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Enterococci are one of the leading causes of nosocomial infections, and Enterococcus faecalis causes the majority of enterococcal infections. However, the mechanisms of enterococcal pathogenesis are still not yet understood. In our initial screening of E. faecalis strain OG1RF genomic libraries, autolysin and a homolog of a protein of Enterococcus faecium previously designated P54 were found to be two major antigens that reacted with human patient sera, and an antigen designated MH-1 antigen that reacted with serum from a endocarditis patient was also identified. To explore a possible role for these antigens in enterococcal infections, the genes encoding these three antigens were disrupted in Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF. ^ To explore a possible role of an E. faecalis gelatinase (encoded by gelE), which belongs to a family of Zn-metalloproteases that have been shown to be virulence factors in other organisms, in enterococcal infections, an insertion mutant was constructed in OG1RF and tested in the mouse peritonitis model. The mice infected with the gelE mutant showed a significantly prolonged survival compared to the wild type strain. To study the expression of gelE, the regions flanking gelE were sequenced. Sequence analysis of the gelE flanking regions revealed three genes (fsrA, fsrB and fsrC) upstream of gelE that show homology to the genes in a locus (agr) that globally regulates the expression of virulence factors in Staphylococcus aureus and one open reading frame (sprE) with homology to bacterial serine protease downstream of gelE. ^ In conclusion, in this study of identification of possible virulence factors in E. faecalis surface and secreted proteins, of three genes encoding antigens detected by human patient sera, none could be shown to effect virulence in the mouse peritonitis model. Inactivation of one of these antigens (autolysin) was shown to slightly increase the tolerance of E. faecalis to penicillin. A serine protease and a locus (fsr) that regulates the expression of gelE and sprE were shown to be important for enterococcal infection in the mouse peritonitis model. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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During development, embryos must carefully integrate the processes of cell proliferation and differentiation. TH has been identified in Xenopus laevis as a gene product that functions in regulating differentiation of the neural ectoderm through its effect on cell proliferation. However, the mechanism and molecular pathway through which TH functions are not known. We identified the Xenopus FK506 binding protein homolog (XFKBP12) as a protein that interacted with TH in a yeast two-hybrid screen with TH as the bait. The direct and specific interaction between TH and XFKBP12 was supported by several tests including CO-IP, drug competence assay and mutagenesis analysis. To investigate the function of XFKBP12 during embryogenesis, we created an XFKBP12 loss of function embryo using antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (MO). XFKBP12 MO injected embryos displayed similar phenotypes as TH depleted embryos. We also demonstrated that both TH and XFKBP12 functioned through the TOR signaling pathway which is a target for cancer therapies. The interaction between TH and XFKBP 12 was required to regulate the proliferation of neural cells. Therefore, our study indicates that TH represents the endogenous ligand of XFKBP12 and together they coordinate neural cell proliferation and differentiation through the conserved rapamycin sensitive TOR pathway. Thus, understanding how this pathway functions in development will not only provide us important insights into the relationship between proliferation and differentiation, but help design rational cancer therapies targeting this pathway. ^


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Lodestar, a Drosophila maternal-effect gene, is essential for proper chromosome segregation during embryonic mitosis. Mutations in lodestar cause chromatin bridging in anaphase, preventing the sister chromatids from fully separating and leaving chromatin tangled at the metaphase plate. Drosophila lodestar protein was originally identified, in purified fractions of Drosophila Kc cell nuclear extracts, by its ability to suppress the generation of long RNA polymerase II transcripts. The human homolog of this protein (hLodestar) was cloned and studied in comparison to the Drosophila lodestar activities. The results of these studies show, similar to the Drosophila protein, hLodestar has dsDNA-dependent ATPase and transcription termination activity in vitro. hLodestar has also been shown to release RNA polymerase I and II stalled at a cyclobutane thymine dimer. Lodestar belongs to the SNF2 family of proteins, which are members of the DExH/D helicase super-family. The SNF2 family of proteins are believed to play a critical role in altering protein-DNA interactions in a variety of cellular contexts. We have recently isolated a human cDNA (hLodestar) that shares significant homology to the Drosophila lodestar gene. The 4.6 kb clone contains an open reading frame of 1162 amino acids, and shares 55% similarity and 46% identity to the Drosophila Lodestar protein sequence. Our studies looking for hLodestar interacting proteins revealed an association with CDC5L in the yeast two-hybrid system and co-immunoprecipitation experiments. CDC5L has been well documented to be a component of the spliceosome. Our data suggests hLodestar is involved in splicing through in vitro assembly and splicing reactions, in addition to its association with spliceosomes purified from HeLa nuclear extract. Although many other members of the DExH/D helicase super-family have been linked to splicing, this is the first SNF2 family member to be implicated in the splicing reaction. ^


