950 resultados para Gonadossomatic ratio
Experimental etch/leach of Carboniferous Limestone gravels on a laboratory time-scale has demonstrated that 234U 238U activity ratios (AR's) greater than the radiochemical equilibrium value may be generated on short time-scales. The molar U/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios show that both U and Mg are leached preferentially relative to Ca whereas the molar U/Mg ratio is only slightly greater than that of the rock matrix. The generation of enhanced AR's is attributed to a two-stage process in which the limestone surface is dissolved by zero-order etch and silicate minerals so released are subjected to first-order chemical leach of U and Mg. The implications of these results for the production of enhanced AR's in Carboniferous Limestone groundwater are discussed. It is suggested that chemical leaching or exchange of U between groundwater and its particulate load or at the aquifer fluid-solid interface is an important mechanism controlling AR changes as groundwater migrates beyond a redox boundary. AR's for dissolved U in groundwater are more probably related to chemical equilibria than to groundwater age. © 1993.
The literature reports dealing with the dietary electrolyte ratio (K+Cl)/ Na are rare, although the concept has been proposed by Mongin in 1981. Thus, its application appears to be limited as a nutritional strategy in feed formulation, which usually meets only the minimum nutritional recommendations in Na, K and Cl. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of broilers submitted to different dietary electrolyte balances (DEB) Na+K-Cl and dietary electrolyte ratio (DER) from 1 to 21 d of age. A total of 1575 male 1-d old broiler chicks were randomly assigned to 5 treatments with 9 replicates of 35 chicks each. The treatments consisted of diets with 5 relation of electrolytes, arising from combinations DEB/DER 150/3, 250/2, 250/3, 250/4 and 350/3, with use of NaCl, NaHCO3, KCl, K2SO4 and CaCl2. All diets were corn-soybean meal based and formulated to meet or exceed the NRC (1994) requirements. Chicks had ad libitum access to feed and water in floor pens with wood shavings as litter. Body weight, feed intake and feed conversion ratio were measured at 21 d of age. It was found that only the feed conversion was significantly affected (P = 0.0142) by the combinations of relation of electrolytes (DEB and DER). The supplementation levels in DEB and DER were made to fit the data into a surface analysis to allow increasing levels of DEB (150–350 mEq/kg) and narrow and broad ratio of DER (2–4). For the canonical analysis of response surface was obtained the stationary point for body weight (DEB = 255.77 mEq/kg, and DER = 2.73:1) the value was 942.02 g; for feed intake (DEB = 251.69 mEq / kg and DER = 3.51:1), the value was 1200.02 g; and for feed conversion (DEB = 254.62 mEq/kg and DER = 3.06:1) the value was 1.35. The results of this experiment indicated that the best performance was obtained with combinations of relation of electrolytes for DEB between 251 and 255 mEq/kg and DER between 2.73:1 and 3.5:1.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the contributions of some prosthetic parameters such as crown-to-implant (C/I) ratio, retention system, restorative material, and occlusal loading on stress concentrations within a single posterior crown supported by a short implant. Materials and Methods: Computer-aided design software was used to create 32 finite element models of an atrophic posterior partially edentulous mandible with a single external-hexagon implant (5 mm wide × 7 mm long) in the first molar region. Finite element analysis software with a convergence analysis of 5% to mesh refinement was used to evaluate the effects of C/I ratio (1:1; 1.5:1; 2:1, or 2.5:1), prosthetic retention system (cemented or screwed), and restorative material (metal-ceramic or all ceramic). The crowns were loaded with simulated normal or traumatic occlusal forces. The maximum principal stress (σmax) for cortical and cancellous bone and von Mises stress (σvM) for the implant and abutment screw were computed and analyzed. The percent contribution of each variable to the stress concentration was calculated from the sum of squares analysis. Results: Traumatic occlusion and a high C/I ratio increased stress concentrations. The C/I ratio was responsible for 11.45% of the total stress in the cortical bone, whereas occlusal loading contributed 70.92% to the total stress in the implant. The retention system contributed 0.91% of the total stress in the cortical bone. The restorative material was responsible for only 0.09% of the total stress in the cancellous bone. Conclusion: Occlusal loading was the most important stress concentration factor in the finite element model of a single posterior crown supported by a short implant.
