875 resultados para IN-HOSPITAL INPATIENTS
PURPOSE: To estimate the likelihood of axillary lymph node involvement for patients with early-stage breast cancer, based on a variety of clinical and pathological factors. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was done in hospital databases from 1999 to 2007. Two hundred thirty-nine patients were diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. Predictive factors, such as patient age, tumor size, lymphovascular invasion, histological grade and immunohistochemical subtype were analyzed to identify variables that may be associated with axillary lymph node metastasis. RESULTS: Patients with tumors that are negative for estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and HER2 had approximately a 90% lower chance of developing lymph node metastasis than those with luminal A tumors (e.g., ER+ and/or PR+ and HER2-) - Odds Ratio: 0.11; 95% confidence interval: 0.01-0.88; p=0.01. Furthermore, the risk for lymph node metastasis of luminal A tumors seemed to decrease as patient age increased, and it was directly correlated with tumor size. CONCLUSION: The molecular classification of early-stage breast cancer using immunohistochemistry may help predicting the probability of developing axillary lymph node metastasis. Further studies are needed to optimize predictions for nodal involvement, with the aim of aiding the decision-making process for breast cancer treatment.
Antithrombotic treatment of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is a delicate balancing between the risk of thromboembolism and the risk of bleeding. The purpose of this dissertation was to analyze current antithrombotic treatment strategies at the periprocedural stage and report outcomes in-hospital and at 1-month follow-up, and to evaluate the effect of renal impairment and predictive values of various bleeding scores on 1-year outcome after PCI in patients with AF. The first article was based on retrospective data from 7 Finnish hospitals between 2002–2006 (n=377), while the others were based on a prospective 17-center European register (AFCAS) gathered between 2008–2010 (n=963). The main findings in patients with AF undergoing PCI were: The use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors during PCI was associated with a four- to five-fold increase in the risk of major bleeding (I). Uninterrupted warfarin treatment did not increase perioperative complications and seemed to decrease bleeding complications compared to heparin bridging (II). Already mild renal impairment (eGFR 60–90mL/min) was associated with a 2.3-fold risk of all-cause mortality during the 12 months following PCI (III). Major adverse cardiac events occurred in 4.5% and bleeding complications in 7.1% of patients in the AFCAS register by 1-month follow-up (IV). In a study of patients in AFCAS register, all currently used bleeding risk scores were poor predictors of bleeding complications by 1-year follow-up (V). The findings will help improve treatment strategies for this fragile patient population with a high risk of bleeding and thrombotic complications.
Background: Interest in limb defects has grown after the thalidomide tragedy in the 1960s. As a result, congenital malformation registries, monitoring changes in birthprevalence and defect patterns, have been established in several countries. However, there are only a few true population based studies on birth prevalence of upper limb defects. The burden of hospital care among these children, specifically in terms of the number of admissions and total time spent in hospital, is also unknown. Aims and Methods: This study is based on information gathered from the Finnish Register of Congenital malformations (FRM) and the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register (FHDR). A total of 417 children born between 1993 and 2005 with an upper limb defect were gathered from the FRM. The upper limb defects were classified using the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand -classification that enables comparison with previous and future studies. Birth and live birth prevalence, sex and side distribution, frequency of associated anomalies as well as the proportion of perinatal and infant deaths according to the different subtypes were calculated. The number of hospital admissions, days spent in hospital, number and type of surgical operations were collected from the FHDR. Special features of two subgroups, radial ray defects (RRD) and constriction band syndrome (CBS), were explored. Results: Upper limb defects were observed in 417 of 753 342 consecutive births and in 392 of 750 461 live births. Birth prevalence was 5.5 per 10 000 births and 5.2 per 10 000 live births. Multiple anomalies or a known syndrome was found in 250 cases (60%). Perinatal mortality was 139 per 1000 births and infant mortality 135 per 1000 live births (overall Finnish perinatal mortality <5 per 1000 births and infant mortality 3.7 per 1000 live births). Altogether, 138 infants had RRD and 120 (87%) of these had either a known syndrome or multiple major anomalies. The proportion of perinatal deaths in RRD group was 29% (40/138) and infant deaths 35% (43/123). Fifty-one children had CBS in upper limbs. Fifteen of these (29%) had other major anomalies associated with constriction rings. The number of hospital admissions per year of children with congenital upper limb defects was 11-fold and the time spent in hospital 13-fold as compared with the general paediatric population. Conclusions: Birth prevalence of congenital upper limb defects was 5.5 per 10 000 births and 5.2 per 10 000 live births. RRD was especially associated with other major anomalies and high mortality. Nearly one third of the children with CBS also had other major anomalies suggesting different aetiologies inside the group. The annual burden of hospital care of children with congenital upper limb defects was at least 11-fold as compared with the general paediatric population.