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Several genetic linkage and epidemiological studies have provided strong evidence that DCDC2 is a candidate gene for developmental dyslexia, a disorder that impairs a person’s reading ability despite adequate intelligence, education, and socio-economic status. Studies investigating embryonic intra-ventricular RNA interference (RNAi) of Dcdc2, a rat homolog of the DCDC2 gene in humans, indicate disruptions in neuronal migration in the rat cortex during development. Interestingly, these anatomical anomalies are consistent with post mortem histological analysis of human dyslexic patients. Other rodent models of cortical developmental disruption have shown impairment in rapid auditory processing and learning maze tasks in affected subjects. The current study investigates the rapid auditory processing abilities of mice heterozygous for Dcdc2 (one functioning Dcdc2 allele) and mice with a homozygous knockout of Dcdc2 (no functioning Dcdc2 allele). It is important to note that this genetic model for behavioral assessment is still in the pilot stage. However, preliminary results suggest that mice with a genetic mutation of Dcdc2 have impaired rapid auditory processing, as well as non-spatial maze learning and memory ability, as compared to wildtypes. By genetically knocking out Dcdc2 in mice, behavioral features associated with Dcdc2 can be characterized, along with other neurological abnormalities that may arise due to the loss of the functioning gene.


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Plant cell walls largely consist of matrix polysaccharides that are linked to cellulose microfibrils. Xyloglucan, the primary hemicellulose of the cell wall matrix, consists of a repeating glucose tetramer structure with xylose residues attached to the first three units ('XXXG'). In Arabidopsis thaliana, the core XXXG structure is further modified by enzymatic addition of galactose and fucose residues to the xylose side chains to produce XLXG, XXLG, XLLG and XLFG structures. GT14 is a putative glycosyltransferase in the GT47 gene family. Initial predictions of GT14's hydrophobic regions, based on its translated amino acid sequence, are almost identical to its Arabidopsis homolog MUR3, which is a xyloglucan galactosyltransferase targeted to the Golgi membrane. This suggests that, like MUR3, GT14 possesses a transmembrane domain and that it is targeted to the Golgi. The monosaccharide composition of leaves from T-DNA insertion knockouts of GT14 was analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography. The gt14 plants were found to have lower fucose and higher mannose contents than wild type plants. Analysis of cell wall and soluble fractions from gt14 and wild type plants revealed that most of the deficiency in fucose was accounted for in the cell wall, supporting the idea that GT14's target is xyloglucan. Finally, gt14 and wild type plants were transformed with GT14 for complementation and overexpression analysis. The majority of transformed plants did not show significant changes with regard to monosaccharide composition. This may be because the plants were in the T1 generation and, thus, hemizygous. Analysis of homozygous plants in the T2 generation may reveal noticeable changes. Further studies on the xyloglucan composition of gt14 plants are necessary to put the observed reduction in cell wall fucose into a meaningful context.