In some operational circumstances a fast evaluation of landfill leachate anaerobic treatability is necessary, and neither Biochemical Methane Potential nor BOD/COD ratio are fast enough. Looking for a fast indicator, this work evaluated the anaerobic treatability of landfill leachate from São Carlos-SP (Brazil) in a pilot scale Anaerobic Sequence Batch Biofilm Reactor (AnSBBR). The experiment was conducted at ambient temperature in the landfill area. After the acclimation, at a second stage of operation, the AnSBBR presented efficiency above 70%, in terms of COD removal, utilizing landfill leachate without water dilution, with an inlet COD of about 11,000 mg.L-1, a TVA/COD ratio of approximately 0.6 and reaction time equal to 7 days. To evaluate the landfill leachate biodegradability variation over time, temporal profiles of concentration were performed in the AnSBBR. The landfill leachate anaerobic biodegradability was verified to have a direct and strong relationship to the TVA/COD ratio. For a TVA/CODTotal ratio lower than 0.20, the biodegradability was considered low, for ratios between 0.20 and 0.40 it was considered medium, and above 0.40 it was considered high.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Nulliparous female Syrian hamsters were used to investigate the effect of two different breeding systems on the fertility of the female Syrian hamster. We hypothesized that females submitted to a harem system (HS) would deliver smaller and more female-biased litters than in a monogamic system. Ten female and 10 adult male hamsters housed individually (G1) were kept in a monogamic temporary breeding system, while 10 females and five males (G2) were submitted to HS with two females and a male permanently housed together since female weaning. Females from G1 and G2 delivered, respectively, 47 and 50 litters, and produced 364 (G1) and 383 (G2) weaned pups without any difference in litter size, mean weight of weaned pups and body condition of dams. Interparturition intervals were shorter and the percentage of male pups per litter was higher in the HS possibly as a result of different endocrine conditions provided by different breeding systems. Besides providing evidence that housing conditions can influence the sex of hamster offspring, our findings suggest a mechanism for the non-random distribution of male and female pups in hamster litters.
The Bernoulli's model for vibration of beams is often used to make predictions of bending modulus of elasticity when using dynamic tests. However this model ignores the rotary inertia and shear. Such effects can be added to the solution of Bernoulli's equation by means of the correction proposed by Goens (1931) or by Timoshenko (1953). But to apply these corrections it is necessary to know the E/G ratio of the material. The objective of this paper is the determination of the E/G ratio of wood logs by adjusting the analytical solution of the Timoshenko beam model to the dynamic testing data of 20 Eucalyptus citriodora logs. The dynamic testing was performed with the logs in free-free suspension. To find the stiffness properties of the logs, the residue minimization was carried out using the Genetic Algorithm (GA). From the result analysis one can reasonably assume E/G = 20 for wood logs.
Aim. The purpose of this study was to provide normal values for maximum phonation time (MPT) and the s/z ratio by examining 1660 children aged 4-12 years and without vocal signs or symptoms. Methods. The technique was based on the sustained emission of the /a/ vowel and fricatives /s/ and /z/. Results. The average of the MPT in children of the different age groups was as follows: 6.09 seconds for the age group 4-6 years (males, 5.97; female, 6.21 seconds), 7.94 seconds for the age group 7-9 years (males, 8.07; females, 7.79 seconds), and 8.98 for the age group 10-12 years (males, 9.05; females, 8.92 seconds). The overall average for males was 7.78 and females 7.64 seconds. The s/z ratio was near 1.0 in most children but above 1.2 in 133 children and below 0.8 in 133 children. Conclusion. These values of MPT and s/z ratio can be used as normative in further pediatric studies.
