935 resultados para HEAT-SHOCK-PROTEIN-70
We report an investigation of the effects of increases in pCO2 on the survival, growth and molecular physiology of the neritic amphipod Gammarus locusta which has a cosmopolitan distribution in estuaries. Amphipods were reared from juvenile to mature adult in laboratory microcosms at three different levels of pH in nominal range 8.1-7.6. Growth rate was estimated from weekly measures of body length. At sexual maturity the amphipods were sacrificed and assayed for changes in the expression of genes coding for a heat shock protein (hsp70 gene) and the metabolic enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh gene). The data show that the growth and survival of this species is not significantly impacted by a decrease in sea water pH of up to 0.5 units. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis indicated that there was no significant effect of growth in acidified sea water on the sustained expression of the hsp70 gene. There was a consistent and significant increase in the expression of the gapdh gene at a pH of ~7.5 which, when combined with observations from other workers, suggests that metabolic changes may occur in response to acidification. It is concluded that sensitive assays of tissue physiology and molecular biology should be routinely employed in future studies of the impacts of sea water acidification as subtle effects on the physiology and metabolism of coastal marine species may be overlooked in conventional gross "end-point" studies of organism growth or mortality.
Las temperaturas extremas, la sequía y otros estreses abióticos limitan la producción forestal de forma significativa, causando grandes pérdidas económicas en el sector. Los árboles, al ser organismos sésiles, han desarrollado una serie de estrategias para percibir dichos factores, activando respuestas defensivas apropiadas. Entre ellas ocupa un lugar preeminente la síntesis de proteínas con actividad chaperona molecular. Las chaperonas moleculares interaccionan con proteínas desnaturalizadas total o parcialmente, promoviendo su correcto plegamiento y ensamblaje. Las chaperonas moleculares que se sintetizan de forma predominante en plantas, pero no en otros eucariotas, pertenecen a la familia sHSP (small heat-shock proteins). Se trata de una familia inusualmente compleja y heterogénea, cuyos miembros son de pequeño tamaño (16-42 kD) y poseen un dominio “alfa-cristalina” muy conservado. Estas proteínas están implicadas en protección frente a estrés abiótico mediante la estabilización de proteínas y membranas, si bien su mecanismo de acción se conoce de forma incompleta. A pesar del evidente potencial aplicado de las proteínas sHSP, son muy escasos los estudios realizados hasta el momento con un enfoque netamente biotecnológico. Por otra parte, casi todos ellos se han llevado a cabo en especies herbáceas de interés agronómico o en especies modelo, como Arabidopsis thaliana. De ahí que las sHSP de arbóreas hayan sido mucho menos caracterizadas estructural y funcionalmente, y ello a pesar del interés económico y ecológico de los árboles y de su prolongada exposición vital a múltiples factores estresantes. La presente Tesis Doctoral se centra en el estudio de sHSP de varias especies arbóreas de interés económico. El escrutinio exhaustivo de genotecas de cDNA de órganos vegetativos nos ha permitido identificar y caracterizar los componentes mayoritarios de tallo en dos especies productoras de madera noble: nogal y cerezo. También hemos caracterizado la familia completa en chopo, a partir de su secuencia genómica completa. Mediante expresión heteróloga en bacterias, hemos analizado el efecto protector de estas proteínas in vivo frente a distintos tipos de estrés abiótico, relevantes para el sector productivo. Los resultados demuestran que las proteínas sHSP-CI: (i) aumentan la viabilidad celular de E.coli frente a casi todos estos factores, aplicados de forma individual o combinada; (ii) ejercen un rol estabilizador de las membranas celulares frente a condiciones adversas; (iii) sirven para mejorar la producción de otras proteínas recombinantes de interés comercial. El efecto protector de las proteínas sHSP-CI también ha sido analizado in planta, mediante la expresión ectópica de CsHSP17.5-CI en chopos. En condiciones normales de crecimiento no se han observado diferencias fenotípicas entre las líneas transgénicas y los controles, lo que demuestra que se pueden sobre-expresar estas proteínas sin efectos pleiotrópicos deletéreos. En