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In common with other members of the p120-catenin subclass of catenins, ARVCF-catenin appears to have multiple cellular and developmental functions. In Xenopus, our lab recently demonstrated that xARVCF- and Xp120-catenins are each essential for early vertebrate embryogenesis, being functionally linked to Rho-family GTPases (RhoA, Rac) and cadherin metabolic stability. For the project described here, the yeast two-hybrid system was employed to screen a Xenopus laevis neurula library for proteins that interact with xARVCF, resulting in the identification of the Xenopus homolog of Kazrin (xKazrin). Kazrin is a variably-spliced protein of unknown function that has been shown to interact with periplakin and envoplakin, components of desmosomal junctions. Kazrin's primary sequence is highly conserved across vertebrate species and is composed of an amino-terminal nuclear export sequence (NES), a carboxy-terminal nuclear localization sequence (NLS) and a central predicted coiled-coil domain. In vitro and in vivo authenticity tests demonstrated that xARVCF-catenin interacts directly with xKazrin via xARVCF's Armadillo and carboxy-terminal regions and xKazrin's coiled-coil domain. The interaction of xARVCF-catenin with xKazrin is specific and does not extend to the related Xp120-catenin. xKazrin co-localized with E-cadherin at sites of cell-cell contact and could be co-immunoprecipitated with components of the cadherin complex. xKazrin was also present in the cytoplasm and nucleus. Suggestive of a nuclear role, mutation of xKazrin's predicted NLS resulted in nuclear exclusion, while deletion of the predicted NES resulted in loss of sensitivity to nuclear export inhibitors. Within Xenopus embryos, xKazrin was expressed across all developmental stages and appeared at varying levels in adult tissues. Morpholino depletion of xKazrin from Xenopus embryos resulted in axial elongation abnormalities and loss of tissue integrity after neurulation. Over-expression of xKazrin had no effect, while over-expression of a NLS mutant resulted in a mild phenotype similar to that seen in xKazrin depleted embryos. Interestingly, the axial phenotype resulting from reduced xKazrin levels was largely rescuable by xARVCF over-expression. In conjunction with xARVCF-catenin, xKazrin has properties consistent with its function at cell-cell contact sites and in the nucleus. ^


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The baker's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae responds to the cytotoxic effects of elevated temperature (37-42°C) by activating transcription of ∼150 genes, termed heat shock genes, collectively required to compensate for the abundance of misfolded and aggregated proteins and various physiological modifications necessary for the cell to survive and grow at heat shock temperatures. An intriguing facet of the yeast heat shock response is the remarkable similarity it shares with the global remodeling that occurs in mammalian cells in response to numerous pathophysiological conditions including cancer and cardiovascular disease and thus provides an ideal model system. I have therefore investigated several novel features of stress signaling, transcriptional regulation, and physiology. Initial work focused on the characterization of SYM1, a novel heat shock gene in yeast which was demonstrated to be required for growth on the nonfermentable carbon source ethanol at elevated temperature, and to be the functional ortholog of the mammalian kidney disease gene, Mpv17. Additional work addressed the role of two proteins, the Akt-related kinase, Sch9, and Sse1, the yeast Hsp110 protein chaperone homolog, in signaling by protein kinase A, establishing Sse1 as a critical negative regulator of this pathway. Furthermore, I have demonstrated a role for Sse1 in biogenesis and stability of the stress-response transcription factor, Msn2; a finding that has been extended to include a select subset of additional high molecular weight proteins, suggesting a more global role for this chaperone in stabilizing the cellular proteome. The final emphasis of my doctoral work has included the finding that celastrol, a compound isolated from the plant family Celasfraceae, a component of traditional Chinese herbal medicine, can activate heat shock transcription factor (Hsf1) in yeast and mammalian cells through an oxidative stress mechanism. Celastrol treatment simultaneously activates both heat shock and oxidative stress response pathways, resulting in increased cytoprotection. ^


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Human lipocalin 2 is described as the neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL). The lipocalin 2 gene encodes a small, secreted glycoprotein that possesses a variety of functions, of which the best characterized function is organic iron binding activity. Elevated NGAL expression has been observed in many human cancers including breast, colorectal, pancreatic and ovarian cancers. I focused on the characterization of NGAL function in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and breast cancer. Using the leukemic xenograft mouse model, we demonstrated that over-expression of NGAL in K562 cells, a leukemic cell line, led to a higher apoptotic rate and an atrophy phenotype in the spleen of inoculated mice compared to K562 cells alone. These results indicate that NGAL plays a primary role in suppressing hematopoiesis by inducing apoptosis within normal hematopoietic cells. In the breast cancer project, we analyzed two microarray data sets of breast cancer cell lines ( n = 54) and primary breast cancer samples (n = 318), and demonstrated that high NGAL expression is significantly correlated with several tumor characteristics, including negative estrogen receptor (ER) status, positive HER2 status, high tumor grade, and lymph node metastasis. Ectopic NGAL expression in non-aggressive (ZR75.1 and MCF7) cells led to aggressive tumor phenotypes in vitro and in vivo. Conversely, knockdown of NGAL expression in various breast cancer cell lines by shRNA lentiviral infection significantly decreased migration, invasion, and metastasis activities of tumor cells both in vitro and in vivo . It has been previously reported that transgenic mice with a mutation in the region of trans-membrane domain (V664E) of HER2 develop mammary tumors that progress to lung metastasis. However, we observed that genetic deletion of the 24p3 gene, a mouse homolog of NGAL, in HER2 transgenic mice by breeding with 24p3-null mice resulted in a significant delay of mammary tumor formation and reduction of lung metastasis. Strikingly, we also found that treatment with affinity purified 24p3 antibodies in the 4T1 breast cancer mice strongly reduced lung metastasis. Our studies provide evidence that NGAL plays a critical role in breast cancer development and progression, and thus NGAL has potential as a new therapeutic target in breast cancer.^


