487 resultados para Imbert, Madeleine
Las aproximaciones basadas en agentes se han convertido en una opción muy atractiva para muchos sistemas debido a las especiales características de este paradigma. Muchas de estas aplicaciones hacen uso de los agentes para estudiar o simular el comportamiento de los seres humanos en diversos contextos lo cual hace necesario la introducción de componentes determinantes en las personas como los rasgos de personalidad, las emociones, las actitudes, etc., que en su conjunto se ha denominado modelo personal. El objetivo es conseguir que el comportamiento de los agentes sea cada vez más creíble y supere las barreras generadas por considerar sólo los aspectos racionales. Así mismo, a medida que se produce la interacción entre personas, cada una de ellas va aprendiendo el modo de ser de las demás y va actualizando sus percepciones acerca de ellos, que serán de vital importancia para la toma de ciertas decisiones en las que necesite saber cómo es el otro. Es por ello que en este trabajo se presenta un modelo que permita a los agentes “conocer” el modelo personal de otros agentes basándose en la interacción entre ellos. Este modelo estará compuesto por un algoritmo genético que permita guiar ese aprendizaje. Finalmente se aplicará el modelo a un caso de estudio basado en un juego para comprobar el funcionamiento del mismo.
La utilización de una cámara fotogramétrica digital redunda en el aumento demostrable de calidad radiométrica debido a la mejor relación señal/ruido y a los 12 bits de resolución radiométrica por cada pixel de la imagen. Simultáneamente se consigue un notable ahorro de tiempo y coste gracias a la eliminación de las fases de revelado y escaneado de la película y al aumento de las horas de vuelo por día. De otra parte, el sistema láser aerotransportado (LIDAR - Light Detection and Ranging) es un sistema con un elevado rendimiento y rentabilidad para la captura de datos de elevaciones para generar un modelo digital del terreno (MDT) y también de los objetos sobre el terreno, permitiendo así alcanzar alta precisión y densidad de información. Tanto el sistema LIDAR como el sistema de cámara fotogramétrica digital se combinan con otras técnicas bien conocidas: el sistema de posicionamiento global (GPS - Global Positioning System) y la orientación de la unidad de medida inercial (IMU - Inertial Measure Units), que permiten reducir o eliminar el apoyo de campo y realizar la orientación directa de los sensores utilizando datos de efemérides precisas de los satélites. Combinando estas tecnologías, se va a proponer y poner en práctica una metodología para generación automática de ortofotos en países de América del Sur. Analizando la precisión de dichas ortofotos comparándolas con fuente de mayor exactitud y con las especificaciones técnicas del Plan Nacional de Ortofotografía Aérea (PNOA) se determinará la viabilidad de que dicha metodología se pueda aplicar a zonas rurales. ABSTRACT Using a digital photogrammetric camera results in a demonstrable increase of the radiometric quality due to a better improved signal/noise ratio and the radiometric resolution of 12 bits per pixel of the image. Simultaneously a significant saving of time and money is achieved thanks to the elimination of the developing and film scanning stages, as well as to the increase of flying hours per day. On the other hand, airborne laser system Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) is a system with high performance and yield for the acquisition of elevation data in order to generate a digital terrain model (DTM), as well as objects on the ground which allows to achieve high accuracy and data density. Both the LIDAR and the digital photogrammetric camera system are combined with other well known techniques: global positioning system (GPS) and inertial measurement unit (IMU) orientation, which are currently in a mature evolutionary stage, which allow to reduce and/or remove field support and perform a direct guidance of sensors using specific historic data from the satellites. By combining these technologies, a methodology for automatic generation of orthophotos in South American countries will be proposed and implemented. Analyzing the accuracy of these orthophotos comparing them with more accurate sources and technical specifications of the National Aerial Orthophoto (PNOA), the viability of whether this methodology should be applied to rural areas, will be determined.
