968 resultados para Highsmith, Patricia, 1921-1995


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This research evaluated the concrete strength of two mixes which were used in the Polk County project NHS-500-1(3)--10-77 and were developed to meet a contract requirement of 900 psi third-point 28-day flexural strength. Two concrete mixes, the Proposed Mix and the Enhanced Mix, were tested for strength. Based on the experimental results, it was found that the addition of 50 lb of cementitious materials did not significantly increase concrete strength. The requirement of 900 psi 28-day third-point flexural strength (MOR-TPL) was not achieved by this amount of addition of cementitious materials.


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The effect of coarse aggregate gradation and cement content on strength of concrete was studied. Concrete made of Iowa Department of Transportation Standard Mix C-3 and Aggregate Gradation No. 3 were selected as reference. C-3 proportions were used for mixes #1 and #2. C-3 mix with 10% reduction of the cement content was used for mix #3. C-3 mix with 20% reduction of the cement content was used for mix #4. On the other hand, mix #1 used coarse aggregate of Gradation No. 3, while mixes #2, #3, and #4 used coarse aggregate mix of 65% concrete stone and 35% 3/8 in. chips. It was found that strengths of portland cement concrete decrease with decreasing cement factor. On the other hand, 35% of chip replacement for coarse aggregate increases strengths of concrete. By replacing 35% of coarse aggregate with chips, one could reduce cement factor 10% and achieve equivalent strengths.


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The large concrete placements at the Burlington Bridge were expected to cause great temperature differentials within the individual placements. In an attempt to reduce cracking due to the large temperature differentials, the Iowa Department of Transportation required that contractors continuously monitor the temperatures and temperature differentials in the concrete placement to assure that the temperature differentials did not exceed 35 deg F. It was felt that if temperature differentials remained below 35 deg F, cracking would be minimized. The following is a summary of the background of the project, and what occurred during individual concrete placements. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) Side temperatures are cooler and more greatly affected by ambient air temperatures; 2) When the 35 deg F limit was exceeded, it was almost exclusively the center to side differential; 3) The top temperature increases substantially when a new pour is placed; 4) The use of ice and different cement types did seem to affect the overall temperature gain and the amount of time taken for any one placement to reach a peak, but did not necessarily prevent the differentials from exceeding the 35 deg F limit, nor prevent cracking in any placement; and 5) Larger placements have a greater tendency to exceed the differential limit.


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This metric short course was developed in response to a request from the Office of Bridges and Structures to assist in the training of engineers in the use of metric units of measure which will be required in all highway designs and construction after September 30, 1996 (CFR Presidential Executive Order No. 12770). The course notes which are contained in this report, were developed for a half-day course. The course contains a brief review of metrication in the U.S., metric units, prefixes, symbols, basic conversions, etc. The unique part of the course is that it presents several typical bridge calculations (such as capacity of reinforced concrete compression members, strength of pile caps, etc.) worked two ways: inch-pound units throughout with end conversion to metric and initial hard conversion to metric with metric units throughout. Comparisons of partial results and final results (obtained by working the problems the two ways) are made for each of the example problems.


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Discarded tires present major disposal and environmental problems. One method of recycling tires is to use finely ground rubber from tires in asphalt cement concrete (ACC). This process has been researched in Iowa since 1991. There are currently eight projects being researched. This project involved using crumb rubber modifier (CRM) in ACC using a dry process. This project is located on US 63 in Howard County. It involved 17 test sections. There were five test sections using 20 lb of CRM per ton, four test sections using 10 lb of CRM per ton and eight test sections using a conventional mix. Not only were different mixes used, but the overlay was also placed in various thicknesses ranging from 2 in. to 8 in. (5 cm to 20 cm). The project was completed in August 1994. The project construction went well with only minor problems. This report contains information about procedures and tests that were completed and those that will be completed. Evaluation on the project will continue for five years.


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Corroded, deteriorated, misaligned, and distorted drainage pipes can cause a serious threat to a roadway. Normal practice is to remove and replace the damaged drainage structure. An alternative method of rehabilitating these structures is to slip line them with a polyethylene liner. Twelve drainage structures were slip lined with polyethylene liners during 1994 in Iowa. Two types of liners installed were "Culvert Renew" and "Snap-Tite". It was found that the liners could be easily installed by most highway, county, and city maintenance departments. The liners restore the flow and increase the service life of the original drainage structure. The liners were found to be cost competitive with the removal and replacement of the existing drainage structure. Slip lining has the largest economic benefit when the roadway is paved, the culvert is under a deep fill, or traffic volumes are high. The annular space between the original pipe and the liner was filled with flowable mortar. Care should be taken to properly brace and grout the annular space between the liner and the culvert.


