996 resultados para Kathleen Ellis
Power Point from Panel presentation giving implementation and search result displays and linking (17 slides)
182 p. : il.
Strength at extreme pressures (>1 Mbar or 100 GPa) and high strain rates (106-108 s-1) of materials is not well characterized. The goal of the research outlined in this thesis is to study the strength of tantalum (Ta) at these conditions. The Omega Laser in the Laboratory for Laser Energetics in Rochester, New York is used to create such extreme conditions. Targets are designed with ripples or waves on the surface, and these samples are subjected to high pressures using Omega’s high energy laser beams. In these experiments, the observational parameter is the Richtmyer-Meshkov (RM) instability in the form of ripple growth on single-mode ripples. The experimental platform used for these experiments is the “ride-along” laser compression recovery experiments, which provide a way to recover the specimens having been subjected to high pressures. Six different experiments are performed on the Omega laser using single-mode tantalum targets at different laser energies. The energy indicates the amount of laser energy that impinges the target. For each target, values for growth factor are obtained by comparing the profile of ripples before and after the experiment. With increasing energy, the growth factor increased.
Engineering simulations are used to interpret and correlate the measurements of growth factor to a measure of strength. In order to validate the engineering constitutive model for tantalum, a series of simulations are performed using the code Eureka, based on the Optimal Transportation Meshfree (OTM) method. Two different configurations are studied in the simulations: RM instabilities in single and multimode ripples. Six different simulations are performed for the single ripple configuration of the RM instability experiment, with drives corresponding to laser energies used in the experiments. Each successive simulation is performed at higher drive energy, and it is observed that with increasing energy, the growth factor increases. Overall, there is favorable agreement between the data from the simulations and the experiments. The peak growth factors from the simulations and the experiments are within 10% agreement. For the multimode simulations, the goal is to assist in the design of the laser driven experiments using the Omega laser. A series of three-mode and four-mode patterns are simulated at various energies and the resulting growth of the RM instability is computed. Based on the results of the simulations, a configuration is selected for the multimode experiments. These simulations also serve as validation for the constitutive model and the material parameters for tantalum that are used in the simulations.
By designing samples with initial perturbations in the form of single-mode and multimode ripples and subjecting these samples to high pressures, the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability is investigated in both laser compression experiments and simulations. By correlating the growth of these ripples to measures of strength, a better understanding of the strength of tantalum at high pressures is achieved.
The article compares a recent aerial photograph of the lowlands of the Isle of Anglesey area with a German surveillance photograph from 1941. The authors aim to infer the environmental changes made to this sand dune and lake system as a direct consequence of constructing the airfield. Part of Tywyn Trewan, the extensive sand dune system, was completely destroyed in order to create runways and the technical and domestic accommodation to house a strategic airfield. As part of the dredging, six new water bodies with a combined surface area of approximately 6 ha were created.
Wales is important for fish conservation in Britain. In much of Wales, atchments are small (median catchment size = 121 km2 ) and frequently eparated by areas of upland (> 600 m altitude), creating a highly agmented habitat for freshwater fish. Consequently, fish communities onsist mainly of diadromous species such as trout, eel and sticklebacks hat were able to recolonise freshwaters via the sea following the retreat of he ice sheets ca. 10 000 years BP. This review aims to (i) update the former work of Lyle and Maitland, taking into account new National Nature Reserves (NNRs)and additional data collected since 1991; (ii) assess the different fish communities represented on Welsh NNRs with respect to their naturalness; (iii) examine the use of NNRs for angling; (iv) evaluate opportunities for expanding the NNR series to conserve fish populations of conservation importance. The paper provides a table of freshwater fish occurrence by water body in Wales.
I have been asked by administration, how much of our collection could go into storage. They optimistically hoping for a room or two for faculty/staff offices, as some buildings need renovation or need to be closed due to safety issues. Clearly, much of the population believes that all/most library materials are available on-line – free. I will present the results of our survey’s of material held and available on-line and space “freed” thanks to archiving. How little space is freed.