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Wound healing is a conserved survival response whose function is to restore the integrity of the tissue after physical trauma. Despite numerous studies in the wound healing field, the signals and pathways that orchestrate and control the wound healing program are still not entirely known. To identify additional signals and pathways that regulate epidermal wound repair in Drosophila larvae, we performed a pilot in vivo RNAi screen using a live reporter for epidermal morphology and a wounding assay. From our pilot screen we identified Pvr, the Drosophila homolog of the vertebrate PDGF/VEGF receptors, and six other genes as epidermal wound healing genes. Morphological analysis of wound-edge cells lacking Pvr or the Drosophila Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK), previously implicated in larval wound closure, suggest that Pvr signaling leads to cell process extension into the wound site while JNK mediates transient dedifferentiation of wound-edge epidermal cells. Furthermore, we found that one of the three known Pvr ligands, Pvf1, is also required for epidermal wound closure. Through tissue-specific knock down and rescue experiments, we propose a model in which epidermally-produced Pvf1 may be sequestered into the hemolymph (blood) and that tissue damage locally exposes blood-borne Pvf1 to Pvr receptors on epidermal cells at the wound edge, thus initiating epidermal cell process extension and migration into the wound gap. Together, our data suggest that the Pvr and JNK signaling pathways act in parallel to control different aspects of wound closure and that PDGF/VEGF ligands and receptors may have a conserved autocrine role in epidermal wound closure. ^


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The interaction between C. albicans and innate immune cells is a key determinant to disease progression. Transcriptional profiling showed that C. albicans responds to macrophage phagocytosis by inducing pathways required for alternative carbon metabolism (beta-oxidation, the glyoxylate cycle, and gluconeogenesis), suggesting these pathways are important for virulence of C. albicans. ^ We have shown that deleting key genes (FOX2, FBP1) in these pathways results in virulence defects in an in vivo mouse model for systemic infection. Like icl1Δ/Δ mutants, fbp1Δ/Δ mutants are severely attenuated and fox2Δ/Δ mutants are mildly but significantly attenuated, indicating that carbon starvation is a relevant stress in vivo. ^ However, fox2Δ/Δ mutants also had unexpected phenotypes on certain carbon sources, unlike the case in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, suggesting these pathways are regulated differently in C. albicans. To test this, we identified the C. albicans regulators of these pathways based on those from S. cerevisiae and Aspergillus nidulans. ^ C. albicans has a partly conserved framework, but lacks two regulators (Oaf1p, Pip2p) controlling peroxisome biogenesis and beta-oxidation genes in yeast. Instead, C. albicans has a homolog, CTF1, of the A. nidulans fatty acid catabolism regulators FarA and FarB. We have shown that CTF1 is needed for growth on oleate (like FarA and FarB), expression of beta-oxidation and glyoxylate cycle genes, and full virulence. No function for CTF1 has previously been identified in C. albicans. Our data demonstrate a role for alternative carbon metabolism in the virulence of C. albicans and suggest that the regulation of these pathways is a mixture of the filamentous fungi and budding yeast systems. ^


