787 resultados para Internal and external protective strategies
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography.
Nicaragua is making progress towards the Millennium Development Goals, but is set to miss a number of targets in 2015. This paper’s general equilibrium analysis shows that it is unfeasible for the government to step up spending in order to meet these targets by the 2015 deadline. Any boost to public spending and financing would have to be front-loaded, which would entail pernicious macroeconomic trade-offs. A more realistic scenario would be to postpone meeting the goals until 2020. In that case, the allocation of public spending would spur economic growth without causing macroeconomic hardships, although the country would nevertheless remain highly vulnerable to external shocks.
O desafio de encontrar novos meios de administrar as organizações públicas, os quais não estivessem limitados aos indicadores financeiros e contábeis, foi a grande motivação para o surgimento do planejamento estratégico nas instituições de ensino superior, através de um sistema de gestão estratégica que traduz a missão e a estratégia de organizações, análise do ambiente interno e externo a organização. Esta dissertação aborda a questão da modernização da gestão, através de um estudo de caso de caráter descritivo realizado na Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), de como foi implantado o processo para “aprimorar o sistema de planejamento institucional” com vistas a buscar soluções conjuntas aos problemas enfrentados pelo fator negativo - precariedade do sistema de planejamento - diagnosticado no Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional da UFPA 2001-2010, tendo a Pró-Reitoria de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Institucional – PROPLAN, como Unidade Central de Planejamento, responsável em desenvolver e implantar instrumentos gerenciais, padronizados, uniformizando as diretrizes gerais oferecendo a todos os segmentos da universidade um eixo comum, norteador das políticas da Universidade, observadas as peculiaridades da sua configuração multicampi. O objetivo principal desta dissertação é identificar as ações estabelecidas no processo para “aprimorar o sistema de planejamento institucional visando reduzir a precariedade do sistema de planejamento na Universidade Federal do Pará”. A metodologia utilizada é a pesquisa qualitativa e como técnica de coleta de dados utilizou-se a pesquisa documental. Os resultados encontrados indicam que a preocupação com estratégias na gestão universitária, são fatos relativamente recentes e que se encontra em profundas transformações, sendo que, no período analisado, a preocupação maior se dá nas unidades acadêmicas. Foi possível observar que as fases do processo de planejamento das ações não se realizam completamente em todas as Unidades e Campi, pois o sistema de acompanhamento do processo de planejamento, praticamente não existiu. Por conseguinte, até então, inexistia uma cultura de planejamento na organização, com a ausência de integração das ações de planejamento entre as Unidades Acadêmicas e a Unidade Central de Planejamento, contribuindo, assim, com a precariedade do Sistema de Planejamento Institucional na UFPA. Conclui-se assim, que houve um avanço nas mudanças planejadas e executadas, tornando a UFPA uma organização isomórfica, as unidades da UFPA que enfrentam as mesmas condições ambientais, foram compelidas a imitarem umas as outras, as características organizacionais foram modificadas consensualmente, através de decisões colegiadas, por meio de uma gestão democrática, tornando, assim, os elementos estruturais isomórficos, consistindo então, conforme a teoria, em estruturas organizacionais que refletem uma realidade socialmente construída. Mas, apesar de ter ocorrido um avanço nas mudanças planejadas e executadas, a universidade utiliza determinados mecanismos não porque acredite que a tornem mais eficaz, mas porque são mecanismos impostos, por pressões externas, a universidade tem que cumprir atos formais, regras, leis e sanções, numa relação de dominação e dependência, configurando-se o isomorfismo institucional coercitivo. Como, também, conclui-se conforme informações coletadas que não ocorreu uma mudança organizacional no sentido amplo, e sim, algumas modificações específicas. Avaliando-se, então, pode-se dizer que a UFPA conseguiu tornar suas Unidades homogêneas nas práticas administrativas, especificamente na prática de planejar, na busca de aperfeiçoar o sistema de planejamento das ações da UFPA – ao se observar que, das vinte e oito Unidades regimentalmente constituídas até 2006, dezenove elaboraram Planos de Gestão para o período de 2002 a 2009, representando que 64% das unidades realizaram as ações planejadas na sua totalidade. E, 36%, nove Unidades não constituíram Planos de Gestão, não utilizaram, instrumentos gerenciais padronizados, uniformizando as diretrizes gerais oferecendo a todos os segmentos da universidade um eixo comum, norteador das políticas da Universidade.
