895 resultados para Innovazione, Innovazione Tecnologica, Innovazione Strategica, Apple, Sinergie Innovative
The research work included in this thesis examines the synthesis, characterization and chromatographic evaluation of novel bonded silica stationary phases. Innovative methods of preparation of silica hydride intermediates and octadecylsilica using a “green chemistry” approach eliminate the use of toxic organic solvents and exploit the solvating power and enhanced diffusivity of supercritical carbon dioxide to produce phases with a surface coverage of bonded ligands which is comparable to, or exceeds, that achieved using traditional organic solvent-based methods. A new stationary phase is also discussed which displays chromatographic selectivity based on molecular recognition. Chapter 1 introduces the chemistry of silica stationary phases, the retention mechanisms and theories on which reversed-phase liquid chromatography and hydrophilic interaction chromatograpy are based, the art and science of achieving a well packed liquid chromatography column, the properties of supercritical carbon dioxide and molecular recognition chemistry. Chapter 2 compares the properties of silica hydride materials prepared using supercritical carbon dioxide as the reaction medium with those synthesized in an organic solvent. A higher coverage of hydride groups on the silica surface is seen when a monofunctional silane is reacted in supercritical carbon dioxide while trifunctional silanes result in a phase which exhibits different properties depending on the reaction medium used. The differing chromatographic behaviour of these silica hydride materials prepared using supercritical carbon dioxide and using organic solvent are explored in chapter 3. Chapter 4 focusses on the preparation of octadecylsilica using mono-, di- and trifunctional alkoxysilanes in supercritical carbon dioxide and in anhydrous toluene. The surface coverage of octadecyl groups, as calculated using thermogravimetric analysis and elemental analysis, is highest when a trifunctional alkoxysilane is reacted with silica in supercritical carbon dioxide. A novel silica stationary phase is discussed in chapter 5 which displays selectivity for analytes based on their hydrogen bonding capabilities. The phase is also highly selective for barbituric acid and may have a future application in the solid phase extraction of barbiturates from biological samples.
Bei diesem Bericht handelt es sich um den Abschlussbericht des Projekts „Innovative bibliometrische Verfahren zur kontinuierlichen Beobachtung der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschungsproduktion“, das vom 1.9.2007 bis 31.3.2010 am Deutschen Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung durchgeführt und von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft … gefördert wurde. [Das Projekt hat] die Zielsetzung, die instrumentellen Voraussetzungen für Maßnahmen der Evaluation, Qualitätssicherung und Transparenzerzeugung von Forschungsleistungen in der Erziehungswissenschaft zu verbessern. Dies soll durch eine Weiterentwicklung des Informationssystems FIS Bildung Literaturdatenbank erreicht werden. Die übergeordnete Zielsetzung lässt sich wiederum in die Teilziele „Qualitätssicherung“, „Relevanzbewertung“ und „Analyse des Forschungsdiskurses“ untergliedern. Das Ziel der Qualitätssicherung richtet sich auf den Erfassungsgrad wissenschaftlich relevanter Literatur in der FIS Bildung Literaturdatenbank. Als Grundlage für die anderen Ziele ist die Gewährleistung, dass relevante wissenschaftliche Fachliteratur für die verschiedenen erziehungswissenschaftlichen Subdisziplinen erfasst und in der Datenbank repräsentiert ist, entscheidend. Das Ziel der Relevanzbewertung fokussiert auf die Etablierung eines Verfahrens zur qualitativen Kategorisierung von Publikationen. Hierzu wird die Entwicklung eines multiattributiv ermittelten skalierbaren Indikators „Wissenschaftliche Relevanz“ angestrebt. Das Ziel der Analyse des Forschungsdiskurses in der Erziehungswissenschaft konzentriert sich auf die Identifizierung thematischer Felder, ihrer Bezüge und Entwicklungen im Zeitverlauf (Monitoring). (DIPF/Orig.)
RATIONALE & OBJECTIVES: The food multimix (FFM)concept states that limited food resources can be combined using scientific knowledge to meet nutrient needs of vulnerable groups at low cost utilizing the ‘nutrient strengths’ of individual or candidate foods in composite recipes within a cultural context. METHODS: The method employed the food-to-food approach for recipe development using traditional food ingredients. Recipes were subjected to proximate and micronutrient analysis and optimized to meet at tleast 40% of recommended daily intakes. End products including breads, porridge and soup were developed. RESULTS: FMM products were employed in a feeding trial among 120 healthy pregnant women in Gauteng, South Africa resulting in improvements in serum iron levels from baseline values of 14.59 (=/-7.67) umol/L and 14.02 (=/-8.13) umol/L for control and intervention groups (p=0.71), to 16.03 (=/-5.67) umol/L and 18.66 (=/-9.41) umol/L (p=0.19). The increases from baseline to post-intervention were however statistically significant within groups. Similarly Mean Cell Volume values improved from baseline as well as serum ferritin and transferritin levels. CONCLUSION: The FMM concept has potential value in feeding programs for vulnerable groups including pregnant and lactating mothers.
