on August 31, 1849 in Culpeper Court House, Virginia. Jane Gains was a spinster. Lewis Tyrell died September 25, 1908 at his late residence, Vine St. and Welland Ave., St. Catharines, Ont. at the age of 81 years, 5 months. Jane Tyrell died March 1, 1886, age 64 years. Their son? William C. Tyrell died January 15, 1898, by accident in Albany, NY, age 33 years, 3 months. John William Taylor married Susan Jones were married in St. Catharines, Ont. on August 10, 1851 by William Wilkinson, a Baptist minister. On August 9, 1894 Charles Henry Bell (1871-1916), son of Stephen (1835?-1876) and Susan Bell, married Mary E. Tyrell (b. 1869?) daughter of Lewis and Alice Tyrell, in St. Catharines Ontario. By 1895 the Bell’s were living in Erie, Pennsylvania where children Delbert Otto (b. 1895) and Edna Beatrice (b. 1897) were born. By 1897 the family was back in St. Catharines where children Lewis Tyrell (b. 1899), Gertrude Cora (b. 1901), Bessie Jane (b. 1902), Charles Henry (b. 1906), Richard Nelson (b. 1911) and William Willoughby (b. 1912) were born. Charles Henry Bell operated a coal and ice business on Geneva Street. In the 1901 Census for St. Catharines, the Bell family includes the lodger Charles Henry Hall. Charles Henry Hall was born ca. 1824 in Maryland, he died in St. Catharines on November 11, 1916 at the age of 92. On October 24, 1889 Charles Hall married Susan Bell (1829-1898). The 1911 Census of Canada records Charles Henry Hall residing in the same household as Charles Henry and Mary Bell. The relationship to the householder is step-father. It is likely that after Stephen Bell’s death in 1876, his widow, Susan Bell married Hall. In 1939, Richard Nelson Bell, son of Charles Henry and Mary Tyrell Bell, married Iris Sloman. Iris (b. 22 May 1912 in Biddulph Township, Middlesex, Ontario) was the daughter of Albert (son of Joseph b. 1870 and Elizabeth Sloman, b. 1872) and Josie (Josephine Ellen) Butler Sloman of London, Ont. Josie (b. 1891) was the daughter of Everett Richard and Elizabeth McCarthy (or McCarty) Butler, of Lucan Village, Middlesex North. According to the 1911 Census of Canada, Albert, a Methodist, was a porter on the railroad. His wife, Josephine, was a Roman Catholic. Residing with Albert and Josie were Sanford and Sadie Butler and Sidney Sloman, likely siblings of Albert and Josephine. The Butler family is descended from Peter Butler, a former slave, who had settled in the Wilberforce Colony in the 1830s. Rick Bell b. 1949 in Niagara Falls, Ont. is the son of Richard Nelson Bell. In 1979, after working seven years as an orderly at the St. Catharines General Hospital while also attending night school at Niagara College, Rick Bell was hired by the Thorold Fire Dept. He became the first Black professional firefighter in Niagara. He is a founding member of the St. Catharines Junior Symphony; attended the Banff School of Fine Arts in 1966 and also performed with the Lincoln & Welland Regimental Band and several other popular local groups. Upon the discovery of this rich archive in his mothers’ attic he became passionate about sharing his Black ancestry and the contributions of fugitive slaves to the heritage Niagara with local school children. He currently resides in London, Ont.
The fonds includes sixty two items of correspondence between Benjamin Woodruff Price, aka Woodruff, Ben or Uncle, and various family members, both immediate and distant cousins. Also included is business correspondence related to Price’s activities as a watchmaker and/or jeweler. Benjamin Woodruff Price was born in Thorold Township ca. 1831, the son of Joseph Price and Mary Smith. B.W. Price married Ella or Ellen McGlashan (1851-1906) ca. 1868. Price died between 1891 and 1901, his burial location is unknown at present. A watchmaker and jeweler, Price lived most of his life in Fonthill, Ont. He also included auctioneer, undertaker and photographer as some of his other professional activities. His siblings included David Smith Price (wife Isabella Ann), John Smith Price (wife Elizabeth Jane), and sisters Susan Page (husband Edward Rice Page), Jerusha Price, Mary Price and Martha W. Stone (husband Dudley Ward Stone). John Smith Price died 18 April 1860, leaving no descendents. It is likely that G.W. Stone was a nephew to B.W. Price, the son of his sister Martha W. Stone and her husband Dudley Ward Stone. Susan Page was a sister of Benjamin Woodruff Price. She was married to Edward Rice Page and they had at least two children, Joseph and Clayton. At the time of this correspondence they lived in Suspension Bridge, NY, now part of Niagara Falls, New York. Edward Rice Page’s occupation was listed as saloon keeper. The Price family appears to have had a very large extended family. This information was gleaned from the contents of letters of Maggie Tisdale, daughter of Ephraim and Hannah (Price) Tisdale, P.A. or Ann Morgan, [may also be Phebe Ann] of Newark, NY? and Marietta House of Bayham Township. DeWitt Higgins of Suspension Bridge, NY aka Niagara Falls, NY was an auctioneer, specialized in buying jewellery, watches, clocks, from individuals and reselling his product to others like B.W. Price.
