963 resultados para Kalevala - 1999
Technology News is a newsletter produced by the Iowa Department of Transportation to provide information to the transportation specialist in Iowa's cities and counties. Technology News is one of CTRE's primary avenues for exchanging transportation-related information with local agencies. The bimonthly newsletter gives an up-to-date look to the up-to-date information our 2,500+ readers have grown to expect.
Technology News is a newsletter produced by the Iowa Department of Transportation to provide information to the transportation specialist in Iowa's cities and counties. Technology News is one of CTRE's primary avenues for exchanging transportation-related information with local agencies. The bimonthly newsletter gives an up-to-date look to the up-to-date information our 2,500+ readers have grown to expect.
Technology News is a newsletter produced by the Iowa Department of Transportation to provide information to the transportation specialist in Iowa's cities and counties. Technology News is one of CTRE's primary avenues for exchanging transportation-related information with local agencies. The bimonthly newsletter gives an up-to-date look to the up-to-date information our 2,500+ readers have grown to expect.
Technology News is a newsletter produced by the Iowa Department of Transportation to provide information to the transportation specialist in Iowa's cities and counties. Technology News is one of CTRE's primary avenues for exchanging transportation-related information with local agencies. The bimonthly newsletter gives an up-to-date look to the up-to-date information our 2,500+ readers have grown to expect.
Technology News is a newsletter produced by the Iowa Department of Transportation to provide information to the transportation specialist in Iowa's cities and counties. Technology News is one of CTRE's primary avenues for exchanging transportation-related information with local agencies. The bimonthly newsletter gives an up-to-date look to the up-to-date information our 2,500+ readers have grown to expect.
Technology News is a newsletter produced by the Iowa Department of Transportation to provide information to the transportation specialist in Iowa's cities and counties. Technology News is one of CTRE's primary avenues for exchanging transportation-related information with local agencies. The bimonthly newsletter gives an up-to-date look to the up-to-date information our 2,500+ readers have grown to expect.
IPERS is prefunded, which means that while members are working they contribute to IPERS for their own future retirements. Contributions from employees and their employers, plus investment income, must be enough to cover the costs of future benefits that IPERS promises to pay.
Existen muchas desigualdades entre las diversas poblaciones que viven en España. Se han medido muchas que distinguen a españoles y extranjeros. Las mujeres constituyen un colectivo específico. La gran diferenciaentre un colectivo local, que ha nacido en un lugar y los que vienen de fuera se refiere, en primer lugar, a la estructura de edades. Mientras que en los primeros están todospresentes, en el segundo grupo, normalmente, se desplazan las personas en edad activa, que también corresponde a la edad fecunda de las mujeres. Esto establece una diferenciafundamental entre unos y otros.Entre los migrantes, ya pueden ser internos o externos, las familias jóvenes abundan y la tercera edad resulta normalmente ausente. Los jóvenes son los que tienen los niños, los que usan las escuelas y los que menos usan elservicio de salud o menos gastas provocan, de acuerdo con su franja de edad. Si después de pasada la edad activa retornan o se quedan, eso establecerá la gran diferencia.Pero, en el caso de España, sólo se puede hacer este enunciado para el futuro de los extranjeros y para el pasado de los desplazamientos internos. Se ha visto que muchos vuelven al pueblo, pero queda en el mismo Estado. Con los que vinieron de fuera, no se sabe lo que va a suceder.