517 resultados para LID RETRACTION
One of the main goals of the COMPASS experiment at CERN is the
determination of the gluon polarisation in the nucleon. It is determined from spin asymmetries in the scattering of
160 GeV/c polarised muons on a polarised LiD target.
The gluon polarisation is accessed by the selection of photon-gluon fusion (PGF) events. The PGF-process can be tagged through hadrons with high transverse momenta or through charmed hadrons in the final state. The advantage of the open charm channel is that, in leading order, the PGF-process is the only process for charm production, thus no physical background contributes to the selected data sample.
This thesis presents a measurement of the gluon polarisation from the COMPASS data taken in the years 2002-2004. In the analysis, charm production is tagged through a
reconstructed D0-meson decaying in $D^{0}-> K^{-}pi^{+}$ (and charge conjugates). The reconstruction is done on a combinatorial basis. The background of wrong track pairs is reduced using kinematic cuts to the reconstructed D0-candidate and the information on particle identification from the Ring Imaging Cerenkov counter. In addition, the event sample is separated into D0-candidates, where a soft pion from the decay of the D*-meson to a D0-meson, is found, and the D0-candidates without this tag. Due to the small mass difference between D*-meson and D0-meson the signal purity of the D*-tagged sample is about 7 times higher than in the untagged sample.
The gluon polarisation is measured from the event asymmetries for the for the different spin configurations of the COMPASS target. To improve the statistical precision of the final results, the events in the final sample are weighted.
This method results in an average value of the gluon polarisation in the x-range covered by the data. For the COMPASS data from 2002-2004, the resulting value of the gluon polarisation is $
Negli ultimi decenni, in varie parti del Mondo cosi come in Italia, si è assistito a un rapido aumento di strutture abitative, fabbricati ad uso industriale, residenziale e rurale. La continua sottrazione di terreno per tali scopi ha portato a un aumento di tutta una serie di problematiche ambientali. Con la diminuzione delle aree verdi si è andati incontro a una diminuzione della trattenuta idrica del terreno, all'aumento della velocità di scolo dell'acqua e del tempo di corrivazione con conseguenze sempre più drammatiche per le aree urbanizzate nei periodi di forti piogge. Inoltre, c'è da ricordare, che una diminuzione delle aree a verde comporta, oltre al cambiamento a livello paesaggistico, anche una diminuzione della capacità delle piante di trattenere le polveri inquinanti e di produrre ossigeno. Tutti questi fattori hanno portato allo studio di soluzioni tecnologiche che potessero unire i bisogni di verde della collettività con la necessità di una gestione sostenibile delle acque meteoriche. Tra esse, una che sta trovando notevole applicazione è la creazione di aree verdi sulla copertura degli edifici. Secondo le loro caratteristiche, queste aree verdi sono denominate tetti verdi e/o giardini pensili. La struttura si compone di strati di coltivazione e drenaggio con diversa profondità e una copertura vegetale. La vegetazione utilizzata può andare da specie con bassissime richieste manutentive (tipo estensivo) ad altre con maggiori necessità (tipo intensivo), come i tappeti erbosi. Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di approntare una sperimentazione sul nuovo tetto verde realizzato presso la sede di Ingegneria, via Terracini 28, volta a stimare i costi economici e ambientali sostenuti per la realizzazione dello stesso, per poi confrontarli con i benefici ambientali legati al risparmio idrico ed energetico su scala edificio e urbana. Per la stima dei costi ambientali dei materiali utilizzati, dalla nascita al fine vita, si è utilizzato il metodo LCA- Life Cycle Assessment- e il software Sima Pro
Group B Streptococcus [GBS; Streptococcus agalactiae] is the leading cause of life-threatening diseases in newborn and is also becoming a common cause of invasive diseases in non-pregnant, elderly and immune-compromised adults. Pili, long filamentous fibers protruding from the bacterial surface, have been discovered in GBS, as important virulence factors and vaccine candidates. Gram-positive bacteria build pili on their cell surface via a class C sortase-catalyzed transpeptidation mechanism from pilin protein substrates. Despite the availability of several crystal structures, pilus-related C sortases remain poorly characterized to date and their mechanisms of transpeptidation and regulation need to be further investigated. The available three-dimensional structures of these enzymes reveal a typical sortase fold except for the presence of a unique feature represented by an N-terminal highly flexible loop, known as the “lid”. This region interacts with the residues composing the catalytic triad and covers the active site, thus maintaining the enzyme in an auto-inhibited state and preventing the accessibility to the substrate. It is believed that enzyme activation may occur only after lid displacement from the catalytic domain. In this work we provide the first direct evidence of the regulatory role of the lid, demonstrating that it is possible to obtain in vitro an efficient polymerization of pilin subunits using an active C sortase lid mutant carrying a single residue mutation in the lid region. Moreover, biochemical analyses of this recombinant mutant reveal that the lid confers thermodynamic and proteolytic stability to the enzyme. A further characterization of this sortase active mutant showed promiscuity in the substrate recognition, as it is able to polymerize different LPXTG-proteins in vitro.
