851 resultados para Knowing
Esta dissertação é a descrição de um trabalho cujo objetivo principal foi a criação de um site com materiais sobre o tema preconceito linguístico, visando a promover uma circulação do conhecimento científico entre diversas classes da sociedade não-acadêmica. Nossas primeiras motivações para a realização de um trabalho desse tipo se iniciaram após a polêmica ocorrida em 2011 sobre o livro didático que, segundo a mídia, ensinaria os alunos a falar errado. Essa situação demonstrou existir uma falta de diálogo entre academia e sociedade no que concerne a temas sociolinguísticos. Percebemos uma necessidade de se realizar uma divulgação científica que chegasse com sucesso à sociedade, de modo que as pessoas pudessem conhecer o assunto em questão e, ao menos, refletir sobre ele. Muito embora já existam trabalhos realizados por linguistas com essa intenção, como é o caso de Bagno (1997, 1999), Bortoni-Ricardo (2004, 2005) e Scherre (2005), estes ainda são limitados, por serem, em sua maioria, livros e artigos acadêmicos. Utilizando como base o princípio de indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão (MEC/SESu, 2006), buscamos, segundo o próprio princípio exige, unir a pesquisa científica resultante dos estudos sociolinguísticos à extensão - através da divulgação do tema para as pessoas de fora do meio acadêmico - e ao ensino, criando e compartilhando materiais que possam ser também utilizados em sala de aula. Para conquistar tal objetivo, tendo como inspiração a proposta de Baronas (2010) e seguindo os exemplos de Ribeiro (2006), Chagas (2012) e Pauleto (2013), criamos um site com materiais diversos sobre o tema preconceito linguístico, como vídeos, imagens e textos informativos. Ainda, como complemento do trabalho, foi criada uma página no Facebook, de modo a obter uma eficácia maior na divulgação, sabendo que a internet é hoje um dos meios mais fáceis, rápidos e de longo alcance para o compartilhamento de informações. Tivemos por intenção promover uma circulação do conhecimento, aplicando o princípio da gratuidade linguística apresentado por Wolfram (1998) e assumindo um papel de agentes de mudança social, segundo aponta Charity (2008). De modo a verificar a eficácia de nosso trabalho, utilizamos uma avaliação em modelo de questionário de escala Likert, realizada por três grupos distintos de avaliadores. Nossos resultados mostraram aprovação ao site por parte dos três grupos de avaliação, demonstrando que esse tipo de trabalho é eficiente e promissor, sendo uma maneira eficaz e ampla de se promover a circulação de saberes sociolinguísticos e divulgar uma mensagem de combate ao preconceito linguístico
Esta pesquisa teve como objeto de estudo a segurança do recém-nascido no processo de utilização do Cateter Central de Inserção Periférica (PICC) e, como objetivos: conhecer o significado de segurança para o enfermeiro no processo de utilização do PICC em recém-nascidos; descrever os cuidados prestados pelo enfermeiro no uso do PICC em recém-nascidos e analisar os nexos entre segurança e os princípios bioéticos no uso do PICC em recém-nascidos na prática assistencial dos enfermeiros. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo de abordagem qualitativa. O cenário foi a unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal de um Hospital Universitário localizado no município do Rio de Janeiro e os sujeitos, 11 enfermeiros plantonistas capacitados e que realizam a implantação do PICC em recém-nascidos. Para a coleta de dados realizou-se a entrevista semiestruturada, gravada em fita cassete, entre os meses de março e junho de 2012. Posteriormente estas foram transcritas e analisadas por meio da análise de conteúdo de Bardin, na modalidade temática e interpretada à luz dos princípios bioéticos e da segurança do paciente. Como resultados emergiram 04 categorias: Técnicas e Procedimentos, Cuidados com o recém-nascido, Aspectos relacionados à equipe e Aspectos relacionados à família. Para os enfermeiros, segurança no processo de utilização do PICC no recém-nascido, significa saber indicar o uso deste dispositivo de acordo com as peculiaridades de cada criança. Exercer cuidados antes, durante e após o uso do cateter, valorizar os cuidados técnicos relacionados ao procedimento, possuir conhecimento teórico-prático e ter disponibilidade de recursos materiais e humanos para desenvolver um cuidado seguro. Além de atentar para os registros e protocolos da unidade acerca desta prática assistencial. Para preservar a segurança do neonato, compreendem ser necessária a tomada de decisão em conjunto com o médico acerca do momento ideal para se implantar este dispositivo, bem como a escolha do tipo ideal de sedação para o mesmo, dentre outros aspectos. No processo de utilização do PICC, os enfermeiros entendem a manutenção da temperatura corporal, a realização de medidas de conforto perante a dor, a prevenção de infecções e o posicionamento adequado do recém-nascido durante o procedimento, como atitudes essenciais para a promoção de sua segurança. Buscam, também, esclarecer os pais quanto ao procedimento que será realizado com seu filho. Conclui-se que o enfermeiro, no que diz respeito à prática do PICC, atua de acordo com os princípios bioéticos de beneficência e não-maleficência, já que realiza sua assistência visando o bem-estar do neonato, procurando minimizar os desconfortos associados a esse procedimento. Apesar de esclarecerem os pais quanto ao procedimento que será realizado com seu filho, alguns enfermeiros, não os consultam previamente acerca da autorização para implantação deste dispositivo infringindo, assim, o princípio bioético da autonomia.