In order to assess the effect of air pollution on pediatric respiratory morbidity, we carried out a time series study using daily levels of PM10, SO2, NO2, ozone, and CO and daily numbers of pediatric respiratory emergency room visits and hospital admissions at the Children's Institute of the University of São Paulo Medical School, from August 1996 to August 1997. In this period there were 43,635 hospital emergency room visits, 4534 of which were due to lower respiratory tract disease. The total number of hospital admissions was 6785, 1021 of which were due to lower respiratory tract infectious and/or obstructive diseases. The three health end-points under investigation were the daily number of emergency room visits due to lower respiratory tract diseases, hospital admissions due to pneumonia, and hospital admissions due to asthma or bronchiolitis. Generalized additive Poisson regression models were fitted, controlling for smooth functions of time, temperature and humidity, and an indicator of weekdays. NO2 was positively associated with all outcomes. Interquartile range increases (65.04 µg/m³) in NO2 moving averages were associated with an 18.4% increase (95% confidence interval, 95% CI = 12.5-24.3) in emergency room visits due to lower respiratory tract diseases (4-day moving average), a 17.6% increase (95% CI = 3.3-32.7) in hospital admissions due to pneumonia or bronchopneumonia (3-day moving average), and a 31.4% increase (95% CI = 7.2-55.7) in hospital admissions due to asthma or bronchiolitis (2-day moving average). The study showed that air pollution considerably affects children's respiratory morbidity, deserving attention from the health authorities.
The objective of the present study was to determine the prevalence of electrolyte disturbances in AIDS patients developing acute kidney injury in the hospital setting, as well as to determine whether such disturbances constitute a risk factor for nephrotoxic and ischemic injury. A prospective, observational cohort study was carried out. Hospitalized AIDS patients were evaluated for age; gender; coinfection with hepatitis; diabetes mellitus; hypertension; time since HIV seroconversion; CD4 count; HIV viral load; proteinuria; serum levels of creatinine, urea, sodium, potassium and magnesium; antiretroviral use; nephrotoxic drug use; sepsis; intensive care unit (ICU) admission, and the need for dialysis. Each of these characteristics was correlated with the development of acute kidney injury, with recovery of renal function and with survival. Fifty-four patients developed acute kidney injury: 72% were males, 59% had been HIV-infected for >5 years, 72% had CD4 counts <200 cells/mm³, 87% developed electrolyte disturbances, 33% recovered renal function, and 56% survived. ICU admission, dialysis, sepsis and hypomagnesemia were all significantly associated with nonrecovery of renal function and with mortality. Nonrecovery of renal function was significantly associated with hypomagnesemia, as was mortality in the multivariate analysis. The risks for nonrecovery of renal function and for death were 6.94 and 6.92 times greater, respectively, for patients with hypomagnesemia. In hospitalized AIDS patients, hypomagnesemia is a risk factor for nonrecovery of renal function and for in-hospital mortality. To determine whether hypomagnesemia is a determinant or simply a marker of critical illness, further studies involving magnesium supplementation in AIDS patients are warranted.