Rupture forces of ligand-receptor interactions, such as proteins-proteins, proteins-cells, and cells-tissues, have been successfully measured by atomic force spectroscopy (AFS). For these measurements, the ligands and receptors were chemically modified so that they can be immobilized on the tip and on a substrate, respectively. The ligand interact the receptor when the tip approaches the substrate. This interaction can be studied by measuring rupture force upon retraction. However, this technique is not feasible for measurements involving small molecules, since they form only few H-bonds with their corresponding receptors. Modifying small molecules for immobilization on surfaces may block or change binding sites. Thus, recorded rupture forces might not reflect the full scope of the involved small ligand-receptor interactions.rnIn my thesis, a novel concept that allows measuring the rupture force of small involved ligand-receptor interactions and does not require molecular modification for immobilization was introduced. The rupture force of small ligand-receptor interaction is not directly measured but it can be determined from measurements in the presence and in the absence of the ligand. As a model system, the adenosine mono phosphate (AMP) and the aptamer that binds AMP were selected. The aptamer (receptor) is a single stranded DNA that can partially self-hybridize and form binding pockets for AMP molecules (ligands). The bonds between AMP and aptamer are provided by several H-bonds and pair stacking.rnIn the novel concept, the aptamer was split into two parts (oligo a and oligo b). One part was immobilized on the tip and the other one on the substrate. Approaching the tip to the substrate, oligo a and oligo b partially hybridized and the binding pockets were formed. After adding AMP into the buffer solution, the AMP bound in the pockets and additional H-bonds were formed. Upon retraction of the tip, the rupture force of the AMP-split aptamer complex was measured. In the presence of excess AMP, the rupture force increased by about 10 pN. rnThe dissociation constant of the AMP-split aptamer complex was measured on a single molecular level (~ 4 µM) by varying the AMP concentrations and measuring the rupture force at each concentration. Furthermore, the rupture force was amplified when more pockets were added to the split aptamer. rnIn the absence of AMP, the thermal off-rate was slightly reduced compared to that in the presence of AMP, indicating that the AMP stabilized the aptamer. The rupture forces at different loading rates did not follow the logarithmic fit which was usually used to describe the dependence of rupture forces at different loading rates of oligonucleotides. Two distinguished regimes at low and high loading rates were obtained. The two regimes were explained by a model in which the oligos located at the pockets were stretched at high loading rates. rnThe contribution of a single H-bond formed between the AMP molecule and the split aptamer was measured by reducing the binding groups of the AMP. The rupture forces reduce corresponding to the reduction of the binding groups. The phosphate group played the most important role in the formation of H-bond network between the AMP molecule and the split aptamer. rn
