991 resultados para Infecção pelo Trypanosoma cruzi


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Esse estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a prevalência de infecção pelo Trypanosoma cruzi em doadores de sangue do Hemocentro regional de Iguatu, CE, 1996-1997, usando os testes Ensaio Imunoenzimático (ELISA ) e Hemaglutinação Passiva Reversa (HPR). Dos 3.232 doadores analisados 61 (1,9%) foram soropositivos para a infecção chagásica, onde o maior número de soropositividade foi encontrado no grupo de 41-50 anos, no entanto, o maior número de doadores que procuram o branco de sangue encontra-se na faixa etária de 18-30 anos. Do total de doadores analisados 2.991 (92,5%) foram do sexo masculino e destes 57 (1,9%) foram soropositivos. Com relação a procedência dos doadores observamos que 1.825 (56,5%) foram procedentes da área rural. Os resultados mostram que o ELISA detectou 49 doadores com a infecção e por HPR apenas 38, mostrando portanto que a utilização de dois ou mais testes em bancos de sangue poderá prevenir a transmissão da doença de Chagas associada à transfusão.


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Com o objetivo de investigar a relação entre os níveis de anticorpos (IgG) anti-T. cruzi e a evolução da cardiopatia chagásica crônica, no período de 10 anos, foi realizado um estudo envolvendo soros de 140 pacientes não submetidos ao tratamento específico de Virgem da Lapa, Minas Gerais. Entre os pacientes, 92 são mulheres e 48 homens, com idades ao exame inicial de 10 a 70 anos (média = 38 ±13,7 anos). Os níveis de anticorpos foram estimados pelas médias dos títulos registrados através dos testes de imunofluorescência indireta e hemaglutinação indireta, e pelo índice de reatividade (D.O. da amostra /cut-off) indicado nos testes ELISA convencional e recombinante CRA+FRA. No período, 49 pacientes se mantiveram sem cardiopatia, 29 desenvolveram cardiopatia, 33 mantiveram o grau inicial da cardiopatia, 25 evoluíram com agravamento da cardiopatia inicial e 4 normalizaram o eletrocardiograma. A análise dos resultados de todos os testes sorológicos mostrou aumento estatisticamente significativo dos níveis de IgG anti-T. cruzi no grupo de pacientes com evolução progressiva da cardiopatia principalmente na faixa etária de 20 a 59 anos, independentemente do sexo. Estes resultados indicaram uma associação direta entre os níveis séricos desses anticorpos e a evolução progressiva da cardiopatia chagásica crônica.


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A serologic survey was carried out in four different geographic zones of Chiapas, Mexico. A total of 1,333 samples were collected from residents of thirteen communities located on the Coast, Central Mountain, Lacandon Forest and a zone called Mesochiapas. One hundred and fifty one seropositive individuals (11.3%) were identified. Human Trypanosoma cruzi infection was influenced by geography. In the Lacandon Forest and Central Mountains there was a higher seroprevalence 32.1 and 13.8% respectively, than on the coast (1.2%). In Mesochiapas there were no seropositive individuals among the 137 persons tested. An active transmission is probably continuing because seropositive cases (13.8%) were detected in children under 10 years of age. The vector recognized on the Coast was Triatoma dimidiata while in the Lacandon Forest it was Rhodnius prolixus.


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Com o objetivo de estudar o comportamento biológico de cepas do T. cruzi e determinar a possível relação entre o biodema da cepa e as formas clínicas da doença de Chagas, 14 cepas do protozoário isoladas de humanos, procedentes de Pains, Iguatama e Berilo, foram avaliadas. Para estudar o comportamento biológico das cepas, grupos de camundongos albinos suíços, machos, pesando entre 10-15 gramas foram infectados com 1x10(4) tripomastigotas sangüíneos para avaliação da infectividade, parasitemia, morfologia dos tripomastigotas sangüíneos, virulência e distribuição do protozoário nos tecidos. Nove cepas apresentaram comportamento similar ao da cepa São Felipe do biodema II e cinco se caracterizaram como pertencentes ao biodema III. Não foi possível estabelecer uma relação entre o biodema da cepa e gravidade da doença nos pacientes.


