685 resultados para Heterologous
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O gene Sw-5 do tomateiro confere resistência a várias espécies de tospovírus e codifica uma proteína contendo domínios de ligação a nucleotídeos e repetições ricas em leucina. Tomateiros com Sw-5 exibem reações necróticas nas folhas inoculadas com tospovírus. Estas reações e a estrutura da proteína Sw-5 indicam que a resistência ocorre por meio do reconhecimento do patógeno e desencadeamento da resposta de hipersensibilidade. A capacidade de Sw-5 de conferir resistência a tospovírus em tabaco selvagem (Nicotiana benthamiana Domin.) foi avaliada em plantas transgênicas. Uma construção com a seqüência aberta de leitura de Sw-5 e sua região 3 não-traduzida sob controle do promotor 35S do CaMV foi utilizada para transformação de N. benthamiana via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Plantas de progênies R1 foram inoculadas com um isolado de tospovírus e avaliadas quanto à ocorrência de reação de hipersensibilidade e resistência à infecção sistêmica. em uma progênie com segregação 3:1 (resistente:suscetível), foi selecionada uma planta homozigota e sua progênie avaliada quanto ao espectro da resistência a tospovírus. Plantas com o transgene exibiram resposta de hipersensibilidade 48 h após a inoculação, sendo resistentes à infecção sistêmica. O fenótipo da resistência foi dependente do isolado viral e um isolado de Tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV) causou necrose sistêmica em todas as plantas inoculadas, enquanto que isolados de Groundnut ringspot virus (GRSV) e um isolado relacionado a Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus (CSNV) ficaram restritos ao sítio de infecção. Comparações do espectro da resistência obtido neste trabalho com aquele observado em outros membros da família Solanaceae indicam que as vias de transdução de sinais e as respostas de defesa ativadas por Sw-5 são conservadas dentro desta família e polimorfismos genéticos nas vias de transdução de sinais ou em componentes das respostas de defesa podem resultar em diferentes níveis de resistência.
No presente estudo, foram vacinados 150 frangos de corte de um dia de idade com sorotipo H120, e, após 28 dias desafiados à vacinação com o sorotipo M 41 do vírus da bronquite infecciosa das aves. da mesma forma, foram obtidos 150 soros de aves não vacinadas para a análise. Os respectivos soros foram analisados 28, 34 e 46 dias após o desafio, examinados através das técnicas de ELISA indireto (ELISA-I), Sandwich ELISA (S-ELISA) e ELISA com bloqueio de fase líquida (ELISA-BFL) e comparados com a técnica padrão de soroneutralização (SN) para efeito de cálculo da especificidade e sensibilidade relativas, bem como os valores predictivos positivos e negativos. O cálculo do coeficiente de correlação também foi empregado para a análise de concordância. Assim, os valores da correlação encontrados foram r = 0.98 entre ELISA-BFL x SNT, r = 0.79 entre S-ELISA x SNT e r = 0.74 ELISA-I x SNT. No entanto, quando comparamos as técnicas de ELISA entre si, ELISA-BFL x S-ELISA, ELISA-BFL x ELISA-I e S-ELISA x ELISA-I os valores encontrados foram r = 0.75, r = 0.69 e r = 0.79. A técnica de ELISA-BFL demonstrou melhor sensibilidade relativa que as técnicas de S-ELISA e ELISA-I, mesmo 46 dias após o desafio com a estirpe heteróloga. Entretanto, apesar das técnicas de S-ELISA e ELISA-I apresentarem especificidade realtiva superiores, a melhor correlação observada foi entre as técnicas de ELISA-BFL e a SN.
Protein A containing Staphylococcus aureus was used to develop a coagglutination (COA) test for the detection and typing of foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV) O, A and C serotypes in infected cells and tissues. Different batches and amounts of guinea pig anti-FMDV sera were assessed to optimize the preparation of COA conjugates. The sensitivity and specificity of the COA Test for the detection of FMDV O, A and C serotypes and heterologous viruses was also characterized. Comparison between the COA Test and complement fixation test for the detection and typing of FMDV obtained from extracts of tongue epithelial tissues from infected cattle revealed high agreement in the results and indicated a potential application of the COA Test for the direct diagnosis of viruses.