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Els seguiments o monitoritzacions, com els empenys humans, tenen per tret diferencial els alts i baixos, les dents de serra. I aixó, no només és vàlid per al comportament de les variables monitoritzades, sino també per als avatars administratius i financers. Fins l'extrem que la continuitat temporal, i no sols l'antiguitat delsregistres, és la millor mesura de la seriositat en la gestió d'un país; en aquest sentit, és evident que els països anglo-saxons tenen molt que ensenyar als llatins (p.e. en els registres de dades metereològiques).Abans del que haguèssim volgut, els alts i baixos polítics i financers van tocar, fent trontollar l'any 1995, al Seguiment del Patrimoni Biològic de les Illes Medes. L'any 1994 s'acabà el primer cicle del Pla d'Usos de l'Àrea protegida de les illes Medes (sorgit de la llei 19/1990 de 10 de desembre del Parlament de Catalunya).Aquest havia d'obrir les portes a un segon cicle quatrienal en el que, de forma preceptiva segons l'esmentada llei, s'havien de continuar els controls biològics del seu patrimoni natural. Per tant, no calia recorrer al nostre reiterat argument que en ecologia hom precisa de períodes d'estudi relativament llargs per definir amb fiabilitat les tendències de canvi: l'administració havia assumit l'argument i el feia seu. Malgrat tot, no podem dir que causès sorpresa la notícia que, després de moltes dil.lacions, informacions contradictòries i canvis de titularitat en els òrgans de gestió, el seguiment de 1995 es veia desproveït de suport financer (ens apresurem a reconeixer que a nivell d'intencions, el suport de les administracions involucrades no es va veure mai compromés). Conscients de la ingenuïtat d'esperar un suport lliure d'entrebancs, el nostre equip de treball havia assumit, des de l'inici del seguiment en 1990, el risc d'aquesta eventualitat. I havia previst que, arribat el cas, caldria continuar el seguiment, omplint si calia el buit derivat de la manca del marcadministratiu (en aquest cas el nou conveni entre la conselleria d'Agricultura, Ramaderia i Pesca i la Universitat de Barcelona) que per motius diversos no es restablí en tot el curs del 1995. És així que el seguiment del patrimoni natural de l'Àrea protegida de les illes Medes al llarg de l'any 1995 es feu amb recursos propis, la qual cosa vol dir amb moltes estretors econòmiques. Afortunadament, la situaciós'ha redrecat, en renovar-se per tres anys més (1996-1998) el conveni que estableix el seguiment. La satisfacció per la signatura d'aquest nou conveni, em fa alimentar l'esperança que ens anys a venir els nous gestors de la Reserva Marina de les Illes Medes, conscients del paper capdavanter d'aquest espai en la gestió dels espais litorals mediterrànis, no permetràn que tals anomalies es repeteixin.


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Podeu consultar l'Informe complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/24663


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This report describes a new approach to the problem of scheduling highway construction type projects. The technique can accurately model linear activities and identify the controlling activity path on a linear schedule. Current scheduling practices are unable to accomplish these two tasks with any accuracy for linear activities, leaving planners and manager suspicious of the information they provide. Basic linear scheduling is not a new technique, and many attempts have been made to apply it to various types of work in the past. However, the technique has never been widely used because of the lack of an analytical approach to activity relationships and development of an analytical approach to determining controlling activities. The Linear Scheduling Model (LSM) developed in this report, completes the linear scheduling technique by adding to linear scheduling all of the analytical capabilities, including computer applications, present in CPM scheduling today. The LSM has tremendous potential, and will likely have a significant impact on the way linear construction is scheduled in the future.


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This research project was directed at laboratory and field evaluation of sodium montmorillonite clay (Bentonite) as a dust palliative for limestone surfaced secondary roads. It was postulated that the electrically charged surfaces (negative) of the clay particles could interact with the charged surfaces (positive) of the limestone and act as a bonding agent to agglomerate fine (-#200) particulates, and also to bond the fine particulates to larger (+#200) limestone particles. One mile test roads were constructed in Tama, Appanoose, and Hancock counties in Iowa using Bentonite treatment levels (by weight of aggregate) ranging from 3.0 to 12.0%. Construction was accomplished by adding dry Bentonite to the surfacing material and then dry road mixing. The soda ash/water solution (dispersing agent) was spray applied and the treated surfacing material wet mixed by motor graders to a consistency of 2 to 3 inch slump concrete. Two motor graders working in tandem provided rapid mixing. Following wet mixing the material was surface spread and compacted by local traffic. Quantitative and qualitative periodic evaluations and testing of the test roads was conducted with respect to dust generation, crust development, roughness, and braking characteristics. As the Bentonite treatment level increased dust generation decreased. From a cost/benefit standpoint, an optimum level of treatment is about 8% (by weight of aggregate). For roads with light traffic, one application at this treatment level resulted in a 60-70% average dust reduction in the first season, 40-50% in the second season, and 20-30% in the third season. Crust development was rated at two times better than untreated control sections. No discernible trend was evident with respect to roughness. There was no evident difference in any of the test sections with respect to braking distance and braking handling characteristics, under wet surface conditions compared to the control sections. Chloride treatments are more effective in dust reduction in the short term (3-4 months). Bentonite treatment is capable of dust reduction over the long term (2-3 seasons). Normal maintenance blading operations can be used on Bentonite treated areas. Soda ash dispersed Bentonite treatment is estimated to be more than twice as cost effective per percent dust reduction than conventional chloride treatments, with respect to time. However, the disadvantage is that there is not the initial dramatic reduction in dust generation as with the chloride treatment. Although dust is reduced significantly after treatment there is still dust being generated. Video evidence indicates that the dust cloud in the Bentonite treated sections does not rise as high, or spread as wide as the cloud in the untreated section. It also settles faster than the cloud in the untreated section. This is considered important for driving safety of following traffic, and for nuisance dust invasion of residences and residential areas. The Bentonite appears to be functioning as a bonding agent.