911 resultados para In silico analysis of Candida albicans promoter sequences


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Annually, ovarian cancer (OC) affects 240,000 women worldwide and is the most lethal gynaecological malignancy. Such mortality is predominantly associated with the development of an intrinsic and acquired resistance to chemotherapy, the lack of targeted therapies and the lack of biomarkers predicting response to standard treatment.

Our clinical data demonstrates that increased miR-433 expression in primary high grade serous OC (HGSOCs) is significantly associated with poor PFS (n=46, p=0.024). Interestingly, the IHC analysis of two miR-433 targets: MAD2 [1] and HDAC6 shows that low IHC levels of both proteins is also significantly associated with worse outcome (p=0.002 and 0.002 respectively; n=43). Additionally, the analysis of miR 433 in the publicly available TCGA dataset corroborates that high miR-433 is significantly correlated with worse OS for patients presenting with OC (n=558 and p=0.027). In vito, in a panel of OC cell lines, higher miR-433 and lower MAD2 and HDAC6 levels were associated with resistance to paclitaxel.

To further investigate the role of miR-433 in the cellular response to chemotherapy, we generated an OC cell line stably expressing miR-433 or miR-control. MTT viability assays and Western Blot analyses established that miR-433 cells were more resistant to paclitaxel treatment (50nM) compared to miR-controls. Importantly, we have shown for the first time that miR 433 induced senescence resulting in a chracteristic flattened morphology and down-regulation of phosphorylated Retinoblastoma (p Rb), a molecular marker of senescence. Surprisingly, miR 433 induced senescence was independent from two well recognised senescent drivers: namely p53/p21 and p16. To explore this further we performed an in silico analysis of seven microRNA platforms which indicated that miR 433 potentially targets Cyclin-dependent kinase CDK6, which promotes sustained phosphorylation of Rb and thus cell cycle progression. In vitro, the overexpression of pre-miR-433 resulted in diminished CDK6 expression demonstrating a novel interaction between miR-433 and CDK6.

In conclusion, this study demonstrates that high miR-433 expression predicts poor outcome in OC patients by putatively rendering OC cells resistant to paclitaxel treatment through the induction of cellular senescence identifying this microRNA as a potential marker of chemoresponse.


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Higher expression of the miR-433 microRNA (miRNA) is associated with poorer survival outcomes in patients with HGSOC that may be overcome by a greater understanding of the functional role of this miRNA. We previously described miR-433 as a critical cell cycle regulator and mediator of cellular senescence. Downregulation of the mitotic arrest deficiency 2 (MAD2) protein by miR-433 led to increased cellular resistance to paclitaxel in epithelial ovarian cancer cells (EOC). Furthermore immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of MAD2 expression in patients with HGSOC showed that loss of MAD2 was significantly associated with poorer patient survival. Higher miR-433 expression is also associated with an increased resistance to the platins which is unrelated to loss of MAD2 expression. In silico analysis of the miR-433 target proteins in the TCGA database identified the association between a number of miR-433 targets and poorer patient survival. IHC analysis of the miR-433 target, histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6), confirmed that its expression was significantly associated with a decrease in patient overall survival. The knock-down of HDAC6 by siRNA in EOC cells did not attenuate apoptotic responses to paclitaxel or platin although lower endogenous HDAC6 expression was associated with more resistant EOC cell lines. In vitro analysis revealed that EOC cells which survived chemotherapeutic kill with high doses of paclitaxel expressed higher miR-433 and concomitant decreased expression of the miR-433 targets. These cells were more chemoresistant compared to the parental cell line and repopulated as 3d organoid cultures in non-adherent stem cell selective conditions; thus indicating that the cells which survive chemotherapy were viable, capable of regrowth and had an increased potential for pluripotency. In conclusion, our data suggests that chemotherapy is not driving the transcriptional upregulation of miR-433 but rather selecting a population of cells with high miR-433 expression that may contribute to chemoresistant disease and tumour recurrence.