Sabendo que os peixes são bioacumuladores de contaminantes do ambiente aquático e com isso representam riscos para seus consumidores, podendo ampliar tal poluentes para a cadeia trófica, este estudo tem por objetivo determinar os níveis de cádmio e chumbo presentes na espécie de peixe Acará (Geophagus brasiliensis), tradicional do consumo da população ribeirinha, devido a grande quantidade de indivíduos na região industrial do Sul Fluminense, no rio Paraíba do Sul, do estado do Rio Janeiro, além de comparar as faixas de concentração destes elementos-traço com dados estabelecidos pela ANVISA, utilizando estes peixes como bioindicadores das regiões estudadas. Os peixes foram capturados ao longo do rio Paraíba do Sul, nos municípios de Pinheiral, Barra Mansa e Volta Redonda. A identificação e quantificação dos metaisforam realizados, por um sistema de pré-concentração, baseado na adsorção de metais por uma resina quelante (chelex100) acoplada em linhacom um espectrômetro de absorção atômica com chama (FAAS). O método de pré-concentração permitiu a detecção de cádmio em níveis maiores que ao limite de detecção do FAAS e quando comparados com os valores estabelecidos pela ANVISA, indicou que o peixe estaria impróprio para o consumo humano. Nas análises de pré-concentração para chumbo, não houve sinal expressivo a ser comparado, apresentando somente sinais de ruído do equipamento. O cádmio e o chumbo foram escolhidos para análise uma vez que são regulamentados como contaminantes inorgânicos pela ANVISA e não foi encontrado na literatura nenhum dado sobre esses metais em Geophagus brasiliensis
Esta tese de Doutorado foi defendida sob o formato de artigos, cada um aborda uma das etapas metodológicas e os respectivos resultados da pesquisa. No início de cada seção o leitor encontrará um resumo específico de cada artigo. O primeiro artigo, intitulado Educação Física: dilemas da disciplina no espaço escolar analisa cinco dissertações de mestrado que tomam como objeto a educação física escolar e seus dilemas no território contestado do currículo. O dilema central é que a educação física é representada como um tempo e espaço escolar associado ao universo do lazer (removi essa vírgula) numa instituição que valoriza disciplinas consideradas úteis no mercado de trabalho. Segundo artigo, intitulado Colégio Pedro II, as reformas educacionais e o currículo da disciplina Educação Física: dos anos 80 do século XX à primeira década do século XXI historicizou o currículo da disciplina Educação Física do Colégio Pedro II, com base nos documentos curriculares produzidos nesta instituição. Concluímos que a indefinição de conteúdo e a falta de um currículo prescritivo distanciaram o ensino de Educação Física da unificação de procedimentos de ensino e avaliação nas Unidades de Ensino, perpetuando os modos de fazer e não os de saber.
