366 resultados para Interconnection


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La presente investigación consiste en determinar las aplicaciones existentes de las teorías del caos y las teorías de la complejidad en la cadena de suministro del sector agroindustrial colombiano. Además, tiene como propósito describir el sector de la agroindustria y la cadena de suministro, identificar los modelos de caos y complejidad y posteriormente determinar cuáles de éstos son aplicables al sector. Se define el caos como una sub-disciplina de las matemáticas que estudia sistemas complejos o dinámicos y tiene inmerso implicaciones filosóficas; por otra parte complejidad es la cualidad que adquiere un sistema en el que hay diversos componentes relacionados. Se ha identificado que en el ámbito colombiano existen diferentes estudios enfocados en la construcción de modelos agroindustriales, donde se adopta el concepto de complejidad para calificar el atributo de dichos modelos que involucran la armonización e integración de diferentes actores, desde los productores hasta los consumidores. En este estudio se emplea un estudio monográfico de tipo documental teniendo como unidad de análisis la cadena de suministro del sector agroindustrial. Los resultados indican que las teorías del caos y complejidad se encuentran presentes dentro de la cadena de suministros del sector agroindustrial colombiano, ya que en ella se ocurre la interconexión entre productores, procesadores y comercializadores, interactuando entre ellos y presentando alteraciones en su comportamiento económico a lo largo del tiempo en función de variaciones de las condiciones iniciales influenciadas por variables macroeconómicas, ambientales, sociales y políticas.


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This essay consists of a brief description and analysis of Edgar Morin´s complex thinking. For that reason, it focuses on the systematic approach that refers to the interconnection and interactions of objects, people, and environment as a whole, which serve as the basis of the educational proposal, where knowledge must be regarded as an integrated fashion and not as something fragmented. Thus, human knowledge should raise awareness that we are just a component of a more general system (complex and in constant interaction), where education can be an effective source for students to develop the capacity of understanding other complex systems, besides living organisms, where also there is a big influence from “new sciences” and humanities. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to develop those ideas proposed by Edgar Morin.


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 Resumen  Palabras clave: drogas, psiquiatrización, medicalización, control social.AbstractThe article addresses the connections between medicalization and the prosecution of the consumption of substances called narcotics and their effects on the subject- a subject who, at the same time, is entitled to rights. Through the examination of six judicial warrants for compulsory admissions to a "psychiatric colony", the working of the interconnection between legal and psychiatric practices is analyzed. What is also analysed are the effects such interconnection has on the construction of a broader spectrum of action and intervention, both of the judiciary and the medical practices, beyond the framework of the statutory regulations upon which such admissions are based. From the examined material two main aspects come to light: firstly, the medical and mental-health arguments from which decisions about psychiatric hospital admissions in drug or alcohol abuse cases will be made. Secondly, there is also an indication of the purpose or objective of such hospital admissions. This paper also deals with the processes that Foucault calls "indefinite medicalization « and the real productions that go beyond therapeutic aspects, relating the effects of the former with the workings of the control of subjects through the different diagnoses categories of addicts, be it alcoholics or drug addicts.Keywords: drug, psychiatrization, medicalization, social control. 


