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Using an optical biosensor based on dual-peak long-period fibre grating, we demonstrate the detection of interactions between DNA biomolecules in real-time, showing a high sensitivity and reusability function.


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We demonstrate a high sensitivity biosensor by fine tailoring mode dispersion and sensitivity of dual-peak LPGs using light-cladding-etching method. The etched device has been used to detect concentration of Hemoglobin protein in sugar solution, showing a sensitivity as high as 20nm/1%.


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Using an optical biosensor based on dual-peak long-period fibre grating, we demonstrate the detection of interactions between DNA biomolecules in real-time, showing a high sensitivity and reusability function.


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We implement an optical biosensor using long-period fibre grating immobilised with probe DNA. It has been used to detect hybridisation of target DNA, showing a high sensitivity and reusability function.


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We demonstrate a high sensitivity biosensor by fine tailoring mode dispersion and sensitivity of dual-peak LPGs using light-cladding-etching method. The etched device has been used to detect concentration of Hemoglobin protein in sugar solution, showing a sensitivity as high as 20nm/1%.


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Using an optical biosensor based on a dual-peak long-period fiber grating, we have demonstrated the detection of interactions between biomolecules in real time. Silanization of the grating surface was successfully realized for the covalent immobilization of probe DNA, which was subsequently hybridized with the complementary target DNA sequence. It is interesting to note that the DNA biosensor was reusable after being stripped off the hybridized target DNA from the grating surface, demonstrating a function of multiple usability. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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We present the development and simplification of label-free fiber optic biosensors based on immobilization of oligonucleotides on dual-peak long period gratings (dLPGs). This improvement is the result of a simplification of biofunctionalization methodology. A one-step 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC)-mediated reaction has been developed for the straightforward immobilization of unmodified oligonucleotides on the glass fiber surface along the grating region, leading to covalent attachment of a 5´-phosphorylated probe oligonucleotide to the amino-derivatized fiber grating surface. Immobilization is achieved via a 5´phosphate-specific linkage, leaving the remainder of the oligonucleotide accessible for binding reactions. The dLPG has been tested in different external media to demonstrate its inherent ultrahigh sensitivity to the surrounding-medium refractive index (RI) achieving 50- fold improvement in RI sensitivity over the previously-published LPG sensor in media with RI’s relevant to biological assays. After functionalization, the dLPG biosensor was used to monitor the hybridization of complementary oligonucleotides showing a detectable oligonucleotide concentration of 4 nM. The proposed one-step EDC reaction approach can be further extended to develop fiber optic biosensors for disease analysis and medical diagnosis with the advances of label-free, real-time, multiplex, high sensitivity and specificity.


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We report a highly sensitive, high Q-factor, label free and selective glucose sensor by using excessively tilted fiber grating (Ex-TFG) inscribed in the thin-cladding optical fiber (TCOF). Glucose oxidase (GOD) was covalently immobilized on optical fiber surface and the effectiveness of GOD immobilization was investigated by the fluorescence microscopy and highly accurate spectral interrogation method. In contrast to the long period grating (LPG) and optical fiber (OF) surface Plasmon resonance (SPR) based glucose sensors, the Ex-TFG configuration has merits of nearly independent cross sensitivity of the environmental temperature, simple fabrication method (no noble metal deposition or cladding etching) and high detection accuracy (or Q-factor). Our experimental results have shown that Ex-TFG in TCOF based sensor has a reliable and fast detection for the glucose concentration as low as 0.1~2.5mg/ml and a high sensitivity of ~1.514nm·(mg/ml)−1, which the detection accuracy is ~0.2857nm−1 at pH 5.2, and the limit of detection (LOD) is 0.013~0.02mg/ml at the pH range of 5.2~7.4 by using an optical spectrum analyzer with a resolution of 0.02nm.


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Knowledge of cell electronics has led to their integration to medicine either by physically interfacing electronic devices with biological systems or by using electronics for both detection and characterization of biological materials. In this dissertation, an electrical impedance sensor (EIS) was used to measure the electrode surface impedance changes from cell samples of human and environmental toxicity of nanoscale materials in 2D and 3D cell culture models. The impedimetric response of human lung fibroblasts and rainbow trout gill epithelial cells when exposed to various nanomaterials was tested to determine their kinetic effects towards the cells and to demonstrate the biosensor's ability to monitor nanotoxicity in real-time. Further, the EIS allowed rapid, real-time and multi-sample analysis creating a versatile, noninvasive tool that is able to provide quantitative information with respect to alteration in cellular function. We then extended the application of the unique capabilities of the EIS to do real-time analysis of cancer cell response to externally applied alternating electric fields at different intermediate frequencies and low-intensity. Decreases in the growth profiles of the ovarian and breast cancer cells were observed with the application of 200 and 100 kHz, respectively, indicating specific inhibitory effects on dividing cells in culture in contrast to the non-cancerous HUVECs and mammary epithelial cells. We then sought to enhance the effects of the electric field by altering the cancer cell's electronegative membrane properties with HER2 antibody functionalized nanoparticles. An Annexin V/EthD-III assay and zeta potential were performed to determine the cell death mechanism indicating apoptosis and a decrease in zeta potential with the incorporation of the nanoparticles. With more negatively charged HER2-AuNPs attached to the cancer cell membrane, the decrease in membrane potential would thus leave the cells more vulnerable to the detrimental effects of the applied electric field due to the decrease in surface charge. Therefore, by altering the cell membrane potential, one could possibly control the fate of the cell. This whole cell-based biosensor will enhance our understanding of the responsiveness of cancer cells to electric field therapy and demonstrate potential therapeutic opportunities for electric field therapy in the treatment of cancer.