condiciones de estrés térmico, por el contrario, los chopos transgénicos mostraron menos daños y un mejor crecimiento neto. En línea con lo anterior, las actividades biológicas de varias enzimas resultaron más protegidas frente a la inactivación por calor, corroborando la actividad chaperona propuesta para la familia sHSP y su conexión con la tolerancia al estrés abiótico. En lo que respecta a la multiplicación y propagación de chopo in vitro, una forma de cultivo que comporta estrés para las plantas, todas las líneas transgénicas se comportaron mejor que los controles en términos de producción de biomasa (callos) y regeneración de brotes, incluso en ausencia de estrés térmico. También se comportaron mejor durante su cultivo ex vitro. Estos resultados tienen gran potencial aplicado, dada la recalcitrancia de muchas especies vegetales de interés económico a la micropropagación y a la manipulación in vitro en general. Los resultados derivados de esta Tesis, aparte de aportar datos nuevos sobre el efecto protector de las proteínas sHSP citosólicas mayoritarias (clase CI), demuestran por vez primera que la termotolerancia de los árboles puede ser manipulada racionalmente, incrementando los niveles de sHSP mediante técnicas de ingeniería genética. Su interés aplicado es evidente, especialmente en un escenario de calentamiento global. ABSTRACT Abiotic stress produces considerable economic losses in the forest sector, with extreme temperature and drought being amongst the most relevant factors. As sessile organisms, plants have acquired molecular strategies to detect and recognize stressful factors and activate appropriate responses. A wealth of evidence has correlated such responses with the massive induction of proteins belonging to the molecular chaperone family. Molecular chaperones are proteins which interact with incorrectly folded proteins to help them refold to their native state. In contrast to other eukaryotes, the most prominent stress-induced molecular chaperones of plants belong to the sHSP (small Heat Shock Protein) family. sHSPs are a widespread and diverse class of molecular chaperones that range in size from 16 to 42k Da, and whose members have a highly conserved “alpha-crystallin” domain. sHSP proteins play an important role in abiotic stress tolerance, membrane stabilization and developmental processes. Yet, their mechanism of action remains largely unknown. Despite the applied potential of these proteins, only a few studies have addressed so far the biotechnological implications of this protein family. Most studies have focused on herbaceous species of agronomic interest or on model species such as Arabidopsis thaliana. Hence, sHSP are poorly characterized in long-lived woody species, despite their economic and ecological relevance. This Thesis studies sHSPs from several woody species of economic interest. The most prominent components, namely cytosolic class I sHSPs, have been identified and characterized, either by cDNA library screening (walnut, cherry) or by searching the complete genomic sequence (poplar). Through heterologous bacterial expression, we analyzed the in vivo protective effects of selected components against abiotic stress. Our results demonstrate that sHSP-CI proteins: (i) protect E. coli cells against different stressful conditions, alone or combined; (ii) stabilize cell membranes; (iii) improve the production of other recombinant proteins with commercial interest. The effects of CsHSP17.5-CI overexpression have also been studied in hybrid poplar. Interestingly, the accumulation of this protein does not have any appreciable phenotypic effects under normal growth conditions. However, the transgenic poplar lines showed enhanced net growth and reduced injury under heat-stress conditions compared to vector controls. Biochemical analysis of leaf extracts revealed that important enzyme activities were more protected in such lines against heat-induced inactivation than in control lines, lending further support to the chaperone mode of action proposed for the sHSP family. All transgenic lines showed improved in vitro and ex vitro performance (calli biomass, bud induction, shoot regeneration) compared to controls, even in the absence of thermal stress. Besides providing new insights on the protective role of HSP-CI proteins, our results bolster the notion that heat stress tolerance can be readily manipulated in trees through genetic engineering. The applied value of these results is evident, especially under a global warming scenario.