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This paper aimed to verify the influence of the inoculum source (blood or metacyclic trypomastigote) and the route of inoculation (intraperitoneal or conjunctival) on the course of T. cruzi infection in dogs, using comparatively the T. cruzi strains Berenice-62 and Berenice-78. All dogs inoculated intraperitoneally became infected independently of the T. cruzi strain and source of trypomastigotes used. High level of infectivity was also observed when metacyclic trypomastigotes of both strains were inoculated by conjunctival route. However, when blood trypomastigotes were inoculated by conjunctival route the percentages of infectivity were significantly lower in dogs inoculated with both strains. Parasitaemia was significantly higher in animals infected with metacyclic trypomastigotes via the conjunctival route independently of the T. cruzi strain used. All animals infected with Berenice-78 strain showed severe acute myocarditis. On the other hand, animals infected with Berenice-62 showed severe acute myocarditis only when infected with metacyclic trypomastigote, via the intraperitoneal route. The results suggest that the source of the inoculum and the route of inoculation remarkably influence the evolution of the infection for the T. cruzi in the vertebrate host even when the same strain of the parasite is used.


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To evaluate the sensitivity of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to reveal known number of trypomastigote in the blood of mice, three separate experiments were done. First: To eight samples of 500mul of normal mice blood, one aliquot of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, and 50 trypomastigotes respectively, were added. Second and third: 10 aliquots with 1 and 10 with 2 trypomastigotes were added to samples of 500mul of normal mice blood. Positive control: 500mul of blood containing 100,000 trypomastigotes. For kDNA minicircles amplification by PCR the primers:S35 and S36 were used. PCR revealed products of 330 b.p in the positive controls. When only one sample with the aliquots of 1 or 2 trypomastigotes was examined, results were negative; results were positive with aliquots of 3 to 50 trypomastigotes. In the 2nd and 3rd experiments, 9/10 aliquots with one parasite and 9/10 with 2 trypomastigotes were positive revealing a high sensitivity of this reaction. In conclusion, the presence of one single parasite in 500mul of blood, is enough for a positive PCR. This method could be used as a complement to the various parasitological cure tests in treated mice, when low volumes of blood are individually examined.


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The present investigation was performed to evaluate the susceptibility of seven clones isolated from the highly resistant Colombian strains, prototype of Biodeme Type III. Seven clones previously obtained, showed a phenotypic homogeneity and high similarity with the parental strain. Eight groups of 30 mice were inoculated with one of seven clones or the parental strain; 20 were treated with benznidazole (100mg/kg/day) and 10 were untreated controls. Cure evaluations were done by parasitological and serological tests and PCR. Cure rates varied from 0% (null) to 16.7%. Correlation between positivity of parasitological and serological tests with positive PCR reached 37%. The results demonstrated the high resistance of the clones, suggesting the predominance of a highly resistant principal clone in this strain. The findings apparently indicate that the possibility of cure is minimal for patients infected with this biodeme; a fact that could affect the control of Chagas' disease through treatment of chronically infected people.


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Philander frenata and Didelphis marsupialis harbor parasitism by Trypanosoma cruzi without developing any apparent disease and on the contrary to D. marsupialis, P. frenata maintains parasitism by T. cruzi II subpopulations. Here we compared the humoral immune response of the two didelphids naturally and experimentally infected with T. cruzi II group, employing SDS-PAGE/Western blot techniques and by an Indirect immunofluorescence assay. We also studied the histopathological pattern of naturally and experimentally infected P. frenata with T. cruzi. P. frenata sera recognized more antigens than D. marsupialis, and the recognition pattern did not show any change over the course of the follow up of both didelphid species. Polypeptides of 66 and 90kDa were the most prominent antigens recognized by both species in the soluble and enriched membrane fractions. P. frenata recognized intensely also a 45kDa antigen. Our findings indicate that: 1) there were no quantitative or qualitative differences in the patent or subpatent phases in the recognition pattern of P. frenata; 2) the significant differences in the recognition pattern of parasitic antigens by P. frenata and D. marsupialis sera suggest that they probably "learned" to live in harmony with T. cruzi by different strategies; 3) although P. frenata do not display apparent disease, tissular lesions tended to be more severe than has been described in D. marsupialis; and 4) Both didelphids probably acquired infection by T. cruzi after their evolutionary divergence.


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Humoral and cellular immune responses were evaluated in 44 C57BL/6 mice immunized with the Trypanosoma cruzi recombinant antigens CRA and FRA. Both antigens induced cutaneous immediate-type hypersensitivity response. The levels of IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b and IgG3 were high in CRA immunized mice. IgG3 was the predominant isotype. Although no difference in antibody levels was observed in FRA-immunized mice when compared to control mice, both antigens were able to induce lymphoproliferation in immunized mice. Significant differences were observed between incorporation of [³H]- thymidine by spleen cell stimulated in vitro with CRA or FRA and the control group. These results suggest that CRA and FRA could be involved in mechanisms of resistance to Trypanosoma cruzi infection.