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ResumenEste artículo tiene como objetivo profundizar los estudios concernientes a la interfase entre Bioética y Derechos Humanos, así como contribuir para la solidificación de la interconexión entre los dos campos de saber. Para ello, se investigaron los modos por los cuales la instancia de producción bioéticaque se insiere en el ámbito de la OMS – el Departamento de Ética, Equidad, Comercio y Derechos Humanos – construye la interfase entre Bioética y Derechos Humanos a partir del análisis de los sentidos identificados en los documentos de cuño general producidos por dicha instancia bioética.Para tal fin, se utilizó el abordaje teórico-metodológico que se fundamenta en la acepción de que los sentidos construidos socialmente pueden ser aprehendidos por medio del análisis de las prácticas discursivas. Tal elección metodológica se basó en la percepción de que los documentos producidospor organismos internacionales son prácticas discursivas cuyos sentidos pueden ser identificados mediante el examen de sus repertorios. Como conclusión, se observó que la interconexión entre Bioética y Derechos Humanos se forma de manera compleja, dado que el Departamento de Ética de la OMS al mismo tiempo que se aproxima a la temática, se aleja de ella pues hay elementos que evidencian la incorporación de los principios y normas de los Derechos Humanos en sus documentos y, paradójicamente, se constata la ausencia de la Bioética y sus normativas.Palabras clave: Bioética institucional, derechos humanos, Declaración Universal sobre Bioética y Derechos Humanos, Organización Mundial de la Salud.AbstractThis article aims at intensifying the studies concerning the interface between Bioethics and Human Rights, as well as at contributing to the solidification of the connection between these two fields of knowledge. In order to do so, we investigated the ways through which the instance of bioethics that is part of the scope of the World Health Organization – the Department of Ethics, Equity, Trade and Human Rights – builds the interface between Bioethics and Human Rights by means of the analysis of the meanings identified in the general documents produced by such instance of bioethics. For that end, we used the theoretical-methodological approach that is based on the assumption that the socially constructed meanings can be understood through the analysis of the discourse practices. The choice of such methodology was supported by the perceptionthat the documents elaborated by international organisms are discourse practices whose meanings can be identified through the examination of their repertoires. In sum, it was observed that the interconnection between Bioethics and Human Rights is complex, since the Ethics Department of the WHO deals with this theme by being close to it and far from it, simultaneously, as there are features that constitute evidence of the incorporation of Human Rights norms and principles into the WHO documents, but it is also observed the absence of Bioethics and its norms.Keywords: institutional Bioethics, Human Rights, Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights,World Health Organization.


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The Agenda 2030 contains 17 integrated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 12 for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) promotes the efficient use of resources through a systemic change that decouples economic growth from environmental degradation. The Food Systems (FS) pillar in SDG 12 entails paramount relevance due to its interconnection to many other SDGs, and even when being a crucial world food supplier, the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Region struggles with environmental and social externalities, low investment in agriculture, inequity, food insecurity, poverty, and migration. Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) was regarded as a pertinent approach to identify hotspots and trade-offs, and support decision-making process to aid LAC Region countries as Costa Rica to diagnose sustainability and overcome certain challenges. This thesis aimed to ‘evaluate the sustainability of selected products from food supply chains in Costa Rica, to provide inputs for further sustainable decision-making, through the application of Life Cycle Thinking’. To do this, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Life Cycle Costing (LCC), and Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) evaluated the sustainability of food-waste-to-energy alternatives, and the production of green coffee, raw milk and leafy vegetables, and identified environmental, social and cost hotspots. This approach also proved to be a useful component of decision-making and policy-making processes together with other methods. LCT scientific literature led by LAC or Costa Rican researchers is still scarce; therefore, this research contributed to improve capacities in the use of LCT in this context, while offering potential replicability of the developed frameworks in similar cases. Main limitations related to the representativeness and availability of primary data; however, future research and extension activities are foreseen to increase local data availability, capacity building, and the discussion of potential integration through Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA).


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The following thesis focused on the dry grinding process modelling and optimization for automotive gears production. A FEM model was implemented with the aim at predicting process temperatures and preventing grinding thermal defects on the material surface. In particular, the model was conceived to facilitate the choice of the grinding parameters during the design and the execution of the dry-hard finishing process developed and patented by the company Samputensili Machine Tools (EMAG Group) on automotive gears. The proposed model allows to analyse the influence of the technological parameters, comprising the grinding wheel specifications. Automotive gears finished by dry-hard finishing process are supposed to reach the same quality target of the gears finished through the conventional wet grinding process with the advantage of reducing production costs and environmental pollution. But, the grinding process allows very high values of specific pressure and heat absorbed by the material, therefore, removing the lubricant increases the risk of thermal defects occurrence. An incorrect design of the process parameters set could cause grinding burns, which affect the mechanical performance of the ground component inevitably. Therefore, a modelling phase of the process could allow to enhance the mechanical characteristics of the components and avoid waste during production. A hierarchical FEM model was implemented to predict dry grinding temperatures and was represented by the interconnection of a microscopic and a macroscopic approach. A microscopic single grain grinding model was linked to a macroscopic thermal model to predict the dry grinding process temperatures and so to forecast the thermal cycle effect caused by the process parameters and the grinding wheel specification choice. Good agreement between the model and the experiments was achieved making the dry-hard finishing an efficient and reliable technology to implement in the gears automotive industry.