398 resultados para IgM
Intramuscular injection of plasmid DNA expression vectors encoding the three envelope proteins of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) induced humoral responses in C57BL/6 mice specific to several antigenic determinants of the viral envelope. The first antibodies appeared within 1-2 weeks after injection of DNA and included antibodies of the IgM isotype. Over the next few weeks, an IgM to IgG class switch occurred, indicating helper T-lymphocyte activity. Peak IgG titers were reached by 4-8 weeks after a single DNA injection and were maintained for at least 6 months without further DNA injections. The antibodies to the envelope proteins reacted with group- and subtype-specific antigenic determinants of the HBV surface antigen (HBsAg). Expression vectors encoding the major (S) and middle (preS2 plus S) envelope proteins induced antibodies specific to the S protein and preS2 domain, and preS2 antibodies were prominent at early time points. In general, the expression vectors induced humoral responses in mice that mimic those observed in humans during the course of natural HBV infection.
A piometra é uma condição mórbida caracterizada pela inflamação do útero com acúmulo de exsudatos, resultante de ações hormonais e geralmente associada à presença de bactérias no lúmen uterino. A anemia é a alteração hematológica mais frequentemente observada em cadelas com piometra e está associada à cronicidade da doença, diminuição da eritropoiese, devido ao efeito toxêmico na medula óssea, diminuição da disponibilidade de ferro ou perda de sangue para o útero. Adicionalmente, o efeito das toxinas bacterianas e os radicais livres gerados pelo metabolismo oxidativo dos neutrófilos podem resultar na modificação da estrutura antigênica da membrana do eritrócito, permitindo a ligação de imunoglobulinas em sua superfície e acelerando a destruição eritrocitária. Essa hipótese pode ser comprovada pela detecção de imunocomplexos na superfície eritrocitária de cadelas com piometra. O diagnóstico de piometra foi estabelecido em 33 cadelas atendidas no Serviço de Obstetrícia/Ginecologia do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade de São Paulo com base na anamnese, exame físico e exames subsidiários (ultrassonografia, hemograma e concentrações séricas de ureia e creatinina). As amostras sanguíneas foram coletadas em dois momentos. A primeira anterior a ovariosalpingohisterectomia (OSH) e a segunda, sete a dez dias após a OSH. A quantificação de hemácias com deposição de imunocomplexos IgG e IgM foi realizada utilizando-se anticorpos anti-IgG e anti-IgM (Bethyl®Laboratories) conjugadas a fluoresceína de isotiocianato (FITC), e a leitura realizada com citômetro de fluxo (FACS Calibur; Becton, Dickinson and Company© 2007 BD), sendo os resultados expressos em percentual de hemácias marcadas. Foram utilizados o Teste de Shapiro-Wilk para a avaliação da distribuição de dados e a comparação entre os grupos controle, pré e pós-OSH foi realizada valendo-se do Teste t ou Teste t pareado e Correlação de Pearson, e do Teste U de Mann-Whitney e Correlação de Spearman, para as variáveis com distribuição normal e não-normal, respectivamente. O valor de alfa estipulado foi de 0,05. Analisando os valores hematológicos de cada um dos cães incluídos no estudo, observa-se que 19 (57,6%) apresentavam anemia normocítica normocrômica não regenerativa no momento pré-OSH e cinco (15,2%) no momento pós-OSH. Em cães do grupo controle foram observadas 0,14 - 0,77% (0,43±0,18%) de hemácias marcadas com anticorpos anti-IgG FITC e 0,29 - 9,58% (0,68±0,29%) para anticorpos anti-IgM FITC. Já nos cães com piometra, foram encontradas 0,14 - 4,19% (0,96±0,86%) de hemácias marcadas com anticorpos anti-IgG FITC e 0,29 - 9,58% (1,37±1,71%) com anticorpos anti-IgM FITC, antecedendo a OSH. No momento pós-OSH observou-se 0,18 - 16,2% (2,77±3,67%) de hemácias marcadas para anticorpos anti-IgG FITC e 0,15 - 19,8% (4,01±4,46%) para anticorpos anti-IgM FITC. O percentual de hemácias marcadas com anticorpos anti-IgG FITC diferiu entre os grupos controle e piometra, pré-OSH (p<0,001) e pós-OSH (p<0,001). Em relação a anticorpos anti-IgM FITC, não foram observadas diferenças entre os grupos controle e pré-OSH (p=0,09), porém, após a OSH houve aumento na marcação de hemácias, quando comparado ao grupo controle (p<0,001). Apenas alguns animais apresentaram mais de 5% de hemácias marcadas, e isto ocorreu, principalmente, no momento pós-OSH. Entretanto, não resultou no agravamento da anemia, indicando que a piometra em cadelas está associada à deposição de imunoglobulinas G ou M na superfície das hemácias, sem, no entanto, promover hemólise ou agravamento da anemia
A infecção pelo HEV é reconhecida como um considerável problema de saúde pública em diversas regiões do mundo. Embora caracterizada como uma infecção benigna com um curso evolutivo autolimitado, recentes estudos têm mostrado sua evolução para cronicidade em indivíduos imunocomprometidos. Além disso, tem sido verificado que nesses indivíduos a infecção crônica pelo HEV pode evoluir para fibrose hepática progressiva, culminando com o desenvolvimento de cirrose. Não existem dados acerca da prevalência da infecção pelo HEV em pacientes infectados pelo HIV no Brasil, onde a circulação deste vírus tem sido demonstrada em diversos grupos de indivíduos imunocompetentes e, até mesmo, em alguns animais provenientes de diferentes regiões do país. Com base nisso, este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a prevalência de marcadores sorológicos e moleculares da infecção pelo HEV, bem como a padronização de uma PCR em tempo real para a detecção e quantificação da carga viral do HEV na população de soropositivos da cidade de São Paulo. Foram incluídos neste estudo soro e plasma de pacientes infectados pelo HIV (n=354), que foram divididos em grupos de acordo com a presença ou ausência de coinfecção pelos vírus das hepatites B (HBV) e C (HCV). Essas amostras foram coletadas entre 2007 e 2013. Anticorpos anti-HEV IgM e IgG foram pesquisados pela técnica de ELISA (RecomWell HEV IgM/ IgG - MIKROGEN®), e, em alguns casos, confirmados por Immunoblotting (RecomLine HEV IgM/ IgG - MIKROGEN®). Todas as amostras foram submetidas à pesquisa de HEV RNA através da PCR em tempo real padronizada. Cerca de 72% dos indivíduos avaliados pertenciam ao sexo masculino. A média de idade entre a população analisada foi de 48,4 anos. Os anticorpos anti-HEV IgM e IgG foram encontrados em 1,4% e 10,7% dos indivíduos dessa população, respectivamente. Apenas dois pacientes apresentaram positividade simultânea para anti-HEV IgM e IgG. Não houve diferença estatisticamente relevante quanto à presença de marcadores sorológicos nos grupos de estudo. Além disso, foi detectado o HEV RNA em 10,7% das amostras analisadas, entre as quais, seis apresentaram simultaneamente algum marcador sorológico (5 anti-HEV IgG e 1 IgM). A presença deste marcador foi predominante no grupo de pacientes com coinfecção pelo HCV. Através deste trabalho pôde-se constatar, portanto, que o HEV é circulante entre a população de infectados pelo HIV em São Paulo, e que o seguimento desses pacientes se faz necessário dado a possibilidade de progressão para infecção crônica e cirrose
Descubriendo el virus de la Hepatitis E en Córdoba: implicancias clínicas, zoonóticas y ambientales.