La hemorragia de vías digestivas altas (HVDA) es una emergencia frecuente. La etiología más común es la úlcera péptica. La restauración del volumen intravascular y la presión arterial son la prioridad del manejo. La endoscopia (EGD) debe realizarse luego de la reanimación inicial y lograda la estabilización hemodinámica, tratar la lesión subyacente mediante hemostasia. Se realiza un estudio en un hospital de referencia de tercer nivel, Cundinamarca, Colombia Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, datos obtenidos de la historia clínica electrónica de pacientes adultos que consultaron por urgencias en el Hospital Universitario de la Samaritana (HUS) por HVDA, diagnosticada por hematemesis, melenas, hematoquezia y/o anemia; a quienes se les realizó EGD durante abril del 2010 - abril del 2011. Resultados: Se atendieron 385 pacientes en el período de estudio, 100 fueron excluidos debido a hemorragia secundaria a várices esofágicas, historia incompleta y hemorragia digestiva baja, para un total de 285 pacientes analizados. El 69.1% eran mayores de 60 años. El 73.3% presentaba hipertensión arterial, el 55.1% reportaba ingesta de Anti-inflamatorios no esteroideos (AINES) y Aspirina (ASA). El 19.6% reportaba episodios de sangrado previos y 17.9% presentó inestabilidad hemodinámica. Sesenta y tres pacientes (22,1%) requirieron hemostasia endoscópica, treinta y dos (11.2%) presentaron resangrado. La mortalidad reportada fue del 13.1%, del cual 55.3% correspondía a hombres. Discusión: La mayoría de la población atendida en el HUS por HVDA son adultos mayores de 60 años. La úlcera péptica, continúa siendo el diagnóstico más frecuente asociado al uso de AINES y ASA.
Objetivos: determinar la adherencia al protocolo de antibioterapia prequirúrgica en pacientessometidos a cirugías torácicas y abdominales del Hospital Universitario San Jorge, de Pereira.Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo observacional que recogió información de todos lospacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente entre el 1 de abril y el 31 de junio de 2010. La informaciónse tomó de historias clínicas considerando las variables edad, sexo, tipo de intervención quirúrgica,hora, día de la semana, antimicrobianos empleados comparados con los recomendados porlas guías institucionales. El análisis se hizo mediante SPSS 19.0 para Windows. Resultados: sehicieron 211 cirugías, con predominio de hombres (52,6%) y edad promedio de 45,2 ± 19,9 años.La adherencia a guías de profilaxis antibiótica prequirúrgica fue de 44,5% de los procedimientos.Las variables sexo masculino (OR: 2,2; IC 95%: 1,220-4,063, p=0,009), cirugía de urgencias (OR:2,1; IC 95%: 1,136-3,889, p=0,018) y fines de semana (OR: 2,3; IC 95%: 1,090-5,255, p=0,03)se asociaron de manera estadísticamente significativa con falta de adherencia. Conclusiones: seidentificó una baja adherencia a las guías de antibioterapia prequirúrgica, asociada con cirugíasde urgencia y de fines de semana. Se debe intervenir con educación y realimentación el equipohumano que trabaja en estas condiciones para mejorar el cumplimiento de las guías.
Background: Isometric grip strength, evaluated with a handgrip dynamometer, is a marker of current nutritional status and cardiometabolic risk and future morbidity and mortality. We present reference values for handgrip strength in healthy young Colombian adults (aged 18 to 29 years). Methods: The sample comprised 5.647 (2.330 men and 3.317 women) apparently healthy young university students (mean age, 20.6±2.7 years) attending public and private institutions in the cities of Bogota and Cali (Colombia). Handgrip strength was measured two times with a TKK analogue dynamometer in both hands and the highest value used in the analysis. Sex- and age-specific normative values for handgrip strength were calculated using the LMS method and expressed as tabulated percentiles from 3 to 97 and as smoothed centile curves (P3, P10, P25, P50, P75, P90 and P97). Results: Mean values for right and left handgrip strength were 38.1±8.9 and 35.9±8.6 kg for men, and 25.1±8.7 and 23.3±8.2 kg for women, respectively. Handgrip strength increased with age in both sexes and was significantly higher in men in all age categories. The results were generally more homogeneous amongst men than women. Conclusions: Sex- and age-specific handgrip strength normative values among healthy young Colombian adults are defined. This information may be helpful in future studies of secular trends in handgrip strength and to identify clinically relevant cut points for poor nutritional and elevated cardiometabolic risk in a Latin American population. Evidence of decline in handgrip strength before the end of the third decade is of concern and warrants further investigation
In the midst of health care reform, Colombia has succeeded in increasing health insurance coverage and the quality of health care. In spite of this, efficiency continues to be a matter of concern, and small-area variations in health care are one of the plausible causes of such inefficiencies. In order to understand this issue, we use individual data of all births from a Contributory-Regimen insurer in Colombia. We perform two different specifications of a multilevel logistic regression model. Our results reveal that hospitals account for 20% of variation on the probability of performing cesarean sections. Geographic area only explains 1/3 of the variance attributable to the hospital. Furthermore, some variables from both demand and supply sides are found to be also relevant on the probability of undergoing cesarean sections. This paper contributes to previous research by using a hierarchical model and by defining hospitals as cluster. Moreover, we also include clinical and supply induced demand variables.