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Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is the most convenient, cost-effective, accurate, and non-invasive technology for e-health monitoring. The performance of WBAN may be disturbed when coexisting with other wireless networks. Accordingly, this paper provides a comprehensive study and in-depth analysis of coexistence issues and interference mitigation solutions in WBAN technologies. A thorough survey of state-of-the art research in WBAN coexistence issues is conducted. The survey classified, discussed, and compared the studies according to the parameters used to analyze the coexistence problem. Solutions suggested by the studies are then classified according to the followed techniques and concomitant shortcomings are identified. Moreover, the coexistence problem in WBAN technologies is mathematically analyzed and formulas are derived for the probability of successful channel access for different wireless technologies with the coexistence of an interfering network. Finally, extensive simulations are conducted using OPNET with several real-life scenarios to evaluate the impact of coexistence interference on different WBAN technologies. In particular, three main WBAN wireless technologies are considered: IEEE 802.15.6, IEEE 802.15.4, and low-power WiFi. The mathematical analysis and the simulation results are discussed and the impact of interfering network on the different wireless technologies is compared and analyzed. The results show that an interfering network (e.g., standard WiFi) has an impact on the performance of WBAN and may disrupt its operation. In addition, using low-power WiFi for WBANs is investigated and proved to be a feasible option compared to other wireless technologies.


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En 2015, la récidive tumorale et les métastases du cancer du sein demeurent une cause importante de décès à travers le monde. Toutefois, ces cancers sont souvent hétérogènes car en dépit d’un phénotype similaire, l’évolution clinique et la réponse au traitement peuvent varier considérablement. Il y a donc un intérêt évident à identifier et à caractériser de nouveaux biomarqueurs pour permettre classer les tumeurs mammaires dans des sous-groupes plus homogènes. Notre hypothèse est que chaque cancer mammaire possède des caractéristiques distinctes au plan des altérations du génome et des profils d’expression géniques et que ces changements se traduisent cliniquement par une prédisposition à former des métastases ou à répondre ou non à la chimiothérapie et aux thérapies ciblées. Dans le cadre de nos travaux, nous nous sommes intéressés aux sous-types agressifs de tumeurs mammaires et notamment les cancers de type triple négatif. Nous avons aussi tenté d’identifier des marqueurs capables de distinguer l’une de l’autre les tumeurs de type luminal A et luminal B. Pour ce faire, nous avons d’abord utilisé une stratégie in silico à partir de données publiques (micro-puces d’ADN et séquençage de l’ARN). Nous avons ensuite construit sept micro-matrices tissulaires (TMA) provenant de tissus mammaires normaux et tumoraux fixés à la formaline et enrobés en paraffine. Ces outils nous ont permis d’évaluer par immunohistochimie les niveaux d’expression différentielle des marqueurs suivants : ANXA1, MMP-9, DP103 et MCM2. Ceux-ci ont été comparés aux marqueurs usuels du cancer du sein (ER, PR, HER2, CK5/6 et FOXA1) et corrélés aux données cliniques (survie globale et métastase). Nos résultats indiquent que ces nouveaux marqueurs jouent un rôle important dans l’évolution clinique défavorable des tumeurs de haut grade. Dans un premier article nous avons montré que l’expression d’ANXA1 est dérégulée dans les cancers de type triple-négatif et aussi, dans une certaine mesure, dans les tumeurs HER2+. Nous croyons qu’ANXA1 permet de mieux comprendre le processus d’hétérogénéité tumorale et facilite l’identification des tumeurs de haut grade. Nous proposons également qu’ d’ANXA1 stimule la transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse (EMT) et la formation des métastases. Dans un second temps, nous avons montré que les niveaux d’expression de MMP-9 reflètent la différenciation cellulaire et corrèlent avec les sous-types de cancers mammaires ayant un mauvais pronostic. Nous estimons que MMP-9 permet de mieux comprendre et d’identifier les tumeurs mammaires à haut risque. De fait, la surexpression de MMP-9 est associée à une augmentation des métastases, une récidive précoce et une diminution de la survie globale. Dans le cadre d’un troisième article, nous avons montré que la surexpression du marqueur de prolifération MCM2 s’observe dans les cancers triple-négatifs, HER2+ et Luminal B par comparaison aux cancers luminal A (p< 0.0001). Nos résultats suggèrent qu’en utilisant un seuil de 40% de noyaux marqués, nous pourrions distinguer l’une de l’autre les tumeurs de type luminal A et luminal B. Cela dit, avant de pouvoir envisager l’utilisation de ce marqueur en clinique, une étude de validation sur une nouvelle cohorte de patientes s’impose. En somme, les résultats de nos travaux suggèrent qu’ANXA1, MMP-9 et MCM2 sont des marqueurs intéressants pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes physiopathologiques impliqués dans la progression tumorale et le développement des métastases. À terme, ces nouveaux marqueurs pourraient être utilisés seuls ou en combinaison avec d’autres gènes candidats pour permettre le développement de trousses « multigènes » ou d’essais protéomiques multiplex pour prédire l’évolution clinique des cancers mammaires.


