994 resultados para Head-Up Displays.


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Traumatic dental injuries are relatively frequent accidents that typically involve teeth in the maxillary anterior segment. The emergency treatment and the clinical decisions must be efficiently made at the time of injury, and there is a need for long-term follow-up because of the high incidence of complications. The aim of this article was to present the emergency and rehabilitation treatments of a multiple dentoalveolar trauma in the permanent dentition involving different extensions of enamel-dentin crown fracture, pulp exposure, and the avulsion of a canine. The treatment outcomes are reported up to the 4-year follow-up, and the clinical approaches and their rationale are discussed.


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Sediment mobility measurements with a horizontal sand bed under non-breaking waves are reported. Conditions include no seepage and steady downward seepage corresponding to head gradients up to 2.5. The results indicate that infiltration tends to inhibit sediment mobility for a horizontal bcd of 0.2 mm quartz sand exposed to moderated wave induced bed shear stresses. The effect is weak for the parameter range of the present study. The two opposing effects of shear stress increase due to boundary layer thinning and the stabilizing downward drag are successfully accounted for through the modified Shields parameter of Nielsen [Nielsen, P., 1997. Coastal groundwater dynamics. Proc. Coastal Dynamics '97, Plymouth, ASCE, Dp, 546-555] using coefficients derived from independent studies. That is, from the shear stress experiments of Conley [Conley, D.C., 1993. Ventilated oscillatory boundary layers. PhD Thesis, University of California, San Diego, 74 pp.] and the slope stability experiments of Martin and Aral [Martin, C.S. and M.M. Aral, 1971. Seepage force on interfacial bed particles. J. Hydraulics Div., proc. ASCE, Vol. 97, No. Hy7, pp. 1081-1100]. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article reports the longitudinal follow-up of a familial case of aggressive periodontitis treated by a combined regenerative approach that consisted of root conditioning, bone grafting, and membrane positioning. Treatment resulted in attachment level gain, reduction of probing depth, absence of bleeding on probing, and complete bone filling of the defect. The short-term results obtained after surgery were maintained after 6 years, suggesting that the combined regenerative approach is able to completely arrest the disease with long-term stability. (Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2009; 29: 69-79.)


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Background. Research has suggested that packable resin-based composites inserted with a placement technique similar to amalgam condensation can reduce the sensitivity associated with posterior restorations. The authors evaluated the clinical performance, including associated sensitivity, of two packable composites in a randomized five-year clinical trial. Methods. A single operator randomly placed two restorations in each of 33 patients: one restoration consisting of Alert (Jeneric/Pentron, Wallingford, Conn.) and the other consisting of SureFil (Dentsply/Caulk, Milford, Del.). There were 30 Class I and 36 Class II restorations. Two independent evaluators evaluated the restorations by using modified U.S.; Public Health Service criteria. The authors analyzed data by means of the Fisher, chi(2) and McNemar tests at P < .05. Results. Of 60 restorations evaluated at five years, two Class II restorations (one SureFil, one Alert) failed. All other restorations received the highest score possible for sensitivity and vitality. The only difference between the composites at the five-year recall was the significantly better surface texture of SureFil. The authors observed significantly different scores between the baseline and at five years for marginal discoloration (Alert and SureFil), surface texture (Alert and SureFil) and color (SureFil). Conclusions. Both packable resin-based composites showed excellent durability during the five-year follow-up. Clinical Implications. The investigated resin-based composites are suitable for posterior restorations.


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Objective. This article discusses the relationship between apical limit of root canal filling and success on endodontic treatment of a mandibular molar. Study design. A mandibular right first molar with vital pulp was endodontically treated, and 3 years later periapical lesions on mesial and distal roots were detected. The canals were retreated and obturated to the same levels as in the previous treatment. Results. An 8-year radiographic follow-up showed repair of the periapical lesions on both roots. Conclusions. Results suggest that the apical limit of obturation seems to have no influence in the repair of periapical tissues in mandibular molars. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011; 112: e48-e50)


