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Background: The information on bacterial colonization immediately after dental implant insertion is limited. Aims: (1) to assess the early colonization on titanium implants immediately post placement through the first12 post-surgical weeks , (2) to compare the microflora at interproximal subgingival implant and adjacent tooth sites. Material and Methods: Subgingival plaque samples from implant and neighbouring teeth were studied by checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization before, 30 min. after implant placement , 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 12 weerks after surgery. Results: Comparing bacterial loads at implant sites between 30 min. after placement with one week data showed that only the levels of V.parvula (p<0.05) differed with higher loads at week 1. Week 12 data demonstrated significantly higher bacterial loads for 15/40 species at tooth sites compared to pre-surgery (p < values varying between 0.05 and 0.01). Between immediately post-surgery and week 12 at implant sites 29/40 species were more commonly found at week 12. Included among these bacteria at implant sites were P.gingivalis (p< 0.05), T.forsythia, (p < 0.01), and T denticola (p<0.001). Immediately post-surgery 5.9% of implants, and 26.2% of teeth and at week 12, 15.0 % of implants, and 39.1% of teeth harbored S.aureus. Comparing tooth and implant sites, significantly higher bacterial loads were found at tooth sites for 27/40 species at the 30 minutes after placement interval. This difference increased to 35/40 species at week 12. Conclusions: The colonization of bacteria occurs within 30 minutes. Colonization patterns differed between implants and tooth surfaces.


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OBJECTIVES: To compare the clinical outcomes of standard, cylindrical, screw-shaped to novel tapered, transmucosal (Straumann Dental implants immediately placed into extraction sockets. Material and methods: In this randomized-controlled clinical trial, outcomes were evaluated over a 3-year observation period. This report deals with the need for bone augmentation, healing events, implant stability and patient-centred outcomes up to 3 months only. Nine centres contributed a total of 208 immediate implant placements. All surgical and post-surgical procedures and the evaluation parameters were discussed with representatives of all centres during a calibration meeting. Following careful luxation of the designated tooth, allocation of the devices was randomly performed by a central study registrar. The allocated SLA titanium implant was installed at the bottom or in the palatal wall of the extraction socket until primary stability was reached. If the extraction socket was >or=1 mm larger than the implant, guided bone regeneration was performed simultaneously (Bio Oss and BioGide. The flaps were then sutured. During non-submerged transmucosal healing, everything was done to prevent infection. At surgery, the need for augmentation and the degree of wound closure was verified. Implant stability was assessed clinically and by means of resonance frequency analysis (RFA) at surgery and after 3 months. Wound healing was evaluated after 1, 2, 6 and 12 weeks post-operatively. RESULTS: The demographic data did not show any differences between the patients receiving either standard cylindrical or tapered implants. All implants yielded uneventful healing with 15% wound dehiscences after 1 week. After 2 weeks, 93%, after 6 weeks 96%, and after 12 weeks 100% of the flaps were closed. Ninety percent of both implant designs required bone augmentation. Immediately after implantation, RFA values were 55.8 and 56.7 and at 3 months 59.4 and 61.1 for cylindrical and tapered implants, respectively. Patient-centred outcomes did not differ between the two implant designs. However, a clear preference of the surgeon's perception for the appropriateness of the novel-tapered implant was evident. CONCLUSIONS: This RCT has demonstrated that tapered or standard cylindrical implants yielded clinically equivalent short-term outcomes after immediate implant placement into the extraction socket.


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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate whether or not preparation of the implant site with osteotomes instead of drilling may improve peri-implant bone density and/or osseointegration, and whether or not this further improves the predictability of immediate loading of SLA implants. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The second, third, and fourth premolars were extracted in both sides of the mandible in six dogs, and after at least 3 months four SLA implants were inserted into each side of the jaw. In three animals, the implant sites were prepared by means of osteotomes, while standard stepwise drilling was used in the remaining animals. In each side of the jaw, two non-adjacent implants were restored with single crowns 4 days after installation, while the remaining two implants were left without crowns to serve as non-loaded controls. After 2, 4, or 12 weeks of loading, specimens including the implants and surrounding tissues were obtained and processed for histologic analysis of undecalcified sections. RESULTS: All implants placed with osteotomes were lost (five before delivery of the crowns and the rest during the first week after loading). None of the conventionally inserted implants, however, was lost, and histomorphometrical analysis revealed similar soft- and hard peri-implant tissue characteristics at immediately loaded and non-loaded implants at all observation times. Average bone-to-implant contact was 59-72% at immediately loaded implants vs. 60-63% at non-loaded ones. CONCLUSION: Preparation of the implant site by means of osteotomes had a deleterious effect on osseointegration, while immediate loading of single, free-standing, SLA implants following a conventional surgical protocol did not jeopardize their osseointegration.


