860 resultados para Jørgensen, Ellen Brinch: Union citizens - free movement and non-discrimination
The maximal aerobic capacity while running and cycling was measured in 22 prepubertal children (mean age +/- SD 9.5 +/- 0.8 years): 14 obese (47.3 +/- 10 kg) and 8 non-obese (31.1 +/- 6.1 kg). Oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production were measured by an open circuit method. Steady state VO2 was determined at different levels of exercise up to the maximal power on the cycloergometer (92 W in obese and 77 W in non-obese subjects) and up to the maximal running speed on the treadmill at a 2% slope (8.3 km/h in obese and 9.0 km/h in lean children). Expressed in absolute values, the VO2max in obese children was significantly higher than in controls (1.55 +/- 0.29 l/min versus 1.23 +/- 0.22 l/min, p < 0.05) for the treadmill test and comparable in the two groups (1.4 +/- 0.2 l/min versus 1.16 +/- 0.2 l/min, ns) for the cycloergometer test. When VO2max was expressed per kg fat free mass, the difference between the two groups disappeared for both tests. These data suggest that obese children had no limitation of maximal aerobic power. Therefore, the magnitude of the workload prescribed when a physical activity program is intended for the therapy of childhood obesity, it should be designed to increase caloric output rather than to improve cardiorespiratory fitness.
The bioactive 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-thione derivative known as Monastrol was synthesized under catalyzed and non-catalyzed conditions through the Biginelli multicomponent reaction under solvent-free conditions. The use of two Lewis acids (FeCl3 and CuCl2) and two Brønsted acids (HCl and CF3COOH) as catalysts improved the reaction yields of the transformation compared with the non-catalyzed reaction. The experiments investigated catalysis and its role, the importance of multicomponent reactions and their green features, and the application of these concepts to the synthesis of a biologically important structure.
A quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) revealed canine distemper virus presence in peripheral blood samples from asymptomatic and non vaccinated dogs. Samples from eleven domestic dogs with no signs of canine distemper and not vaccinated at the month of collection were used. Canine distemper virus vaccine samples in VERO cells were used as positive controls. RNA was isolated with Trizol®, and treated with a TURBO DNA-free kit. Primers were designed for canine distemper virus nucleocapsid protein coding region fragment amplification (84 bp). Canine b-actin (93 bp) was utilized as the endogenous control for normalization. Quantitative results of real time PCR generated by ABI Prism 7000 SDS Software showed that 54.5% of dogs with asymptomatic canine distemper were positive for canine distemper virus. Dissociation curves confirmed the specificity of the real time PCR fragments. This technique could detect even a few copies of viral RNA and identificate subclinically infected dogs providing accurate diagnosis of this disease at an early stage.
L’application des métaux de transition à la fonctionnalisation directe a ouvert la voie à une nouvelle classe de réactions pour la formation de liens carbone-carbone. De par l'omniprésence des liaisons C–H, l’introduction de nouvelles fonctionnalités chimiques par voie directe et pré-activation minimale s’impose comme une stratégie de synthèse très attrayante. Ainsi, il est envisageable de préparer de manière rapide et efficace des supports complexes menant à des molécules complexes, qui pourraient être utiles dans divers domaines de la chimie. L'objectif principal de la présente thèse vise la fonctionnalisation directe des arènes hétérocycliques et non hétérocycliques et, plus précisément, les techniques d’arylation. Dans un premier temps, nous allons aborder le thème de l’arylation directe tout en mettant l’accent sur les pyridines (Chapitre 1). Ces molécules sont à la base d'une multitude de composés biologiquement actifs et jouent un rôle important dans le domaine des sciences des matériaux, de l’agrochimie et de la synthèse des produits naturels. Dans un deuxième temps, nous discuterons de nos travaux sur l’arylation directe catalysé par un complex de palladium sur des ylures de N-iminopyridinium en soulignant la dérivatisation du sel de pyridinium après une phénylation sp2 (Chapitre 2). L’étude de ce procédé nous a permis de mettre en lumière plusieurs découvertes importantes, que nous expliquerons en détails une à