Low liquid-solid ratio (LSR) can be used to obtain high-content xylo-oligosaccharide (XOS) spend liquor by hot water pretreatment. Developing a technology based on low LSR results in more efficient water usage in the system and thus in lower capital and operating costs. Xylans from xylan rich agro-industrial waste are abundant hemicellulosic polymers with enormous potential for industrial applications. Currently, freeze-dried xylo-oligosaccharides are used as bio-based polymers and hydrolysates containing high xylose contents are converted to several chemical products. In this study, sugarcane bagasse was treated with water at low LSRs and mild temperatures in order to assess the effects of varying the pretreatment conditions on the xylo-oligosaccharide and xylose concentrations, and use a central composite experimental design to optimize the process parameters. The pretreatments were performed in the ranges temperature: 143.3-176.7 degrees C, time: 20-70 min and LSR: 1 : 1 to 11 : 1 (g g(-1)). The maximum concentrations of xylose and xylan were 13.76 and 36.18 g L-1 (equivalent to 48.29 g L-1 of xylan), respectively, which were achieved by treating bagasse at 170 degrees C for 60 min, with LSR of 3 g g(-1). The amount of xylan removed under these conditions was almost 57%. The soluble xylan consisted mainly of xylo-oligosaccharides (74 wt% of the identified compound in the spent liquor).
The objective of this study was to evaluate the requirement of digestible tryptophan for white laying hens in the production stage fed diets of different digestible tryptophan: digestible lysine ratios, as well as animal performance and histological alterations in their reproductive and digestive systems. A total of 280 white laying hens at 29 weeks of age were distributed in a completely randomized design with five treatments and seven replications with eight birds in each. The treatments consisted of a base feed, formulated with corn, soybean meal and corn gluten meal, and supplemented with the synthetic amino acids L-lysine, DL-methionine, L-threonine, L-isoleucine, L-arginine, and L-valine, so as to meet the nutritional requirements for laying hens, except for digestible tryptophan. The basal diet was supplemented with 0.00; 0.017; 0.035; 0.052; and 0.069 g/kg of L-tryptophan in substitution for corn starch with the objective of reaching the levels of 0.151; 0.167; 0.183; 0.199; and 0.215 g/kg of digestible tryptophan in the feed. For the ratio between digestible amino acids and lysine, the recommendation of Brazilian Tables for Poultry and Swine was followed, except for the digestible tryptophan: digestible lysine ratios, which were 19, 21, 23, 25 and 27 for each treatment. The variation in the digestible tryptophan: digestible lysine ratio promoted changes in performance and in the histological characteristics, improving the results. The digestible tryptophan: digestible lysine ratio of 24.5% in the feed of white laying hens in production stage promotes better animal performance and histological results.
Studies have shown that platelet APP ratio (representing the percentage of 120-130 kDa to 110 kDa isoforms of the amyloid precursor protein) is reduced in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD). In the present study, we sought to determine if baseline APP ratio predicts the conversion from MCI to AD dementia after 4 years of longitudinal assessment. Fifty-five older adults with varying degrees of cognitive impairment (34 with MCI and 21 with AD) were assessed at baseline and after 4 years. MCI patients were re-classified according to the conversion status upon follow-up: 25 individuals retained the diagnostic status of MCI and were considered as stable cases (MCI-MCI); conversely, in nine cases the diagnosis of dementia due to AD was ascertained. The APP ratio (APPr) was determined by the Western blot method in samples of platelets collected at baseline. We found a significant reduction of APPr in MCI patients who converted to dementia upon follow-up. These individuals had baseline APPr values similar to those of demented AD patients. The overall accuracy of APPr to identify subjects with MCI who will progress to AD was 0.74 +/- A 0.10, p = 0.05. The cut-off of 1.12 yielded a sensitivity of 75 % and a specificity of 75 %. Platelet APPr may be a surrogate marker of the disease process in AD, with potential implications for the assessment of abnormalities in the APP metabolism in patients with and at risk for dementia. However, diagnostic accuracy was relatively low. Therefore, studies in larger samples are needed to determine whether APPr may warrant its use as a biomarker to support the early diagnosis of AD.