No âmbito do ensino-aprendizagem de línguas adicionais, pesquisas acerca do desenvolvimento da oralidade têm demonstrado que se trata de um fenômeno multidimensional. Nakatani (2010) mostrou que o domínio de estratégias comunicacionais são indicadores de desempenho linguístico e se relacionam com a proficiência do aprendiz; Kang, Rubin e Pickering (2010) observaram que os traços fonológicos afetam a percepção sobre inteligibilidade e proficiência; Hewitt e Stephenson (2011), e Ahmadian (2012) indicaram que as condições psicológicas individuais interferem na qualidade da produção oral. Escribano (2004) sugeriu que a referência contextual é essencial na construção de sentido; Gao (2011) apontou os benefícios do ensino baseado na construção do sentido, a partir de metáforas conceptuais (LAKOFF e JOHNSON, 1980), codificação dupla (CLARK e PAIVIO, 1991) e esquemas imagéticos (LAKOFF, 1987); e Ellis e Ferreira-Junior (2009) demonstraram que as construções exibem efeitos de recência e priming, afetando o uso da linguagem dos parceiros interacionais. Tais estudos apontam para a natureza complexa da aquisição de L2, mas o fazem dentro do paradigma experimental da psicolinguística. Já Larsen-Freeman (2006), demonstra que a fluência, a precisão e a complexidade desenvolvem-se com o tempo, com alto grau de variabilidade, dentro do paradigma da Teoria da Complexidade. Em viés semelhante, Paiva (2011) observa que os sistemas de Aquisição de Segunda Língua (ASL) são auto-organizáveis. Esses trabalhos, no entanto, não abordaram aprendizes de L2 com proficiência inicial, como pretendo fazer aqui. Tendo como referenciais teóricos a Teoria da Complexidade e a Linguística Cognitiva, o presente trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso, qualitativo-interpretativista, com nuances quantitativos, que discute os processos de adaptação que emergiram na expressão oral de um grupo de aprendizes iniciantes de inglês como língua adicional no contexto vocacional. Parte do entendimento de que na sala de aula vários (sub)sistemas complexos coocorrem, covariando e coadaptando-se em diferentes níveis. A investigação contou com dados transcritos de três avaliações coletados ao longo de 28 horas de aula, no domínio ENTREVISTA DE EMPREGO. Após observar a produção oral das aprendizes, criei uma taxonomia para categorizar as adaptações que ocorreram na sintaxe, semântica, fonologia e pragmática da língua-alvo. Posteriormente organizei as categorias em níveis de prototipicidade (ROSCH et al, 1976) de acordo com as adaptações mais frequentes. Finalmente, avaliei a inteligibilidade de cada elocução, classificando-as em três níveis. A partir desses dados, descrevi como a prática oral dessas participantes emergiu e se desenvolveu ao longo das 28 horas. Os achados comprovam uma das premissas da Linguística Cognitiva ao mostrarem que os níveis de descrição linguística funcionam conjuntamente em prol do sucesso comunicacional. Além disso, demonstram que a função do professor, como discutem LARSEN-FREEMAN e CAMERON (2008), não é gerar uniformidade, mas sim oportunizar vivências que estabeleçam continuidade entre o mundo, o corpo e a mente
Two sympatric populations of “transient” (mammal-eating) killer whales were photo-identified over 27 years (1984–2010) in Prince William Sound and Kenai Fjords, coastal waters of the northern Gulf of Alaska (GOA). A total of 88 individuals were identified during 203 encounters with “AT1” transients (22 individuals) and 91 encounters with “GOA” transients (66 individuals). The median number of individuals identified annually was similar for both populations (AT1=7; GOA=8), but mark-recapture estimates showed the AT1 whales to have much higher fidelity to the study area, whereas the GOA whales had a higher exchange of individuals. Apparent survival estimates were generally high for both populations, but there was a significant reduction in the survival of AT1 transients after the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989, with an abrupt decline in estimated abundance from a high of 22 in 1989 to a low of seven whales at the end of 2010. There was no detectable decline in GOA population abundance or survival over the same period, but abundance ranged from just 6 to 18 whales annually. Resighting data from adjacent coastal waters and movement tracks from satellite tags further indicated that the GOA whales are part of a larger population with a more extensive range, whereas AT1 whales are resident to the study area.
We examined the diel ver-tical distribution, concentration, and community structure of ichthyoplank-ton from a single station 69 km off the central Oregon coast in the northeast Pacific Ocean. The 74 depth-stratified samples yielded 1571 fish larvae from 20 taxa, representing 11 families, and 128 fish eggs from 11 taxa within nine families. Dominant larval taxa were Sebastes spp. (rockfishes), Stenobra-chius leucopsarus (northern lampfish), Tarletonbeania crenularis (blue lan-ternfish), and Lyopsetta exilis (slender sole), and the dominant egg taxa were Sardinops sagax (Pacific sardine), Icichthys lockingtoni (medusafish), and Chauliodus macouni (Pacific viperfish). Larval concentrations generally increased from the surface to 50 m, then decreased with depth. Larval concentrations were higher at night than during the day, and there was evidence of larval diel vertical migration. Depth stratum was the most important factor explaining variability in larval and egg concentrations.
We consider estimation of mortality rates and growth parameters from length-frequency data of a fish stock and derive the underlying length distribution of the population and the catch when there is individual variability in the von Bertalanffy growth parameter L∞. The model is flexible enough to accommodate 1) any recruitment pattern as a function of both time and length, 2) length-specific selectivity, and 3) varying fishing effort over time. The maximum likelihood method gives consistent estimates, provided the underlying distribution for individual variation in growth is correctly specified. Simulation results indicate that our method is reasonably robust to violations in the assumptions. The method is applied to tiger prawn data (Penaeus semisulcatus) to obtain estimates of natural and fishing mortality.