La infección por el virus Hepatitis E (HEV) es un importante problema de salud pública en regiones endémicas, causando grandes brotes epidémicos. Sin embargo, en los últimos años se ha reportado la ocurrencia de casos de hepatitis E esporádicos autóctonos en países industrializados y/o zonas no endémicas. Las cepas humanas de HEV se clasifican en 4 genotipos, 1-4, los cuales a su vez se subclasifican en subtipos. Estos genotipos poseen incidencia sobre la clínica y han sido asociados con áreas geográficas y modos específicos de transmisión. Si bien el virus se transmite fundamentalmente por vía fecal-oral, la trasmisión zoonótica desde reservorios animales (principalmente porcinos) también se ha reportado, así como también su transmisión a través de consumo de alimentos derivados de carne porcina (salchichas, salames, entre otros). Durante los últimos años la actividad humana ha provocado la contaminación de los recursos hídricos en una magnitud históricamente sin precedentes, relacionado, entre otras causas, con un manejo inadecuado de las aguas residuales. En este marco se ve favorecida la diseminación de virus entéricos (entre los que se encuentra HEV) en matrices acuosas superficiales provocando contaminación de espacios acuáticos destinados a recreación, constituyendo un riesgo de infección para la población expuesta. Si bien en Argentina se han reportado casos de HEV en humanos, poco se conoce acerca de este virus en Córdoba. Actualmente, la detección del virus no está incorporada al algoritmo diagnóstico de las hepatitis virales. Hasta hace 2 meses los equipos diagnósticos para detección de IgM/IgG anti-HEV no habían sido aprobados por ANMAT en nuestro país, por lo que no había posibilidad de acceso al diagnóstico ni a estudios seroepidemiológicos específicos que evidencien su circulación. Además, el monitoreo de HEV ambiental y en alimentos es desconocido en nuestro país. El presente proyecto propone investigar el estado de situación de la circulación de HEV en Córdoba, Argentina, mediante estudios moleculares (por RT-Nested PCR), serológicos (Elisa e inmunofluorescencia) y aislamiento viral en cultivo celular, a partir de diferentes fuentes de transmisión (humanos, cerdos, alimentos y matrices acuosas) a fin de identificar su potencial de diseminación en nuestra población, su impacto en salud pública y para evaluar su posible incorporación en el algoritmo diagnóstico de hepatitis virales. El acceso a los diagnósticos serológicos permitirá concretar estudios epidemiológicos en población inmunocompetente e inmunosuprimida aportando datos inéditos en nuestra región. Además, las técnicas moleculares implementadas y optimizadas en el presente estudio podrán ser transferidas a los centros de salud que así lo requieran. El monitoreo ambiental y en alimentos, sumado al aislamiento viral permitirá detectar las fuentes de transmisión de HEV y profundizar en el perfil molecular de las cepas circulantes locales. Este trabajo aportará datos originales sobre la presencia viral en escenarios de procesamiento de carne porcina para consumo humano. Datos generados en este estudio podrán ser utilizados para evaluar la calidad sanitaria de la carne para consumo humano. Asimismo, este proyecto intenta aportar información a los programas sanitarios de la región sobre la circulación de contaminación viral de aguas recreacionales a fin de reforzar el sistema de saneamiento ambiental, mejorar el diagnóstico de calidad microbiológica de aguas superficiales e impulsar a programas de control para atenuar la diseminación de virus entéricos en nuestro medio. Estudios preliminares recientes de vigilancia viral ambiental en aguas residuales mostraron la presencia de HEV, mediante detección molecular, lo que muestra los primeros indicios de la circulación de este virus en la población de Córdoba enfatizando la necesidad de profundizar su estudio y caracterización.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Adhesion of erythrocytes infected with the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum to human host receptors is a process associated with severe malarial pathology. A number of in vitro cell lines are available as models for these adhesive processes, including Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells which express the placental adhesion receptor chondroitin-4-sulphate (CSA) on their surface. CHO-745 cells, a glycosaminoglycan-negative mutant CHO cell line lacking CSA and other reported P. falciparum adhesion receptors, are often used for recombinant expression of host receptors and for receptor binding studies. In this study we show that P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes can be easily selected for adhesion to an endogenous receptor on the surface of CHO-745 cells, bringing into question the validity of using these cells as a tool for P. falciparum adhesin expression studies. The adhesive interaction between CHO-745 cells and parasitized erythrocytes described here is not mediated by the known P. falciparum adhesion receptors CSA, CD36, or ICAM-1. However, we found that CHO-745-selected parasitized erythrocytes bind normal human IgM and that adhesion to