Introducción Los Grupos Relacionados de Diagnóstico (GRD) se han usado para determinar la calidad de la atención en varios sistemas de salud. Esto ha llevado a que se obtengan resultados en el mejoramiento continuo de la atención y del cuidado. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar desenlaces clínicos de los pacientes a quienes se les había realizado reemplazo de articulares según la complejidad clínica definida mediante GRD. Métodos Se realizó un estudio longitudinal descriptivo en el cual se incluyeron todos los pacientes que tuvieron cirugía de reemplazo total de hombro, cadera y rodilla entre 2012 y 2014. Se realizó la estratificación de los pacientes de acuerdo a tres niveles de complejidad dados por el sistema de GRD y se determinaron las proporciones de pacientes para las variables de estancia hospitalaria, enfermedad trombo-embólica, cardiovascular e infección del sitio operatorio. Resultados Se realizaron en total 886 reemplazos articulares de los cuales 40 (4.5%) presentaron complicaciones. Los eventos más frecuentes fueron las complicaciones coronarias, con una presencia de 2.4%. El GRD1, sin complicaciones ni comorbilidades, fue el que presentó mayor número de eventos. La estancia hospitalaria fue de 3.8 a 9.3 días para todos los reemplazos. Conclusiones Contrario a lo planteado en la hipótesis de estudio, se encontró que el primer GRD presentó el mayor número de complicaciones, lo que puede estar relacionado con el tamaño del grupo. Es necesario realizar nuevas investigaciones que soporten el uso de los GRD como herramienta para evaluar desenlaces clínicos.
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Background: The care of the acutely ill patient in hospital is often sub-optimal. Poor recognition of critical illness combined with a lack of knowledge, failure to appreciate the clinical urgency of a situation, a lack of supervision, failure to seek advice and poor communication have been identified as contributory factors. At present the training of medical students in these important skills is fragmented. The aim of this study was to use consensus techniques to identify the core competencies in the care of acutely ill or arrested adult patients that medical students should possess at the point of graduation. Design: Healthcare professionals were invited to contribute suggestions for competencies to a website as part of a modified Delphi survey. The competency proposals were grouped into themes and rated by a nominal group comprised of physicians, nurses and students from the UK. The nominal group rated the importance of each competency using a 5-point Likert scale. Results: A total of 359 healthcare professionals contributed 2,629 competency suggestions during the Delphi survey. These were reduced to 88 representative themes covering: airway and oxygenation; breathing and ventilation; circulation; confusion and coma; drugs, therapeutics and protocols; clinical examination; monitoring and investigations; team-working, organisation and communication; patient and societal needs; trauma; equipment; pre-hospital care; infection and inflammation. The nominal group identified 71 essential and 16 optional competencies which students should possess at the point of graduation. Conclusions: We propose these competencies form a core set for undergraduate training in resuscitation and acute care.