In vielen Bereichen der industriellen Fertigung, wie zum Beispiel in der Automobilindustrie, wer- den digitale Versuchsmodelle (sog. digital mock-ups) eingesetzt, um die Entwicklung komplexer Maschinen m ̈oglichst gut durch Computersysteme unterstu ̈tzen zu k ̈onnen. Hierbei spielen Be- wegungsplanungsalgorithmen eine wichtige Rolle, um zu gew ̈ahrleisten, dass diese digitalen Pro- totypen auch kollisionsfrei zusammengesetzt werden k ̈onnen. In den letzten Jahrzehnten haben sich hier sampling-basierte Verfahren besonders bew ̈ahrt. Diese erzeugen eine große Anzahl von zuf ̈alligen Lagen fu ̈r das ein-/auszubauende Objekt und verwenden einen Kollisionserken- nungsmechanismus, um die einzelnen Lagen auf Gu ̈ltigkeit zu u ̈berpru ̈fen. Daher spielt die Kollisionserkennung eine wesentliche Rolle beim Design effizienter Bewegungsplanungsalgorith- men. Eine Schwierigkeit fu ̈r diese Klasse von Planern stellen sogenannte “narrow passages” dar, schmale Passagen also, die immer dort auftreten, wo die Bewegungsfreiheit der zu planenden Objekte stark eingeschr ̈ankt ist. An solchen Stellen kann es schwierig sein, eine ausreichende Anzahl von kollisionsfreien Samples zu finden. Es ist dann m ̈oglicherweise n ̈otig, ausgeklu ̈geltere Techniken einzusetzen, um eine gute Performance der Algorithmen zu erreichen.rnDie vorliegende Arbeit gliedert sich in zwei Teile: Im ersten Teil untersuchen wir parallele Kollisionserkennungsalgorithmen. Da wir auf eine Anwendung bei sampling-basierten Bewe- gungsplanern abzielen, w ̈ahlen wir hier eine Problemstellung, bei der wir stets die selben zwei Objekte, aber in einer großen Anzahl von unterschiedlichen Lagen auf Kollision testen. Wir im- plementieren und vergleichen verschiedene Verfahren, die auf Hu ̈llk ̈operhierarchien (BVHs) und hierarchische Grids als Beschleunigungsstrukturen zuru ̈ckgreifen. Alle beschriebenen Verfahren wurden auf mehreren CPU-Kernen parallelisiert. Daru ̈ber hinaus vergleichen wir verschiedene CUDA Kernels zur Durchfu ̈hrung BVH-basierter Kollisionstests auf der GPU. Neben einer un- terschiedlichen Verteilung der Arbeit auf die parallelen GPU Threads untersuchen wir hier die Auswirkung verschiedener Speicherzugriffsmuster auf die Performance der resultierenden Algo- rithmen. Weiter stellen wir eine Reihe von approximativen Kollisionstests vor, die auf den beschriebenen Verfahren basieren. Wenn eine geringere Genauigkeit der Tests tolerierbar ist, kann so eine weitere Verbesserung der Performance erzielt werden.rnIm zweiten Teil der Arbeit beschreiben wir einen von uns entworfenen parallelen, sampling- basierten Bewegungsplaner zur Behandlung hochkomplexer Probleme mit mehreren “narrow passages”. Das Verfahren arbeitet in zwei Phasen. Die grundlegende Idee ist hierbei, in der er- sten Planungsphase konzeptionell kleinere Fehler zuzulassen, um die Planungseffizienz zu erh ̈ohen und den resultierenden Pfad dann in einer zweiten Phase zu reparieren. Der hierzu in Phase I eingesetzte Planer basiert auf sogenannten Expansive Space Trees. Zus ̈atzlich haben wir den Planer mit einer Freidru ̈ckoperation ausgestattet, die es erlaubt, kleinere Kollisionen aufzul ̈osen und so die Effizienz in Bereichen mit eingeschr ̈ankter Bewegungsfreiheit zu erh ̈ohen. Optional erlaubt unsere Implementierung den Einsatz von approximativen Kollisionstests. Dies setzt die Genauigkeit der ersten Planungsphase weiter herab, fu ̈hrt aber auch zu einer weiteren Perfor- mancesteigerung. Die aus Phase I resultierenden Bewegungspfade sind dann unter Umst ̈anden nicht komplett kollisionsfrei. Um diese Pfade zu reparieren, haben wir einen neuartigen Pla- nungsalgorithmus entworfen, der lokal beschr ̈ankt auf eine kleine Umgebung um den bestehenden Pfad einen neuen, kollisionsfreien Bewegungspfad plant.rnWir haben den beschriebenen Algorithmus mit einer Klasse von neuen, schwierigen Metall- Puzzlen getestet, die zum Teil mehrere “narrow passages” aufweisen. Unseres Wissens nach ist eine Sammlung vergleichbar komplexer Benchmarks nicht ̈offentlich zug ̈anglich und wir fan- den auch keine Beschreibung von vergleichbar komplexen Benchmarks in der Motion-Planning Literatur.