Josephine Sloman pictured in this undated photograph taken in Niagara Falls. Josephine (Ellen Butler) Sloman was born in 1891 in London, Ontario. This small photo was among the family memorabilia in the possession of Rick Bell, of St. Catharines, whose ancestors include former Black slaves from the United States.
Resveratrol, a polyphenol found naturally in red wines, has attracted great interest in both the scientific community and the general public for its reported ability to protect against many of the diseases facing Western society today. While the purported health effects of resveratrol are well characterized, details of the cellular mechanisms that give rise to these observations are unclear. Here, the mitochondrial antioxidant enzyme Mn superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) was identified as a proximal target of resveratrol in vitro and in vivo. MnSOD protein and activity levels increase significantly in cultured cells treated with resveratrol, and in the brain tissue of mice given resveratrol in a high fat diet. Preventing the increase in MnSOD levels eliminates two of resveratrol’s more interesting effects in the context of human health: inhibition of proliferative cell growth and cytoprotection. Thus, the induction of MnSOD is a critical step in the molecular mechanism of resveratrol. Mitochondrial morphology is a malleable property that is capable of impeding cell cycle progression and conferring resistance against stress induced cell death. Using confocal microscopy and a novel ‘cell free’ fusion assay it was determined that concurrent with changes in MnSOD protein levels, resveratrol treatment leads to a more fused mitochondrial reticulum. This observation may be important to resveratrol’s ability to slow proliferative cell growth and confer cytoprotection. Resveratrol's biological activities, including the ability to increase MnSOD levels, are strikingly similar to what is observed with estrogen treatment. Resveratrol fails to increase MnSOD levels, slow proliferative cell growth and confer cytoprotection in the presence of an estrogen receptor antagonist. Resveratrol's effects can be replicated with the specific estrogen receptor beta agonist diarylpropionitrile, and are absent in myoblasts lacking estrogen receptor beta. Four compounds that are structurally similar to resveratrol and seven phytoestrogens predicted to bind to estrogen receptor beta were screened for their effects on MnSOD, proliferative growth rates and stress resistance in cultured mammalian cells. Several of these compounds were able to mimic the effects of resveratrol on MnSOD levels, proliferative cell growth and stress resistance in vitro. Thus, I hypothesize that resveratrol interacts with estrogen receptor beta to induce the upregulation of MnSOD, which in turn affects cell cycle progression and stress resistance. These results have important implications for the understanding of RES’s biological activities and potential applications to human health.
Joanna Ellen Wood (1867-1927) was an acclaimed Canadian author who wrote several novels and short stories. Wood was born in Scotland, but emigrated to Canada with her family in 1869. In 1874 her father purchased a farm overlooking the Niagara River at Queenston. It is believed she was supported by her brother William, who encouraged her writing. She was based in New York City from 1887-1901, using William’s business address there to receive correspondence while she traveled or spent time in Queenston. Around 1906, Wood moved with her mother to Niagara-on-the-Lake, where she joined the Niagara Historical Society. By 1914, she was living in Buffalo, but later spent time at her sisters’ homes. It was at her sister’s home in Detroit where she suffered a stroke and died in 1927. Wood’s literary career was short-lived. She published her first novel, The Untempered Wind , in 1894, and a second novel, Judith Moore …, in 1898. Both novels received critical acclaim, and a third novel, Farden Ha', followed in 1902. Unfortunately the majority of Wood’s numerous and award-winning writings cannot be found. Her career peaked in 1901, when she was the highest paid Canadian fiction writer. For unknown reasons, her career abruptly ceased in 1902, with no further publications or mention made of her in the Canadian Magazine.
Affiliation: Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal & CANVAC