Esta tese, tecida e (com)partilhada no cotidiano da oficina Corpo, Cor e Sabor, no Núcleo de Arte Leblon Centro de Pesquisa em Formação em Ensino Escolar de Arte e Esporte da Secretaria Municipal de Educação do Rio de Janeiro, com crianças do 3 ano do ensino fundamental, defende a ideia de que as criançaspraticantes, desse espaçotempo escolar, possuem uma pluralidade de conhecimentos em alimentação, nutrição e saúde que precisam ser levados em consideração quando se pensa em produzir conhecimentos e instrumentos no campo da educação alimentar e nutricional. Tem, portanto, como objetivo principal desinvisibilizar os fazeressaberes dessas criançaspraticantes, além de conhecer os modos de aprenderensinar por elas valorizados e suas redes de valores e crenças frente ao tema. No seu percurso políticoteóricoepistemológicometodológico apoia-se nas artes de fazer dos praticantes ordinários apresentadas por Michel de Certeau, nos movimentos da pesquisa nosdoscom os cotidianos organizados por Nilda Alves de Oliveira, no Pensamento Complexo de Edgar Morin, no Paradigma Indiciário delineado por Carlo Ginzburg, na Sociologia das Ausências e das Emergências propostas por Boaventura de Sousa Santos, nos Currículos pensadospraticados tecidos por Inês Barbosa de Oliveira e na inteireza da práticateoria de Paulo Freire. Os fazeressaberes das criançaspraticantes são desinvisibilizados, e tornados credíveis, em sete narrativas das experiênciaspráticas do cotidiano da oficina, confirmando a hipótese da tese de que há uma constelação de conhecimentos em alimentação, nutrição e saúde, tecidos e compartilhados, cotidianamente, pelas criançaspraticantes, que não podem, de maneira alguma, ser negligenciados por pesquisadoresprofessores do campo da educacional alimentar e nutricional comprometidos com um presente não desperdiçado e com um futuro de possibilidades. Um futuro com mais saberes, cores, cheiros e sabores
Partindo-se do pressuposto que a cidade do Rio de Janeiro possui valores socioculturais muito parecidos com o das grandes metrópoles ocidentais, onde a mídia tem o poder de ditar regras e valores para a estimulação de um consumismo desenfreado, acreditamos que as adolescentes cariocas se encontram insatisfeitas com sua imagem corporal. Para analisar essa questão, fomos a campo investigar, por meio da aplicação do Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ), a existência ou não de insatisfação com a imagem corporal nessas adolescentes, bem como quantificar essa insatisfação e verificar se existem fatores associados a ela. A coleta dos dados foi realizada no segundo semestre de 2009, em escolas municipais espalhadas por toda a cidade do Rio de Janeiro, tendo sido o questionário aplicado a 1083 adolescentes do sexo feminino que tinham entre 14 e 15 anos de idade. Foi verificado que a insatisfação com a auto-imagem pode surgir facilmente na adolescência e está associada a fatores como peso corporal, atividade física e uso de diurético. Sabendo-se que a mídia possui o poder de ditar as normas sobre a estética corporal e que, além disso, as adolescentes lêem as chamadas revistas teens para sanar suas dúvidas referentes às representações do corpo (Bertolli e Talamoni, 2007), outro escopo dessa investigação foi identificar, por meio da análise do discurso proposta por Orlandi (1996), quais as estratégias que essas revistas utilizam para persuadir as adolescentes a se tornarem ávidas consumidoras dos produtos contidos em suas páginas. A revista Todateen, por ser destinada predominantemente ao público feminino jovem e por apresentar quantidade crescente de exemplares efetivamente vendidos no mercado, sendo a segunda revista mais lida pelas adolescentes, foi a escolhida para ser analisada. Como direcionamento para a análise proposta, foi utilizada como base a grade analítica proposta por Serra e Santos (2003), que se propõe a identificar quem fala, ou seja, quem é o legitimador do discurso, quem intermedeia o discurso e quais são os modos do dizer desse discurso. O principal objetivo dessa investigação foi identificar as estratégias que são utilizadas explícita e implicitamente pela linha editorial da Todateen com a finalidade de persuadir as adolescentes ao consumo de suas mercadorias e serviços. Ao que parece, a revista está muito mais interessada nas questões mercadológicas e capitalistas da venda dos produtos de suas páginas do que no ensinamento às adolescentes das reais questões referentes à função social do corpo. Dessa forma, os trabalhos aqui presentes se complementam, por possibilitarem a identificação da insatisfação com a imagem corporal nas adolescentes cariocas, além de demonstrarem como essa insatisfação pode estar sendo causada pela desmedida maneira como a mídia divulga padrões estéticos estereotipados que devem ser seguidos e consumidos pelas adolescentes
This technical report comprises two different studies in terms of their conclusions, but based on the same field surveys: “Yearly consumption evaluation of the strategic materials for the artisanal fisheries of Mozambique” and “Constitution, typology and distribution studies of the Mozambican artisanal fishing gears”. In the first of the above studies, the amount of the materials found in each gear, the number of such gears and the wear factor “r” are subject to a computed data processing, producing the following outputs: list of materials demanded in each Mozambican fishing relevant province; list of materials demanded in the whole Mozambican territory. In the second study the observed gears constitutions are analysed and differences and similitudes among them are searched. The details of maneuver and productivity are referred as well. Attention is drawn to the fact that observations did not take place on the whole Mozambican territory, even not in the most representative but in some considerably important fishing centers with reasonable safety and connection facilities. About the first study, when it was not possible to reach such considerably important centers the determination of the approximate picture of them has been achieved by verbal information of people knowing them very well and by the sources referred here in after. Concerning the second study inferences have not been made. Although a limited number of samples has been collected, the accuracy of it has been checked by inquiry. Speculations have been developed only on observed cases. The surveys have been made by a team, assigned by the directors of UD-PPE and Equipesca, under author’s coordination.