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The Epiphany (TM) Sealer is a new dual-curing resin-based sealer and has been introduced as an alternative to gutta-percha and traditional root canal sealers. The canal filling is claimed to create a seal with the dentinal tubules within the root canal system producing a `monoblock` effect between the sealer and dentinal tubules. Therefore, considering the possibility to incorporate the others adhesive systems, it is important to study the bond strength of the resulting cement. Forty-eight root mandibular canines were sectioned 8-mm below CEJ. The dentine discs were prepared using a tapered diamond bur and irrigated with 1% NaOCl and 17% EDTA. Previous the application Epiphany (TM) Sealer, the Epiphany (TM) Primer, AdheSE, and One Up Bond F were applied to the root canal walls. The LED and QTH (Quartz Tungsten Halogen) were used to photo-activation during 45 s with power density of 400 and 720 mW/cm(2), respectively. The specimens were performed on a universal testing machine at a cross-head speed of 1 mm/min until bond failure occurred. The force was recorded and the debonding values were used to calculate Push-out bond strength. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey`s post-hoc tests showed significant statistical differences (P < 0.05) to Epiphany (TM) Sealer/Epiphany (TM) Primer/QTH and EpiphanyTM Sealer/AdheSE/QTH, which had the highest mean values of bond strength. The efficiency of resin-based filling materials are dependent the type of light curing unit used including the power density, the polymerization characteristics of these resin-based filling materials, depending on the primer/adhesive used.


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Histone deacetylase inhibitors show promise as chemotherapeutic agents and have been demonstrated to block proliferation in a wide range of tumor cell lines. Much of this antiproliferative effect has been ascribed to the up-regulated expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21(WAF1/CIP1). In this article, we report that p21 expression was up-regulated by relatively low doses of the histone deacetylase inhibitor azelaic bishydroxamic acid (ABHA) and correlated with a proliferative arrest. Higher doses of ABHA were cytotoxic. Cells that did not up-regulate p21 expression were hypersensitive to killing by ABHA and died via apoptosis, whereas up-regulation of p21 correlated with reduced sensitivity and a block in the apoptotic mechanism, and these cells seemed to die by necrosis. Using isogenic p21(+/+) and p21(-/-) cell lines and direct inhibition of caspase activity, we demonstrate that the reduced sensitivity to killing by ABHA is a consequence of inhibition of apoptosis by up-regulated p21 expression. These data indicate the enormous potential of therapeutic strategies that bypass the cytoprotective effect of p21 and act on the same molecular targets as the histone deacetylase inhibitors.


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Statement of purpose: Increased resting energy expenditure following head injury is well documented, but whether this increase extends into rehabilitation and whether this is affected by changes in body composition have not been studied. The aim of this study was to determine whether children attending a rehabilitation program following head injury had altered energy expenditure and body composition. Methods: Measurements of resting energy expenditure by indirect calorimetry were performed in 21 head injured children (mean age 10.2±3.8 years). Measurement of body composition was performed using total body potassium. Results: Measured resting energy expenditure values were widely distributed, ranging from 52.3-156.4% of predicted values, yet the mean percentage predicted using Schofield weight, Schofield weight and height and World Health Organization predictive equations were 97.5%, 97.4% and 98.6%, respectively. Mean percentage of expected total body potassium for weight, height and age for head injured children were 85.1 ± 15.5%, 89.1 ± 14.1% and 86.9 ± 15.9%, thus all showed significant depletion. Conclusions: During rehabilitation, using predictive equations to estimate resting energy expenditure in this group revealed a small bias on average but very large bias at the individual level. Head injured children had altered resting energy expenditure and body composition.


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Outcome after traumatic brain injury (TBI) is characterized by a high degree of variability which has often been difficult to capture in traditional outcome studies. The purpose of this study was to describe patterns of community integration 2-5 years after TBI. Participants were 208 patients admitted to a Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit between 1991-1995 in Brisbane, Australia. The design comprised retrospective data collection and questionnaire follow-up by mail. Mean follow-up was 3.5 years. Demographic, injury severity and functional status variables were retrieved from hospital records. Community integration was assessed using the Community Integration Questionnaire (CIQ), and vocational status measured by a self administered questionnaire. Data was analysed using cluster analysis which divided the data into meaningful subsets. Based on the CIQ subscale scores of home, social and productive integration, a three cluster solution was selected, with groups labelled as working (n = 78), balanced (n = 46) and poorly integrated (n = 84). Although 38% of the sample returned to a high level of productive activity and 22% achieved a balanced lifestyle, overall community integration was poor for the remainder. This poorly integrated group had more severe injury characterized by longer periods of acute care and post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) and greater functional disability on discharge. These findings have implications for service delivery prior to and during the process of reintegration after brain injury.