Background and objectives: There have been few studies investigating acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients infected with the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus. Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify the factors associated with AKI in H1N1-infected patients. Design, setting, participants, & measurements: This was a study of 47 consecutive critically ill adult patients with reverse transcriptase-PCR-confirmed H1N1 infection in Brazil. Outcome measures were AKI (as defined by the Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, and End-stage renal failure [RIFLE] criteria) and in-hospital death. Results: AKI was identified in 25 (53%) of the 47 H1N1-infected patients. AKI was associated with vasopressor use, mechanical ventilation, high Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) scores, and severe acidosis as well as with higher levels of C-reactive protein and lactic dehydrogenase upon intensive care unit (ICU) admission. A nephrology consultation was requested for 16 patients (64%), and 8 (50%) required dialysis. At ICU admission, 7 (15%) of the 25 AKI patients had not yet progressed to AKI. However, by 72 hours after ICU admission, no difference in RIFLE score was found between AKI survivors and nonsurvivors. Of the 47 patients, 9 (19%) died, all with AKI. Mortality was associated with mechanical ventilation, vasopressor use, dialysis, high APACHE II score, high bilirubin levels, and a low RIFLE score at ICU admission. Conclusions: Among critically ill H1N1-infected patients, the incidence of AKI is high. In such patients, AKI is mainly attributable to shock. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5: 1916-1921, 2010. doi: 10.2215/CJN.00840110
Background: Perineal injury is a serious complication of vaginal delivery that has a severe impact on the quality of life of healthy women. The prevalence of perineal injuries among women who give birth in hospital has increased over the last decade, while it is lower among women who give birth at home. The aim of this study was to describe the practice of midwives in home birth settings with the focus on the occurrence of perineal injuries. Methods: Twenty midwives who had assisted home births for between one and 29 years were interviewed using an interview guide. The midwives also had experience of working in a hospital delivery ward. All the interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed. Content analysis was used. Results: The overall theme was "No rushing and tearing about", describing the midwives' focus on the natural process taking its time. The subcategories 1) preparing for the birth; 2) going along with the physiological process; 3) creating a sense of security; 4) the critical moment and 5) midwifery skills illuminate the management of labor as experienced by the midwives when assisting births at home. Conclusions: Midwives who assist women who give birth at home take many things into account in order to minimize the risk of complications during birth. Protection of the woman's perineum is an act of awareness that is not limited to the actual moment of the pushing phase but starts earlier, along with the communication between the midwife and the woman.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is an increasing neurological disorder in an aging society. The motor and non-motor symptoms of PD advance with the disease progression and occur in varying frequency and duration. In order to affirm the full extent of a patient’s condition, repeated assessments are necessary to adjust medical prescription. In clinical studies, symptoms are assessed using the unified Parkinson’s disease rating scale (UPDRS). On one hand, the subjective rating using UPDRS relies on clinical expertise. On the other hand, it requires the physical presence of patients in clinics which implies high logistical costs. Another limitation of clinical assessment is that the observation in hospital may not accurately represent a patient’s situation at home. For such reasons, the practical frequency of tracking PD symptoms may under-represent the true time scale of PD fluctuations and may result in an overall inaccurate assessment. Current technologies for at-home PD treatment are based on data-driven approaches for which the interpretation and reproduction of results are problematic. The overall objective of this thesis is to develop and evaluate unobtrusive computer methods for enabling remote monitoring of patients with PD. It investigates first-principle data-driven model based novel signal and image processing techniques for extraction of clinically useful information from audio recordings of speech (in texts read aloud) and video recordings of gait and finger-tapping motor examinations. The aim is to map between PD symptoms severities estimated using novel computer methods and the clinical ratings based on UPDRS part-III (motor examination). A web-based test battery system consisting of self-assessment of symptoms and motor function tests was previously constructed for a touch screen mobile device. A comprehensive speech framework has been developed for this device to analyze text-dependent running speech by: (1) extracting novel signal features that are able to represent PD deficits in each individual component of the speech system, (2) mapping between clinical ratings and feature estimates of speech symptom severity, and (3) classifying between UPDRS part-III severity levels using speech features and statistical machine learning tools. A novel speech processing method called cepstral separation difference showed stronger ability to classify between speech symptom severities as compared to existing features of PD speech. In the case of finger tapping, the recorded videos of rapid finger tapping examination were processed using a novel computer-vision (CV) algorithm that extracts symptom information from video-based tapping signals using motion analysis of the index-finger which incorporates a face detection module for signal calibration. This algorithm was able to discriminate between UPDRS part III severity levels of finger tapping with high classification rates. Further analysis was performed on novel CV based gait features constructed using a standard human model to discriminate between a healthy gait and a Parkinsonian gait. The findings of this study suggest that the symptom severity levels in PD can be discriminated with high accuracies by involving a combination of first-principle (features) and data-driven (classification) approaches. The processing of audio and video recordings on one hand allows remote monitoring of speech, gait and finger-tapping examinations by the clinical staff. On the other hand, the first-principles approach eases the understanding of symptom estimates for clinicians. We have demonstrated that the selected features of speech, gait and finger tapping were able to discriminate between symptom severity levels, as well as, between healthy controls and PD patients with high classification rates. The findings support suitability of these methods to be used as decision support tools in the context of PD assessment.