986 resultados para Graded index (GI)


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General propagation properties and universal curves are given for double clad single mode fibers with inner cladding index higher or lower than the outer cladding index, using the parameter: inner cladding/core radii ratio. Mode cut-off conditions are also examined for the cases. It is shown that dispersion properties largely differ from the single clad single mode fiber case, leading to large new possibilities for extension of single mode operation for large wavelength tange. Paper demonstrates that how substantially we can extend the single mode operation range by using the raised inner cladding fiber. Throughout we have applied our own computations technique to find out the eigenvalue for a given modes. Detail derivations with all trivial mathematics for eigenmode equation are derived for each case. Paper also demonstrates that there is not much use of using depressed inner cladding fiber. We have also concluded that using the large inner cladding/inner core radius we can significantly increase the single mode operation range for the large wavelength region. (C) 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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An elasto-plastic finite element method is developed to predict the residual stresses of thermal spraying coatings with functionally graded material layer. In numerical simulations, temperature sensitivity of various material constants is included and mix


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In this paper the problem of a cylindrical crack located in a functionally graded material (FGM) interlayer between two coaxial elastic dissimilar homogeneous cylinders and subjected to a torsional impact loading is considered. The shear modulus and the mass density of the FGM interlayer are assumed to vary continuously between those of the two coaxial cylinders. This mixed boundary value problem is first reduced to a singular integral equation with a Cauchy type kernel in the Laplace domain by applying Laplace and Fourier integral transforms. The singular integral equation is then solved numerically and the dynamic stress intensity factor (DSIF) is also obtained by a numerical Laplace inversion technique. The DSIF is found to rise rapidly to a peak and then reduce and tend to the static value almost without oscillation. The influences of the crack location, the FGM interlayer thickness and the relative magnitudes of the adjoining material properties are examined. It is found among others that, by increasing the FGM gradient, the DSIF can be greatly reduced.


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The torsional impact response of a penny-shaped crack in an unbounded transversely isotropic solid is considered. The shear moduli are assumed to be functionally graded such that the mathematics is tractable. Laplace transform and Hankel transform are used to reduce the problem to solving a Fredholm integral equation. The crack tip stress fields are obtained. Investigated are the influence of material nonhomogeneity and orthotropy on the dynamic stress intensity factor. The peak value of the dynamic stress intensity factor can be suppressed by increasing the shear moduli's gradient and/or increasing the shear modulus in a direction perpendicular to the crack surface.


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The dynamic response of a finite crack in an unbounded Functionally Graded Material (FGM) subjected to an antiplane shear loading is studied in this paper. The variation of the shear modulus of the functionally graded material is modeled by a quadratic increase along the direction perpendicular to the crack surface. The dynamic stress intensity factor is extracted from the asymptotic expansion of the stresses around the crack tip in the Laplace transform plane and obtained in the time domain by a numerical Laplace inversion technique. The influence of graded material property on the dynamic intensity factor is investigated. It is observed that the magnitude of dynamic stress intensity factor for a finite crack in such a functionally graded material is less than in the homogeneous material with a property identical to that of the FGM crack plane.


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The refractive index and thickness of SiO2 thin films naturally grown on Si substrates were determined simultaneously within the wavelength range of 220-1100 nm with variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry. Different angles of incidence and wavelength ranges were chosen to enhance the analysis sensitivity for more accurate results. Several optical models describing the practical SiO2-Si system were investigated, and best results were obtained with the optical model, including an interface layer between SiO2 and Si, which proved the existence of the interface layer in this work as described in other publications.


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This paper presents the mode I stress intensity factors for functionally graded solid cylinders with an embedded penny-shaped crack or an external circumferential crack. The solid cylinders are assumed under remote uniform tension. The multiple isoparametric finite element method is used. Various types of functionally graded materials and different gradient compositions for each type are investigated. The results show that the material property distribution has a quite considerable in influence on the stress intensity factors. The influence for embedded cracks is quite different from that for external cracks.


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This paper presents models to describe the dislocation dynamics of strain relaxation in an epitaxial uniform layer, epitaxial multilayers and graded composition buffers. A set of new evolution equations for nucleation rate and annihilation rate of threading dislocations is developed. The dislocation interactions are incorporated into the kinetics process by introducing a resistance term, which depends only on plastic strain. Both threading dislocation nucleation and threading dislocation annihilation are characterized. The new evolution equations combined with other evolution equations for the plastic strain rate, the mean velocity and the dislocation density rate of the threading dislocations are tested on GexSi1-x/Si(100) heterostructures, including epitaxial multilayers and graded composition buffers. It is shown that the evolution equations successfully predict a wide range of experimental results of strain relaxation and threading dislocation evolution in the materials system. Meanwhile, the simulation results clearly signify that the threading dislocation annihilation plays a vital role in the reduction of threading dislocation density.