Este trabajo trata cómo se pueden aplicar las técnicas de análisis de usabilidad al desarrollo de plataformas web. Actualmente es común que los servicios sean ofrecidos mediante plataformas web para un grupo muy heterogéneo de personas. Por otra parte, los análisis de usabilidad son una herramienta muy útil para conocer cómo interactúan las personas con los ordenadores y mejorar el diseño de las aplicaciones. Realizar un buen diseño permite mejorar la experiencia de usuario, factor fundamental para el éxito de cualquier producto que requiera interacción con el usuario. A continuación se describen las diferentes fases de los test de usabilidad y se detalla cómo han sido aplicadas durante el desarrollo del proyecto. Finalmente, se presentarán los resultados obtenidos durante la evaluación de la plataforma y el análisis de los mismos indicando cómo han afectado al diseño de la plataforma. ---ABSTRACT---This document discusses how to apply usability test techniques over web platform development. Nowadays, it is common that services are offered through web platforms for a large group of heterogeneous people. Moreover, usability tests are a very useful tool to understand human-computer interaction and improve the design of the applications. A good design can improve user experience, which is essential for the success of any product that requires user interaction. The following pages describes the different phases of usability testing and detail how these have been applied during the development of the project. Finally, the results obtained during the platform evaluation are presented and analysed, explaining how they have affected the design of the platform.
El presente documento aborda la problemática surgida en torno al desarrollo de una plataforma para gestionar las guías docentes de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, centrándose en el uso de las tecnologías Javascript, así como de lo algoritmos, plugins y bibliotecas auxiliares creadas y utilizadas. Por último, se muestran los resultados obtenidos del análisis y puesta en práctica de lo expuesto en el documento, así como conclusiones y sugerencias de futuras líneas de trabajo para este mismo proyecto. ---ABSTRACT---This document explains the problems found when developing a web service whose purpose is the management of learning guides at \Universidad Politecnica de Madrid". This final thesis focus on the use of Javascript technologies and the plugins, algorithms and auxiliar libraries used and developed. Finally, results of the analysis, development of the ideas exposed in this document, and conclusions and future working lines are presented.
Una investigación sobre la mejora de la contaminación del aire (CA) por medio de arbolado urbano se realizó en Madrid, una ciudad con casi 4 M de habitantes, 2,8 M de vehículos y casi 3 M de árboles de mantenimiento público. La mayoría de los árboles estaban en dos bosques periurbanos. Los 650.000 restantes era pies de alineación y parques. Los taxones estudiados fueron Platanus orientalis (97.205 árboles), Ulmus sp. (70.557), Pinus pinea (49.038), Aesculus hippocastanum (22.266), Cedrus sp. (13.678) y Quercus ilex (1.650), de calles y parques. Muestras foliares se analizaron en diferentes épocas del año, así como datos de contaminación por PM10 de 28 estaciones de medición de la contaminación durante 30 años, y también la intensidad del tráfico (IMD) en 2.660 calles. La acumulación de metales pesados (MP) sobre hojas y dentro de estas se estimó en relación con la CA y del suelo y la IMD del tráfico. La concentración media de Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb y Zn en suelo (materia seca) alcanzó: 489,5, 0,7, 49,4, 60,9, 460,9, 12,8, 155,9 y 190,3 mg kg-1 respectivamente. Los árboles urbanos, particularmente coníferas (debido a la mayor CA en invierno) contribuyen significativamente a mejorar la CA sobre todo en