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BACKGROUND: Coronary stents improve immediate and late results of balloon angioplasty by tacking up dissections and preventing wall recoil. These goals are achieved within weeks after angioplasty, but with current technology stents permanently remain in the artery, with many limitations including the need for long-term antiplatelet treatment to avoid thrombosis. We report a prospective multicentre clinical trial of coronary implantations of absorbable magnesium stents. METHODS: We enrolled 63 patients (44 men; mean age 61.3 [SD 9.5 years]) in eight centres with single de novo lesions in a native coronary artery in a multicentre, non-randomised prospective study. Follow-up included coronary angiography and intravascular ultrasound at 4 months and clinical assessment at 6 months and 12 months. The primary endpoint was cardiac death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, or clinically driven target lesion revascularisation at 4 months FINDINGS: 71 stents, 10-15 mm in length and 3.0-3.5 mm in diameter, were successfully implanted after pre-dilatation in 63 patients. Diameter stenosis was reduced from 61.5 (SD 13.1%) to 12.6 (5.6%) with an acute gain of 1.41 mm (0.46 mm) and in-stent late loss of 1.08 mm (0.49 mm). The ischaemia-driven target lesion revascularisation rate was 23.8% after 4 months, and the overall target lesion revascularisation rate was 45% after 1 year. No myocardial infarction, subacute or late thrombosis, or death occurred. Angiography at 4 months showed an increased diameter stenosis of 48.4 (17.0%). After serial intravascular ultrasound examinations, only small remnants of the original struts were visible, well embedded into the intima. Neointimal growth and negative remodelling were the main operating mechanisms of restenosis. INTERPRETATION: This study shows that biodegradable magnesium stents can achieve an immediate angiographic result similar to the result of other metal stents and can be safely degraded after 4 months. Modifications of stent characteristics with prolonged degradation and drug elution are currently in development.


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BACKGROUND: The postoperative assessment of volume status is not straightforward because of concomitant changes in intravascular volume and vascular tone. Hypovolemia and blood flow redistribution may compromise the perfusion of the intraabdominal organs. We investigated the effects of a volume challenge in different intra- and extraabdominal vascular beds. METHODS: Twelve pigs were studied 6 h after major intraabdominal surgery under general anesthesia when clinically normovolemic. Volume challenges consisted of 200 mL rapidly infused 6% hydroxyethyl starch. Systemic (continuous thermodilution) and regional (ultrasound Doppler) flows in carotid, renal, celiac trunk, hepatic, and superior mesenteric arteries and the portal vein were continuously measured. The acute and sustained effects of the challenge were compared with baseline. RESULTS: Volume challenge produced a sustained increase of 22% +/- 15% in cardiac output (P < 0.001). Blood flow increased by 10% +/- 9% in the renal artery, by 22% +/- 15% in the carotid artery, by 26% +/- 15% in the superior mesenteric artery, and by 31% +/- 20% in the portal vein (all P < 0.001). Blood flow increases in the celiac trunk (8% +/- 13%) and the hepatic artery (7% +/- 19%) were not significant. Increases in regional blood flow occurred early and were sustained. Mean arterial and central venous blood pressures increased early and decreased later (all P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: A volume challenge in clinically euvolemic postoperative animals was associated with a sustained increase in blood flow to all vascular beds, although the increase in the celiac trunk and the hepatic artery was very modest and did not reach statistical significance. Whether improved postoperative organ perfusion is accompanied by a lower complication rate should be evaluated in further studies.