In the highly concentrated environment of the cell, polypeptide chains are prone to aggregation during synthesis (as nascent chains await the emergence of the remainder of their folding domain), translocation, assembly, and exposure to stresses that cause previously folded proteins to unfold. A large and diverse group of proteins, known as chaperones, transiently associate with such folding intermediates to prevent aggregation, but in many cases the specific functions of individual chaperones are still not clear. In vivo, Hsp90 (heat shock protein 90) plays a role in the maturation of components of signal transduction pathways but also exhibits chaperone activity with diverse proteins in vitro, suggesting a more general function. We used a unique temperature-sensitive mutant of Hsp90 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which rapidly and completely loses activity on shift to high temperatures, to examine the breadth of Hsp90 functions in vivo. The data suggest that Hsp90 is not required for the de novo folding of most proteins, but it is required for a specific subset of proteins that have greater difficulty reaching their native conformations. Under conditions of stress, Hsp90 does not generally protect proteins from thermal inactivation but does enhance the rate at which a heat-damaged protein is reactivated. Thus, although Hsp90 is one of the most abundant chaperones in the cell, its in vivo functions are highly restricted.
In lysosomes isolated from rat liver and spleen, a percentage of the intracellular inhibitor of the nuclear factor κ B (IκB) can be detected in the lysosomal matrix where it is rapidly degraded. Levels of IκB are significantly higher in a lysosomal subpopulation that is active in the direct uptake of specific cytosolic proteins. IκB is directly transported into isolated lysosomes in a process that requires binding of IκB to the heat shock protein of 73 kDa (hsc73), the cytosolic molecular chaperone involved in this pathway, and to the lysosomal glycoprotein of 96 kDa (lgp96), the receptor protein in the lysosomal membrane. Other substrates for this degradation pathway competitively inhibit IκB uptake by lysosomes. Ubiquitination and phosphorylation of IκB are not required for its targeting to lysosomes. The lysosomal degradation of IκB is activated under conditions of nutrient deprivation. Thus, the half-life of a long-lived pool of IκB is 4.4 d in serum-supplemented Chinese hamster ovary cells but only 0.9 d in serum-deprived Chinese hamster ovary cells. This increase in IκB degradation can be completely blocked by lysosomal inhibitors. In Chinese hamster ovary cells exhibiting an increased activity of the hsc73-mediated lysosomal degradation pathway due to overexpression of lamp2, the human form of lgp96, the degradation of IκB is increased. There are both short- and long-lived pools of IκB, and it is the long-lived pool that is subjected to the selective lysosomal degradation pathway. In the presence of antioxidants, the half-life of the long-lived pool of IκB is significantly increased. Thus, the production of intracellular reactive oxygen species during serum starvation may be one of the mechanisms mediating IκB degradation in lysosomes. This selective pathway of lysosomal degradation of IκB is physiologically important since prolonged serum deprivation results in an increase in the nuclear activity of nuclear factor κ B. In addition, the response of nuclear factor κ B to several stimuli increases when this lysosomal pathway of proteolysis is activated.
The heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is a cytosolic molecular chaperone that is highly abundant even at normal temperature. Specific functions for Hsp90 have been proposed based on the characterization of its interactions with certain transcription factors and kinases including Raf in vertebrates and flies. We therefore decided to address the role of Hsp90 for MAP kinase pathways in the budding yeast, an organism amenable to both genetic and biochemical analyses. We found that both basal and induced activities of the pheromone-signaling pathway depend on Hsp90. Signaling is defective in strains expressing low levels or point mutants of yeast Hsp90 (Hsp82), or human Hsp90β instead of the wild-type protein. Ste11, a yeast equivalent of Raf, forms complexes with wild-type Hsp90 and depends on Hsp90 function for accumulation. For budding yeast, Ste11 represents the first identified endogenous “substrate” of Hsp90. Moreover, Hsp90 functions in steroid receptor and pheromone signaling can be genetically separated as the Hsp82 point mutant T525I and the human Hsp90β are specifically defective for the former and the latter, respectively. These findings further corroborate the view that molecular chaperones must also be considered as transient or stable components of signal transduction pathways.