calles con alta IMD. La capacidad de las seis sp. para capturar partículas de polvo en su superficies foliares está relacionada con la IMD del tráfico y se estimó en 16,8 kg/año de MP tóxicos. Pb y Zn resultaron ser buenos marcadores antrópicos en la ciudad en relación con el tráfico, que fue la principal fuente de contaminación en los árboles y suelos de Madrid. Las especies de árboles variaron en función de su capacidad para capturar partículas (dependiendo de las propiedades de sus superficies foliares) y acumular los MP absorbidos de los suelos. Las concentraciones foliares de Pb y Zn estuvieron por encima de los límites establecidos en diferentes sitios de la ciudad. La microlocalización de Zn mediante microscópico mostró la translocación al xilema y floema. Se detectaron puntos de contaminación puntual de Cu and Cr en antiguos polígonos industriales y la distribución espacial de los MP en los suelos de Madrid mostró que en incluso en zonas interiores del El Retiro había ciertos niveles elevados de [Pb] en suelo, tal vez por el emplazamiento la Real Fábrica de Porcelana en la misma zona hace 200 años. Distintas áreas del centro de la ciudad también alcanzaron niveles altos de [Pb] en suelo. Según los resultados, el empleo de una combinación de Pinus pinea con un estrato intermedio de Ulmus sp. y Cedrus sp. puede ser la mejor recomendación como filtro verde eficiente. El efecto del ozono (O3) sobre el arbolado en Madrid fue también objeto de este estudio. A pesar de la reducción de precursores aplicada en muchos países industrializados, O3 sigue siendo la principal causa de CA en el hemisferio norte, con el aumento de [O3] de fondo. Las mayores [O3] se alcanzaron en regiones mediterráneas, donde el efecto sobre la vegetación natural es compensado por el xeromorfismo y la baja conductancia estomática en respuesta los episodios de sequía estival característicos de este clima. Durante una campaña de monitoreo, se identificaron daños abióticos en hojas de encina parecidos a los de O3 que estaban plantadas en una franja de césped con riego del centro de Madrid. Dada la poca evidencia disponible de los síntomas de O3 en frondosas perennifolias, se hizo un estudio que trató de 1) confirman el diagnóstico de daño de O3, 2) investigar el grado de los síntomas en encinas y 3) analizar los factores ambientales que contribuyeron a los daños por O3, en particular en lo relacionado con el riego. Se analizaron los marcadores macro y micromorfológicos de estrés por O3, utilizando las mencionadas encinas a modo de parcela experimental. Los síntomas consistieron en punteado intercostal del haz, que aumentó con la edad. Además de un punteado subyacente, donde las células superiores del mesófilo mostraron reacciones características de daños por O3. Las células próximas a las zonas dañadas, presentaron marcadores adicionales de estrés oxidativo. Estos marcadores morfológicos y micromorfológicos de estrés por O3 fueron similares a otras frondosas caducifolias con daños por O3. Sin embargo, en nuestro caso el punteado fue evidente con AOT40 de 21 ppm•h, asociada a riego. Análisis posteriores mostraron que los árboles con riego aumentaron su conductancia estomática, con aumento de senescencia, manteniéndose sin cambios sus características xeromórficas foliares. Estos hallazgos ponen de relieve el papel primordial de la disponibilidad de agua frente a las características xeromórficas a la hora de manifestarse los síntomas en las células por daños de O3 en encina. ABSTRACT Research about air pollution mitigation by urban trees was conducted in Madrid (Spain), a southern European city with almost 4 M inhabitants, 2.8 M daily vehicles and 3 M trees under public maintenance. Most trees were located in two urban forests, while 650'000 trees along urban streets and in parks. The urban taxa included Platanus orientalis (97'205 trees), Ulmus sp. (70’557), Pinus pinea (49'038), Aesculus hippocastanum (22’266), Cedrus sp. (13'678 and Quercus ilex (1'650) along streets and parks. Leave samples were analysed sequentially in different seasons, PM10 data from 28 air monitoring stations during 30 years and traffic density estimated from 2’660 streets. Heavy metal (HM) accumulation on the leaf surface and within leaves was estimated per tree related to air and soil pollution, and traffic intensity. Mean concentration of Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn in topsoil samples (dry mass) amounted in Madrid: 489.5, 0.7, 49.4, 60.9, 460.9, 12.8, 155.9 and 190.3 mg kg-1 respectively. Urban trees, particularly conifers (due to higher pollution in winter) contributed significantly to alleviate air pollution especially near to high ADT roads. The capacity of the six urban street trees species to capture air-born dust on the foliage surface as related to traffic intensity was estimated to 16.8 kg of noxious metals from exhausts per year. Pb and Zn pointed to be tracers of anthropic activity in the city with vehicle traffic as the main source of diffuse pollution on trees and soils. Tree species differed by their capacity to capture air-borne dust (by different leaf surface properties) and to allocate HM from soils. Pb and Zn concentrations in the foliage were above limits in different urban sites and microscopic Zn revelation showed translocation in xylem and phloem tissue. Punctual contamination in soils by Cu and Cr was identified in former industrial areas and spatial trace element mapping showed for central Retiro Park certain high values of [Pb] in soils even related to a Royal pottery 200 years ago. Different areas in the city centre also reached high levels [Pb] in soils. According to the results, a combination of Pinus pinea with understorey Ulmus sp. and Cedrus sp. layers can be recommended for the best air filter efficiency. The effects of ozone (O3) on trees in different areas of Madrid were also part of this study. Despite abatement programs of precursors implemented in many industrialized countries, ozone remained the main air pollutant throughout the northern hemisphere with background [O3] increasing. Some of the highest ozone concentrations were measured in regions with a Mediterranean climate but the effect on the natural vegetation is alleviated by low stomatal uptake and frequent leaf xeromorphy in response to summer drought episodes characteristic of this climate. During a bioindication survey, abiotic O3-like injury was identified in foliage. Trees were growing on an irrigated lawn strip in the centre of Madrid. Given the little structural evidence available for O3 symptoms in broadleaved evergreen species, a study was undertaken in 2007 with the following objectives 1) confirm the diagnosis, 2) investigate the extent of symptoms in holm oaks growing in Madrid and 3) analyse the environmental factors contributing to O3 injury, particularly, the site water supply. Therefore, macro- and micromorphological markers of O3 stress were analysed, using the aforementioned lawn strip as an intensive study site. Symptoms consisted of adaxial and intercostal stippling increasing with leaf age. Underlying stippling, cells in the upper mesophyll showed HR-like reactions typical of ozone stress. The surrounding cells showed further oxidative stress markers. These morphological and micromorphological markers of ozone stress were similar to those recorded in deciduous broadleaved species. However, stippling became obvious already at an AOT40 of 21 ppm•h and was primarily found at irrigated sites. Subsequent analyses showed that irrigated trees had their stomatal conductance increased and leaf life-span reduced whereas their leaf xeromorphy remained unchanged. These findings suggest a central role of water availability versus leaf xeromorphy for ozone symptom expression by cell injury in holm oak.