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Microsensors and microactuators are vital organs of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), forming the interfaces between controller and environment. They are usually used for devices ranging in size at sub-millimeter or micrometer level, transforming energy between two or more domains. Presently, most of the materials used in MEMS devices belong to the silicon material system, which is the basis of the integrated circuit industry. However, new techniques are being explored and developed, and the opportunities for MEMS materials selection are getting broader. The present paper tries to apply 'performance index' to select the material best suited to a given application, in the early stage of MEMS design. The selection is based on matching performance characteristics to the requirements. A series of performance indices are given to allow a wide range comparison of materials for several typical sensing and actuating structures, and a rapid identification of candidates for a given task. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, the dynamic response of a penny-shaped interface crack in bonded dissimilar homogeneous half-spaces is studied. It is assumed that the two materials are bonded together with such a inhomogeneous interlayer that makes the elastic modulus in the direction perpendicular to the crack surface is continuous throughout the space. The crack surfaces art assumed to be subjected to torsional impact loading. Laplace and Hankel integral transforms are applied combining with a dislocation density,function to reduce the mixed boundary value problem into a singular integral equation with a generalized Cauchy kernel in Laplace domain. By solving the singular integral equation numerically, and using a numerical Laplace inversion technique, the dynamic stress intensity factors art obtained. The influences of material properties and interlayer thickness on the dynamic stress intensity factor are investigated.


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Esta coleção, geralmente conhecida por Grineu, foi compilada por Johann Huttich e publicada por Simon Grineu, que também escreveu e assinou o prefácio. A primeira edição, "muito e rara e de inestimável valor", segundo Borba de Moraes, foi publicada na Basiléia por Jo. Hervagium, em 1532. Dessa edição, a Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro possui um exemplar que pertencia à Biblioteca da Ajuda. A obra foi reimpressa em Paris, em 1532, e novamente na Basiléia, em 1537. Esta edição foi acrescida da carta de Maximilianus Transilvanus, secretário de Carlos V, ao Cardeal de Salzburgo. Dentre as várias ediçoes, a mais completa é a de 1555. Relata as grandes navegações e as expedições de Cristovão Colombo, Pedro Alonso, Pinzoni, Americo Vespucio, dentre outros


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Presentación (p. 9-27). Index Verborum (p.65-89). Letra "P" (extraido del CD-Rom, p.1-184)


