975 resultados para Indoor pollutants
En la actualidad, el crecimiento de la población urbana, el incremento de la demanda energética junto al desarrollo tecnológico impulsado en los últimos veinte años han originado un estudio y replanteamiento de los sistemas constructivos empleados. Como consecuencia se han establecido nuevos marcos normativos, marcando nuevos objetivos de confort y de demanda energética. En España, el Código Técnico de la Edificación (aprobado en el Real Decreto 314/2006 de 17 de Marzo) es el marco normativo que establece las exigencias que se deben cumplir al proyectar construir, usar, mantener y conservar los edificios, incluidas sus instalaciones, con el fin de asegurar la calidad, seguridad y salud del usuario, respetando en todo momento su entorno. Para asegurar el cumplimiento de las exigencias del Código Técnico de la Edificación (CTE), se han elaborado diferentes Documentos Básicos (DB). Entre ellos están los documentos básicos DB HR-Protección frente al ruido y el DB HS-Salubridad. En el DB HS 3 Calidad del aire interior, se establecen las condiciones que deben de adoptarse para que los recintos de los edificios se puedan ventilar adecuadamente, eliminando los contaminantes que se produzcan de forma habitual durante un uso normal de los edificios, de forma que se aporte un caudal suficiente de aire exterior y se garantice la extracción y expulsión del aire viciado por los contaminantes. En el apartado 3.1, Condiciones generales de los sistemas de ventilación, se indica que las viviendas deben disponer de un sistema general de ventilación donde el aire debe circular desde los locales secos a los húmedos. Para ello los comedores, los dormitorios y las salas de estar deben de disponer de aberturas de admisión, pudiéndose resolver esta cuestión técnica con diversas soluciones. El DB HR Protección frente al ruido del CTE, establece unos valores del aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo, entre un recinto protegido y el exterior, en función del uso del edificio y del nivel sonoro continuo equivalente día, Ld de la zona donde se ubique el edificio. El hacer compatibles el cumplimiento de las exigencias de los dos Documentos Básicos anteriormente citados, origina algunas dificultades en los proyectos de edificación actuales. Los proyectistas tienen que recurrir en la mayoría de los casos a nuevos sistemas constructivos o duplicaciones de soluciones existentes, evitando la manipulación de los elementos de regulación de entrada de aire en las viviendas. El objetivo fundamental de la Tesis presentada es el estudio de los efectos que producen la colocación de sistemas de aireación permanente en el aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo de las ventanas compactas. Se comprueba la influencia de cada uno de los componentes de la ventana compacta: perfiles, unidades de vidrio, sistema de apertura, cajón de persiana, persiana, aireadores, etc. en el aislamiento a ruido aéreo del sistema completo. Los ensayos acústicos se han realizado mediante dos métodos: conforme a la norma UNE-EN ISO 10140-2:2011 Medición en laboratorio del aislamiento acústico al ruido aéreo de los elementos de construcción y mediante intensimetría acústica acorde a la norma UNE-EN ISO 15186-1:2004 Medición del aislamiento acústico en los edificios y de los elementos de construcción utilizando intensidad sonora. Los resultados obtenidos podrán ser de gran utilidad para todos los profesionales que intervienen en el proceso edificatorio: arquitectos, ingenieros, instaladores, promotores, fabricantes de productos, etc., tanto en la obra nueva como en la rehabilitación. En un futuro, podrían incorporarse a los Catálogos y Documentos de Aplicación del CTE, así como a los nuevos programas informáticos de diseño y aislamiento acústico. Con el conocimiento adquirido y su aplicación, se contribuirá a la mejora de la calidad de una edificación más sostenible y eficiente. Se incrementará la productividad y la competitividad de los fabricantes de materiales y sistemas constructivos, aumentando el grado de satisfacción del usuario final con el consiguiente aumento de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos. También se ampliará el conocimiento técnico de este tipo de sistemas y la compatibilidad entre las distintas exigencias marcadas por la normativa. ABSTRACT At present, the urban population growth, the increase of energy demand and the technological development in the last twenty years have led to a rethinking of the used building systems. As a result, new regulatory frameworks have been established, setting new goals of comfort and energy demand. In Spain, the Building Code, Código Técnico de la Edificación (CTE) (RD 314/2006 of March 17th) is the regulatory framework that establishes the requirements to be met by projecting, building, using, maintaining and preserving buildings, including its facilities in order to ensure the quality, safety and health of the user, always respecting the