A computer can assist the process of design by analogy by recording past designs. The experience these represent could be much wider than that of designers using the system, who therefore need to identify potential cases of interest. If the computer assists with this lookup, the designers can concentrate on the more interesting aspect of extracting and using the ideas which are found. However, as the knowledge base grows it becomes ever harder to find relevant cases using a keyword indexing scheme without knowing precisely what to look for. Therefore a more flexible searching system is needed.
If a similarity measure can be defined for the features of the designs, then it is possible to match and cluster them. Using a simple measure like co-occurrence of features within a particular case would allow this to happen without human intervention, which is tedious and time- consuming. Any knowledge that is acquired about how features are related to each other will be very shallow: it is not intended as a cognitive model for how humans understand, learn, or retrieve information, but more an attempt to make effective, efficient use of the information available. The question remains of whether such shallow knowledge is sufficient for the task.
A system to retrieve information from a large database is described. It uses co-occurrences to relate keywords to each other, and then extends search queries with similar words. This seems to make relevant material more accessible, providing hope that this retrieval technique can be applied to a broader knowledge base.
As the most of the fish resources are known and exploited, protecting their generation is of the greatest importance. Aquaculture is one of the efficient procedures in protecting and reviving fish resources and knowing about the reproductive cycle and gonads development has an important role in approaching this aim. Liza abu belongs to the family Mugilidae that according to its resistance to the environmental condition and its fast growth , can be introduced as a fish with economical value. As there is no scientific data on the reproductive biology of this species , study on the reproductive biology and gonad development is considered as the aim of this research . For this purpose , 360 samples of this species were investigated during the period from February 2007 to January 2008 in Khozestan Province . After studing morphological and histological characteristics of gonad specimen , they were prepared through histological method. Samples were prepared through usual histological method and studied under light microscope. According to the results, the maturity stages of male and female Liza abu were separated to six different successive stages. In ovaries , these stages were as follow : In stage І, the oocytes were small , this stage was observed from July to October . In stage ІІ, considerable growth was observed in the oocytes . This stage was observed from October to January . In stage III, due to vitellogenesis, the maximum growth was observed and three layers of theca, granullosa and follicle cells were visible. This stage was observed during January and February . In stage IV, migration of germinal vesicle was observed and due to hydration of the oocytes , their diameter was increased. The ovaries were yellowish and in maximum size and ovules could be easily observed with naked-eye . This stage was observed in February and March . In stage V, spawning occured. This stage was observed in April . In stage VI, ovaries consisted of immature and atretic oocytes and also empty follicles. This stage was observed in May and June. In testes , these stages were as follow : In stage I , the testes were small in size and contained the spermatogonia which were the only cellular components.This stage was observed in August and September . In stage II (maturing virgin ) , the spermatogonia and the primary spermatocytes were visible. This stage was observed in October . In stage III (developing), intensive spermatogenesis was occured and the primary and the secondary spermatocytes were the most visible cells during this stage .This stage was observed from November to January. In stage IV(developed), cells of all stages of spermatogenesis could be seen but the secondary spermatocytes and spermatids were in large number. This stage was observed from January to March. In stage V , the testes were filled with sperms. This stage was observed in March and April .In stage VI, residual spermatozoa and the spermatogonia were visible in the testes. This stage was observed from May to August. According to cyclic changes in GSI, sexual maturation in breeding begins in January and spawning occurs in April. The ova diameter ranged from 30.75 μ in stage I to 472.19 μ in stage IV. In this study , the sex ratio was 1:2.7, and male and female percentage were 27.02% and 72.98% respectively. This means that females predominate males. In this study absolute fecundity was calculated and changing between 30805.44 to 431247.3 was observed and absolute fecundity was calculated 111275.3 in average.
