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The response to pain involves a non-conscious, reflexive action and a conscious perception. According to Key (2016), consciousness — and thus pain perception — depends on a neuronal correlate that has a “unique neural architecture” as realized in the human cortex. On the basis of the “bioengineering principle that structure determines function,” Key (2016) concludes that animal species such as fish, which lack the requisite cortex-like neuroanatomical structure, are unable to feel pain. This commentary argues that the relationship between brain structure and brain function is less straightforward than suggested in Key’s target article.
Gene flow is the movement of genes from one plant population to another. Gene flow is a natural process and a part of plant evolution. There are two ways for gene flow to occur in plants. The first is through sexual reproduction – pollen lands on a flower and a viable seed develops. The second method is through dispersal of seeds and/or vegetative plant parts (e.g. stolons, rhizomes). Gene flow can produce hybrid offspring with an increased or decreased ability to survive in the landscape. If hybrid offspring have some advantage in the environment, they could become invasive. This poster shows two examples of gene flow in plants and the potential for environmental damage.
durkhoys alles feränderṭ, ferbesserṭ und zehr fermehrṭ ʿal yede Shelomoh ben Efrayim Blokh ...
El artículo analiza la configuración del espacio en tres novelas de William Faulkner como parte de un continuum iniciado en el período colonial: la idea del Nuevo Mundo generada por los puritanos y la adaptación de esa idea y de su manifestación retórica a las circunstancias inauguran la tópica que caracteriza a la literatura norteamericana y que Faulkner, echando mano de un imaginario autorreferencial, resignifica y enriquece con connotaciones innovadoras.