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Recent advances in several experimental techniques have enabled detailed structural information to be obtained for floating (Langmuir) monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett films. These techniques are described briefly and their application to the study of films of fatty acids and their salts is discussed. Floating monolayers on aqueous subphases have been shown to possess a complex polymorphism with phases whose structures may be compared to those of smectic mesophases. However, only those phases that exist at high surface pressures are normally used in Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) deposition. In single LB monolayers of fatty acids and fatty acid salts the acyl chains are in the all-cans conformation with their long axes normal to the substrate. The in-plane molecular packing is hexagonal with long-range bond orientational order and short-range positional order: known as the hexatic-B structure. This structure is found irrespective of the phase of the parent floating monolayer. The structures of multilayer LB films are similar to the structures of their bulk crystals, consisting of stacked bilayer lamellae. Each lamella is formed from two monolayers of fatty acid molecules or ions arranged head to head and held together by hydrogen bonding between pairs of acids or ionic bonding through the divalent cations. With acids the acyl chains are tilted with respect to the substrate normal and have a monoclinic structure, whereas the salts with divalent cations may have the chains normal to the substrate or tilted. The in-plane structures are usually centred rectangular with the chains in the trans conformation and packed in a herringbone pattern, Multilayer films of the acids show only a single-step order-disorder transition at the malting point, This temperature tends to rise as the number of layers increases. Complex changes occur when multilayer films of the salts are heated. Disorder of the chains begins at low temperatures but the arrangement of the head groups does not alter until the melting temperature is reached, Slow heating to a temperature just below the melting temperature gives, with some salts, a radical change in phase. The lamellar structure disappears and a new phase consisting of cylindrical rods lying parallel to the substrate surface and stacked in a hexagonal pattern is formed, In each rod the cations are aligned along the central axis surrounded by the disordered acyl chains. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B,V. All rights reserved.


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Bond's method for ball mill scale-up only gives the mill power draw for a given duty. This method is incompatible with computer modelling and simulation techniques. It might not be applicable for the design of fine grinding ball mills and ball mills preceded by autogenous and semi-autogenous grinding mills. Model-based ball mill scale-up methods have not been validated using a wide range of full-scale circuit data. Their accuracy is therefore questionable. Some of these methods also need expensive pilot testing. A new ball mill scale-up procedure is developed which does not have these limitations. This procedure uses data from two laboratory tests to determine the parameters of a ball mill model. A set of scale-up criteria then scales-up these parameters. The procedure uses the scaled-up parameters to simulate the steady state performance of full-scale mill circuits. At the end of the simulation, the scale-up procedure gives the size distribution, the volumetric flowrate and the mass flowrate of all the streams in the circuit, and the mill power draw.


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A new ball mill scale-up procedure is developed which uses laboratory data to predict the performance of MI-scale ball mill circuits. This procedure contains two laboratory tests. These laboratory tests give the data for the determination of the parameters of a ball mill model. A set of scale-up criteria then scales-up these parameters. The procedure uses the scaled-up parameters to simulate the steady state performance of the full-scale mill circuit. At the end of the simulation, the scale-up procedure gives the size distribution, the volumetric flowrate and the mass flowrate of all the streams in the circuit, and the mill power draw. A worked example shows how the new ball mill scale-up procedure is executed. This worked example uses laboratory data to predict the performance of a full-scale re-grind mill circuit. This circuit consists of a ball mill in closed circuit with hydrocyclones. The MI-scale ball mill has a diameter (inside liners) of 1.85m. The scale-up procedure shows that the full-scale circuit produces a product (hydrocyclone overflow) that has an 80% passing size of 80 mum. The circuit has a recirculating load of 173%. The calculated power draw of the full-scale mill is 92kW (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new ball mill scale-up procedure is developed. This procedure has been validated using seven sets of Ml-scale ball mil data. The largest ball mills in these data have diameters (inside liners) of 6.58m. The procedure can predict the 80% passing size of the circuit product to within +/-6% of the measured value, with a precision of +/-11% (one standard deviation); the re-circulating load to within +/-33% of the mass-balanced value (this error margin is within the uncertainty associated with the determination of the re-circulating load); and the mill power to within +/-5% of the measured value. This procedure is applicable for the design of ball mills which are preceded by autogenous (AG) mills, semi-autogenous (SAG) mills, crushers and flotation circuits. The new procedure is more precise and more accurate than Bond's method for ball mill scale-up. This procedure contains no efficiency correction which relates to the mill diameter. This suggests that, within the range of mill diameter studied, milling efficiency does not vary with mill diameter. This is in contrast with Bond's equation-Bond claimed that milling efficiency increases with mill diameter. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) encoded latent membrane protein (LMP1) plays a crucial role in the long-term persistence of this virus within the cells of the immune system. Not only is this protein critical for the transformation of resting B cells by EBV, it also displays pleiotropic effects on various cellular proteins expressed in the host cell. These include up-regulation of expression of B cell activation antigens, adhesion molecules and various components of the antigen processing pathway. Here we discuss how LMP1 acts like an expression 'switch' which, depending on the stage of EBV infection, manoeuvres various pathways that either modulate the immune system towards or against its survival.