I tetti verdi rappresentano, sempre più frequentemente, una tecnologia idonea alla mitigazione alle problematiche connesse all’ urbanizzazione, tuttavia la conoscenza delle prestazioni dei GR estensivi in clima sub-Mediterraneo è ancora limitata. La presente ricerca è supportata da 15 mesi di analisi sperimentali su due GR situati presso la Scuola di Ingegneria di Bologna. Inizialmente vengono comparate, tra loro e rispetto a una superficie di riferimento (RR), le prestazioni idrologiche ed energetiche dei due GR, caratterizzati da vegetazione a Sedum (SR) e a erbe native perenni (NR). Entrambi riducono i volumi defluiti e le temperature superficiali. Il NR si dimostra migliore del SR sia in campo idrologico che termico, la fisiologia della vegetazione del NR determina l'apertura diurna degli stomi e conseguentemente una maggiore evapotraspirazione (ET). Successivamente si sono studiate la variazioni giornaliere di umidità nel substrato del SR riscontrando che la loro ampiezza è influenzata dalla temperatura, dall’umidità iniziale e dalla fase vegetativa. Queste sono state simulate mediante un modello idrologico basato sull'equazione di bilancio idrico e su due modelli convenzionali per la stima della ET potenziale combinati con una funzione di estrazione dell’ umidità dal suolo. Sono stati proposti dei coefficienti di correzione, ottenuti per calibrazione, per considerare le differenze tra la coltura di riferimento e le colture nei GR durante le fasi di crescita. Infine, con l’ausilio di un modello implementato in SWMM 5.1. 007 utilizzando il modulo Low Impact Development (LID) durante simulazioni in continuo (12 mesi) si sono valutate le prestazioni in termini di ritenzione dei plot SR e RR. Il modello, calibrato e validato, mostra di essere in grado di riprodurre in modo soddisfacente i volumi defluiti dai due plot. Il modello, a seguito di una dettagliata calibrazione, potrebbe supportare Ingegneri e Amministrazioni nella valutazioni dei vantaggi derivanti dall'utilizzo dei GR.
Lo studio ha lo scopo di valutare e confrontare l'efficienza del packaging in “LID” con atmosfera modificata a confronto con il confezionamento più tradizionale in “stretch” con atmosfera ordinaria, sulla shelf-life di diversi prodotti avicoli quali petti e sovracosce di pollo e fese di tacchino. A tal fine sui prodotti diversamente confezionati sono state valutate le variazioni di alcuni parametri qualitativi analizzando e confrontando alcuni aspetti tecnologici (pH, colore, texture, capacità di ritenzione idrica) durante un periodo di stoccaggio di 15 giorni in diverse condizioni di refrigerazione: durante i primi 3 giorni a 0-2°C, dal terzo al quindicesimo giorno a 6-8°C, al fine di simulare condizioni di abuso termico ed accelerare i fenomeni di deterioramento.