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Cancer antigen 125 (CA125) is a tumor antigen that is routinely used to monitor the disease progress and the outcome of treatment in ovarian cancer patients. Elevated serum levels of CA125 are detected in over 80% of epithelial ovarian cancer patients. CA125 is a high molecular weight (>1M Dalton) mucin-type glycoprotein encoded by the MUC16 gene on human chromosome 19. Although MUC16 has served as the best serum marker for monitoring growth of ovarian cancer, roles for MUC16 in normal physiology and ovarian cancer are largely unknown. To understand the biological functions of MUC16, I characterized a mouse Muc16 homolog on chromosome 9 by means of expression pattern profiling, phenotype analysis of Muc16 knockout mice, and in vitro and in vivo studies of Muc16 null transformed ovarian surface epithelial (OSE) cells. ^ The mouse Muc16 homolog shares a conserved genomic structure with human MUC16. In addition to being expressed in mouse ovarian cancer, mouse Muc16 mRNA and protein were expressed in the mesothelia covering the heart, lung, ovary, oviduct, spleen, testis, and uterus. The conserved genomic structure and expression pattern of mouse Muc16 to human MUC16 suggests that mouse Muc16 is the ortholog of human MUC16. To understand the biological functions of Muc16, I generated Muc16 knockout mice. Muc16 knockout mice were viable, fertile and normal by one year of age. However, between 18 and 24 months of age, Muc16 knockout mice developed various tissue abnormalities such as ovarian cysts and tumors of the liver and other peritoneal organs. To determine the role of MUC16 in ovarian cancer progression, I established Muc16 null transformed ovarian surface epithelial (OSE) cell lines, following the same method to develop mouse model of epithelial ovarian cancer (Orsulic et al., 2002). Loss of Muc16 did not affect cell morphology, cell proliferation rate, or tumorigenic potential. However, Muc16-null OSE cells showed decreased attachment to extracellular matrix proteins as well as to primary mouse peritoneal mesothelial cells. Peritoneal mesothelia are the most frequent implantation sites of ovarian cancer. Furthermore, a pilot transplantation assay suggests that Muc16 null transformed OSE cells formed less disseminated tumors in the peritoneal cavity compared to wild-type OSE cells. ^ In conclusion, these results demonstrate that MUC16 is not required for normal mouse development or reproduction, but plays important roles in tissue homeostasis, ovarian cancer cell adhesion and dissemination. This study provides the first in vivo evidence of the roles of MUC16 in development, as well as ovarian cancer progression and dissemination. These studies offer valuable insights into possible mechanisms of ovarian cancer development and potential molecular targets for ovarian cancer treatment. ^


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This dissertation examines the biological functions and the regulation of expression of DNA ligase I by studying its expression under different conditions.^ The gene expression of DNA ligase I was induced two- to four-fold in S-phase lymphoblastoid cells but was decreased to 15% of control after administration of a DNA damaging agent, 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide. When cells were induced into differentiation, the expression level of DNA ligase I was decreased to less than 15% of that of the control cells. When the gene of DNA ligase I was examined for tissue specific expression in adult rats, high levels of DNA ligase I mRNA were observed in testis (8-fold), intermediate levels in ovary and brain (4-fold), and low levels were found in intestine, spleen, and liver (1- to 2-fold).^ In confluent cells of normal skin fibroblasts, UV irradiation induced the gene expression of DNA ligase I at 24 and 48 h. The induction of DNA ligase I gene expression requires active p53 protein. Introducing a vector containing the wild type p53 protein in the cells caused an induction of the DNA ligase I protein 24 h after the treatment.^ Our results indicate that, in addition to the regulation by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, cellular DNA ligase I activity can be regulated at the gene transcription level, and the p53 tumor suppresser is one of the transcription factors for the DNA ligase I gene. Also, our results suggest that DNA ligase I is involved in DNA repair as well as in DNA replication.^ Also, as an early attempt to clone the human homolog of the yeast CDC9 gene which has been shown to be involved in DNA replication, DNA repair, and DNA recombination, we have identified a human gene with mRNA of 1.7 kb. This dissertation studies the gene regulation and the possible biological functions of this new human gene by examining its expression at different stages of the cell cycle, during cell differentiation, and in cellular response to DNA damage.^ The new gene that we recently identified from human cells is highly expressed in brain and reproductive organs (BRE). This BRE gene encodes an mRNA of 1.7-1.9 kb, with an open reading frame of 1,149 bp, and gives rise to a deduced polypeptide of 383 amino acid residues. No extensive homology was found between BRE and sequences from the EMBL-Gene Banks. BRE showed tissue-specific expression in adult rats. The steady state mRNA levels were high in testis (5-6 fold), ovary and brain (3-4 fold) compared to the spleen level, but low in intestine and liver (1-2 fold). The expression of this gene is responsive to DNA damage and/or retinoic acid (RA) treatment. Treatment of fibroblast cells with UV irradiation and 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide caused more than 90% and 50% decreases in BRE mRNA, respectively. Similar decreases in BRE expression were observed after treatment of the brain glioma cell line U-251 and the promyelocytic cell line HL-60 with retinoic acid. (Abstract shortened by UMI). ^