Heme oxygenase (HO) catalyzes the conversion of heme to carbon monoxide, iron, and biliverdin, which is immediately reduced to bilirubin (BR). Two HO active isozymes exist: HO1, an inducible heat shock protein, and HO2, which is constitutive and highly concentrated in neurons. We demonstrate a neuroprotective role for BR formed from HO2. Neurotoxicity elicited by hydrogen peroxide in hippocampal and cortical neuronal cultures is prevented by the phorbol ester, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) via stimulation of protein kinase C. We observe phosphorylation of HO2 through the protein kinase C pathway with enhancement of HO2 catalytic activity and accumulation of BR in neuronal cultures. The neuroprotective effects of PMA are prevented by the HO inhibitor tin protoporphyrin IX and in cultures from mice with deletion of HO2 gene. Moreover, BR, an antioxidant, is neuroprotective at nanomolar concentrations.
αB-crystallin, a member of the small heat shock protein family, possesses chaperone-like function. Recently, it has been shown that a missense mutation in αB-crystallin, R120G, is genetically linked to a desmin-related myopathy as well as to cataracts [Vicart, P., Caron, A., Guicheney, P., Li, A., Prevost, M.-C., Faure, A., Chateau, D., Chapon, F., Tome, F., Dupret, J.-M., et al. (1998) Nat. Genet. 20, 92–95]. By using α-lactalbumin, alcohol dehydrogenase, and insulin as target proteins, in vitro assays indicated that R120G αB-crystallin had reduced or completely lost chaperone-like function. The addition of R120G αB-crystallin to unfolding α-lactalbumin enhanced the kinetics and extent of its aggregation. R120G αB-crystallin became entangled with unfolding α-lactalbumin and was a major portion of the resulting insoluble pellet. Similarly, incubation of R120G αB-crystallin with alcohol dehydrogenase and insulin also resulted in the presence of R120G αB-crystallin in the insoluble pellets. Far and near UV CD indicate that R120G αB-crystallin has decreased β-sheet secondary structure and an altered aromatic residue environment compared with wild-type αB-crystallin. The apparent molecular mass of R120G αB-crystallin, as determined by gel filtration chromatography, is 1.4 MDa, which is more than twice the molecular mass of wild-type αB-crystallin (650 kDa). Images obtained from cryoelectron microscopy indicate that R120G αB-crystallin possesses an irregular quaternary structure with an absence of a clear central cavity. The results of this study show, through biochemical analysis, that an altered structure and defective chaperone-like function of αB-crystallin are associated with a point mutation that leads to a desmin-related myopathy and cataracts.
Acute stress increases the risk for neurodegeneration, but the molecular signals regulating the shift from transient stress responses to progressive disease are not yet known. The “read-through” variant of acetylcholinesterase (AChE-R) accumulates in the mammalian brain under acute stress. Therefore, markers of neurodeterioration were examined in transgenic mice overexpressing either AChE-R or the “synaptic” AChE variant, AChE-S. Several observations demonstrate that excess AChE-R attenuates, whereas AChE-S intensifies, neurodeterioration. In the somatosensory cortex, AChE-S transgenics, but not AChE-R or control FVB/N mice, displayed a high density of curled neuronal processes indicative of hyperexcitation. In the hippocampus, AChE-S and control mice, but not AChE-R transgenics, presented progressive accumulation of clustered, heat shock protein 70–immunopositive neuronal fragments and displayed a high incidence of reactive astrocytes. Our findings suggest that AChE-R serves as a modulator that may play a role in preventing the shift from transient, acute stress to progressive neurological disease.
Serine/threonine kinase Akt/PKB is a downstream effector molecule of phosphoinositide 3-kinase and is thought to mediate many biological actions toward anti-apoptotic responses. We found that Akt formed a complex with a 90-kDa heat-shock protein (Hsp90) in vivo. By constructing deletion mutants, we identified that amino acid residues 229–309 of Akt were involved in the binding to Hsp90 and amino acid residues 327–340 of Hsp90β were involved in the binding to Akt. Inhibition of Akt-Hsp90 binding led to the dephosphorylation and inactivation of Akt, which increased sensitivity of the cells to apoptosis-inducing stimulus. The dephosphorylation of Akt was caused by an increase in protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A)-mediated dephosphorylation and not by a decrease in 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1-mediated phosphorylation. These results indicate that Hsp90 plays an important role in maintaining Akt kinase activity by preventing PP2A-mediated dephosphorylation.