Filamentous haemagglutinin adhesin (FHA) is an important virulence factor from Bordetella pertussis related to the adhesion and spread of the bacteria through the respiratory tract. Three distinct domains have been characterized in mature FHA, and among them, the FHA(442-863) fragment was suggested to be responsible for the heparin-binding activity. In this study, we cloned the gene encoding the HEP fragment (FHA(430-873)) in a Lactobacillus casei-inducible expression vector based on the lactose operon. The recombinant bacteria, transformed with the resulting construct (L. casei-HEP), were able to express the heterologous protein depending on the sugar added to the culture. Subcutaneous inoculation of L. casei-HEP in Balb/C mice, using the cholera toxin B subunit as adjuvant, induced systemic anti-HEP antibodies that were able to inhibit in vitro erythrocyte haemagglutination induced by FHA. This is the first example of a B. pertussis antigen produced in lactic acid bacteria and opens new perspectives for alternative vaccine strategies against whooping cough.
The specific delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response was evaluated in resistant (A/SN) and susceptible (B10.A) mice intraperitoneally infected with yeasts from a virulent (Pb18) or from a non-virulent (Pb265) Paracoccidioides brasiliensis isolates. Both strains of mice were footpad challenged with homologous antigens. Pb18 infected A/SN mice developed an evident and persistent DTH response late in the course of the disease (90th day on) whereas B10.A animals mounted a discrete and ephemeral DTH response at the 14th day post-infection. A/SN mice infected with Pb265 developed cellular immune responses whereas B10.A mice were almost always anergic. Histological analysis of the footpads of infected mice at 48 hours after challenge showed a mixed infiltrate consisting of predominantly mononuclear cells. Previous infection of resistant and susceptible mice with Pb18 did not alter their DTH responses against heterologous unrelated antigens (sheep red blood cells and dinitrofluorobenzene) indicating that the observed cellular anergy was antigen-specific. When fungal related antigens (candidin and histoplasmin) were tested in resistant mice, absence of cross-reactivity was noted. Thus, specific DTH responses against P. brasiliensis depend on both the host's genetically determined resistance and the virulence of the fungal isolate.
1. To study the long term course of passive Heymann nephritis (PHN), 42 adult male Wistar rats were injected with rabbit anti-FX1A serum (PHN group) and 42 rats received normal rabbit serum (control group). Two animals from each group were sacrificed 2 weeks after the inoculation and 10 animals each from the control and PHN groups were sacrificed 4, 13, 25 and 53 weeks later.2. The PHN group exhibited a significant elevation in 20-h proteinuria which lasted from the first week (control group, 9.19 +/- 0.87; PHN group, 25.3 +/- 2.66) to the 25th week (control group, 22.6 +/- 2.15; PHN group, 66.7 +/- 10.4) except for week 17. From week 29 to week 53 there was no statistical difference between the 2 groups.3. Light microscopy showed no difference between the kidneys of PHN and control rats. Immunofluorescence microscopy in PHN rats showed granular deposition of autologous and heterologous IgG on the glomerular basement membrane (GBM), whose intensity and pattern did not change during 53 weeks of observation.4. When examined by electron microscopy the glomeruli of PHN rats showed: a) electron-dense deposits which were initially subepithelial and homogeneous and later intramembranous, granular and often surrounded by an electron-transparent halo; b) focal thickening of the GBM at the sites of intramembranous deposits; c) effacement of podocytes located close to the deposits; d) penetration of the podocytes into the GBM associated with the deposits; e) presence of osmiophilic granules in the cytoplasm of the podocyte located inside the GBM similar to the granules of the deposits next to them. The association of the penetration of the podocytes into the GBM with the deposits and the presence of the osmiophilic granules inside the foot process have not been described previously in PHN.5. The results suggest that the podocytes play a role in the clearing of intramembranous deposits in PHN.