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Cells are exposed to a variety of environmental and physiological changes including temperature, pH and nutrient availability. These changes cause stress to cells, which results in protein misfolding and altered cellular protein homeostasis. How proteins fold into their three-dimensional functional structure is a fundamental biological process with important relevance to human health. Misfolded and aggregated proteins are linked to multiple neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular disease and cystic fibrosis. To combat proteotoxic stress, cells deploy an array of molecular chaperones that assist in the repair or removal of misfolded proteins. Hsp70, an evolutionarily conserved molecular chaperone, promotes protein folding and helps maintain them in a functional state. Requisite co-chaperones, including nucleotide exchange factors (NEFs) strictly regulate and serve to recruit Hsp70 to distinct cellular processes or locations. In yeast and human cells, three structurally non-related cytosolic NEFs are present: Sse1 (Hsp110), Fes1 (HspBP1) and Snl1 (Bag-1). Snl1 is unique among the cytosolic NEFs as it is localized at the ER membrane with its Hsp70 binding (BAG) domain exposed to the cytosol. I discovered that Snl1 distinctly interacts with assembled ribosomes and several lines of evidence indicate that this interaction is both independent of and concurrent with binding to Hsp70 and is not dependent on membrane localization. The ribosome-binding site is identified as a short lysine-rich motif within the amino terminus of the Snl1 BAG domain distinct from the Hsp70 interaction region. In addition, I demonstrate ribosome association with the Snl1 homolog in the pathogenic fungus, Candida albicans and localize this putative NEF to a perinuclear/ER membrane, suggesting functional conservation in fungal BAG domain-containing proteins. As a first step in determining specific domain architecture in fungal BAG proteins, I present the preliminary steps of protein purification and analysis of the minimal Hsp70 binding region in in both S.cerevisiae and C. albicans Snl1. Contrary to previous in vitro evidence which showed the Fes1 NEF to interact with both cytosolic Hsp70s, Ssa and Ssb, Fes1 is shown to interact specifically with Ssa when expressed under normal cellular conditions in S. cerevisiae. This is the first reported evidence of Hsp70 binding selectivity for a cytosolic NEF, and suggests a possible mechanism to achieve specificity in Hsp70-dependent functions. Taken together, the work presented in this dissertation highlights the striking divergence among Hsp70 co-chaperones in selecting binding partners, which may correlate with their specific roles in the cell.