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In a workshop setting, two pieces of recorded music were presented to a group of adult non-specialists; a key feature was to set up structured discussion within which the respondents considered each piece of music as a whole and not in its constituent parts. There were two areas of interest, namely to explore whether the respondents were likely to identify the musical features or to make extra-musical associations and, to establish the extent to which there would be commonality and difference in their approach to formulating the verbal responses. An inductive approach was used in the analysis of data to reveal some of the working theories underpinning the intuitive musicianship of the adult non-specialist listener. Findings have shown that, when unprompted by forced choice responses, the listeners generated responses that could be said to be information-poor in terms of musical features but rich in terms of the level of personal investment they made in formulating their responses. This is evidenced in a number of connections they made between the discursive and the non-discursive, including those which are relational and mediated by their experiences. Implications for music education are considered.


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The behavior of the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is examined in the context of a model that exhibits a nonlinear chaotic (slow) vortical mode coupled to a linear (fast) gravity wave of a given amplitude and frequency. It is shown that accurate recovery of both modes is enhanced when covariances between fast and slow normal-mode variables (which reflect the slaving relations inherent in balanced dynamics) are modeled correctly. More ensemble members are needed to recover the fast, linear gravity wave than the slow, vortical motion. Although the EnKF tends to diverge in the analysis of the gravity wave, the filter divergence is stable and does not lead to a great loss of accuracy. Consequently, provided the ensemble is large enough and observations are made that reflect both time scales, the EnKF is able to recover both time scales more accurately than optimal interpolation (OI), which uses a static error covariance matrix. For OI it is also found to be problematic to observe the state at a frequency that is a subharmonic of the gravity wave frequency, a problem that is in part overcome by the EnKF.However, error in themodeled gravity wave parameters can be detrimental to the performance of the EnKF and remove its implied advantages, suggesting that a modified algorithm or a method for accounting for model error is needed.


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Purpose: The interference of electric fields (EF) with biological processes is an issue of considerable interest. No studies have as yet been reported on the combined effect of EF plus ionising radiation. Here we report studies on this combined effect using the prokaryote Microcystis panniformis, the eukaryote Candida albicans and human cells. Materials and methods: Cultures of Microcystis panniformis (Cyanobacteria) in glass tubes were irradiated with doses in the interval 0.5-5kGy, using a 60Co gamma source facility. Samples irradiated with 3kGy were exposed for 2h to a 20Vcm-1 static electric field and viable cells were enumerated. Cultures of Candida albicans were incubated at 36C for 20h, gamma-irradiated with doses from 1-4kGy, and submitted to an electric field of 180Vcm-1. Samples were examined under a fluorescence microscope and the number of unviable (red) and viable (apple green fluorescence) cells was determined. For crossing-check purposes, MRC5 strain of lung cells were irradiated with 2 Gy, exposed to an electric field of 1250 V/cm, incubated overnight with the anti-body anti-phospho-histone H2AX and examined under a fluorescence microscope to quantify nuclei with -H2AX foci. Results: In cells exposed to EF, death increased substantially compared to irradiation alone. In C. albicans we observed suppression of the DNA repair shoulder. The effect of EF in growth of M. panniformis was substantial; the number of surviving cells on day-2 after irradiation was 12 times greater than when an EF was applied. By the action of a static electric field on the irradiated MRC5 cells the number of nuclei with -H2AX foci increased 40%, approximately. Conclusions: Application of an EF following irradiation greatly increases cell death. The observation that the DNA repair shoulder in the survival curve of C. albicans is suppressed when cells are exposed to irradiation+EF suggests that EF likely inactivate cellular recovering processes. The result for the number of nuclei with -H2AX foci in MRC5 cells indicates that an EF interferes mostly in the DNA repair mechanisms. A molecular ad-hoc model is proposed.