Diagnosis of Neospora caninum infection in dogs is based on serological assays such as the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). This study evaluated two serological tests (IFAT and ELISA) for the detection of IgG antibodies to N. caninum in 300 serum samples of dogs through the optimization of cut off titers by using the two-graph receiveroperating characteristic (TG-ROC) curve. In addition, the identification of major cross-reactive antigens with Toxoplasma gondii was investigated by inhibition ELISA and immunoblotting (IB) assays. IFAT and ELISA results showed 74% agreement, with a good negative concordance (P-neg=0.83), but a poor positive concordance (P-pos=0.42). The great majority (86%) of sera with positive concordant results (IFAT+/ELISA+) recognized at least two out of three N. caninum immunodominant antigens, particularly the 29-32 and 35-37 kDa bands. Optimization of cut off titers in IFAT and ELISA was performed considering the reactivity to at least two out of three N. caninum immunodominant antigens as infection markers, obtaining a titer of 50 for IFAT and 200 for ELISA. Seropositivity to N. caninuin was significantly associated with T gondii-seropositive samples, particularly in ELISA (55.4%). Inhibition ELISA curves for N. caninum showed a partial heterologous inhibition, indicating some degree of cross-reactivity between N. caninum and T gondii antigens. Inhibition IB assays showed a moderate heterologous inhibition for N. caninum antigens above 45-50 kDa. These results indicate that ELISA should be used critically when crude tachyzoite antigen preparations are employed, due to possible cross-reactivity with other related parasites as T gondii. Also, the cut off dilution of 1:50 in IFAT showed to be the most appropriated for N. caninum serology in dogs. Therefore, we suggest that N. caninum immunodominant antigens, specially the 17 and 29-32 kDa proteins, should be selected markers in serological assays for canine neosporosis. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Since ancient times, the utilization of yeasts by the man has a great impact on the socio-economic development. After the advent of the technology of recombinant DNA, great advances have occurred due to the acquisition of strains of mutant yeasts in the field of applied research, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae has soon been outstanding as an interesting candidate for the expression of heterologous proteins of biotechnological interest. As the time goes by other alternative systems of expression have been shown because they have advantages over Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Among those new systems, Pichia pastoris is outstanding as methylotrophic yeast capable of growing in a culture medium containing methanol as the only source of carbon and energy. The induction of production of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD, NAD(+): oxido-redutase EC 1.1. 1.8) by Pichia pastoris was accomplished in the medium containing methanol. One of the most important key parameters in Pichia pastoris expression system is the methanol concentration. Bibliographic reviews on the Pichia pastoris production system have shown that the best culture conditions vary according to the strain used and/or kind of heterologous protein desired to be expressed. Therefore, we have sought to develop a system, involving expression of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in the yeast Pichia pastoris, for generating sufficient quantities of the enzyme in order to asses its potential value for use in various food bioanalytical determination. Dehydrogenases have been widely used in the enzymatic assays of diverse composites of industrial interest, being enclosed among them glycerol and a number of important bioanalytical applications.
Six groups of 6 rats received equal doses (0.8 ml/100 g of body weight) of different rabbit anti rat kidney sera. The titer of anti GBM antibodies in the sera was evaluated by indirect immunofluorescent test in isolated GBM (IIT GBM). Rats of groups 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 received anti rat GBM sera with titers of 1/320, 1/240, 1/160, 1/60, 1/30 respectively. Group 4 received anti rat kidney serum with a titer of 1/80. The rats of group 1 died from 1 to 5 minutes after inoculation and their kidney were congested, with hialine trombi occluding arterioles and glomerular capillaries. The rats of group 2 and one of group 3 died from 2 to 15 days after inoculation and diffuse cortical necrosis was found. The remaining rats were sacrificed 2 months after inoculation. The kidneys were normal in control group; chronic membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis was observed in group 3 and 4, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis in group 5 and minimal changes in group 6. By immunofluorescence rabbit gammaglobulin was seen in GBM of group 3, 4, 5 and 6. The IIT GBM performed in the eluates of the kidneys revealed the presence of heterologous antibody in groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and autologous antibody in groups 3, 4 and 5. One concludes that the IIT GBM identifies and quantifies antibodies which have the property of damaging the kidney.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The retrovirus HTLV-1 is the etiological agent of the adult T-cell leukemia and HTLV-1 associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis. The proviral genome has 9,032 base pairs, showing regulatory and structural genes. The env gene encodes for the transmembrane glycoprotein gp 21. The development of methodologies for heterologous protein expression, as well as the acquisition of a cellular line that constituently expresses the recombinant, were the main goals of this work. The DNA fragment that encodes for gp 21 was amplified by nested-PCR and cloned into a pCR2.1-TOPO vector. After which, a sub-cloning was realized using the expressing vector pcDNA3.1+. The transfection of mammalian cells HEK 293 was performed transitorily and permanently. Production of the recombinant gp 21 was confirmed by flux cytometry experiments and the cell line producing protein will be used in immunogenicity assays.
HTLV-1 is the virus that causes T cell lymphoma/leukemia in adults and a neurological disorder known as HTLV-associated myelopathy or tropical spastic paraparesis. One of the transmission means is through contaminated blood and its byproducts. Because of the risk of HTLV-associated infections, screening for HTLV was introduced for Brazilian blood donors in 1993. Most of the diagnostic kits used in the national blood banks are bought from foreign companies. Brazil does not have the technology to produce this material and there is a need to produce diagnostic systems with national technology. In this study, we show the expression of gp21/HTLV-1 in Escherichia coli and its reactivity towards monoclonal antibodies and the antibodies of infected patients. Expressing these proteins is the first step towards obtaining diagnostic kits with Brazilian biotechnology.