Desde el 23 de febrero de 2004 la ETS Ingenieros Informáticos posee un perfil en dos redes sociales: Twitter y Facebook. Desde un primer momento el departamento de Unidad de Imagen y Comunicación, encargado de dichos perfiles, ha tenido claro que este era solo el primer paso para aprovechar al máximo las ventajas de las redes sociales en un contexto educativo universitario. En este trabajo se quiere dar forma a esa aspiración desarrollando una expansión del uso de las redes sociales. En este trabajo se analizan los seis primeros meses de trabajo con el perfil de Twitter y la página de Facebook con el objetivo de averiguar qué ha funcionado y qué ha fallado en la estrategia inicial prevista. Primero, se plantea un acercamiento desde el punto de vista estadístico con los datos que arrojan diferentes herramientas de análisis social y después, desde el punto de vista personal con las respuestas de la propia comunidad de la Escuela a una encuesta de satisfacción con los nuevos canales de comunicación. Además, de cara a la creación de nuevos perfiles se analiza el trabajo que realizan en ellas otras universidades y escuelas de informáticas. Con todos los datos sobre el trabajo previo se construyen una serie de buenas prácticas para instituciones universitarias en redes sociales que servirán para desarrollar los planes editoriales de dos nuevos perfiles: un canal de YouTube y una página de LinkedIn. Para terminar, se deja constancia de todo el proceso realizado en una metodología propia que servirá para poder seguir aumentando la red social de la escuela en el futuro con un enfoque en el alumno y que se fundamentará en el análisis y la mejora constante. Se espera que esta metodología pueda servir de modelo para la creación de perfiles sociales en otras universidades o para mejorar las ya existentes.---aBSTRACT---Since February 23rd of 2014, ETS Ingenieros Informáticos had a profile in two of the most popular social networks: Twitter and Facebook. From the beginning, the Communication Department in charge of these profiles knew that this was only a starting point to take advantage of all the advantages that social networks can bring to a higher education context. Thus, this paper aims at developing an expansion of the use of social networks. The present paper analyses the first sixth months of the use of the Twitter profile and the Facebook page to determine the aspects of the initial strategy that worked successfully and those that needed improvement. Firstly, I present a statistical approach the data from a statistical point of view taking into account all the information provided by the different social analysis tools. Then, I complement this first approach with a more personal point of view including the answers of the university community to a satisfaction survey regarding the new communication channels. Finally, in order to create new profiles, other universities’ work is reviewed and examined in depth. Taking into account the previous work, a series of good practices for university institutions is developed in order to be used as the basis of the new social plan to include two new social networks: a YouTube channel and a LinkedIn page. Finally, the whole process is described in a methodology that could be used to increase the School’s social network in the future. This procedure is student-centred and based on the constant analysis and improvement of the results. It is hoped that this methodology could be used as an example of a social network profile creation or improvement for other universities’ strategy.
This document contains detailed description of the design and the implementation of a multi-agent application controlling traffic lights in a city together with a system for simulating traffic and testing. The goal of this thesis is to design and build a simplified intelligent and distributed solution to the problem with the traffic in the big cities following different good practices in order to allow future refining of the model of the real world. The problem of the traffic in the big cities is still a problem that cannot be solved. Not only is the increasing number of cars a reason for the traffic jams, but also the way the traffic is organized. Usually, the intersections with traffic lights are replaced by roundabouts or interchanges to increase the number of cars that can cross the intersection in certain time. But still there are places where the infrastructure cannot be changed and the traffic light semaphores are the only way to control the car flows. In real life, the traffic lights have a predefined plan for change or they receive information from a centralized system when and how they have to change. But what if the traffic lights can cooperate and decide on their own when and how to change? Using this problem, the purpose of the thesis is to explore different agent-based software engineering approaches to design and build a non-conventional distributed system. From the software engineering point of view, the goal of the thesis is to apply the knowledge and use the skills, acquired during the various courses of the master program in Software Engineering, while solving a practical and complex problem such as the traffic in the cities.