une : l’arylation benzylique directe lorsque des ylures N-iminopyridinium substituées avec un groupement alkyl à la position 2 sont utilisés comme partenaires dans la réaction; les allylations Tsuji-Trost catalysée par un complex de palladium; et l’alkylation directe et sans métal via une catalyse par transfert de phase. Plusieurs défis restent à relever pour le développement de procédés directs utilisant des métaux de transition peu coûteux, d’autant plus que la synthèse par transformation directe des pyridines 2-alcényles, lesquelles sont pertinentes sur le plan pharmacologique, n’a pas encore été rapportée à ce jour. Avec cette problématique en tête, nous avons réussi à mettre au point une alcénylation directe catalysé par un complex de cuivre sur des ylures de N-iminopyridinium. Nous discuterons également d’une nouvelle méthode pour la préparation des iodures de vinyle utilisés dans les couplages. Ces réactions sont non seulement remarquablement chimiosélectives, mais sont aussi applicables à plusieurs substrats (Chapitre 3). En optimisant ce procédé direct, nous avons découvert une façon unique de synthétiser les pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyridines 2-substituées (Chapitre 4). Le mécanisme global met en jeu une séquence tandem de fonctionnalisation-cyclisation directe et un procédé direct en cascade, qui n’avais jamais été rapporté. Cela simplifie ansi la synthèse autrement compliquée de ces substrats en y apportant une solution à un problème de longue date. Dans les deux derniers chapitres, nous examinerons en détail les techniques d’arylation directe qui n'impliquent pas les partenaires de couplage hétérocycliques. Entre autres, au Chapitre 5, nous soulignerons notre découverte d’un umpolung dirigé et catalysé par un complexe de palladium du benzène et de quelques autres dérivés arènes. Il s’agit là du premier cas de fonctionnalisation directe dans laquelle le groupe directeur se trouve sur le partenaire halogène et il s’ajoute à la courte liste d’exemples connus dans la littérature rapportant une arylation directe du benzène. Finalement, au Chapitre 6, nous passerons en revue une nouvelle arylation directe catalysée au fer, qui se veut un procédé peu coûteux, durable et présentant une économie d’atomes. Nous discutons des substrats possibles ainsi des études mécanistiques réalisés.
Ce mémoire traite de la diversité culturelle sous l’optique de la notion d’exception culturelle. Dans la Convention sur la protection et la promotion de la diversité des expressions culturelles, la diversité culturelle acquiert le statut de notion pivot entre les politiques culturelles promulguées à l’échelle nationale, européenne et internationale. L’objectif de ce mémoire a été de déterminer la conception de la diversité culturelle dans l’intention de montrer les tensions qui résultent de la formulation du rôle des États-nations et du pouvoir dévolu à la libre circulation des biens et produits culturels à l’échelle supranationale. D’où l’hypothèse que la notion de diversité culturelle est sujette à des glissements de sens afin de rallier les parties en présence. Selon ces constats et l’hypothèse de Bourdieu selon laquelle on assiste à l’homogénéisation des cultures, nous avons répondu aux questions suivantes : comment la Convention peut-elle concilier l’ouverture des marchés des biens et services culturels et la protection de la diversité culturelle ? Comment la diversité culturelle s’orchestre-t-elle sous l’égide de la Convention de l’UNESCO ? Sous la tutelle de l’État-nation chargé de défendre les couleurs de la culture nationale ? Ou par l’intermédiaire du marché capable de réguler l’offre et la demande en matière de culture ? La Convention a donc fait l’objet d’une analyse de discours dans l’intention d’exhiber les tensions sous-jacentes à la conception de la diversité culturelle. En effet, la diversité culturelle est sujette à des glissements de sens, car elle est orchestrée en partie par le droit souverain des États-nations qui sont en mesure de protéger et promouvoir la diversité des expressions culturelles sur leur territoire, mais aussi, elle est basée sur des principes de libre échange et de libre circulation des produits, activités, biens et services culturels découlant de la coopération régionale, bilatérale et internationale mise de l’avant par la Convention. La Convention permet jusqu’à un certain point une conciliation entre l’ouverture du marché des biens et services culturels et la protection de la diversité culturelle grâce à ces mécanismes et ces organes.