environment. To ensure compliance with the requirements of the CTE, different technical requirements Documentos básicos (DB) have been developed. Among them, are the DB-HR-Protection against noise and DB-HS-Health. In the DB-HS- part3, Indoor Air Quality, are set the conditions needed to be taken into consideration so that the building enclosures can be adequately ventilated, eliminating pollutants that occur regularly during normal use of the buildings, so that a sufficient airflow of outdoor is supplied and a removal and extraction of stale air pollutants is guaranteed. In section 3.1, General Terms of ventilation systems, is indicated that dwellings must have a general ventilation system where air can circulate from dry to wet enclosures. For this, dining rooms, bedrooms and living rooms should have air intake, being able to resolve this technical issue with various solutions. The DB-HR Protection against noise, provides sound insulation values of airborne sound transmission between a protected room and the outside, depending on the use of the building and the equivalent continuous sound level day, Ld, in the area where the building is located. Satisfying the requirements of the two requirements mentioned above causes some difficulties in current building project. Designers have to rely in most cases, to new construction elements or duplicate existing solutions, avoiding the manipulation of the air intakes elements. The main objective of this Thesis is the study of the effects of permanent intakes systems in the acoustic insulation against airborne noise transmission in compact windows. The influence of each of the components of the compact window is determined: frames, glass units, opening systems, shutter box, trickle vents, etc. in the airborne sound insulation of the entire system. The acoustic survey were performed using two methods: UNE-EN ISO 10140-2: 2011 Laboratory measurements of sound insulation of building elements and UNE-EN ISO 15186-1:2004 Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements using sound intensity. The obtained results may be useful for all professionals involved in the building process: architects, engineers, installers, developers, manufacturers, etc. in the new construction developments and in rehabilitation. In the future, it could be added to building catalogues and applications of the Spanish Building Code, as well as to the new design and sound insulation software. With the acquired knowledge and its application, there will be a contribution to improve the quality of a more sustainable and efficient construction. Productivity and competitiveness of manufacturers of building materials and components will improve, increasing the degree of satisfaction of the final user with a consequent increase in the quality of life of citizens. Technical knowledge of such systems and compatibility between the various requirements set by the legislation will also expand.
The variability of the solar spectra in the field may reduce the annual energy yield of multijunction solar cells. It would, therefore, be desirable to implement a cell design procedure based on the maximization of the annual energy yield. In this study, we present a measurement technique to generate maps of the real performance of the solar cell for a range of light spectrum contents using a solar simulator with a computer-controllable spectral content. These performance maps are demonstrated to be a powerful tool for analyzing the characteristics of any given set of annual spectra representative of a site and their influence on the energy yield of any solar cell. The effect of luminescence coupling on buffering against variations of the spectrum and improving the annual energy yield is demonstrated using this method.
This paper presents a completely autonomous solution to participate in the Indoor Challenge of the 2013 International Micro Air Vehicle Competition (IMAV 2013). Our proposal is a multi-robot system with no centralized coordination whose robotic agents share their position estimates. The capability of each agent to navigate avoiding collisions is a consequence of the resulting emergent behavior. Each agent consists of a ground station running an instance of the proposed architecture that communicates over WiFi with an AR Drone 2.0 quadrotor. Visual markers are employed to sense and map obstacles and to improve the pose estimation based on Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and ground optical flow data. Based on our architecture, each robotic agent can navigate avoiding obstacles and other members of the multi-robot system. The solution is demonstrated and the achieved navigation performance is evaluated by means of experimental flights. This work also analyzes the capabilities of the presented solution in simulated flights of the IMAV 2013 Indoor Challenge. The performance of the CVG UPM team was awarded with the First Prize in the Indoor Autonomy Challenge of the IMAV 2013 competition.