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The objective of this study is to design and development of an enzyme-linked biosensor for detection and quantification of phosphate species. Various concentrations of phosphate species were tested and completed for this study. Phosphate is one of the vital nutrients for all living organisms. Phosphate compounds can be found in nature (e.g., water sediments), and they often exist in aninorganic form. The amount of phosphates in the environment strongly influences the operations of living organisms. Excess amount of phosphate in the environment causes eutrophication which in turn causes oxygen deficit for the other living organisms. Fish die and degradation of habitat in the water occurs as a result of eutrophication. In contrast, low phosphate concentration causes death of vegetation since plants utilize the inorganic phosphate for photosynthesis, respiration, and regulation of enzymes. Therefore, the phosphate quantity in lakes and rivers must be monitored. Result demonstrated that phosphate species could be detected in various organisms via enzyme-linked biosensor in this research.


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World consumption of vegetable oils has increased in recent years because of its application in food, chemical, pharmaceutical and, more recently, energy industry. However, oilseeds, which these oils are extracted, have low viability, affecting the cultivation and productivity of these species. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of aging on the coordination of catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) antioxidant systems in safflower and sunflower. . Therefore, seeds were subjected to accelerated aging for 3, 6 and 9 days and grown in moistened paper towel for 72 hours. Additionally, before accelerated aging, sunflower seeds were pretreated by osmopriming with 10 mM ascorbate (ASC) or 3 amino 1,2,4 triazol (3-AT), a specific inhibitor of CAT activitie. The method of artificial aging used was efficient in both species, because it caused a decrease in germination, seedling development and growth, especially in safflower. The aging caused inhibition of CAT activity for both species and to compensate for such inhibition , sunflower increased mRNA expression of this enzyme , while safflower mobilized over the activity of APX. Analysis of the expression of malate synthase and sugar content demonstrated that sunflower seeds consumes lipid reserves in quiescent state, while the safflower is more dependent on carbohydrate. Pretreatment with 3-AT inhibited CAT activity and stimulated the APX, though with ASC acted reverse on these systems. None of the treatments recovered the physiological decline aging. It is concluded that aging change the oilseeds antioxidant metabolism, despite interspecies variations in response to this process, the depletion of the CAT antioxidant system was common. Because of this we propose that the measurement of CAT activity can be used to identify aging seed lots.


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A ocratoxina A é um composto formado a partir do metabolismo secundário de fungos dos gêneros Aspergillus e Penicillium. Uma vez que a presença dessa micotoxina nos alimentos causa sérios danos à saúde humana e animal, surge o interesse pelo desenvolvimento de métodos que visem a redução dos seus níveis em diferentes matrizes. Diversos processos de descontaminação têm sido propostos, sendo que os métodos de redução biológica tem recebido destaque. Esses métodos consistem na aplicação de micro-organismos ou de suas enzimas, o que gera a biotransformação ou degradação da toxina produzindo metabólitos com menor ou nenhuma toxicidade. Diante disso, o objetivo geral do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da peroxidase na redução dos níveis de ocratoxina A. As enzimas peroxidases testadas foram a comercial e a obtida do farelo de arroz. Para a extração enzimática foram utilizadas as frações granulométricas do farelo de arroz de 48 a 100 mesh, sendo estas frações caracterizadas quimicamente. A peroxidase foi extraída do farelo de arroz em tampão 10 mM pH 5,0 e purificada por partição trifásica, obtendo 77,1% de recuperação e 9,2 para o fator de purificação. O método utilizado para a extração da ocratoxina A do sistema aquoso foi por partição líquido-líquido utilizando como solvente o clorofórmio, sendo esse método validado segundo os parâmetros de linearidade (0,1 a 20 ng mL-1), coeficientes de correlação (0,9997) e de determinação (0,9994), e limites de detecção (0,02) e quantificação (0,03). A afinidade entre as peroxidases e a ocratoxina A foi verificada segundo os parâmetros de KM e Vmáx, resultando em 0,00027 mM e 0,000015 mM min-1, respectivamente, para a peroxidase comercial, e 0,0065 mM e 0,000031 mM min-1 para a obtida do farelo de arroz. Com relação aos percentuais de redução de ocratoxina A, foram avaliadas 3 proporções enzima:substrato (1:10, 1:5 e 8:1 para a comercial e 1:10, 1:5 e a com atividade de 0,063 U mL-1 para a do farelo), sendo que as proporções que forneceram maior redução foi a de 8:1 para a enzima comercial (0,063 U mL-1) e a correspondente a 0,063 U mL-1 para a enzima obtida do farelo. Os percentuais de redução de ocratoxina A foram de 59% para a peroxidase comercial em 300 min e 41% para a peroxidase do farelo de arroz em 1440 min. O efeito de adsorção da ocratoxina A pela enzima peroxidase foi descartado uma vez que foi realizada a sua hidrólise com a enzima pepsina e verificado um percentual de 2,7% de adsorção, demonstrando que a redução foi por ação enzimática. A enzima obtida de farelo de arroz com atividade de 0,063 U mL-1 foi aplicada em suco de uva tinto e branco. Observou-se que para o primeiro não houve redução significativa, enquanto que para o segundo a redução foi de 17%. Neste trabalho, então, foi possível verificar a capacidade de redução dos níveis da ocratoxina A pela enzima peroxidase, tanto em sistema aquoso como no suco de uva integral branco.