A Pseudomonas sp PS-102 recovered from Muttukkadu brackish water lagoon, situated south of Chennai, showed significant activity against a number of shrimp pathogenic vibrios. Out of the 112 isolates of bacterial pathogens comprising Vibrio harveyi, V. vulnificus, V. parahaemolyticus, V. alginolyticus, V. fluvialis, and Aeromonas spp, 73% were inhibited in vitro by the cell-free culture supernatant of Pseudomonas sp PS-102 isolate. The organism produced yellowish fluorescent pigment on King's B medium, hydrolysed starch and protein, and produced 36.4% siderophore units by CAS assay and 32 μM of catechol siderophores as estimated by Arnow's assay. The PS-102 isolate showed wide ranging environmental tolerance with, temperatures from 25 to 40 °C, pH from 6 to 8, salinity from 0 to 36 ppt, while the antagonistic activity peaked in cultures grown at 30 °C, pH 8.0 and at 5 ppt saline conditions. The antagonistic activity of the culture supernatant was evident even at 30% v / v dilution against V. harveyi. The preliminary studies on the nature of the antibacterial action indicated that the antagonistic principle as heat stable and resistant to proteolytic, lipolytic and amylolytic enzymes. Pseudomonas sp PS 102 was found to be safe to shrimp when PL-9 stage were challenged at 107 CFU ml−1 and by intramuscular injection into of ∼5 g sub-adults shrimp at 105 to 108 CFU. Further, its safety in a mammalian system, tested by its pathogenicity to mice, was also determined and its LD50 to BALB/c mice was found to be 109 CFU. The results of this study indicated that the organism Pseudomonas sp PS 102 could be employed as a potential probiont in shrimp and prawn aquaculture systems for management and control of bacterial infections
International Perspective The development of GM technology continues to expand into increasing numbers of crops and conferred traits. Inevitably, the focus remains on the major field crops of soybean, maize, cotton, oilseed rape and potato with introduced genes conferring herbicide tolerance and/or pest resistance. Although there are comparatively few GM crops that have been commercialised to date, GM versions of 172 plant species have been grown in field trials in 31 countries. European Crops with Containment Issues Of the 20 main crops in the EU there are four for which GM varieties are commercially available (cotton, maize for animal feed and forage, and oilseed rape). Fourteen have GM varieties in field trials (bread wheat, barley, durum wheat, sunflower, oats, potatoes, sugar beet, grapes, alfalfa, olives, field peas, clover, apples, rice) and two have GM varieties still in development (rye, triticale). Many of these crops have hybridisation potential with wild and weedy relatives in the European flora (bread wheat, barley, oilseed rape, durum wheat, oats, sugar beet and grapes), with escapes (sunflower); and all have potential to cross-pollinate fields non-GM crops. Several fodder crops, forestry trees, grasses and ornamentals have varieties in field trials and these too may hybridise with wild relatives in the European flora (alfalfa, clover, lupin, silver birch, sweet chestnut, Norway spruce, Scots pine, poplar, elm, Agrostis canina, A. stolonifera, Festuca arundinacea, Lolium perenne, L. multiflorum, statice and rose). All these crops will require containment strategies to be in place if it is deemed necessary to prevent transgene movement to wild relatives and non-GM crops. Current Containment Strategies A wide variety of GM containment strategies are currently under development, with a particular focus on crops expressing pharmaceutical products. Physical containment in greenhouses and growth rooms is suitable for some crops (tomatoes, lettuce) and for research purposes. Aquatic bioreactors of some non-crop species (algae, moss, and duckweed) expressing pharmaceutical products have been adopted by some biotechnology companies. There are obvious limitations of the scale of physical containment strategies, addressed in part by the development of large underground facilities in the US and Canada. The additional resources required to grow plants underground incurs high costs that in the long term may negate any advantage of GM for commercial productioNatural genetic containment has been adopted by some companies through the selection of either non-food/feed crops (algae, moss, duckweed) as bio-pharming platforms or organisms with no wild relatives present in the local flora (safflower in the Americas). The expression of pharmaceutical products in leafy crops (tobacco, alfalfa, lettuce, spinach) enables growth and harvesting prior to and in the absence of flowering. Transgenically controlled containment strategies range in their approach and degree of development. Plastid transformation is relatively well developed but is not suited to all traits or crops and does not offer complete containment. Male sterility is well developed across a range of plants but has limitations in its application for fruit/seed bearing crops. It has been adopted in some commercial lines of oilseed rape despite not preventing escape via seed. Conditional lethality can be used to prevent flowering or seed development following the application of a chemical inducer, but requires 100% induction of the trait and sufficient application of the inducer to all plants. Equally, inducible expression of the GM trait requires equally stringent application conditions. Such a method will contain the trait but will allow the escape of a non-functioning transgene. Seed lethality (‘terminator’ technology) is the only strategy at present that prevents transgene movement via seed, but due to public opinion against the concept it has never been trialled in the field and is no longer under commercial development. Methods to control flowering and fruit development such as apomixis and