907 resultados para LEUKOCYTE RECRUITMENT
High arterial partial oxygen pressure (Pao(2)) oscillations within the respiratory cycle were described recently in experimental acute lung injury. This phenomenon has been related to cyclic recruitment of atelectasis and varying pulmonary shunt fractions. Noninvasive detection of Spo(2) (oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry) as an indicator of cyclic collapse of atelectasis, instead of recording Pao(2) oscillations, could be of clinical interest in critical care. Spo(2) oscillations were recorded continuously in three different cases of lung damage to demonstrate the technical feasibility of this approach. To deduce Pao(2) from Spo(2), a mathematical model of the hemoglobin dissociation curve including left and right shifts was derived from the literature and adapted to the dynamic changes of oxygenation. Calculated Pao(2) amplitudes (derived from Spo(2) measurements) were compared to simultaneously measured fast changes of Pao(2), using a current standard method (fluorescence quenching of ruthenium). Peripheral hemoglobin saturation was capable to capture changes of Spo(2) within each respiratory cycle. For the first time, Spo(2) oscillations due to cyclic recruitment of atelectasis within a respiratory cycle were determined by photoplethysmography, a technology that can be readily applied noninvasively in clinical routine. A mathematic model to calculate the respective Pao(2) changes was developed and its applicability tested.
Dendritic cells (DCs) within the CNS are recognized to play an important role in the effector phase and propagation of the immune response in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a mouse model for multiple sclerosis. However, the mechanisms regulating DC trafficking into the CNS still need to be characterized. In this study, we show by performing intravital fluorescence videomicroscopy of the inflamed spinal cord white-matter microvasculature in SJL mice with EAE that immature, and to a lesser extent, LPS-matured, bone marrow-derived DCs efficiently interact with the CNS endothelium by rolling, capturing, and firm adhesion. Immature but not LPS-matured DCs efficiently migrated across the wall of inflamed parenchymal microvessels into the CNS. Blocking alpha4 integrins interfered with the adhesion but not the rolling or capturing of immature and LPS-matured DCs to the CNS microvascular endothelium, inhibiting their migration across the vascular wall. Functional absence of beta1 integrins but not of beta7 integrins or alpha4beta7 integrin similarly reduced the adhesion of immature DCs to the CNS microvascular endothelium, demonstrating that alpha4beta1 but not alpha4beta7 integrin mediates this step of immature DCs interaction with the inflamed blood-brain barrier during EAE. Our study shows that during EAE, especially immature DCs migrate into the CNS, where they may be crucial for the perpetuation of the CNS-targeted autoimmune response. Thus therapeutic targeting of alpha4 integrins affects DC trafficking into the CNS and may therefore lead to the resolution of the CNS autoimmune inflammation by reducing the number of CNS professional APCs.
This study examines the excitability and recruitment of spinal motoneurons in human sleep. The main objective was to assess whether supraspinal inhibition affects the different subpopulations of the compound spinal motoneuron pool in the same way or rather in a selective fashion in the various sleep stages. To this end, we studied F-conduction velocities (FCV) and F-tacheodispersion alongside F-amplitudes and F-persistence in 22 healthy subjects in sleep stages N2, N3 (slow-wave sleep), REM and in wakefulness. Stimuli were delivered on the ulnar nerve, and F-waves were recorded from the first dorsal interosseus muscle. Repeated sets of stimuli were stored to obtain at least 15 F-waves for each state of vigilance. F-tacheodispersion was calculated based on FCVs using the modified Kimura formula. Confirming the only previous study, excitability of spinal motoneurons was generally decreased in all sleep stages compared with wakefulness as indicated by significantly reduced F-persistence and F-amplitudes. More importantly, F-tacheodispersion showed a narrowed range of FCV in all sleep stages, most prominently in REM. In non-REM, this narrowed range was associated with a shift towards significantly decreased maximal FCV and mean FCV as well as with a trend towards lower minimal FCV. In REM, the lowering of mean FCV was even more pronounced, but contrary to non-REM sleep without a shift of minimal and maximal FCV. Variations in F-tacheodispersion between sleep stages suggest that different supraspinal inhibitory neuronal circuits acting on the spinal motoneuron pool may contribute to muscle hypotonia in human non-REM sleep and to atonia in REM sleep.