Lutar pela observância da Constituição Federal de 1988 se constitui em esforço de grande envergadura, especialmente para as associações indígenas, instrumentos de luta na defesa e promoção dos direitos étnicos. As associações, formadas à semelhança das organizações não-indígenas, procuram desenvolver projetos que compreendam a afirmação de identidades étnicas das comunidades representam os indígenas em negociações internas e externas, contribuindo para a construção da autonomia e autodeterminação dos povos indígenas. Exemplo disso é a Associação Indígena Tembé de Santa Maria do Pará (AITESAMPA), que representa os Tembé, conhecidos como de Santa Maria por terem sua Terra nos limites do município do estado do Pará. A Associação luta pelo reconhecimento identitário e pela demarcação de terras para seu sustento, visto que desde o século XIX, foram escorraçados de suas terras e obrigados a deslocamentos não desejados, até se estabelecerem no, hoje, município de Santa Maria. O estudo se debruça sobre a atuação da referida Associação, a partir da relevância dos “projetos” sociais e étnicos que permitem o fortalecimento da identidade dos Tembé. Analisam-se as estratégias elaboradas através de iniciativas denominadas “projetos”, desenvolvidos pela Associação para a defesa dos direitos indígenas e promoção de diálogo com o Estado brasileiro e a sociedade não-indígena que teimam em não aceitá-los, especialmente porque são “desconhecidos” na literatura etnológica que trabalha mais a partir dos Tembé localizados no Alto Rio Guamá. O trabalho é desenvolvido a partir das narrativas indígenas e do acompanhamento da movimentação social. Nessa condução, os autores envolvidos possuem uma visão “implicada”, pois dois são membros de povos indígenas e a não-indígena foi chamada a assessorá-los.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Egg quality of semi-heavy laying hens fed on low protein diets (14.0% CP) and on different lysine levels is evaluated, while maintaining the same ratio of digestible amino acids / digestible lysine. Four hundred and twenty commercial strain Isa Brown laying hens, 28 weeks old, were divided into 42 experimental plots. A completely randomized design with six treatments and seven replicates was employed in four production cycles of 28 days each. Treatments comprised Control - 16.92% CP; 0.750% digestible lysine. Treatments 1 to 5, with CP levels 14% and digestible lysine levels 0.600, 0.675, 0.750, 0.825 and 0.900% respectively. Levels of Treatments 1 and 2 (0.546 and 0.640% digestible Met + Cys / 0.600 and 0.675% digestible lysine) provided smaller egg size. On the other hand, eggs had higher shell percentage when compared to control diet. When compared to other digestible amino acids, digestible lysine requirement may be estimated at 0.750% in a diet with 14% CP, which corresponds to the average daily intake of 876 mg dig. lysine hen-1 day-1 and 798 mg dig. Met + Cys hen-1 day-1, without jeopardizing performance and eggs' internal and external quality.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this study was to analyze photosynthate partitioning in tomato photomorphogenic mutants at the ends of the vegetative (40 days after emergence [DAE]) and reproductive (69 DAE) stages and to determine its interaction with morphoanatomical aspects. The mutants aurea (au), phytochrome-deficient, high pigment-1 (hp1), light-exaggerated response, were studied along with the non-mutant Micro-Tom (MT) cultivar. The plants were analyzed at 40 and 68 DAE to identify photosynthate source organs and tissues as well as the target organs of remobilized photosynthate during the reproductive stage. The plants were evaluated for their internal and external morphology as well as the percentage of dry mass of their organs. Photosynthate allocation in the hp1 mutant occurred primarily in the roots and leaves, and allocation in the au mutant occurred primarily in fruits. The au mutant showed a high capacity for photosynthate remobilization to fruit during the reproductive stage, and the predominant sources of these remobilized photosynthates were the leaf spongy parenchyma, the root vascular cylinder and the marrow stem.