T helper 1 cells play a major role in protective immunity against mycobacterial pathogens. Since the antigen (Ag) specificity of CD4+ human T cells is strongly controlled by HLA class II polymorphism, the immunogenic potential of candidate Ags needs to be defined in the context of HLA polymorphism. We have taken advantage of class II-deficient (Ab0) mice, transgenic for either HLA-DRA/B1*0301 (DR3) or HLA-DQB1*0302/DQA*0301 (DQ8) alleles. In these animals, all CD4+ T cells are restricted by the HLA molecule. We reported previously that human DR3-restricted T cells frequently recognize heat shock protein (hsp)65 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and only a single hsp65 epitope, p1–20. DR3.Ab0 mice, immunized with bacillus Calmette–Guérin or hsp65, developed T cell responses to M. tuberculosis, and recognized the same hsp65 epitope, p1–20. Hsp65-immunized DQ8.Ab0 mice mounted a strong response to bacillus Calmette–Guérin but not to p1–20. Instead, we identified three new DQ8-restricted T cell epitopes in the regions 171–200, 311–340, and 411–440. DR3.Ab0 mice immunized with a second major M. tuberculosis protein, Ag85 (composed of 85A, 85B, and 85C), also developed T cell responses against only one determinant, 85B p51–70, that was identified in this study. Importantly, subsequent analysis of human T cell responses revealed that HLA-DR3+, Ag85-reactive individuals recognize exactly the same peptide epitope as DR3.Ab0 mice. Strikingly, both DR3-restricted T cell epitopes represent the best DR3-binding sequences in hsp65 and 85B, revealing a strong association between peptide-immunodominance and HLA binding affinity. Immunization of DR3.Ab0 with the immunodominant peptides p1–20 and p51–70 induced T cell reactivity to M. tuberculosis. Thus, for two different Ags, T cells from DR3.Ab0 mice and HLA-DR3+ humans recognize the same immunodominant determinants. Our data support the use of HLA-transgenic mice in identifying human T cell determinants for the design of new vaccines.
[PSI+] is a genetic element in yeast for which a heritable change in phenotype appears to be caused by a heritable change in the conformational state of the Sup35 protein. The inheritance of [PSI+] and the physical state of Sup35 in vivo depend on the protein chaperone Hsp104 (heat shock protein 104). Although these observations provide a strong genetic argument in support of the “protein-only” or “prion” hypothesis for [PSI+], there is, as yet, no direct evidence of an interaction between the two proteins. We report that when purified Sup35 and Hsp104 are mixed, the circular dichroism (CD) spectrum differs from that predicted by the addition of the proteins’ individual spectra, and the ATPase activity of Hsp104 is inhibited. Similar results are obtained with two other amyloidogenic substrates, mammalian PrP and β-amyloid 1-42 peptide, but not with several control proteins. With a group of peptides that span the PrP protein sequence, those that produced the largest changes in CD spectra also caused the strongest inhibition of ATPase activity in Hsp104. Our observations suggest that (i) previously described genetic interactions between Hsp104 and [PSI+] are caused by direct interaction between Hsp104 and Sup35; (ii) Sup35 and PrP, the determinants of the yeast and mammalian prions, respectively, share structural features that lead to a specific interaction with Hsp104; and (iii) these interactions couple a change in structure to the ATPase activity of Hsp104.