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OBJECTIVE: Immediate and early loading of dental implants can simplify treatment and increase overall patient satisfaction. The purpose of this 3-year prospective randomized-controlled multicenter study was to assess the differences in survival rates and bone level changes between immediately and early-loaded implants with a new chemically modified surface (SLActive). This investigation shows interim results obtained after 5 months. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Patients > or =18 years of age missing at least one tooth in the posterior maxilla or mandible were enrolled in the study. Following implant placement, patients received a temporary restoration either on the day of surgery (immediate loading) or 28-34 days after surgery (early loading); restorations consisted of single crowns or two to four unit fixed dental prostheses. Permanent restorations were placed 20-23 weeks following surgery. The primary efficacy variable was change in bone level (assessed by standardized radiographs) from baseline to 5 months; secondary variables included implant survival and success rates. RESULTS: A total of 266 patients were enrolled (118 males and 148 females), and a total of 383 implants were placed (197 and 186 in the immediate and early loading groups, respectively). Mean patient age was 46.3+/-12.8 years. After 5 months, implant survival rates were 98% in the immediate group and 97% in the early group. Mean bone level change from baseline was 0.81+/-0.89 mm in the immediate group and 0.56+/-0.73 mm in the early group (P<0.05). Statistical analysis revealed a significant center effect (P<0.0001) and a significant treatment x center interaction (P=0.008). CONCLUSIONS: The results suggested that Straumann implants with an SLActive can be used predictably in time-critical (early or immediate) loading treatment protocols when appropriate patient selection criteria are observed. The mean bone level changes observed from baseline to 5 months (0.56 and 0.81 mm) corresponded to physiological observations from other studies, i.e., were not clinically significant. The presence of a significant center effect and treatment x center interaction indicated that the differences in bone level changes between the two groups were center dependent.


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AIM: To assess the clinical and radiographic outcomes of immediate transmucosal placement of implants into molar extraction sockets. STUDY DESIGN: Twelve-month multicenter prospective cohort study. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Following molar extraction, tapered implants with an endosseous diameter of 4.8 mm and a shoulder diameter of 6.5 mm were immediately placed into the sockets. Molars with evidence of acute periapical pathology were excluded. After implant placement and achievement of primary stability, flaps were repositioned and sutured allowing a non-submerged, transmucosal healing. Peri-implant marginal defects were treated according to the principles of guided bone regeneration (GBR) by means of deproteinized bovine bone mineral particles in conjunction with a bioresrobable collagen membrane. Standardized radiographs were obtained at baseline and 12 months thereafter. Changes in depth and width of the distance from the implant shoulder (IS) and from the alveolar crest (AC) to the bottom of the defect (BD) were assessed. RESULTS: Eighty-two patients (42 males and 40 females) were enrolled and followed for 12 months. They contributed with 82 tapered implants. Extraction sites displayed sufficient residual bone volume to allow primary stability of all implants. Sixty-four percent of the implants were placed in the areas of 36 and 46. GBR was used in conjunction with the placement of all implants. No post-surgical complications were observed. All implants healed uneventfully yielding a survival rate of 100% and healthy soft tissue conditions after 12 months. Radiographically, statistically significant changes (P<0.0001) in mesial and distal crestal bone levels were observed from baseline to the 12-month follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this 12-month prospective cohort study showed that immediate transmucosal implant placement represented a predictable treatment option for the replacement of mandibular and maxillary molars lost due to reasons other than periodontitis including vertical root fractures, endodontic failures and caries.


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Perceptual-cognitive impairment after general anaesthesia may affect the ability to reliably report pain severity with the standard visual analog scale (VAS). To minimise these limitations, we developed 'PAULA the PAIN-METER' (PAULA): it has five coloured emoticon faces on the forefront, it is twice as long as a standard VAS scale, and patients use a slider to mark their pain experience. Forty-eight postoperative patients rated descriptive pain terms on PAULA and on a standard VAS immediately after admission and before discharge from the postanaesthesia care unit. Visual acuity was determined before both assessments. The values obtained with PAULA showed less variance than those obtained with the standard VAS, even at the first assessment, where only 23% of the patients had regained their visual acuity. Furthermore, the deviations of the absolute VAS values in individual patients for each descriptive pain term were significantly smaller with PAULA than with the standard VAS.