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Benznidazole is recommended in Brazil for the treatment of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in acute and early chronic phases of Chagas' disease. Observations by others have indicated a higher incidence of neoplasias in immunosuppressed patients, presenting Chagas' disease reactivation, submitted to treatment with benznidazole. In the present study, we investigated whether there is a potentiation in the generation of lymphomas in chronically infected mice, treated with immunosuppressive drugs and benznidazole. For this, 142 Swiss mice chronically infected with the 21 SF strain of T. cruzi and 72 normal Swiss mice were used. Both infected and normal mice were divided into experimental groups and submitted to one of the following treatment regimens: benznidazole alone; immunosuppressive drugs (azathioprine, betamethasone and cyclosporin); a combination of immunosuppressive drugs and benznidazole; and untreated controls. In the infected group treated with benznidazole, one mouse developed a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. This finding has been interpreted as a spontaneous tumor of mice. The study of the chronically infected mice treated with the combination of immunosuppressive drugs and benznidazole demonstrated an absence of lymphomas or other neoplasias. These findings support the indication of benznidazole, as the drug of choice, for immunosuppressed patients that develop a reactivation of Chagas' disease.


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É descrito um caso de doença de Chagas com alta parasitemia pelo Trypanosoma cruzi em paciente com lupus eritematoso sistêmico. O xenodiagnóstico foi útil na identificação da parasitemia e o benznidazol foi capaz de reduzir a alta e incomum parasitemia. Em indivíduos com doenças auto-imunes e immunossuprimidos, o benznidazol pode ser uma alternativa no controle da alta parasitemia por Trypanosoma cruzi.


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Os antígenos recombinantes Cytoplasmic Repetitive Antigen e Flagellar Repetitive Antigen de Trypanosoma cruzi foram inoculados em camundongos BALB/c e C57BL/6 e o seu efeito avaliado a nível hematológico e histopatológico. Os resultados mostraram que o padrão histológico normal dos órgãos e o perfil hematológico dos camundongos não foram modificados sugerindo que esses antígenos não parecem causar dano ao animal.


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Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes excrete-secrete a complex mixture of antigenic molecules. This antigenic mixture denominated trypomastigote excreted-secreted antigens contains a 150-160 kDa band that shows excellent performance in Chagas' disease diagnosis by immunoblotting. The present study partially characterized by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis the immunoreactivity against the 150-160kDa protein using sera samples from chagasic patients in different phases of the disease. Trypomastigote excreted-secreted antigen preparations were subjected to high-resolution two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis followed by immunoblotting with sera from chagasic and non-chagasic patients. The 150-160kDa protein presented four isoforms with isoelectric focusing ranging from 6.2 to 6.7. The four isoforms were recognized by IgM from acute phase and IgG from chronic phase sera of chagasic patients. The 150-160kDa isoform with IF of approximately 6.4 became the immunodominant spot with the progression of the disease. No cross-reactivity was observed with non-chagasic or patients infected with Leishmania sp. In this study we provide basic knowledge that supports the validation of trypomastigote excreted-secreted antigens for serological diagnosis of Chagas' disease.


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Avaliamos a transmissão maternal do Trypanosoma cruzi em 278 filhos de 145 mães com a doença crônica causada por esse protozoário, nascidos após o estabelecimento do diagnóstico materno. Usamos, nas mães e nos filhos, provas sorológicas como base do objetivo do estudo. Verificamos que ocorreram apenas duas veiculações pela modalidade citada (2/278 = 0,7%). Como houve amamentação, não foi possível diferenciar, nesses casos, a transmissão congênita da adquirida pelo leite, mas, de qualquer forma, processou-se transmissão maternal, que constitui uma das modalidades alternativas de infecção pelo Trypanosoma cruzi. A metodologia empregada é mais uma dentre as diversas propostas para aquilatar a prevalência desse tipo de propagação do Trypanosoma cruzi. Ao lado da constatação fundamental, registramos fatos relacionados com a gestação, parto, puerpério, abortamento, prematuridade, nati-neomortalidade e aleitamento materno, que podem representar subsídios para melhores interpretações sobre o assunto.