Background: The purpose of this study is to analyze the tension distribution on bone tissue around implants with different angulations (0 degrees, 17 degrees, and 30 degrees) and connections (external hexagon and tapered) through the use of three-dimensional finite element and statistical analyses.Methods: Twelve different configurations of three-dimensional finite element models, including three inclinations of the implants (0 degrees, 17 degrees, and 30 degrees), two connections (an external hexagon and a tapered), and two load applications (axial and oblique), were simulated. The maximum principal stress values for cortical bone were measured at the mesial, distal, buccal, and lingual regions around the implant for each analyzed situation, totaling 48 groups. Loads of 200 and 100 N were applied at the occlusal surface in the axial and oblique directions, respectively. Maximum principal stress values were measured at the bone crest and statistically analyzed using analysis of variance. Stress patterns in the bone tissue around the implant were analyzed qualitatively.Results: The results demonstrated that under the oblique loading process, the external hexagon connection showed significantly higher stress concentrations in the bone tissue (P < 0.05) compared with the tapered connection. Moreover, the buccal and mesial regions of the cortical bone concentrated significantly higher stress (P < 0.005) to the external hexagon implant type. Under the oblique loading direction, the increased external hexagon implant angulation induced a significantly higher stress concentration (P = 0.045).Conclusions: The study results show that: 1) the oblique load was more damaging to bone tissue, mainly when associated with external hexagon implants; and 2) there was a higher stress concentration on the buccal region in comparison to all other regions under oblique load.
Spontaneous isolated dissection of iliac arteries is very rare, with few reports in the literature. Medical, surgical, and endovascular treatment modalities have all been used to manage iliac artery dissections. We report a case of symptomatic, isolated, spontaneous dissection of the common iliac and external iliac arteries. Both dissections were successfully treated by separate percutaneous stent-graft placement, preserving hypogastric artery flow. This technique is interesting because it provides adequate sealing of proximal and distal dissection sites while preserving hypogastric artery and pelvic flow.
In managing an Inpatient unit, nurses face the need to make decisions involving agents in the institution’s internal and external environments, and all these measures are influential, regardless of how beneficial they may be. Hence, ethical issues constitute an important dimension of nursing management. This study aimed at identifying measures and/or interventions adopted by managing nurses at Inpatient Units in the Botucatu School of Medicine University Hospital - UNESP with the purpose to analyze professional ethics. The study involved nurses holding technicalsupervision positions in sectors related to the Nursing Division, comprising a total number of 20. The exploratory method was used by means of taped interviews with a qualitative approach based on the Collective Subject Discourse. Human resources deficit was observed as nurses’ major concern in relation to nursing care provision. The managers seek the nursing staff’s development by means of educational activities in their own unit at the same time that they adopt those offered by the hospital. When ethical violations occur, they resort to measures ranging from individual strategies for violators’ orientation to legal intervention. The resolution of ethical conflicts by nursing managers generally occurs in a gradual fashion by taking into account their compromising level, whether in relation to the patient or to the multiprofessional team. Educational activities are focused on the development of technical skills aiming at preventing physical damage to patients although educational activities targeted at the development of professionals’ ethical awareness were not mentioned
Taking into account the changes in the market scenario by virtue of globalization, Institutes of Higher Education (IES) as well as other organizations seek their competitive stability. For that reason, it is up to organizations to adopt innovative models of management for their operations aimed at improving results. Company networks consist of a model that is perfect for uniting efforts through cooperation among partners in a given business, which can involve ties of different natures. This paper shows the development and the application of an auxiliary technique to analyze the intensity, nature and importance of internal and external relations in the formation of results for a company network. For such, a multiple case study was conducted at two IES in the State of São Paulo and their networks of partners and employees in order to observe their specificities and organizational strategies. The study demonstrated the existence of specific performance criteria (pillars) for each IES and its network, resulting from its competitive reality. It reveals evidence that the education pillar is strengthened in both cases, and the research pillar is growing, although it is the weakest. The outreach pillar is the most robust in the public IES and the financial sustainability pillar is relevant for the private IES, and it was only detected in this IES.
This paper describes the main phases of development of an Institute of Chemistry in relation with national policy from the academic field. Its history begins with a proposal to meet the demand for chemistry teacher education and goes on to become a major center for research, education and extension. Throughout its 50 years of history, the Institution has faced numerous challenges by adopting strategies that have established and revealed its institutional habitus. To this end, we use some of René Kaës’s concepts about the development of groups and institutions, highlighting mainly the origins, expectations and covenants that underpinned its foundation, and the entire process of its expansion and institutionalization. Our main focus, also interpreted based on the theory of Pierre Bourdieu and followers, is the establishment of its institutional habitus, i.e., how it interprets and organizes its institutional teaching, research and extension activities within the context of the academic field. The peculiarity of the process has been the mismatch between internal and external pressures. Even though presenting the results of a case study, in general, our methodology can improve the understanding of institution’s development in relation with educational policy.