Epinephelus coioides (family serranidae) is protogynous. This species is one of the most important fishes in food chain of marine proteins of persian Gulf. Therefore knowing about the reproductive biology and physiology of this species is an important role on aquaculture procedures. Monthly samples of Epinephelus coioides were obtained in khozestan Bahrekan province from 2001 to 2002 for annual variation of base line of reproductive hormone. The hormones such as: 17-B estradiol, Testosteron, Progesterone, Gonadotropin I ,II GTHI, II) and cortisol have assayed and also different stages of gonads from the histological point of view were studied by light and electron microscope. Aditional to morphometric and fecundity measurements, the important factors such as : Gonadosomatic index (GSI) Hepatosomotic index (HSI) and Condition factor (KF) were also studied. Environmental factors such as temperature, salinity, photoperiod and pH were analyzed for the determination of effective factors responsible for the changes of reproductive cycles. The flactmation of estroid hormones and gonadotropines show a significant variation in different stages of maturation, e.g 17-B estradiol's concentration in the third stages, GTH II in fourth stages of sexual maturation or final oocyte maturation, plasma Testosteron in post ovulation and Progesterone during maturation indicates the highest levels of above mentioned hormones. The total calcium concentration was high in all year. calcium concentration was correlated with GTH II synthesis and increases with GTH II in June. 17-B estradiol concentration was also correlated with GSI. The high concentration of cortisol throughout the year was an index of stress and development of ovary maturational processes. This species was protogynous synchronous hermaphrodites , and belongs to annual spawning species, being monandric. The sexual transition was found to occure in individuals of 51.2- 105 cm in length. GSI and HSI level confirms the time of spawning period is in April- June. Electrone microscopic studies of gonad tissues showed some changes in mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum in the post ovulation, maturation and post spawning periods. During the monthly sampling the biochemistry of tissues variations indicated decrease in protein and lipid content, but an increase in water content of spawning fishes which was correlated to the maturation of Epinephelus coioides . sex ratio indicative of higher frequences of females to males during monthly sampling periods. The females were smaller than males in sizes, therefore the females lived in 8-15m depth, but males were living in upper limits of depth. The results indicated that the temperature was the most effective parameter in reproductive cycle of Epinephelus coioides and the mean 24°c was a convenient temperature for spawning. Photoperiod was the second effective. factor on the reproductive cycle for this species. It seemed that the increase in the photoperiod between January to May caused a development of the oocyte. Regarding to the results of this research, it seems that the period of spawning in Epinephelus coioides is in May- June and the aquaculture procedure of Epinephelus coioides could be performed in the above mentioned periods.
This research was carried out for recognizing Natural Flora Bacteria of oil pollution in the coasts of Queshm island. In The First steps, The coasts of this Island were scrutinized as a Field of research and For knowing whether oil stains exist or not. It gets obvious That southern coasts of Queshm have got oil pollution which is created by oil tankers which carry oil of Iran continental shelf. Them oil stains were sampled from to certain stations. In The First step, primary isolation of exisiting bacteria in every oil sample was done and then purification of each bacterium was carried out. Then each purified bacterium that has got strong, recognized, typic growth was enriched oil sample of T5 station. And Bacterium C4 (gram—negative coccobacillus) was chosen as the second priority From oil sample of TA station and Bacterium B1 (gram—positive coccus) was chosen as The third priority From oil sample of TI station. All The above mentioned bacteria were biochemically, physiologically and morphologically experimented For specking The species. According To The tests done and comparing with The tests done and comparing with the reference Berge y' s, bacterium A5 Pelongs to the species pseudomonas sp and becterium C4 belongs to the species Aeromonas sp and bacterium BI belongs to The species micrococcus sp. In The Last stage, bacterium with The First priority (TA5 pseudomonas sp) was used in the planned microcosm. The sake of optimum and adapting to Laboratory conditions Each enriched and purified bacterium was given a code for station and a code For itself . Then This bacterium was studied and it was proved that it has potentiality For using oil as a source of carbon. From oil samples of 10 stations, 30 various Colonies of bacterium were Isolated, of which 20 bacteria had the highest potentiality of growth. And the other bacteria that has no typic growth were omitted From being studied. Since all of These 20 bacterium are able to use oil, a bacterium with maximum rate of growth in the presence of crude oil and Lack of other hydrocarbonic sources and with The code A5 ( gram — negative Bacillus ) was chosen as First priority From The mentioned microcosm contains sea water , suspension oil degrading bacterium , crude oil, azote and various concentrations of carbon and Incubated in 30°` and shook 150 PRA1 According to the results , index oil degrading bacterium (pseudomonas sp) belongs oil sample of T5 stations (east of sheeb draz Gulf) which growth best and have the potentiality of degrading oil in 25 glli malas and 50 glli cheese water and with 5 gill urea .