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Statins are a class of drugs widely used for lowering high cholesterol levels through their action on 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase, a key enzyme in the synthesis of cholesterol. We studied the effects of two major statins, simvastatin and atorvastatin, on five Candida species and Aspergillus fumigatus. The statins strongly inhibited the growth of all species, except Candida krusei. Supplementation of Candida albicans and A. fumigatus with ergosterol or cholesterol in aerobic culture led to substantial recovery from the inhibition by statins, suggesting specificity of statins for the mevalonate synthesis pathway. Our findings suggest that the statins could have utility as antifungal agents and that fungal colonization could be affected in those on statin therapy.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Sugarcane is one of the most important products of the world and Brazil is responsible for 25 % of the world production. One problem of this culture at northeast of Brazil is the early flowering. In our laboratory, it has been made before four subtractive libraries using early and late flowering genotypes in order to identify messages related to the flowering process. In this work, two cDNAs were chosen to make in silico analysis and overexpression constructs. Another approach to understand the flowering process in sugarcane was to use proteomic tools. First, the protocol for protein extraction using apical meristem was set up. After that, these proteins were separated on two bidimensional gels. It was possible to observe some difference for some regions of these gels as well as some proteins that can be found in all conditions. The next step, spots will be isolated and sequence on MS spectrometry in order to understand this physiological process in sugarcane


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In Apis mellifera the acid or venom gland is composed of secretory cells that surround a channel that opens into a reservoir devoid of musculature. This gland can at times present apical branching. In this study we recorded the frequency of branched venom glands in workers of Africanized bees (Apis mellifera Linnaeus) from six localities in the Pantanal region of Mato Grosso do Sul, and analyzed the relation among the length of the main duct, the length of the duct from the reservoir to the beginning of branching, the length of the branched segment (when present) and the total length of the gland. We sought to determine the probable genotypes of the bees from each population by using the model proposed by Alves-Junior. The frequency of branched glands varied from 50% to 83% in the worker bees coming from those places, indicating that this characteristic is primitive in these bees. The results of the Analysis of Discriminant Functions indicated significant differences in the morphometrical segments of the venom gland (Wilk's Lambda = 0.065; F-(27,F-30) = 4.507; P < 0.001), and permitted a differentiation of the populations studied. The genotypes inferred for the bees of each locality agree with the results obtained in the Analysis of Discriminant Functions and form three distinct groups, with some overlapping areas among them. In all of the populations considered the phenotype largevenom gland was predominant. It is inferred that bees with this phenotype (venom gland larger than S. 15 mm) have Gm(1) Gm(1) genotype, being therefore homozygotes for the major alleles and also for the modifier genes that codify this morphological trait. The high frequency of worker bees with large venom gland in all the places considered makes viable the development of a selection program in order to obtain bees with longer venom glands, aimed at the commercial production of venom by the beekeepers of the Pantanal region of Mato Grosso do Sul.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Propolis is a resinous material collected by bees from the buds or other parts of plants. It is known for its biological properties, having antibacterial, antifungal and healing properties. The antifungal activity of propolis was studied in sensitivity tests on 80 strains of Candida yeasts: 20 strains of Candida albicans, 20 strains of Candida tropicalis, 20 strains of Candida krusei and 15 strains of Candida guilliermondii. The yeasts showed a clear antifungal activity with the following order of sensitivity: C. albicans > C. tropicalis > C. krusei > C. guilliermondii. Patients with full dentures who used a hydroalcoholic propolis extract showed a decrease in the number of Candida.


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of pre-irradiation time (PIT) on curcumin (Cur)-mediated photodynamic therapy (PDT) against planktonic and biofilm cultures of reference strains of Candida albicans, Candida glabrata and Candida dubliniensis. Materials and methods: Suspensions and biofilms of Candida species were maintained in contact with different concentrations of Cur for time intervals of 1, 5, 10 and 20 min before irradiation and LED (light emitting diode) activation. Additional samples were treated only with Cur, without illumination, or only with light, without Cur. Control samples received neither light nor Cur. After PDT, suspensions were plated on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, while biofilm results were obtained using the XTT-salt reduction method. Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) observations were performed to supply a better understanding of Cur penetration through the biofilms after 5 and 20 min of contact with the cultures. Results: Different PITs showed no statistical differences in Cur-mediated PDT of Candida spp. cell suspensions. There was complete inactivation of the three Candida species with the association of 20.0 μM Cur after 5, 10 and 20 min of PIT. Biofilm cultures showed significant reduction in cell viability after PDT. In general, the three Candida species evaluated in this study suffered higher reductions in cell viability with the association of 40.0 μM Cur and 20 min of PIT. Additionally, CLSM observations showed different intensities of fluorescence emissions after 5 and 20 min of incubation. Conclusion: Photoinactivation of planktonic cultures was not PIT-dependent. PIT-dependence of the biofilm cultures differed among the species evaluated. Also, CLSM observations confirmed the need of higher time intervals for the Cur to penetrate biofilm structures. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.