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Deoxinivalenol (DON), uma das principais micotoxinas encontradas em matrizes alimentares, é um composto químico que possui em sua estrutura um anel epóxido que lhe confere alto grau de toxicidade. A aplicação de enzimas em processos de degradação de DON vem se destacando, pela estabilidade durante o processo reacional e baixo custo de produção. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar o potencial de peroxidase proveniente de farelo de arroz (FA) e farelo de soja (FS) para degradar DON. As condições de obtenção da PO a partir de FA foram definidas por planejamento experimental DCCR 23 , sendo extraída de 5 g de farelo com 50 mL de tampão fosfato 0,04 mol L-1 pH 5, agitados orbitalmente durante 60 min a 100 rpm, e para a PO obtida de FS as condições diferenciaram somente quanto a solução extratora, tampão fosfato 0,01 mol L-1 pH 4,7. A técnica que apresentou melhores índices de purificação para a enzima foi a partição trifásica apresentando fator de purificação e recuperação de 5,6 e 50 % para a obtida de FA e 13,61 e 50 % para FS. A PO de FA apresentou maior atividade em tampão fosfato 5 mmol L-1 pH 5,5 para as formas bruta e pura, diferindo na temperatura de reação de 25 °C e 10 °C, KM de 0,15 e 0,06 mmol L-1 e Vmáx de 769 e 667 U mg-1 , respectivamente. A PO de FS as condições foram: tampão fosfato 5 mmol L-1 pH 5, reação a 35 e 30 °C durante 10 e 5 min, KM de 0,17 e 0,05 mmol L-1 e Vmáx de 196 e 182 U mg-1 , respectivamente. A PO de FA demonstrou maior estabilidade em pH 5 enquanto que a de FS em pH 6, ambas enzimas apresentaram maior estabilidade térmica a 0 °C, as massas moleculares encontradas por eletroforese foram 41 e 34 kDa, respectivamente. Ao final das etapas de obtenção, purificação e caracterização obteve-se uma atividade específica de 116 e 794 U.mg-1 , e 4363 e 17453 U g-1 , respectivamente para PO de FA e FS. A determinação de DON e De-DON foi realizada por HPLC-DAD e LC-ESI-MS/MS para avaliação dos ensaios de degradação. A enzima comercial HRP, mostrou maior potencial de redução sobre DON (55% após 1 h de reação), no entanto em 3 h de reação, a concentração inicial da micotoxina DON foi verificada, o que evidencia que a redução pode ocorrer por adsorção ou por formação de um composto de degradação que apresente a mesma massa molecular. O emprego da enzima PO obtida de FA e FS na degradação necessita de uma avaliação cinética micotoxicologica para definição das condições de redução significativa dos níveis de DON.


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Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent forms of cancer in women. Despite all recent advances in early diagnosis and therapy, mortality data is not decreasing. This is an outcome of the inexistence of validated serum biomarkers allowing an early prognosis, out coming from the limited understanding of the natural history of the disease. In this context, miRNAs have been attracting a special interest throughout the scientific community as promising biomarkers in the early diagnosis of cancer. In breast cancer, several miRNAs and their levels of expression are significantly different between normal tissue and tissue with neoplasia, as well as between different molecular subtypes of breast cancer, also associated with prognosis. Thus, this these presents a meta-analysis that allows identifying a reliable miRNA biomarker for the early detection of breast cancer. In this, miRNA-155 was identified as the best one and an electrochemical biosensor was developed for its detection in serum samples. The biosensor was assembled by following three button-up stages: (1) the complementary miRNA sequence thiol terminated (anti-miRNA-155) was immobilized on a commercial gold screen-printed electrode (Au-SPE), followed by (2) blocking non-specific binding with mercaptosuccinic acid and by (3) miRNA hybridization. The biosensor was able to detect miRNA concentrations lying in the 10-18 mol/L (aM) range, displaying a linear response from 10 aM to 1nM. The device showed a limit of detection of 5.7 aM in human serum samples and good selectivity against other biomolecules in serum, such as cancer antigen CA-15.3 and bovine serum albumin (BSA). Overall, this simple and sensitive strategy is a promising approach for the quantitative and/or simultaneous analysis of multiple miRNA in physiological fluids, aiming at further biomedical research devoted to biomarker monitoring and point-of-care diagnosis.