The most consistent feature of Wiskott Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is profound thrombocytopenia with small platelets. The responsible gene encodes WAS protein (WASP), which functions in leucocytes as an actin filament nucleating agent -yet- actin filament nucleation proceeds normally in patient platelets regarding shape change, filopodia and lamellipodia generation. Because WASP localizes in the platelet membrane skeleton and is mobilized by alphaIIbbeta3 integrin outside-in signalling, we questioned whether its function might be linked to integrin. Agonist-induced alphaIIbbeta3 activation (PAC-1 binding) was normal for patient platelets, indicating normal integrin inside-out signalling. Inside-out signalling (fibrinogen, JON/A binding) was also normal for wasp-deficient murine platelets. However, adherence/spreading on immobilized fibrinogen was decreased for patient platelets and wasp-deficient murine platelets, indicating decreased integrin outside-in responses. Another integrin outside-in dependent response, fibrin clot retraction, involving contraction of the post-aggregation actin cytoskeleton, was also decreased for patient platelets and wasp-deficient murine platelets. Rebleeding from tail cuts was more frequent for wasp-deficient mice, suggesting decreased stabilisation of the primary platelet plug. In contrast, phosphatidylserine exposure, a pro-coagulant response, was enhanced for WASP-deficient patient and murine platelets. The collective results reveal a novel function for WASP in regulating pro-aggregatory and pro-coagulant responses downstream of integrin outside-in signalling.
It is unclear whether patients with different clinical subtypes of Parkinson disease (PD) differ in their risk of developing levodopa-induced dyskinesia (LID) and whether resting tremor is negatively correlated with this risk.
A new anterior intrapelvic approach for the surgical management of displaced acetabular fractures involving predominantly the anterior column and the quadrilateral plate is described. In order to establish five 'windows' for instrumentation, the extraperitoneal space is entered along the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle. This is the so-called 'Pararectus' approach. The feasibility of safe dissection and optimal instrumentation of the pelvis was assessed in five cadavers (ten hemipelves) before implementation in a series of 20 patients with a mean age of 59 years (17 to 90), of whom 17 were male. The clinical evaluation was undertaken between December 2009 and December 2010. The quality of reduction was assessed with post-operative CT scans and the occurrence of intra-operative complications was noted. In cadavers, sufficient extraperitoneal access and safe instrumentation of the pelvis were accomplished. In the patients, there was a statistically significant improvement in the reduction of the fracture (pre- versus post-operative: mean step-off 3.3 mm (sd 2.6) vs 0.1 mm (sd 0.3), p < 0.001; and mean gap 11.5 mm (sd 6.5) vs 0.8 mm (sd 1.3), p < 0.001). Lesions to the peritoneum were noted in two patients and minor vascular damage was noted in a further two patients. Multi-directional screw placement and various plate configurations were feasible in cadavers without significant retraction of soft tissues. In the treatment of acetabular fractures predominantly involving the anterior column and the quadrilateral plate, the Pararectus approach allowed anatomical restoration with minimal morbidity related to the surgical access.
Clostridium perfringens type C isolates cause fatal, segmental necro-hemorrhagic enteritis in animals and humans. Typically, acute intestinal lesions result from extensive mucosal necrosis and hemorrhage in the proximal jejunum. These lesions are frequently accompanied by microvascular thrombosis in affected intestinal segments. In previous studies we demonstrated that there is endothelial localization of C. perfringens type C beta-toxin (CPB) in acute lesions of necrotizing enteritis. This led us to hypothesize that CPB contributes to vascular necrosis by directly damaging endothelial cells. By performing additional immunohistochemical studies using spontaneously diseased piglets, we confirmed that CPB binds to the endothelial lining of vessels showing early signs of thrombosis. To investigate whether CPB can disrupt the endothelium, we exposed primary porcine aortic endothelial cells to C. perfringens type C culture supernatants and recombinant CPB. Both treatments rapidly induced disruption of the actin cytoskeleton, cell border retraction, and cell shrinkage, leading to destruction of the endothelial monolayer in vitro. These effects were followed by cell death. Cytopathic and cytotoxic effects were inhibited by neutralization of CPB. Taken together, our results suggest that CPB-induced disruption of endothelial cells may contribute to the pathogenesis of C. perfringens type C enteritis.