This paper explores the adoption of a whole system approach to a more sustainable and innovative design. A case study methodology was utilised to gain improved understanding of whole system design and those factors that substantially influence its success. The paper presents a framework of those factors including the requirement for trans-disciplinary skills, the dynamics of a flattened hierarchy and the need to identify relationships between parts of the system to ultimately optimise the whole. Knowing the factors that influence the process of whole system design provides designers with the knowledge necessary to more effectively work within, manage and facilitate that process. This paper uses anecdotes taken from operational cases, across design contexts, to demonstrate those factors. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Over the past 20 years, ferroelectric liquid crystal over silicon (FLCOS) devices have made a wide impact on applications as diverse as optical correlation and holographic projection. To cover the entire gamut of this technology would be difficult and long winded; hence, this paper describes the significant developments of FLCOS within the Engineering Department at the University of Cambridge.The purpose of this paper is to highlight the key issues in fabricating silicon backplane spatial light modulators (SLMs) and to indicate ways in which the technology can be fabricated using cheap, low-density production and manufacturability. Three main devices have been fabricated as part of several research programmes and are documented in this paper. The fast bitplane SLM and the reconfigurable optical switches for aerospace and telecommunications systems (ROSES) SLM will form the basis of a case study to outline the overall processes involved. There is a great deal of commonality in the fabrication processes for all three devices, which indicates their potential strength and demonstrates that these processes can be made independent of the SLMs that are being assembled. What is described is a generic process that can be applied to any silicon backplane SLM on a die-by-die basis. There are hundreds of factors that can affect the yield in a manufacturing process and the purpose of a good process design procedure is to minimise these factors. One of the most important features in designing a process is fabrication experience, as so many of the lessons in this business can only be learned this way. We are working with the advantage of knowing the mistakes already made in the flat panel display industry, but we are also faced with the fact that those mistakes took many years and many millions of dollars to make.The fabrication process developed here originates and adapts earlier processes from various groups around the world. There are also a few totally new processes that have now been adopted by others in the field. Many, such as the gluing process, are still on-going and have to be worked on more before they will fully suit 'manufacturability'. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Storing a new pattern in a palimpsest memory system comes at the cost of interfering with the memory traces of previously stored items. Knowing the age of a pattern thus becomes critical for recalling it faithfully. This implies that there should be a tight coupling between estimates of age, as a form of familiarity, and the neural dynamics of recollection, something which current theories omit. Using a normative model of autoassociative memory, we show that a dual memory system, consisting of two interacting modules for familiarity and recollection, has best performance for both recollection and recognition. This finding provides a new window onto actively contentious psychological and neural aspects of recognition memory.
The growing interest in innovative reactors and advanced fuel cycle designs requires more accurate prediction of various transuranic actinide concentrations during irradiation or following discharge because of their effect on reactivity or spent-fuel emissions, such as gamma and neutron activity and decay heat. In this respect, many of the important actinides originate from the 241Am(n,γ) reaction, which leads to either the ground or the metastable state of 242Am. The branching ratio for this reaction depends on the incident neutron energy and has very large uncertainty in the current evaluated nuclear data files. This study examines the effect of accounting for the energy dependence of the 241Am(n,γ) reaction branching ratio calculated from different evaluated data files for different reactor and fuel types on the reactivity and concentrations of some important actinides. The results of the study confirm that the uncertainty in knowing the 241Am(n,γ) reaction branching ratio has a negligible effect on the characteristics of conventional light water reactor fuel. However, in advanced reactors with large loadings of actinides in general, and 241Am in particular, the branching ratio data calculated from the different data files may lead to significant differences in the prediction of the fuel criticality and isotopic composition. Moreover, it was found that neutron energy spectrum weighting of the branching ratio in each analyzed case is particularly important and may result in up to a factor of 2 difference in the branching ratio value. Currently, most of the neutronic codes have a single branching ratio value in their data libraries, which is sometimes difficult or impossible to update in accordance with the neutron spectrum shape for the analyzed system.