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Candida albicans is the most important fungal pathogen of humans. Transcript profiling studies show that upon phagocytosis by macrophages, C. albicans undergoes a massive metabolic reorganization activating genes involved in alternative carbon metabolism, including the glyoxylate cycle, β-oxidation and gluconeogenesis. Mutations in key enzymes such as ICL1 (glyoxylate cycle) and FOX2 (fatty acid β-oxidation) revealed that alternative carbon metabolic pathways are required for full virulence in C. albicans. These studies indicate C. albicans uses non-preferred carbon sources allowing its adaptation to microenvironments were nutrients are scarce. It has become apparent that the regulatory networks required for regulation of alternative carbon metabolism in C. albicans are considerably different from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae paradigm and appear more analogous to the Aspergillus nidulans systems. Well-characterized transcription factors in S. cerevisiae have no apparent phenotype or are missing in C. albicans. CTF1 was found to be a single functional homolog of the A. nidulans FarA/FarB proteins, which are transcription factors required for fatty acid utilization. Both FOX2 and ICL1 were found to be part of a large CTF1 regulon. To increase our understanding of how CTF1 regulates its target genes, including whether regulation is direct or indirect, the FOX2 and ICL1 promoter regions were analyzed using a combination of bioinformatics and promoter deletion analysis. To begin characterizing the FOX2 and ICL1 promoters, 5’ rapid amplification of cDNA ends (5’RACE) was used to identify two transcriptional initiation sites in FOX2 and one in ICL1. GFP reporter assays show FOX2 and ICL1 are rapidly expressed in the presence of alternative carbon sources. Both FOX2 and ICL1 harbor the CCTCGG sequence known to be bound by the Far proteins, hence rendering the motif as a putative CTF1 DNA binding element. In this study, the CCTCGG sequence was found to be essential for FOX2 regulation. However, this motif does not appear to be equally important for the regulation of ICL1. This study supports the notion that although C. albicans has diverged from the paradigms of model fungi, C. albicans has made specific adaptations to its transcription-based regulatory network that may contribute to its metabolic flexibility.


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Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most common adult leukemia in the United Statesand Europe. CLL patients with deletion of chromosome 17p, where the tumor suppressor p53 gene is located, often develop a more aggressive disease with poor clinical outcomes. However, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. In order to understand the underneath mechanism in vivo, I have recently generated mice with Eu-TCL1-Tg:p53-/- genotype and showed that these mice develop aggressive leukemia that resembles human CLL with 17p deletion. The Eu-TCL1-Tg:p53-/- mice developed CLL disease at 3-4 months, significantly earlier than the parental Eu-TCL1-Tg mice that developed CLL disease at 8-12 months. Flow cytometry analysis showed that the CD5+/ IgM+ cell population appeared in the peritoneal cavity, bone marrow, and the spleens of Eu-TCL1-Tg:p53-/- mice significantly earlier than that of the parental Eu-TCL1-Tg mice. Massive infiltration and accumulation of leukemia cells were found in the spleen and peritoneal cavity. In vitro study showed that the leukemia cells isolated from the Eu-TCL1-Tg:p53-/- mice were more resistant to fludarabine treatment than the leukemia cells isolated from spleens of Eu-TCL1-Tg mice. Interestingly, TUNEL assay revealed that there was higher apoptotic cell death found in the Eu-TCL1-Tg spleen tissue compared to the spleens of the Eu-TCL1-Tg:p53-/- mice, suggesting that the loss of p53 compromises the apoptotic process in vivo, and this might in part explain the drug resistant phenotype of CLL cells with 17p-deletion. In the present study, we further demonstrated that the p53 deficiency in the TCL1 transgenic mice resulted in significant down-regulation of microRNAs miR-15a and miR16-1, associated with a substantial up-regulation of Mcl-1, suggesting that the p53-miR15a/16-Mcl-1 axis may play an important role in CLL pathogenesis. Interestingly, we also found that loss of p53 resulted in a significant decrease in expression of the miR-30 family especially miR-30d in leukemia lymphocytes from the Eu-TCL1-Tg:p53-/- mice. Such down-regulation of those microRNAs and up-regulation of Mcl-1 were also found in primary leukemia cells from CLL patients with 17p deletion. To further exam the biological significance of decrease in the miR-30 family in CLL, we investigated the potential involvement of EZH2 (enhancer of zeste homolog 2), a component of the Polycomb repressive complex known to be a downstream target of miR-30d and plays a role in disease progression in several solid cancers. RT-PCR and western blot analyses showed that both EZH2 mRNA transcript and protein levels were significantly increased in the lymphocytes of Eu-TCL1-Tg:p53-/- mice relative to Eu-TCL1-Tg mice. Exposure of leukemia cells isolated from Eu-TCL1-Tg:p53-/- mice to the EZH2 inhibitor 3-deazaneplanocin (DZNep) led to induction of apoptosis, suggesting EZH2 may play a role in promoting CLL cell survival and this may contribute to the aggressive phenotype of CLL with loss of p53. Our study has created a novel CLL mouse model, and suggests that the p53/miR15a/16-Mcl-1 axis & p53/miR30d-EZH2 may contribute to the aggressive phenotype and drug resistance in CLL cells with loss of p53.