The stress-activated protein kinase p38 is often induced by cytotoxic agents, but its contribution to cell death is ill defined. In Rat-1 cells, we found a strong correlation between activation of p38 and induction of c-Myc–dependent apoptosis. In cells with deregulated c-Myc expression but not in control cells, cis-diamminedichloroplatinum induced p38 activity and typical features of apoptosis, including internucleosomal DNA degradation, induction of caspase activities, and both nuclear (nuclear condensation and fragmentation) and extranuclear (cell blebbing) morphological alterations. The pan-caspase inhibitor N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethylketone did not block p38 activation and the p38 inhibitor SB203580 had no detectable effect on the activation of caspases or the in vivo cleavage of several caspase substrates, suggesting that p38 and caspase activation can contribute distinct features of apoptosis. Accordingly, we found that cell blebbing was independent of caspase activity and, rather, depended on p38-sensitive changes in microfilament dynamics likely mediated by heat shock protein 27 phosphorylation. Furthermore, p38 activity contributed to both caspase-dependent and caspase-independent nuclear condensation and fragmentation, suggesting a role in an early event triggering both mechanisms of apoptosis or sensitizing the cells to the action of both types of apoptosis executioners. Inhibiting p38 also resulted in a significant enhancement in cell survival estimated by colony formation. This capacity to modulate the sensitivity to apoptosis in cells with deregulated c-Myc expression suggests an important role for p38 in tumor cell killing by chemotherapeutic agents.
The heat shock protein Hsp90 is known as an essential component of several signal transduction pathways and has now been identified as an essential host factor for hepatitis B virus replication. Hsp90 interacts with the viral reverse transcriptase to facilitate the formation of a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex between the polymerase and an RNA ligand. This RNP complex is required early in replication for viral assembly and initiation of DNA synthesis through a protein-priming mechanism. These results thus invoke a role for the Hsp90 pathway in the formation of an RNP.
OBJECTIVES The characterization of differential gene expression in Giardia lamblia WB C6 strain C4 resistant to metronidazole and nitazoxanide using microarray technology and quantitative real-time PCR. METHODS In a previous study, we created and characterized the G. lamblia WB C6 clone C4 resistant to nitazoxanide and metronidazole. In this study, using a microarray-based approach, we have identified open-reading frames (ORFs) that were differentially expressed in C4 when compared with its wild-type WB C6. Using quantitative real-time PCR, we have validated the expression patterns of some of those ORFs, focusing on chaperones such as heat-shock proteins in wild-type and C4 trophozoites. In order to induce an antigenic shift, trophozoites of both strains were subjected to a cycle of en- and excystation. Expression of selected genes and resistance to nitazoxanide and metronidazole were investigated after this cycle. RESULTS Forty of a total of 9115 ORFs were found to be up-regulated and 46 to be down-regulated in C4 when compared with wild-type. After a cycle of en- and excystation, resistance of C4 to nitazoxanide and metronidazole was lost. Resistance formation and en-/excystation were correlated with changes in expression of ORFs encoding for major surface antigens such as the variant surface protein TSA417 or AS7 ('antigenic shift'). Moreover, expression patterns of the cytosolic heat-shock protein HSP70 B2, HSP40, and of the previously identified nitazoxanide-binding proteins nitroreductase and protein disulphide isomerase PDI4 were correlated with resistance and loss of resistance after en-/excystation. C4 trophozoites had a higher thermotolerance level than wild-type trophozoites. After en-/excystation, this tolerance was lost. CONCLUSIONS These results suggest that resistance formation in Giardia to nitazoxanide and metronidazole is correlated with altered expression of genes involved in stress response such as heat-shock proteins.
We examined the genetic basis of clinal adaptation by determining the evolutionary response of life-history traits to laboratory natural selection along a gradient of thermal stress in Drosophila serrata. A gradient of heat stress was created by exposing larvae to a heat stress of 36degrees for 4 hr for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 days of larval development, with the remainder of development taking place at 25degrees. Replicated lines were exposed to each level of this stress every second generation for 30 generations. At the end of selection, we conducted a complete reciprocal transfer experiment where all populations were raised in all environments, to estimate the realized additive genetic covariance matrix among clinal environments in three life-history traits. Visualization of the genetic covariance functions of the life-history traits revealed that the genetic correlation between environments generally declined as environments became more different and even became negative between the most different environments in some cases. One exception to this general pattern was a life-history trait representing the classic trade-off between development time and body size, which responded to selection in a similar genetic fashion across all environments. Adaptation to clinal environments may involve a number of distinct genetic effects along the length of the cline, the complexity of which may not be fully revealed by focusing primarily on populations at the ends of the cline.