With the ever growing trend of smart phones and tablets, Android is becoming more and more popular everyday. With more than one billion active users i to date, Android is the leading technology in smart phone arena. In addition to that, Android also runs on Android TV, Android smart watches and cars. Therefore, in recent years, Android applications have become one of the major development sectors in software industry. As of mid 2013, the number of published applications on Google Play had exceeded one million and the cumulative number of downloads was more than 50 billionii. A 2013 survey also revealed that 71% of the mobile application developers work on developing Android applicationsiii. Considering this size of Android applications, it is quite evident that people rely on these applications on a daily basis for the completion of simple tasks like keeping track of weather to rather complex tasks like managing one’s bank accounts. Hence, like every other kind of code, Android code also needs to be verified in order to work properly and achieve a certain confidence level. Because of the gigantic size of the number of applications, it becomes really hard to manually test Android applications specially when it has to be verified for various versions of the OS and also, various device configurations such as different screen sizes and different hardware availability. Hence, recently there has been a lot of work on developing different testing methods for Android applications in Computer Science fraternity. The model of Android attracts researchers because of its open source nature. It makes the whole research model more streamlined when the code for both, application and the platform are readily available to analyze. And hence, there has been a great deal of research in testing and static analysis of Android applications. A great deal of this research has been focused on the input test generation for Android applications. Hence, there are a several testing tools available now, which focus on automatic generation of test cases for Android applications. These tools differ with one another on the basis of their strategies and heuristics used for this generation of test cases. But there is still very little work done on the comparison of these testing tools and the strategies they use. Recently, some research work has been carried outiv in this regard that compared the performance of various available tools with respect to their respective code coverage, fault detection, ability to work on multiple platforms and their ease of use. It was done, by running these tools on a total of 60 real world Android applications. The results of this research showed that although effective, these strategies being used by the tools, also face limitations and hence, have room for improvement. The purpose of this thesis is to extend this research into a more specific and attribute-‐ oriented way. Attributes refer to the tasks that can be completed using the Android platform. It can be anything ranging from a basic system call for receiving an SMS to more complex tasks like sending the user to another application from the current one. The idea is to develop a benchmark for Android testing tools, which is based on the performance related to these attributes. This will allow the comparison of these tools with respect to these attributes. For example, if there is an application that plays some audio file, will the testing tool be able to generate a test input that will warrant the execution of this audio file? Using multiple applications using different attributes, it can be visualized that which testing tool is more useful for which kinds of attributes. In this thesis, it was decided that 9 attributes covering the basic nature of tasks, will be targeted for the assessment of three testing tools. Later this can be done for much more attributes to compare even more testing tools. The aim of this work is to show that this approach is effective and can be used on a much larger scale. One of the flagship features of this work, which also differentiates it with the previous work, is that the applications used, are all specially made for this research. The reason for doing that is to analyze just that specific attribute in isolation, which the application is focused on, and not allow the tool to get bottlenecked by something trivial, which is not the main attribute under testing. This means 9 applications, each focused on one specific attribute. The main contributions of this thesis are: A summary of the three existing testing tools and their respective techniques for automatic test input generation of Android Applications. • A detailed study of the usage of these testing tools using the 9 applications specially designed and developed for this study. • The analysis of the obtained results of the study carried out. And a comparison of the performance of the selected tools.