cleistogamy will prevent crop-to-wild and wild-to-crop pollination, but in nature both of these strategies are complex and leaky. None of the genes controlling these traits have as yet been identified or characterised and therefore have not been transgenically introduced into crop species. Neither of these strategies will prevent transgene escape via seed and any feral apomicts that form are arguably more likely to become invasives. Transgene mitigation reduces the fitness of initial hybrids and so prevents stable introgression of transgenes into wild populations. However, it does not prevent initial formation of hybrids or spread to non-GM crops. Such strategies could be detrimental to wild populations and have not yet been demonstrated in the field. Similarly, auxotrophy prevents persistence of escapes and hybrids containing the transgene in an uncontrolled environment, but does not prevent transgene movement from the crop. Recoverable block of function, intein trans-splicing and transgene excision all use recombinases to modify the transgene in planta either to induce expression or to prevent it. All require optimal conditions and 100% accuracy to function and none have been tested under field conditions as yet. All will contain the GM trait but all will allow some non-native DNA to escape to wild populations or to non-GM crops. There are particular issues with GM trees and grasses as both are largely undomesticated, wind pollinated and perennial, thus providing many opportunities for hybridisation. Some species of both trees and grass are also capable of vegetative propagation without sexual reproduction. There are additional concerns regarding the weedy nature of many grass species and the long-term stability of GM traits across the life span of trees. Transgene stability and conferred sterility are difficult to trial in trees as most field trials are only conducted during the juvenile phase of tree growth. Bio-pharming of pharmaceutical and industrial compounds in plants Bio-pharming of pharmaceutical and industrial compounds in plants offers an attractive alternative to mammalian-based pharmaceutical and vaccine production. Several plantbased products are already on the market (Prodigene’s avidin, β-glucuronidase, trypsin generated in GM maize; Ventria’s lactoferrin generated in GM rice). Numerous products are in clinical trials (collagen, antibodies against tooth decay and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma from tobacco; human gastric lipase, therapeutic enzymes, dietary supplements from maize; Hepatitis B and Norwalk virus vaccines from potato; rabies vaccines from spinach; dietary supplements from Arabidopsis). The initial production platforms for plant-based pharmaceuticals were selected from conventional crops, largely because an established knowledge base already existed. Tobacco and other leafy crops such as alfalfa, lettuce and spinach are widely used as leaves can be harvested and no flowering is required. Many of these crops can be grown in contained greenhouses. Potato is also widely used and can also be grown in contained conditions. The introduction of morphological markers may aid in the recognition and traceability of crops expressing pharmaceutical products. Plant cells or plant parts may be transformed and maintained in culture to produce recombinant products in a contained environment. Plant cells in suspension or in vitro, roots, root cells and guttation fluid from leaves may be engineered to secrete proteins that may be harvested in a continuous, non-destructive manner. Most strategies in this category remain developmental and have not been commercially adopted at present. Transient expression produces GM compounds from non-GM plants via the utilisation of bacterial or viral vectors. These vectors introduce the trait into specific tissues of whole plants or plant parts, but do not insert them into the heritable genome. There are some limitations of scale and the field release of such crops will require the regulation of the vector. However, several companies have several transiently expressed products in clinical and pre-clinical trials from crops raised in physical containment.
Basic Network transactions specifies that datagram from source to destination is routed through numerous routers and paths depending on the available free and uncongested paths which results in the transmission route being too long, thus incurring greater delay, jitter, congestion and reduced throughput. One of the major problems of packet switched networks is the cell delay variation or jitter. This cell delay variation is due to the queuing delay depending on the applied loading conditions. The effect of delay, jitter accumulation due to the number of nodes along transmission routes and dropped packets adds further complexity to multimedia traffic because there is no guarantee that each traffic stream will be delivered according to its own jitter constraints therefore there is the need to analyze the effects of jitter. IP routers enable a single path for the transmission of all packets. On the other hand, Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) allows separation of packet forwarding and routing characteristics to enable packets to use the appropriate routes and also optimize and control the behavior of transmission paths. Thus correcting some of the shortfalls associated with IP routing. Therefore MPLS has been utilized in the analysis for effective transmission through the various networks. This paper analyzes the effect of delay, congestion, interference, jitter and packet loss in the transmission of signals from source to destination. In effect the impact of link failures, repair paths in the various physical topologies namely bus, star, mesh and hybrid topologies are all analyzed based on standard network conditions.