Wounded skin recruits progenitor cells, which repair the tissue defect. These cells are derived from stem cells in several niches in the skin. In addition, bone marrow-derived cells (BMDCs) are recruited and contribute to wound repair. We hypothesized that larger wounds recruit more cells from the bone marrow. Wild-type rats were lethally irradiated and transplanted with bone marrow cells from green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transgenic rats. Seven weeks later, 4, 10, and 20 mm wounds were created. The wound tissue was harvested after 14 days. The density of GFP-positive cells in the wounds and the adjacent tissues was determined, as well as in normal skin from the flank. Bone marrow-derived myofibroblasts, activated fibroblasts, and macrophages were also quantified. After correction for cell density, the recruitment of BMDCs (23±11%) was found to be independent of wound size. Similar fractions of GFP-positive cells were also detected in nonwounded adjacent tissue (29±11%), and in normal skin (26±19%). The data indicate that BMDCs are not preferentially recruited to skin wounds. Furthermore, wound size does not seem to affect the recruitment of BMDCs.
In groves of ectomycorrhizal caesalpiniaceous species in the Atlantic coastal forest of Central Africa the dominant tree Microberlinia bisulcata, which is shade-intolerant as a seedling but highly light-responding as a sapling, shows very limited regeneration. M. bisulcata saplings were mapped in an 82.5-ha plot at Korup and found to be located significantly far (>40 m) away from adults, a result confirmed by direct testing in a second 56-ha plot. Sapling growth over 6 years, the distribution of newly emerging seedlings around adults, recruitment of saplings in a large opening and the outward extent of seedlings at the grove edge were also investigated. Two processes appear to have been operating: (1) a very strong and consistent restriction of the very numerous seedlings establishing after masting close to adults, and (2) a strong but highly spatially variable promotion of distant survivors by increased light from the deaths of large trees of species other than M. bisulcata (which itself has very low mortality rate). This leads to an apparent escape-from-adults effect. To maintain saplings in the shade between multiple short periods of release ectomycorrhizal connections to other co-occurring caesalp species may enable a rachet-type mechanism. The recorded sapling dynamics currently contribute an essential part of the long-term cycling of the groves. M. bisulcata is an interesting example of an important group of tropical trees, particularly in Africa, which are both highly light-demanding when young yet capable also of forming very large forest emergents. To more comprehensively explain tropical tree responses, the case is made for adding a new dimension to the trade-off concept of early tree light-response versus adult longevity.
Previous observations suggested recruitment of platelets (PLTs) and white blood cells (WBCs) during plateletpheresis and recruitment of hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) by HPC apheresis. Quantification of recruitment helps to optimize yields and safety of these procedures; detection of WBC or HPC recruitment during plateletpheresis may further elucidate the mechanisms.
Surgical repair of the rotator cuff repair is one of the most common procedures in orthopedic surgery. Despite it being the focus of much research, the physiological tendon-bone insertion is not recreated following repair and there is an anatomic non-healing rate of up to 94%. During the healing phase, several growth factors are upregulated that induce cellular proliferation and matrix deposition. Subsequently, this provisional matrix is replaced by the definitive matrix. Leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) contain growth factors and has a stable dense fibrin matrix. Therefore, use of LPRF in rotator cuff repair is theoretically attractive. The aim of the present study was to determine 1) the optimal protocol to achieve the highest leukocyte content; 2) whether L-PRF releases growth factors in a sustained manner over 28 days; 3) whether standard/gelatinous or dry/compressed matrix preparation methods result in higher growth factor concentrations. 1) The standard L-PRF centrifugation protocol with 400 x g showed the highest concentration of platelets and leukocytes. 2) The L-PRF clots cultured in medium showed a continuous slow release with an increase in the absolute release of growth factors TGF-β1, VEGF and MPO in the first 7 days, and for IGF1, PDGF-AB and platelet activity (PF4=CXCL4) in the first 8 hours, followed by a decrease to close to zero at 28 days. Significantly higher levels of growth factor were expressed relative to the control values of normal blood at each culture time point. 3) Except for MPO and the TGFβ-1, there was always a tendency towards higher release of growth factors (i.e., CXCL4, IGF-1, PDGF-AB, and VEGF) in the standard/gelatinous- compared to the dry/compressed group. L-PRF in its optimal standard/gelatinous-type matrix can store and deliver locally specific healing growth factors for up to 28 days and may be a useful adjunct in rotator cuff repair.