1st & 2nd
In the last decade, a number of quantitative epidemiological studies of specific diseases have been done in developing countries that for the first time allow estimation of the total burden of disease (mortality and morbidity) attributable to use of solid fuels in adult women and young children, who jointly receive the highest exposures because of their household roles. Few such studies are available as yet for adult men or children over 5 years. This paper evaluates the existing epidemiological studies and applies the resulting risks to the more than three-quarters of all Indian households dependent on such fuels. Allowance is made for the existence of improved stoves with chimneys and other factors that may lower exposures. Attributable risks are calculated in reference to the demographic conditions and patterns of each disease in India. Sufficient evidence is available to estimate risks most confidently for acute respiratory infections (ARI), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer. Estimates for tuberculosis (TB), asthma, and blindness are of intermediate confidence. Estimates for heart disease have the lowest confidence. Insufficient quantitative evidence is currently available to estimate the impact of adverse pregnancy outcomes (e.g., low birthweight and stillbirth). The resulting conservative estimates indicate that some 400–550 thousand premature deaths can be attributed annually to use of biomass fuels in these population groups. Using a disability-adjusted lost life-year approach, the total is 4–6% of the Indian national burden of disease, placing indoor air pollution as a major risk factor in the country.
Construction companies are interested in adopting environmental methods, such as in situ bioremediation, when conducting remediation at petroleum contaminated sites. This interest is due to both the cost benefits associated with in situ bioremediation methods and the environmental movement. This project creates a comprehensive manual comprised of information about site investigations, treatability studies, design, and implementation of in situ bioremediation at petroleum contaminated sites. The training manual also provides information about regulatory requirements and permitting for petroleum contaminated sites.
Support for this work was provided by the Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) with projects PROMETEO/2009/043/FEDER, and by the Spanish MCT CTQ2008-05520.
Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) is the most widely used brominated flame retardant worldwide. A detailed examination of the degradation products emitted during thermal decomposition of TBBPA is presented in the study. Runs were performed in a laboratory furnace at different temperatures (650 and 800 °C) and in different atmospheres (nitrogen and air). More than one hundred semivolatile compounds have been identified by GC/MS, with special interest in brominated ones. Presence of HBr and brominated light hydrocarbons increased with temperature and in the presence of oxygen. Maximum formation of PAHs is observed at pyrolytic condition at the higher temperature. High levels of 2,4-, 2,6- and 2,4,6- bromophenols were found. The levels of polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans have been detected in the ppm range. The most abundant isomers are 2,4,6,8-TeBDF in pyrolysis and 1,2,3,7,8-PeBDF in combustion. These results should be considered in the assessment of thermal treatment of materials containing brominated flame retardants.
Combustion runs at 700 °C in a horizontal laboratory furnace were carried out on two different electric wires (PVC and halogen-free wire). Tests were performed in the presence and in the absence of the metal conductor of the wires. The analyses of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), chlorobenzenes (CBzs), chlorophenols (CPhs), mono- to octa-chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), and dioxin-like PCBs are shown. Regarding semivolatile compounds, PAHs production decreases in the presence of metal, while a higher amount of chlorinated compounds are emitted. Respect to the PCDD/Fs, the PVC wire in the presence of metal presents the highest emission, with a much more emission of furans than dioxins. The maximum emission is with 2 or 3 chlorine atom PCDD/Fs. PCBs emission correlates with PCDD/F production and represents 3–4% of total toxicity, determined by using WHO2005 factors.
Resumen del póster presentado en PIC2015 – the 14th International Congress on Combustion By-Products and Their Health Effects, Umeå, Sweden, 14-17 June 2015.
Resumen del póster presentado en Symposium on Renewable Energy and Products from Biomass and Waste, CIUDEN (Cubillos de Sil, León, Spain), 12-13 May 2015
Several motivations have prompted the scientific community towards the application of hybrid magnetic carbon nanocomposites in catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO) processes. The most relevant literature on this topic is reviewed, with a special focus on the synergies that can arise from the combination of highly active and magnetically separable iron species with the easily tuned properties of carbon-based materials. These are mainly ascribed to increased adsorptive interactions, to good structural stability and low leaching levels of the metal species, and to increased regeneration and dispersion of the active sites, which are promoted by the presence of the carbon-based materials in the composites. The most significant features of carbon materials that may be further explored in the design of improved hybrid magnetic catalysts are also addressed, taking into consideration the experimental knowledge gathered by the authors in their studies and development of carbon-based catalysts for CWPO. The presence of stable metal impurities, basic active sites and sulphur-containing functionalities, as well as high specific surface area, adequate porous texture, adsorptive interactions and structural defects, are shown to increase the activity of carbon materials when applied in CWPO, while the presence of acidic oxygen-containing functionalities has the opposite effect.