CHO-745 cells is inhibited by protein A in the presence of serum, but not in its absence, indicating a non-specific inhibitory effect. Thus, protein A, which has been used as an inhibitor for a recently described interaction between infected erythrocytes and the placenta, may not be an appropriate in vitro inhibitor for understanding in vivo adhesive interactions. (c) 2005 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The West Nile virus (WNV) nonstructural protein NS1 is a protein of unknown function that is found within, associated with, and secreted from infected cells. We systematically investigated the kinetics of NS1 secretion in vitro and in vivo to determine the potential use of this protein as a diagnostic marker and to analyze NS1 secretion in relation to the infection cycle. A sensitive antigen capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of WNW NS1 (polyclonal-ACE) was developed, as well as a capture ELISA for the specific detection of NS1 multimers (4G4-ACE). The 4G4-ACE detected native NS1 antigens at high sensitivity, whereas the polyclonal-ACE had a higher specificity for recombinant forms of the protein. Applying these assays we found that only a small fraction of intracellular NS1 is secreted and that secretion of NS1 in tissue culture is delayed compared to the release of virus particles. In experimentally infected hamsters, NS1 was detected in the serum between days 3 and 8 postinfection, peaking on day 5, the day prior to the onset of clinical disease; immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies were detected at low levels on day 5 postinfection. Although real-time PCR gave the earliest indication of infection (day 1), the diagnostic performance of the 4G4-ACE was comparable to that of real-time PCR during the time period when NS1 was secreted. Moreover, the 4G4-ACE was found to be superior in performance to both the IgM and plaque assays during this time period, suggesting that NS1 is a viable early diagnostic marker of WNV infection.
In violation of the 'one gene, one polypeptide' rule, alternative splicing allows individual genes to produce multiple protein isoforms - thereby playing a central part in generating complex proteomes. Alternative splicing also has a largely hidden function in quantitative gene control, by targeting RNAs for nonsense-mediated decay. Traditional gene-by-gene investigations of alternative splicing mechanisms are now being complemented by global approaches. These promise to reveal details of the nature and operation of cellular codes that are constituted by combinations of regulatory elements in pre-mRNA substrates and by cellular complements of splicing regulators, which together determine regulated splicing pathways.
Background/aims: Clinical and laboratory studies are consistent with a major role for cell-mediated immunity in recovery from oral infection with Candida albicans, but the role of humoral immunity remains controversial. The purpose of this study was to establish the relative contributions of cellular and humoral immunity to protection against oral candidiasis in a murine model, and to determine whether host responses could be enhanced by different immunization strategies. Results: Active oral immunization was protective in BALB/c and CBA/CaH mice, reducing both fungal burden and duration of infection after secondary challenge, whereas systemic immunization failed to protect against subsequent oral challenge. Candida-specific IgM was the predominant antibody detected in serum following both primary and secondary oral challenge; however, Candida-specific salivary IgA was not detectable. Immunization by passive transfer of either lymphocytes or immune serum did not confer any significant protection against oral infection in either susceptible or resistant mouse strain. Conclusion: The data demonstrate a possible role for mucosa-associated immunity following active immunization by the oral route, most likely exerted by local T lymphocytes resident in the oral mucosa, but there was no evidence to support a role for humoral immunity in protection against oral candidiasis.
We report the assessment and validation of an NS1 epitope-blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of antibodies to West Nile virus (WNV) in macaques. Sera from naturally infected Macaca nemestrina were tested by ELISA and plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT). Results were correlated with hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) data. Our results demonstrate that the blocking ELISA rapidly and specifically detects WNV infection in M. nemestrina. In addition, the diagnostic value of 7 commercially available immunoassays (PanBio immunoglobulin [Ig] M ELISA, PanBio IgG ELISA, PanBio immunofluorescence assay (IFA), InBios IgG ELISA, InBios IgM ELISA, Focus Diagnostics IgG ELISA, and Focus Diagnostics IgM ELISA) in M. nemestrina was evaluated and compared with that of the epitope-blocking ELISA. The PanBio IgG ELISA was found to effectively diagnose WNV exposure in M. nemestrina. Further, PanBio IFA slides are fast and reliable screening tools for diagnosing flaviviral exposure in M. nemestrina.