Background and aims: In addition to the well-known linguistic processing impairments in aphasia, oro-motor skills and articulatory implementation of speech segments are reported to be compromised to some degree in most types of aphasia. This study aimed to identify differences in the characteristics and coordination of lip movements in the production of a bilabial closure gesture between speech-like and nonspeech tasks in individuals with aphasia and healthy control subjects. Method and procedure: Upper and lower lip movement data were collected for a speech-like and a nonspeech task using an AG 100 EMMA system from five individuals with aphasia and five age and gender matched control subjects. Each task was produced at two rate conditions (normal and fast), and in a familiar and a less-familiar manner. Single articulator kinematic parameters (peak velocity, amplitude, duration, and cyclic spatio-temporal index) and multi-articulator coordination indices (average relative phase and variability of relative phase) were measured to characterize lip movements. Outcome and results: The results showed that when the two lips had similar task goals (bilabial closure) in speech-like versus nonspeech task, kinematic and coordination characteristics were not found to be different. However, when changes in rate were imposed on the bilabial gesture, only speech-like task showed functional adaptations, indicated by a greater decrease in amplitude and duration at fast rates. In terms of group differences, individuals with aphasia showed smaller amplitudes and longer movement durations for upper lip, higher spatio-temporal variability for both lips, and higher variability in lip coordination than the control speakers. Rate was an important factor in distinguishing the two groups, and individuals with aphasia were limited in implementing the rate changes. Conclusion and implications: The findings support the notion of subtle but robust differences in motor control characteristics between individuals with aphasia and the control participants, even in the context of producing bilabial closing gestures for a relatively simple speech-like task. The findings also highlight the functional differences between speech-like and nonspeech tasks, despite a common movement coordination goal for bilabial closure.
This paper investigates the effect on balance of a number of Schur product-type localization schemes which have been designed with the primary function of reducing spurious far-field correlations in forecast error statistics. The localization schemes studied comprise a non-adaptive scheme (where the moderation matrix is decomposed in a spectral basis), and two adaptive schemes, namely a simplified version of SENCORP (Smoothed ENsemble COrrelations Raised to a Power) and ECO-RAP (Ensemble COrrelations Raised to A Power). The paper shows, we believe for the first time, how the degree of balance (geostrophic and hydrostatic) implied by the error covariance matrices localized by these schemes can be diagnosed. Here it is considered that an effective localization scheme is one that reduces spurious correlations adequately but also minimizes disruption of balance (where the 'correct' degree of balance or imbalance is assumed to be possessed by the unlocalized ensemble). By varying free parameters that describe each scheme (e.g. the degree of truncation in the schemes that use the spectral basis, the 'order' of each scheme, and the degree of ensemble smoothing), it is found that a particular configuration of the ECO-RAP scheme is best suited to the convective-scale system studied. According to our diagnostics this ECO-RAP configuration still weakens geostrophic and hydrostatic balance, but overall this is less so than for other schemes.
Ethanol can compromise the body mineral composition and affect bone, and when associated to hypogonadism is considered an important risk factor for osteoporosis in man. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of androgen deficient and chronic ethanol consuming on mineral contents by biochemistry and non-destructive techniques. Wistar rat (n=54) were divided in orchiectomy (ORQ) or SHAM-operated and subdivided by diet. They were daily fed with a Lieber DeCarli diet model for 8 weeks long. The controls groups were free-diet and pair-fed. Ca and P were analyzed by biochemistry test in the blood and by nX-ray fluorescence and FT-Raman on the femur area. Serum analysis revealed hypocalcaemia and hypeiphosphataemia in ethanol groups more than pair-fed and free-diet. In similarity, spectroscopy indicated a decrease in bone Ca content in ORQ groups, mainly for ethanol groups. Phosphorus content and Ca/P molar ratio, otherwise, doesn't diverge in all 6 groups. Ethanol consumption impaired Ca and P homeostasis in ORQ rat more than SHAM. The relationships among ethanol consume and androgen deficit support the hypothesis that ethanol affects the mineral-regulating hormones and may mediate some effects on bone. These findings demonstrate that ethanol seemed to interfere with the normal compensatory response to these Ca and P levels and is more significant M androgen deficiency rats.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We present a simple mathematical model of a wind turbine supporting tower. Here, the wind excitation is considered to be a non-ideal power source. In such a consideration, there is interaction between the energy supply and the motion of the supporting structure. If power is not enough, the rotation of the generator may get stuck at a resonance frequency of the structure. This is a manifestation of the so-called Sommerfeld Effect. In this model, at first, only two degrees of freedom are considered, the horizontal motion of the upper tip of the tower, in the transverse direction to the wind, and the generator rotation. Next, we add another degree of freedom, the motion of a free rolling mass inside a chamber. Its impact with the walls of the chamber provides control of both the amplitude of the tower vibration and the width of the band of frequencies in which the Sommerfeld effect occur. Some numerical simulations are performed using the equations of motion of the models obtained via a Lagrangian approach.