Paulo CA, Roschel H, Ugrinowitsch C, Kobal R and Tricoli V. Influence of different resistance exercise loading schemes on mechanical power output in work to rest ratio-equated and -nonequated conditions. J Strength Cond Res 26(5): 1308-1312, 2012-It is well known that most sports are characterized by the performance of intermittent high-intensity actions, requiring high muscle power production within different intervals. In fact, the manipulation of the exercise to rest ratio in muscle power training programs may constitute an interesting strategy when considering the specific performance demand of a given sport modality. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different schemes of rest intervals and number of repetitions per set on muscle power production in the squat exercise between exercise to rest ratio-equated and -nonequated conditions. Nineteen young males (age: 25.7 +/- 4.4 years; weight: 81.3 +/- 13.7 kg; height: 178.1 +/- 5.5 cm) were randomly submitted to 3 different resistance exercise loading schemes, as follows: short-set short-interval condition (SSSI; 12 sets of 3 repetitions with a 27.3-second interval between sets); short-set long-interval condition (SSLI; 12 sets of 3 repetitions with a 60-second interval between sets); long-set long-interval (LSLI; 6 sets of 6 repetitions with a 60-second rest interval between sets). The main finding of the present study is that the lower exercise to rest ratio protocol (SSLI) resulted in greater average power production (601.88 +/- 142.48 W) when compared with both SSSI and LSLI (581.86 +/- 113.18 W; 578 +/- 138.78 W, respectively). Additionally, both the exercise to rest ratio-equated conditions presented similar performance and metabolic results. In summary, these findings suggest that shorter rest intervals may fully restore the individual's ability to produce muscle power if a smaller exercise volume per set is performed and that lower exercise to rest ratio protocols result in greater average power production when compared with higher ratio ones.
Some studies indicate the existence of innate male vulnerabilities, especially during the perinatal period. The current study is a cross-sectional analysis of fetal mortality in Brazil according to sex from 2000 to 2009, stratified by maternal characteristics (age, schooling, and gestational age), using Ministry of Health data (DATASUS). The analysis included all fetal deaths from 2000 to 2009, except when the sex of the fetus was not recorded. The male/female sex ratio (SR) for all fetal deaths was 1.188. Analysis of maternal characteristics showed that the SR was statistically higher (p < 0.01) in mothers that were younger (10-14 years), had no formal schooling, and with gestational age < 22 weeks. The study showed a statistically higher-than-expected SR (p < 0.01) for 13 underlying causes of death and a lower SR for two others. The results suggest a potential innate male vulnerability.
The fatigue crack behavior in metals and alloys under constant amplitude test conditions is usually described by relationships between the crack growth rate da/dN and the stress intensity factor range Delta K. In the present work, an enhanced two-parameter exponential equation of fatigue crack growth was introduced in order to describe sub-critical crack propagation behavior of Al 2524-T3 alloy, commonly used in aircraft engineering applications. It was demonstrated that besides adequately correlating the load ratio effects, the exponential model also accounts for the slight deviations from linearity shown by the experimental curves. A comparison with Elber, Kujawski and "Unified Approach" models allowed for verifying the better performance, when confronted to the other tested models, presented by the exponential model. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Adjuvant chemoradiotherapy is part of a multimodality treatment approach in order to improve survival outcomes after surgery for gastric cancer. The aims of this study are to describe the results of gastrectomy and adjuvant chemoradiotherapy in patients treated in a single institution, and to identify prognostic factors that could determine which individuals would benefit from this treatment. Methods: This retrospective study included patients with pathologically confirmed gastric adenocarcinoma who underwent surgical treatment with curative intent in a single cancer center in Brazil, between 1998 and 2008. Among 327 patients treated in this period, 142 were selected. Exclusion criteria were distant metastatic disease (M1), T1N0 tumors, different multimodality treatments and tumors of the gastric stump. Another 10 individuals were lost to follow-up and there were 3 postoperative deaths. The role of several clinical and pathological variables as prognostic factors was determined. Results: D2-lymphadenectomy was performed in 90.8% of the patients, who had 5-year overall and disease-free survival of 58.9% and 55.7%. The interaction of N-category and N-ratio, extended resection and perineural invasion were independent prognostic factors for overall and disease-free survival. Adjuvant chemoradiotherapy was not associated with a significant improvement in survival. Patients with node-positive disease had improved survival with adjuvant chemoradiotherapy, especially when we grouped patients with N1 and N2 tumors and a higher N-ratio. These individuals had worse disease-free (30.3% vs. 48.9%) and overall survival (30.9% vs. 71.4%). Conclusion: N-category and N-ratio interaction, perineural invasion and extended resections were prognostic factors for survival in gastric cancer patients treated with D2-lymphadenectomy, but adjuvant chemoradiotherapy was not. There may be some benefit with this treatment in patients with node-positive disease and higher N-ratio.