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ENGLISH: In the eastern Pacific Ocean nearly all of the commercial catches of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) are taken by two types of vessels, baitboats, which use pole and line in conjunction with live-bait, and purse-seiners. From its inception until very recently (1959), this fishery was dominated by baitboats. This method of fishing has been described by Godsil (1938) and Shimada and Schaefer (1956). From 1951 through 1958 baitboats caught between 66.4 and 90.8 per cent of the yellowfin and between 87.2 and 95.3 per cent of the skipjack landed by the California-based fleet. These vessels fished for tuna throughout the year and covered virtually all of the area from southern California to northern Chile. The purse-seine fishery for tunas developed out of the round-haul net fisheries for California sardines and other species. Scofield (1951) gives a detailed description of the development of gear and fishing methods. Prior to 1959 many of the seiners engaged in other fisheries during the fall and early winter months and consequently most of the fishing effort for tuna occurred in the period February-August. The vessels were quite small, averaging approximately 120 tons carrying capacity (Broadhead and Marshall, 1960), in comparison to the baitboats, of which the most numerous size-class was 201-300 tons. The seiners were naturally more restricted in range than the baitboats and most of their effort was restricted to the northern grounds. During the period 1959-61 most of the large baitboats were converted for purse-seining and the existing seiner fleet was modernized. These developments increased the range of the seiner fleet and resulted in a wider and more nearly even spatial and temporal distribution of effort. By the early part of 1961, the purse-seine fleet approximated the level of the preconversion baitboat fleet in amount of effort applied and area covered. The changes in the purse-seine fishery and the fishing methods employed in the modernized fleet are described by Orange and Broadhead (1959), Broadhead and Marshall (1960), McNeely (1961) and Broadhead (1962). The change in the relative importance of the two gears is illustrated by the decline in the proportion of the total logged tonnage landed by California-based baitboats, in comparison to the proportion landed by seiners. In 1959 baitboats landed 49.5 per cent of the yellowfin and 87.8 per cent of the skipjack. In 1960 these percentages were 22.9 and 74.7 respectively and in 1961 the decline continued to 12.6 per cent of the yellowfin and 30.0 per cent of the skipjack (Schaefer, 1962). In previous Bulletins of this Commission (Griffiths, 1960; Calkins, 1961) the baitboat catch and effort statistics were used to compute two indices of population density and an index of concentration of fishing effort and the fluctuations of these indices were analyzed in some detail. Due to the change in the relative importance of the two gears it is appropriate to extend this investigation to include the purse-seine data. The objectives of this paper are to compute two indices of population density and an index of concentration of fishing effort and to examine the fluctuations in these indices before and after the changes in the fishery. A further objective is to compare the purse-seine indices with those of the baitboats for the same time periods. SPANISH: En el Océano Pacífico Oriental casi todas las capturas comerciales del atún aleta amarilla (Thunnus albacares) y del barrilete (Katsuwonus pelamis) son efectuadas por dos tipos de barcos, los barcos de carnada que emplean la caña y el anzuelo en conjunto con la carnada viva, y los barcos rederos. Desde su comienzo hasta hace poco tiempo (1959), esta pesquería estaba dominada por los barcos de carnada. El método de pesca usado por estos barcos ha sido descrito por Godsil (1938) y por Shimada y Schaefer (1956). De 1951 a 1958, los barcos de carnada pescaron entre el 66.4 y el 90.8 por ciento del atún aleta amarilla y entre el 87.2 y el 95.3 por ciento del barrilete descargados por la flota que tiene su base en California. Estos barcos pescaron atún durante todo el año y cubrieron virtualmente toda el área de California meridional hasta la parte norte de Chile. La pesquería del atún con redes de cerco se originó en las pesquerías de las sardinas de California y otras especies, con redes que se remolcaban circularmente. Scofield (1951) dá una descripción detallada del desarrollo de los métodos y del equipo de pesca. Antes de 1959 muchos de los rederos se dedicaban a otras pesquerías durante los meses del otoño y a principios del invierno y consecuentemente, la mayor parte del esfuerzo depesca para la producción del atún ocurría en el período febrero-agosto. Las embarcaciones eran bastante pequeñas, con un promedio de aproximadamente 120 toneladas de capacidad para el transporte (Broadhead y Marshall, 1960) en comparación con los barcos de carnada, de los cuales la clase de tamaño más numerosa era de 201 a 300 toneladas. Los rederos estaban naturalmente más restringidos en su radio de acción que los barcos de carnada y la mayor parte de su esfuerzo se limitaba a las localidades del norte. Durante el período 1959-61, la mayoría de los grandes barcos de carnada fueron convertidos al sistema de pesca con redes de cerco, y se modernizó la flota existente de los rederos. Estos cambios aumentaron el alcance de la flota de los barcos rederos dando como resultado una distribución más amplia y casi más uniforme del esfuerzo espaciado y temporal. En la primera parte del año 1961, la flota de rederos se aproximó al nivel de la preconversión de la flota de clipers, en la cantidad de esfuerzo aplicado y al área comprendida. Los cambios en la pesquería con red y los métodos de pesca empleados en la flota modernizada, han sido descritos por Orange y Broadhead (1959), Broadl1ead y Marshall (1960), McNeely (1961) y Broadhead (1962). El cambio en la importancia relativa de los dos sistemas de pesca está ilustrado por la declinación en la proporción del tonelaje total registrado, como descargado por los barcos de carnada que tienen su base en California, comparado con la proporción desembarcada por los barcos rederos. En 1959 los clipers descargaron el 49.5 por ciento del atún aleta amarilla y el 87.8 por ciento del barrilete. En 1960 estos porcentajes fueron del 22.9 y 74.7 respectivamente, y en 1961 continuó la reducción hasta el 12.6 por ciento del atún aleta amarilla y el 30.0 por ciento del barrilete (Schaefer, 1962). En Boletines anteriores de la Comisión (Griffiths, 1960; Calkins, 1961) las estadísticas de la pesca y el esfuerzo de los clipers se utilizaron para computar dos índices de la densidad de población y un índice de la concentración del esfuerzo de pesca, y se analizaron algo detalladamente las fluctuaciones de estos índices. Debido al cambio en la importancia relativa de los dos sistemas de pesca, es conveniente extender esta investigación para incluir los datos correspondientes a los barcos rederos. Los objetivos del presente estudio son de computar dos índices de la densidad de población y un índice de la concentración del esfuerzo de pesca, y examinar las fluctuaciones en estos índices, antes y después de los cambios en la pesquería. Otro objetivo es de comparar los índices de los barcos rederos, con aquellos de los clipers en los mismos períodos de tiempo.