[1]. Estación del Norte en Valencia, 1930 (1 fot.) [2]. París, Manolo Orrico Vidal junto al río Sena, al fondo la Torre Eiffel, 1930 (1 fot.) [3]. París, bifurcación del río Sena, 1930 (1 fot.) [4]. Vista de la Torre Eiffel, 1930 (1 fot.) [5-8]. Varias fotos en la Torre Eiffel: Manolo Orrico Vidal en la terraza de la Torre y en el paseo bajo la Torre, Francisco Roglá López sentado en un banco en la terraza de la Torre lleva paraguas y sombrero, 1930 (4 fot.) [9]. Museo del Louvre (1 fot.) [10]. Plaza de la Concorde (1 fot.) [11]. Notre Dame (1 fot.) [12]. Manolo Orrico Vidal en una terraza donde se ve una panorámica de la ciudad de Paris, en el cartel se lee Musée Grévin (1 fot.) [13-14]. Iglesia de la Madeleine, Manolo Orrico Vidal en la escalinata de Iglesia (2 fot.) [15]. Gran Palacio de París situado en los Campos Elíseos (1 fot.) [16]. Palacio del Descubrimiento (1 fot.) [17]. El Arco de Triunfo del Carrusel (1 fot.) [18]. Palacio del Trocadero, 1930 (1 fot.) [19]. Jardín de las Tullerias, Manolo Orrico Vidal junto a la escultura Le Nil, 1930 (1 fot.) [20]. Plaza del Châtelet con la Fuente de la Palmera (1 fot.) [21]. Plaza sin identificar (imagen borrosa) (1 fot.) [22]. Manolo Orrico Vidal sentado en un banco en la plaza junto a la Torre medieval de Saint Jacques (1 fot.) [23]. Manolo Orrico Vidal con un amigo bajo un conjunto escultórico (La Danza, de Carpeaux) a la entrada de la Ópera de París (1 fot.) [24]. Plaza de la República con el monumento (1 fot.) [25]. Manolo Orrico Vidal con un amigo en una plaza sin identificar (1 fot.) [26]. Manolo Orrico Vidal junto a la fuente en el patio del Ayuntamiento de Hamburgo (1 fot.) [27-29]. Vista de Hamburgo desde el barco con S. Michelle al fondo, Francisco Roglá López sentado en una butaca de mimbre en el barco (3 fot.) [30]. Lieja, 1930 Fuente de la Virgen situada en rue des dominicains, erigida en 1584 y coronada por la estatua de bronce de la Virgen y el Niño, realizada en 1696 por el escultor Jean Delcour(1 fot.) [31]. Hamburgo 1930, Denkmal Kaiser Wilhem en Rathausmarkt (1 fot.) [32]. Manolo Orrico Vidal junto al lateral derecho del monumento al Káiser Wilhem (1 fot.) [33-34]. Palacio Real de Madrid, durante un desfile y vista de la fachada sur, 1930 (2 pares estereoscópicos) (2 fot.) [35-38]. Parque Güell de Barcelona, 1930 (4 pares estereoscópicos) (4 fot.)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar os aspectos religiosos islâmicos e as implicações das relações de gênero no islam sobre a assistência de saúde às mulheres muçulmanas, e através disto, discutir a importância do conhecimento prévio do islamismo pelos profissionais de saúde para propor uma assistência de saúde congruente a estas mulheres, tendo por referência a Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher. Esta pesquisa tem abordagem qualitativa, com o desenvolvimento de pesquisa de campo e aplicação de um roteiro de perguntas semi-estruturado, com questões relacionadas ao islamismo e à saúde das mulheres. Ao todo, foram entrevistadas dez pessoas, sendo estas: quatro mulheres revertidas ao islam, três mulheres de família muçulmana, dois sheiks e uma assistente social. As entrevistas foram realizadas no Centro de Divulgação do Islam para a América Latina e o Caribe (CDIAL) e na Assembléia Mundial da Juventude Islâmica na América Latina (WAMY).
Retinoids, synthetic and natural analogs of retinoic acid, exhibit potent growth inhibitory and cell differentiation activities that account for their beneficial effects in treating hyperproliferative diseases such as psoriasis, actinic keratosis, and certain neoplasias. Tazarotene is a synthetic retinoid that is used in the clinic for the treatment of psoriasis. To better understand the mechanism of retinoid action in the treatment of hyperproliferative diseases, we used a long-range differential display–PCR to isolate retinoid-responsive genes from primary human keratinocytes. We have identified a cDNA, tazarotene-induced gene 3 (TIG3; Retinoic Acid Receptor Responder 3) showing significant homology to the class II tumor suppressor gene, H-rev 107. Tazarotene treatment increases TIG3 expression in primary human keratinocytes and in vivo in psoriatic lesions. Increased TIG3 expression is correlated with decreased proliferation. TIG3 is expressed in a number of tissues, and expression is reduced in cancer cell lines and some primary tumors. In breast cancer cell lines, retinoid-dependent TIG3 induction is observed in lines that are growth suppressed by retinoids but not in nonresponsive lines. Transient over-expression of TIG3 in T47D or Chinese hamster ovary cells inhibits colony expansion. Finally, studies in 293 cells expressing TIG3 linked to an inducible promoter demonstrated decreased proliferation with increased TIG3 levels. These studies suggest that TIG3 may be a growth regulator that mediates some of the growth suppressive effects of retinoids.