Food insecurity, chronic hunger, starvation and malnutrition continue to affect millions of individuals throughout the developing world, especially Sub-Saharan Africa. Various initiatives by African governments and International Agencies such as the UN, the industrial nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade Organisation to boost economic development, have failed to provide the much-needed solution to these challenges. The impact of these economic shifts and the failures of structural adjustment programmes on the nutritional well-being and health of the most vulnerable members of poor communities cannot be over-emphasised. The use of ad hoc measures as an adjunct to community-based rural integrated projects have provided little success and will be unsustainable unless they are linked to harnessing available local resources. The present paper therefore focuses on exploring alternative ways of harnessing the scant agricultural resources by employing a scientific approach to food-related problem-solving. The food multimix (FMM) concept offers a scientific contribution alongside other attempts currently in use by the World Food Programme, WHO and FAO to meet the food insecurity challenges that confront most of the developing world in the twenty-first century. It is an innovative approach that makes better use of traditional food sources as a tool for meeting community nutritional needs. The FMM concept employs a food-based approach using traditional methods of food preparation and locally-available, cheap and affordable staples (fruits, pulses, vegetables and legumes) in the formulation of nutrient-enriched multimixes. Developed recipes can provide >= 40% of the daily nutritional requirements of vulnerable groups, including patients with HIV/AIDS and children undergoing nutrition rehabilitation. The FMM approach can also be used as a medium- to long-term adjunct to community-based rural integration projects aimed at health improvement and economic empowerment in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Many food webs are so complex that it is difficult to distinguish the relationships between predators and their prey. We have therefore developed an approach that produces a food web which clearly demonstrates the strengths of the relationships between the predator guilds of demersal fish and their prey guilds in a coastal ecosystem. Subjecting volumetric dietary data for 35 abundant predators along the lower western Australia coast to cluster analysis and the SIMPROF routine separated the various species x length class combinations into 14 discrete predator guilds. Following nMDS ordination, the sequence of points for these predator guilds represented a 'trophic' hierarchy. This demonstrated that, with increasing body size, several species progressed upwards through this hierarchy, reflecting a marked change in diet, whereas others remained within the same guild. A novel use of cluster analysis and SIMPROF then identified each group of prey that was ingested in a common pattern across the full suite of predator guilds. This produced 12 discrete groups of taxa (prey guilds) that each typically comprised similar ecological/functional prey, which were then also aligned in a hierarchy. The hierarchical arrangements of the predator and prey guilds were plotted against each other to show the percentage contribution of each prey guild to the diet of each predator guild. The resultant shade plot demonstrates quantitatively how food resources are spread among the fish species and revealed that two prey guilds, one containing cephalopods and teleosts and the other small benthic/epibenthic crustaceans and polychaetes, were consumed by all predator guilds.
This paper addresses the difficult problem of how to improve the process of evaluating organisational change. Given that the data emergent from an evaluative exercise will strongly influence the subsequent strategic and operational decisions taken by organisational managers, it is critical that the evaluation approach itself is capable of delivering high quality, accurate and timely data. The aim of this paper is to examine the role of the IT-based Optionfinder Technology used in conjunction with focus groups, in generating management decision-making data, and reflecting the changes in key performance indicators in a utility organisation. The case study research evaluates the innovative integrative approach adopted by the utility organisation and concludes that the proposed approach contributes to improvements in the decision-making capability of managers.
Cooperatives have a long historical experience in the Spanish economy and have demonstrated their ability to compete against traditional firms in the market. To maintain this capability, while taking advantage of the competitive advantages associated with their idiosyncrasies as social economy enterprises, they should take into consideration that the economy is increasingly globalized and increasingly knowledge-based, especially with regards to technological content. As a consequence, the innovative capacity appears to be a key aspect in order to be able to challenge competitors. This article characterizes the innovative behavior of cooperatives in the region of Castile and Leon and analyses the internal and external factors affecting their innovative performance, based on data from a survey of 581 cooperatives. The results of the empirical analysis, which is performed by multivariate binary logistic regression on various types of innovation, lead us to identify the size of the organizations, the existence of planning, the R & D activities and the human capital as the main determining factors.