Background Retraction, atrophy and fatty infiltration are signs subsequent to chronic rotator cuff tendon tears. They are associated with an increased pennation angle and a shortening of the muscle fibers in series. These deleterious changes of the muscular architecture are not reversible with current repair techniques and are the main factors for failed rotator cuff tendon repair. Whereas fast stretching of the retracted musculotendinous unit results in proliferation of non-contractile fibrous tissue, slow stretching may lead to muscle regeneration in terms of sarcomerogenesis. To slowly stretch the retracted musculotendinous unit in a sheep model, two here described tensioning devices have been developed and mounted on the scapular spine of the sheep using an expandable threaded rod, which has been interposed between the retracted tendon end and the original insertion site at the humeral head. Traction is transmitted in line with the musculotendinous unit by sutures knotted on the expandable threaded rod. The threaded rod of the tensioner is driven within the body through a rotating axis, which enters the body on the opposite side. The tendon end, which was previously released (16 weeks prior) from its insertion site with a bone chip, was elongated with a velocity of 1 mm/day. Results After several steps of technical improvements, the tensioner proved to be capable of actively stretching the retracted and degenerated muscle back to the original length and to withstand the external forces acting on it. Conclusion This technical report describes the experimental technique for continuous elongation of the musculotendinous unit and reversion of the length of chronically shortened muscle.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the advantages and surgical technique of a trochanteric flip osteotomy in combination with a Kocher-Langenbeck approach for the treatment of selected acetabular fractures. DESIGN: Consecutive series, teaching hospital. METHODS: Through mobilization of the vastus lateralis muscle, a slice of the greater trochanter with the attached gluteus medius muscle can be flipped anteriorly. The gluteus minimus muscle can then be easily mobilized, giving free access to the posterosuperior and superior acetabular wall area. Damage to the abductor muscles by vigorous retraction can be avoided, potentially resulting in less ectopic ossification. Ten consecutive cases of acetabular fractures treated with this approach are reported. In eight cases, an anatomic reduction was achieved; in the remaining two cases with severe comminution, the reduction was within one to three millimeters. The trochanteric fragment was fixed with two 3.5-millimeter cortical screws. RESULTS: All osteotomies healed in anatomic position within six to eight weeks postoperatively. Abductor strength was symmetric in eight patients and mildly reduced in two patients. Heterotopic ossification was limited to Brooker classes 1 and 2 without functional impairment at an average follow-up of twenty months. No femoral head necrosis was observed. CONCLUSION: This technique allows better visualization, more accurate reduction, and easier fixation of cranial acetabular fragments. Cranial migration of the greater trochanter after fixation with two screws is unlikely to occur because of the distal pull of the vastus lateralis muscle, balancing the cranial pull of the gluteus medius muscle.
OBJECTIVE: To describe outcome after an alternative unilateral approach to the thoracolumbar spine for dorsal laminectomy. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective clinical study. ANIMALS: Dogs (n=14) with thoracolumbar spinal cord compression. METHODS: Thoracolumbar spinal cord compression was lateral (6 dogs), dorsal (4), and dorsolateral (4) caused by subarachnoid (7) and synovial cysts (2) and intradural-extramedullary neoplasia (5). All dogs were treated by dorsal laminectomy with osteotomy of the spinous process using a unilateral paramedian approach. The contralateral paraspinal muscles were not stripped from the spinous process and the osteoligamentous complexes were preserved. Retraction of the spinous process and muscles to the contralateral side resulted in complete visualization of the dorsal vertebral arch thereby allowing dorsal laminectomy to be performed. RESULTS: No technique complications occurred. Approximately 75% exposure of the spinal cord (dorsal and lateral compartments) was achieved providing adequate visualization and treatment of the lesions. Transient deterioration of neurologic state occurred in 5 dogs because of extensive spinal cord manipulation. At long-term follow-up, 6 dogs were normal, 6 had clinical improvement, and 2 were unchanged. CONCLUSION: Dorsal laminectomy after osteotomy and retraction of the spinous process may be considered in canine patients with dorsal, dorsolateral, or lateral compression to facilitate adequate decompression of the spinal cord. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: This surgical technique offers an alternative approach to the thoracolumbar spine and spinal cord by a modified dorsal laminectomy that preserves the paraspinal muscle integrity on the contralateral side.
Episodes of respiratory distress with chest retraction and wheezing, sometimes associated with facial edema, were noted after administering the proton pump inhibitors omeprazole and esomeprazole in an infant with gastroesophageal reflux. The disturbances relieved dramatically after withdrawing the proton pump inhibitor.