The inflammatory response is a critical component of ischemic stroke. In addition to its physiological role, the mechanisms behind transendothelial recruitment of immune cells also offer a unique therapeutic opportunity for translational stem cell therapies. Recent reports have demonstrated homing of neural stem cells (NSC) into the injured brain areas after intravascular delivery. However, the mechanisms underlying the process of transendothelial recruitment remain largely unknown. Here we describe the critical role of the chemokine CCL2 and its receptor CCR2 in targeted homing of NSC after ischemia.
SUMMARY: BACKGROUND: Recruitment of platelets (PLT) during donor PLT apheresis may facilitate the harvest of multiple units within a single donation. METHODS: We compared two PLT apheresis procedures (Amicus and Trima Accel) in a prospective, randomized, paired cross-over study in 60 donors. The 120 donations were compared for depletion of circulating PLT in the donors, PLT yields and PLT recruitment. A recruitment was defined as ratio of total PLT yield and donor PLT depletion > 1. RESULTS: Despite comparable differences of pre- and post-apheresis PLT counts (87 × 10(9)/l in Trima Accel vs. 92 × 10(9)/l in Amicus, p = 0.383), PLT yields were higher with Trima Accel (7.48 × 10(11) vs. 6.06 × 10(11), p < 0.001), corresponding to a higher PLT recruitment (1.90 vs. 1.42, p < 0.001). We observed a different increase of WBC counts after aphereses, which was more pronounced with Trima Accel than with Amicus (1.30 × 10(9)/l vs. 0.46 × 10(9)/l, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Both procedures induced PLT recruitment. This was higher in Trima Accel, contributing to a higher yield in spite of a comparable depletion of circulating PLT in the donors. This recruitment facilitates the harvest of multiple units within a single donation and seems to be influenced by the procedure utilized. The different increases of circulating donor white blood cells after donation need further investigation.
To investigate the contribution of bone marrow-derived cells to oral mucosa wounds and skin wounds.
The pre-treatment of tumour neovessels by low-level photodynamic therapy (PDT) improves the distribution of concomitantly administered systemic chemotherapy. The mechanism by which PDT permeabilizes the tumour vessel wall is only partially known. We have recently shown that leukocyte-endothelial cell interaction is essential for photodynamic drug delivery to normal tissue. The present study investigates whether PDT enhances drug delivery in malignant mesothelioma and whether it involves comparable mechanisms of actions.
Summary Apicomplexan parasites within the genus Theileria have the ability to induce continuous proliferation and prevent apoptosis of the infected bovine leukocyte. Protection against apoptosis involves constitutive activation of the bovine transcription factor NF-kappaB in a parasite-dependent manner. Activation of NF-kappaB is thought to involve recruitment of IKK signalosomes at the surface of the macroschizont stage of the parasite, and it has been postulated that additional host proteins with adaptor or scaffolding function may be involved in signalosome formation. In this study two clonal cell lines were identified that show marked differences in the level of activated NF-kappaB. Further characterization of these lines demonstrated that elevated levels of activated NF-kappaB correlated with increased resistance to cell death and detection of parasite-associated IKK signalosomes, supporting results of our previous studies. Evidence was also provided for the existence of host- and parasite-dependent NF-kappaB activation pathways that are influenced by the architecture of the actin cytoskeleton. Despite this influence, it appears that the primary event required for formation of the parasite-dependent IKK signalosome is likely to be an interaction between a signalosome component and a parasite-encoded surface ligand.