A 7-year-old girl presented with acute vulval erythema and pustules, associated with a petechial eruption in her flexures and over her feet. There was a mild prodromal illness and the patient was afebrile. There were minimal symptoms associated with the rash. Skin and throat swabs were negative and blood examination showed mild neutrophilia and lymphopaenia. Parvovirus B19 IgM was detected on serology and cutaneous features resolved within 4 days. This is a further case of parvovirus B19 infection presenting as a 'bathing trunk' exanthem that has unique dermatologic features, including the presence of pustules and distant petechiae. © 2006 The Australasian College of Dermatologists.
The aim of this study was to determine the role of CD4 and CD8 cells on specific antibody production by murine Peyer's patch (PP) cells after oral immunization with Actinomyces viscosus in mice. Female DBA/2 mice were orally immunized with three low doses of heat-killed A. viscosus. Sham-immunized mice served as a control group. Mice were depleted of CD4 or CD8 cells by intraperitoneal injection of anti-CD4 or anti-CD8 antibodies daily for 3 days before oral immunization. One week after the last oral immunization, PPs were removed and cell suspensions were cultured with A. viscosus. Specific antibody production in the culture supernatants was assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The results showed that oral immunization with A. viscosus induced a predominant specific immunoglobulin A (IgA) response by PP cells and, to a lesser extent, IgM antibodies. Depletion of CD4 but not CD8 cells suppressed the production of specific antibodies. These results suggest that oral immunization with low doses of A. viscosus may induce the production of specific antibodies by murine PP cells in a CD4-cell-dependent fashion.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are released at sites of inflammation during the respiratory burst which accompanies the phagocytic process. Using an in vitro system to simulate this process we have shown that ROS induce antigenic changes in DNA. More specifically, results of experiments using ROS scavengers have shown that hydroxyl radicals produced in close proximity to DNA-bound metal ions play a predominant role. ROS-mediated attack resulted in increased binding of anti-DNA antibodies to the denatured DNA. These changes were detected using IgG, IgA and IgM isotype binding to antibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus sera. Of these the IgA isotype was most discriminating in its detection of hydroxyl radical-induced damage.
Rheumatoid inflammation is characterised by the production of rheumatoid factor antibodies directed against denatured IgG. Oxygen free radicals have the potential to denature all manner of proteins and can be generated by activated phagocytic cells in the inflamed joint. By modifying routine ELISA and nephelometric procedures for measuring rheumatoid factor, (i.e. substituting free radical altered IgG for rabbit and heat aggregated IgG as antigens) we have observed that oxygen radicals, generated by (1) UV light and (2) PMA-activated neutrophils, give rise to monomeric and polymeric forms of IgG which have increased reactivity towards IgM and IgA polyclonal rheumatoid factor antibodies. We conclude that free radical alteration of IgG may be a stimulus to the formation of immune complexes with rheumatoid factor antibody, thereby promoting and amplifying tissue damage during rheumatoid inflammation.
Immunoglobulin G from rheumatoid patients is denatured around the hinge region. This has been proposed as an explanation for the presence of circulating autoantibodies to IgG in these patients. It has previously been suggested that oxygen radicals (OR) derived from activated polymorphs may play a role in denaturation in vivo. Using sera from rheumatoid patients and age-matched controls in a modified ELISA technique, we have investigated the potential for polyclonal rheumatoid factors (RF) to bind to OR denatured IgG. Three model systems were used to generate OR in vitro: (a) purified PMN s activated by the cell surface stimulant PMA, (b) radiolysis of IgG in solution to generate specifically the superoxide radical and, in a separate system, the hydroxyl radical, (OH.), (c) purified myeloperoxide in the presence of H2O2 and halide ions. Results: 1. The binding of both IgA and IgM RF s to PMN denatured IgG increased dose dependently for seropositive sera only. 2. The OH. radical but not the superoxide radical significantly increased the binding of IgA and M RF, again only for seropositive sera. 3. The myeloperoxidase enzyme system did not increase RF binding. 4. IgG incubated with elastase was not found to be a better antigen than native IgG. These results indicate that IgG is denatured by OR released from activated PMN, thereby producing an antigen for polyclonal RF s.